#Mostly I think her mom was the one who was haunted but that might've been the schizophrenia talking
disappearinginq · 2 years
Silent Hill: If you could go anywhere without worrying about money, where would you go? Where are some places that reality feels distorted for you? The Haunting: Have you ever been convinced that your house is haunted or that a ghost or other villain was after you?
Silent Hill: So, I'm pretty lucky to say this - money has not been my concern when traveling. I will, in fact, go dead broke to go on vacation (but I finally have a Real Job with Benefits Like Money now), so my travel restrictions are usually reserved to global conflicts and whether or not they'll run a background check and find out I was in the military and then try me as a foreign spy and either kill me, or arrest me at customs. THAT being said - Newfoundland. Which is hilarious, given how much I hate hiking, but I also hate the heat and I like the idea of vacationing somewhere that has icebergs floating by in July.
Distorted? Hmm. That one is a little weirder to answer, because I don't know if they mean travel ('seems fake!') or like, places I've been that have some sort of weird feeling to them. Rolling with the second option, I'm going with Gettysburg Battlefield, and the entire town of Glastonbury, England. Gettysburg has that feeling that I think a lot of places have that were sites of extreme violence or tragedy (I refuse to go anywhere near the USS Arizona Memorial because people - inlcuding my very non-supernatural believing mother - can still hear people banging on the hull from the inside). Gettysburg is hard to describe, because now it's just a big open field, large groups of school kids, tour groups, families with babies, are all walking around, having picnics, taking pictures, running through the grass - and then there are parts where everything suddenly goes silent and you feel freezing cold and you can swear someone just whispered your name but you're alone. Glastonbury is the exact opposite and doesn't feel creepy at all, but it's by far the weirdest fucking place I have ever been (starting from our B&B where we were offered time in the crystal room and told the bedroom we had was great for dream connections to past lives and continuing to the woman who sat with us at dinner telling us about walking up the Tor we needed to be aware of our surroundings were we could slip through time and it just got weirder from there until we left). The Haunting: By ghosts? No. By some fucking gremlin klepto thing? Yes. We have weird shit go missing all the time. And I mean like a bath sheet, which is a towel the size of beach towel but twice as thick. Mom took it down to the laundry from her bathroom, put it in the wash, and somehow, it got zapped into a parallel dimension between there and the dryer, because we haven't seen it since. Other things, like a whole ass breadbox have disappeared, and mom finally drew the line when both our pizza spatulas went missing and she shouted in the middle of the house: "THAT'S IT. EITHER THOSE ARE BACK TOMORROW, OR I'M BURNING THE HOUSE DOWN AND STARTING OVER FROM SCRATCH." And voila! Back in the drawer as if nothing happened.
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