shinayashipper · 9 months
Found a korean fancomic where Atem got reincarnated 100 years later and my heart cannot Take It when he watched an old recorded video of Yugi when he first created Spherium HBDVBMJNXMDJVBMB I DON'T DO WELL WITH ANGSTY PUZZLE BOYSS AAAAA
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Golden Words
(No explanation, I just feel like writing since Aqua is here)
"And that's everyone!" Yugi told the OC eagerily. Said person was quiet and drawing on his tablet.
"They sound nice....You seem...hesitant...talking about Puzzle though." He said softly and Yugi played with the covers. He was hesitant about talking about him. It hurt...but-
"Lend me your patience?"
"Of course."
"I had a crush on Puzzle...I still have feelings for him." Yugi took a breath and fidgted. He hated talking about his feelings.
"I made him reject me...to save our relationship...and immediately i saw him fall for someone else. It hurt...it still hurts." He started to tear up and Aqua's eyes glanced to him.
"Was I...not good enough...am I not good enough..." He said before tears started to fall, and Aqua watched. He knew this feeling well, he dealt with it many times. However, It seemed Yugi needed to get this out, to tell someone about his inner turmoil.
"And...And..." Yugi's eyes turned to anger. "AND HE ISN'T MAKING IT EASY TO GET OVER HIM!!" Tears came down faster and his hands clenched. "WHY WON'T HE GO AWAY? WHY WON'T HE STOP CARING!! WHY?!" Yugi froze suddenly when he felt a warmth surround him. He glanced at the other who's hand had a deep golden glow surrounding it. Yugi sniffed.
"Y...You're magic is so much stronger..." He said weakly. Aqua didn't say anything, but he pointed to the room and Yugi's eyes bulged. Almost everything was being held in Aqua's magic.
"I was born with my magic, You weren't." He said softly before putting everything in its proper place and releasing Yugi. The smaller man sniffled again and Aqua spoke.
"You don't want Puzzle to leave you alone, You don't want to him to stop caring about you...You only want this now because you're heartbroken." Aqua said matter of factly and Yugi started crying again. Gently he was pulled into the other man's arms as he cried his heart out. It hurts, Oh god...it hurt.
"What your feeling is normal Yugi, the forbidden fruit is always sweetest. What isn't normal, Is you bottling it up like this...You remind me of Moony." Aqua said thinking of his older twin. Yugi clung to the other.
"Why can't I move on..."
"You will...in time. Its going to hurt a lot now, But you need to let it hurt. That's the only way you'll heal." Yugi looked away and Aqua sighed, than strokes his hair.
"Now if you want some bad advice, Hook up with someone and forget his name." Aqua said smirking at Yugi's shocked face.
"I thought you were innocent!"
"Fuck no, but I'm serious... You need to deal with this...and you need to tell him." Yugi shook his head furiously.
"Puzzle is a walking bag of anxiety, I refuse to tell him that." He said firmly ans Aqua shrugged. "Alright, Whatever...but even if you can't love him like that....you can love him differently. Platonic love is nothing to sneeze at, hell I believe its stronger than romantic."
"...But its so hard to watch him kiss someone else...when I want to kiss him." Yugi said softly and Aqua nodded understandingly.
"And its going to hurt...but this is normal what you're feeling. However Yugi-" He paused until Yugi looked at him. "You took so much care of everyone else....You haven't taken the time for yourself or your desires."
"But Puzzle-"
"Is someone who can handle himself I believe, If that Tora is anything like you told me he's fine....He needs to spend more time with him if that's what I'm hearing." The ruby eyed male said, and he lightly tickled Yugi's neck enjoying the small happy giggles Yugi gave off.
"Didn't you say you like that Tenshi Mirror....why not woo him instead of crying over spilled milk." Aqua teased and Yugi half heartedly pushed his hand away.
"Because I don't wanna scare him off! I don't even know him that well."
"That's whats conversation is for, Also take Bossy out on a Date. Take Atem and Yami out on Dates too. These people make you happy, and they will help you with this feeling. You aren't alone." Aqua said softly and smiled when his words seemed to reach Yugi's mind.
"Are you Star Kids always this smart?" Yugi said teasing and Aqua let out his bubbly giggles.
"This is more Yokai than anything~" He said In a mysterious tone that gave Yugi shivers. "But seriously Mouto, I think it'll hurt Puzzle more if you keep destroying yourself. Let the pain come and go...and then you:'ll finally feel better alongside him being happy. And hey, Who knows....maybe he might give you a chance." He said before Yugi smacked him.
"Do NOT give me false hope Aquamarine!"
"Sorry, Sorry." Aqua said sheepishly before that warm sunshine smile graced his lips. "People here love you....don't take that for granted." That last part had a slightly bitter tone ans Yugi frowned.
"Stay a while longer...People will love you."
"This isn't my blog Yugi...This world is yours. I'm just visiting." Aqua said softly and Yugi clung to him.
"Stay a little while longer....Show me how to do my magic...maybe meet people?" He asked hopefully...he didn't want to let go. Aqua gave another bubbly giggle that made Yugi's cheeks flush.
