jeoseungsaja · 2 years
🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Shin @ Yeo ofc >:333 (I've been!! TRYING!! To send this for days and I've finally defeated Dumblr, HA, nothing's strong enough to defeat Shin's Simp Agenda™)
@mythvoiced ♚ from x.
♔ ———–
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↑ Me, when I have the chance to scream about how much I FREAKIN’ love Yeoshin and everything they are and everything they’ve become---
NEEDLESS TO SAY THAT!!! This fox right here, this gumiho, this nine-tailed fox by the name of Wang Yeo also has the most MASSIVE crush on Kim Shin, the most gorgeous creature he’s ever seen in his entire life, everything about him is undeniably perfect in Yeo’s eyes and if someone DARES to say something against this, he has his sword READY!!! LENA, LENA!! HE!!! He loves him so much; so hopelessly devoted to him, WILLING TO LEAVE ALL WORRIES BEHIND FOR HIM, Shin says: ‘Run away with me?’ and Yeo will say: ‘Where to?’, PACKING HIS BAGS ALREADY; NAY, GOING WITHOUT BAGS IF NEEDED (he already responded like this in an ask, sO I’M JUST REITERATING---)!!! 
I ADORE!!! I adore their story, how they came to be, how they began with hesitance in the beginning, with tightened shields against their chests due to the lives they’ve both carried --- Shin, who’s dealt with sour experiences, the death of loved ones as he keeps on living; the incessant search for his bride as to end the curse of sword, how he...feels sometimes that he doesn’t have time to live anymore because he’s lived enough, because what else is there but the pain gathering in his heart, where the blade is stuck. And then you have Yeo, with his wall as well, this fortress he’s built after dealing with guilt for so long and the wish to atone; burdens carried even if he could’ve left them behind a long time ago but cannot. THESE TWO, FACETIOUS WITH ONE ANOTHER IN THE START AND THEN??? SLOWLY??? FALLING FOR EACH OTHER, TO THE POINT WHERE YEO CANNOT SEE HIMSELF WITHOUT SHIN, HONESTLY--- 
How they CHOSE to fall in love with each other, to say ‘here’s my heart, it’s all yours; take it without conditions’, how they started to realize that they couldn’t look elsewhere / ‘take my hand through it all; stay with me entirely, dearest, stay with me as you are’, how their sentiments bloomed and created a garden that keeps on growing. They took this decision without them being certain if Yeo was supposed to be the bride or not, with Yeo’s initial uncertainty and worry because he couldn’t see the sword at first, which meant that perhaps this love could end so Shin could go and find the fate the gods made for him, and Yeo would let him if that’s what he wanted, because he’s no one to keep him where he wouldn’t like to be IWUEHIDUHUEIH, bUT IN THE END HE??? YEO SEES THE SWORD AND IT’S BOTH RELIEF AND PAIN BECAUSE OF WHAT THIS ENTAILS AND *CLUTCHES CHEST AND FALLS TO THE GROUND*  
AND I LOVE, I LOVE how passionate they are to each other in all regards, how they support and love and encourage and respect each other!!! HOW THEY’RE!! Both powerful in their own ways but they’re still willing to shield each other from damage if needed (still can’t get over Shin’s worry; Shin carrying Yeo to his home so he can heal; Shin getting better at bandaging wounds because of this redhead dumbo---), hOW THEY BRING EACH OTHER PEACE AND CALM AND?? REALLY, REALLY, Shin’s love, SHIN HIMSELF has made Yeo less...reckless, more thoughtful when pursuing certain things, he’s still precipitous here and there (old habits die hard, am I rite--) but he’s always with that thought of ‘I have to come back alive, so I can return to him--’ aND JUST???? Y’KNOW, I LOVE THEM AND I LOVE YOU, THANK YOU FOR COMING TO MY TED TALK---
I said I’d answer these entirely OOC but Yeo is a menace and he---
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  “A crush? What is that supposed to mean? That he’d like me to crush his lips with mine? Because I will, more than once; where is he?”
