#MY MUM AGREES W THE AUTISM THEORY she was like 'maybe shes just autistic she acts just like you'
somuch-4-stardust · 1 year
okay so i have started watching wednesday and my general thought is that i enjoy the show but not for the same reason i like the addams family movies (and? we have a book full of addams family comics. those too idk). like i feel like its a different style BUT i still enjoy it because i think the characters are fun and i love mysteries and i have always been a big wednesday fan. and its kinda cheesy coming of age love triangle moment and i love those . BUT MY OTHER THING IS i think wednesday is autistic (but . this is also one of those where when allistics say it it feels. kinda icky sometimes. ) BECAUSE she does that thing which is Bad but where you like. use people as means to an end ?? and not value human connection WHICH IS SOMETHING I DO SOMETIMES and its not good but likeidk
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