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sitabethel · 7 years
What would you think of a post-canon-with-his-own-body Atem getting himself a traditional irezumi tattoo (not necessarily a Japanese design but big, obvious, and way more painful an ordeal than modern tattooing) over his back to honor the Tombkeepers and as a way of acknowledging the pain that Marik went through? Not intended to be shippy but maybe? Sorry to drop this in here but you're the author I associate with the Pharaoh making reparations/apologies.
This is a hard question to answer.
For one, to the best of my knowledge, there’s still a lot of stigma in Japan about tattoos (like, way more than here in the states. I’ve heard you can get kicked out of a some buildings if they see your tattoos), and I don’t think there are a lot of tattoo shops, so it’d be hard for Atem to even find a tattoo artist. Although, at least if he was set on it, I think Yugi and the others would support the decision and avoid places that might give Atem a hard time (like bathhouses where they’d see his back). 
But, at the same time, I’m not sure if Marik would appreciate the gesture. Even a irezumi tattoo isn’t going to hurt as much as a scarification ritual, and a willing adult is going to be able to tolerate pain significantly better than a terrified ten year old. In a way, it would mock everything Marik went through for Atem to get a tattoo on his back now (too little too late). Then again, Atem doesn’t strike me as someone with a lot of common sense (he’s smart and clever, but that’s not the same). So, I can imagine him doing something like that with good intentions, even if it it would just piss Marik off more in the end. But if I’m going to make this even a little shippy, then I’m adding TKB because, by Set’s bolshy yarbles, I have some standards you know.(drabble under the cut. Disclaimer, mild blood mention, scars, cutting mention). 
Bakura lounged against the arm of the sofa, flicking tv channels with his remote and gazing at the television screen with boredom dulling his opal-colored eyes. He noticed the once-pharaoh enter the living room and go straight for the couch, and he didn’t even complain when Atem stretched out and used Bakura’s lap as a pillow.
Things were still a little uneasy between them, but they’d forged a strange sort of truce in sweat, and come, and middle-of-the-night bedroom groans. There was a very specific horror, and despair, that came with being a 3,000 year old spirit once again trapped in a prison of flesh instead of a prison of gold, and since they were the only two that understood this, they found themselves drawn together in a way that superseded their mutual hatred.
And that Marik put up with them, was all Bakura knew of grace.
“Bakura,” Atem sang with a lilt in his words.
“You want something.” Bakura snorted. “You always use that tone when you want something.”
“I want you to cut me.”
“Kinky. Didn’t know you were into knife play.”
“I want you to carve your and Marik’s stories into my back.”
“Are you fucking stupid?” Bakura dropped the remote, staring down into Atem’s purple satin eyes.
“I can’t bare it any longer.” Tears made the purple irises gleam as if the gods had somehow left amethysts out in the rain. “I can’t. Marik has to carry my memories around for the rest of his life. He fucks me face down so I don’t see, but I still know they’re there. So if he has to carry my memories- I should carry both of yours.”
Bakura looked away.
“Idiot. I just got used to the idea of not cutting you up with a knife.”
“You’re the only person strong enough to do it. I would go to the Tomb Keepers, but they’d never harm The Pharaoh.” A bitter, rueful snort left Atem’s mouth. “I’m not a pharaoh. I barely manage as a person without Yugi.”
“Yeah, I know that feeling.”
Perhaps they’d searched for their old hosts when they returned. And perhaps they’d found them living happily together. And perhaps that’s what gave them the idea of starting their own fucked up relationship. It’s like they couldn’t help it, being dark, twisted mirror images of their more tender counterparts. At first they’re been screaming and fighting, maybe a few blows from time to time, but then Marik had realized they were back and came to check on them. Once he realized what was going on between them, he had no problem inviting himself into their relationship and taking charge of it. He added a strange method to their madness, and they were awful about both following his orders and indulging his whims.
“Will you help me?”
“Did you even ask Marik to see if he wanted his memories carved into your back?”
“No one asked me if I wanted mine carved into his.”
“And you’re not happy that it happened.”
“Please Bakura.” Atem sat up. “I feel like I have to do this. I feel like this is the only way I can begin to aton-”
“Stop.” Bakura shook his head. “I’m not the stupid little Egyptian thief I was all those years ago, and you’re not Horus. You were a kid, like me, when the Items-”
“I should have listened to you. I should have asked you to take me to Kul Elna to see for myself. I should have-”
“And I shouldn’t have dragged your father’s corpse into the palace. Fuck. The whole thing was fucked. I just want to watch tv and try to forget that we were ever alive that long ago.”
“But you can’t. I know you can’t forget. I think about it all the time, and so do you.”
“And scars will help you forget?”
“No, but keeping your tragedies with me will help me live with myself.”
“Fine.” Bakura clenched his hands into fists. “Fine. I’ll do it, but don’t cry to me if Marik peels your back clean with a vegetable peeler if he doesn’t like it.”
Atem rested his hand on top of Bakura’s fist. “Thank you.”
Marik came home, tossed his motorcycle keys on the little end table near the door, and set his helmet on a hook in the coat closet.
“I’m back!” He shouted.
When no one answered, Marik went to investigate the appartment. He saw Bakrua walking out of the bedroom. He was trying to clean blood off of a dagger, his eyes round with shock.
“Marik, you’re back early.”
“Bakura, did you kill him?” Marik frowned. “You should have killed him.”
“Got attached did you?”
“I thought you were, too.”
“I didn’t kill him,” Bakura said, stowing the knife. “Although you might kill us both when you see what I did do.”
Marik pushed past Bakura and into the spare room they’d turned into a gaming room. He saw Atem, laying on his belly on a ping-pong table, wrapped in bandages. Atem didn’t see Marik; he was busy weeping against the table. Blood seeped through the bandages and the smell of lemon juice and salt was familiar and nauseating.
Marik’s mouth dropped open in a scream he couldn’t quite force out of his lungs. He stumbled backwards until he hit the hallway wall.
“Why?” He asked Bakura. “Why?”
“He asked me to.”
Bakura closed his eyes and sighed. “There’s two columns, one has the history of Kul Elna, and the other has the history of the Tomb Keepers.”
“But why!” Marik shrieked, pounding his fists against Bakura’s chest. “Why! Why! Why!”
Bakura grabbed Marik’s wrists and pulled them together.
“Because he needed to,” Bakura whispered. “He can’t make things right and he can’t handle it, and he needed to do something to feel like he was trying.”
“How could you,” Marik weeped. “How could you hurt him like that? You should have killed him instead.”
“I did it because I know how much it hurts, not to be able to change things, and how much you want to do something and can’t- and he wanted it done.”
“Marik.” Atem’s voice carried from the bedroom into the hallway.
Marik lifted up his head, staring at the doorway for a moment. He gripped Bakura’s hand and dragged him into the room with him, not quite capable of going in alone. Once inside, he knelt in front of Atem and ran his fingers through Atem’s hair.
“You don’t have to do this. We’re going to get you to a hospital, and have them see if there’s anything the doctors can-”
“Please, Marik, no,” Atem begged. “I’m sorry. Bakura said I should ask you first, but I had to. I had to.”
“No, no you don’t. It doesn’t help anything you fucking idiot.”
“It will help me sleep at night.”
“It’s not fair.” Marik’s tears returned. Bakura crouched behind him and pressed against Marik back, as if he knew Marik needed Bakura’s gentle warmth right there, where his scars seemed to burn just from the smell of the scarification ritual.
“For you. It wasn’t fair for you.”
“I’m fine!” Marik screamed.
“Then why won’t you look at me in bed?”
“In bed, you never…” Atem lowered his gaze. “You look at Bakura, but you always make sure I’m turned away.”
Then Marik realized his part in Atem’s self punishment. At the beginning, the very beginning, the whole affair was a power trip- thief and king both at once, but even after his heart soften towards them, Bakura first and then Atem, Marik still felt conscious about The Pharaoh seeing those old wounds on his back.
“Atem,” Marik sighed, pressing their foreheads together. “You idiot. You’re both idiots. We’re all idiots.”
Atem’s back healed well with Bakura and Marik both tending to him. Marik didn’t force him to go to the doctor and allowed Bakura to continue to agitate the cuts with lemon juice and further cutting in order to ensure the markings scared over just as Marik’s had. There were no pictures, no art, Atem didn’t want the marking to be beautiful. Two simple columns with heretic explaining two tragic histories, that’s what Atem had wanted.  
Atem stood in the kitchen fixing three cups of chai when Bakura entered with a cocky grin on his face- and only the grin. The rest of his deep cinnamon colored body was nude and begging to be stared at.
“Don’t give me that look. The tea will get cold.”
“Not my problem.” Bakura scooped Atem up in his arms and carried him out of the kitchen.
“What the hell Bakura?”
“Marik wants you in the bedroom. He said now.”
In their shared bedroom Marik knelt on the bed, facing the headboard, back exposed for both Atem and Bakura to see. Marik glanced over his shoulder; the gold at his throat flashing in the bedroom light.
Bakura set Atem down and helped Atem out of his clothes. Atem’s face flushed, he was still conscious about his own back, the scars were new, angry, and red although they were set scars now and no longer cuts.
“Come here,” Marik commanded, and Atem, a former king, obeyed.
He crawled onto the mattress as close to Marik as he dared get. Marik reached back and pulled Atem’s arms until they wrapped around Marik’s body.
“It’s okay,” Marik said. “Get as close as you like.”
Atem inched forward until his chest pressed against Marik’s mangled back. He rested his head against Marik’s shoulder blade and sighed, relaxing as the warmth passed between their two bodies. Atem felt Bakura slip behind him, holding Atem just as Atem held Marik. Atem felt like he was melting as he felt himself pressed between both their bodies at once.
“No more pain, okay?” Marik said in a low, sincere voice. “We’ve had enough. We’ve all had enough. There’s no use measuring it, or trying to balance the scales with more pain. From now on…”
It was Bakura that finished the sentence. Atem suspected they’d planned this moment for quite some time, waiting on Atem to heal before they ensnared him in their trap.
“We atone like this.” Bakura kissed the nape of Atem’s neck, sending a shiver down Atem’s spine and making his heart race.
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