———– ♔
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mythvoiced · 3 years
💌 LOVE NOTE FOR YOU: MY DEAR LENA, I ADORE YOU AND LOVE YOU TO NO END. Thank you for all of our interactions, for allowing me to be part of your magnificent world of muses, for your fantastic ideas and your warm friendship. You're a freakin' trEASURE, have a nice day uwu
-. @jeoseungsaja | that’s it
This is the FINAL STRAW, I’ve absolutely HAD IT, I’m going to go to the nearest post office now, get the largest freaking box they have, shOVE MYSELF INTO IT, express ship it directly to your doorstep, YES I don’t know where that is but that won’t stop me, burst OUT OF THE BOX, file a VERY aggressive complaint towards anyone who has ever made you feel less than okay, I am not afraid to engage into physical combat for you, then I will 
H U G  Y O U
Because literally, okay, you are simply impossible to describe, overflowing with so much GOODNESS, JUST!!!! WE ARE UNDESERVING???? OF SOMEONE AS AMAZING AS YOU, OKAY, you delight this world and ME IN PARTICULAR by existing, although I can also guarantee you, that plenty of folks would only agree with me, NAY, they would double down on the myriad of love I want to throw at you, if it was within our power, we’d SEND A TSUNAMI OF LOVE, OKAY, with no casualties or property damage. This is silly, maybe, I know, but I JUST, YOU’RE THE BEST AND I LOVE YOU AND THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THIS AND FOR EVERYTHING, AND I HOPE YOU HAVE A FANTASTIC DAY, AND MANY MORE JUST LIKE IT, YOU’RE HECKING LOVELY AS HECK AND I WILL DIE FOR YOU
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Dating Lena Luthor (clingy and cuddly)
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Request: Dating a clingy/cuddly lena luthor would include
a/n: I’ve dabbled with this style of formatting in one of my earlier posts, but it really did not look as nice on the app at all as it does on desktop and mobile web browser. I’ve thought to try it again to give myself a little break from all my long exposition. If the formatting messes up monumentally when it’s translated to the app, then I fully apologize for how ugly it looks LOL
I say this often to the point of being redundant and annoying but I really do mean it; I love seeing what you folks come up with for me to write. So don’t be afraid to hit up that ask box! I’m going through them all at a steady pace and hopefully I can do it justice. Thank you all again for reading, I’m so happy some of you enjoy what I do :D
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before you two ever started dating, you found she had a bit of an awkward way with her hands, seeming to not know what to do with them
you would never have suspected Lena to be all that much of a tactile person, but as anything Lena Luthor would have it, she flipped expectations right on their head and you found you were pleasantly surprised the more you got to know her
Lena loved working with her hands - if she really had it her way, she’d spend all her time in the research and development department of L-Corp, preferring to actually do something tangible rather than work the strings behind the scenes of her company
initially, she’d allow herself a few fleeting touches when it came to you. Each time without fail, you felt her igniting miniature blazes on your skin
you could be having a conversation with Jess (already an impressive feat in itself) as you waited to take Lena out for lunch, and she’d come up behind you and place a hand on your back to let you know she was ready
Jess, the ever dutiful secretary, would both parts ignore the gesture politely but also take very intensive note of anything and everything concerning that very action, a rarity of perhaps once in a while to absolutely never for one Lena Luthor, her boss of nearly four years - and who the hell exactly were you to inspire such intimate habits in her employer? Was it foul play? Was some kind of dark sorcery at work?
it could be said then that Jess was fascinated by you because of this, but you didn’t recognize this strange interest in your influence for what it was in the beginning, and you mistook her careful scrutinizing of you for malice. You still suspect Jess is wary of you, just lesser than she is of most people
one time when you’d dropped by Lena’s office, Lena reached over her desk and you realized just a little too late what she wanted to do, and you moved - more so, twitched - your entire arm closer to her and nearly knocked your coffee off her desk in the process. Neither of you commented on the clumsiness of your actions and just smiled wordlessly at the touch instead
you’d gotten better at detecting Lena’s particular needs; eventually you’d become close enough that your lunch break conversations would be had on her office couch, and that was a whole other monster in and of itself
you found Lena getting more and more close to you with each interaction, seeming to not care about physical boundaries as she let a hand linger on your arm here, lightly swatted at your shoulder when you’d told a joke there
you tried really hard the first instance she ever rest her hand on your knee to not twitch at the contact; you were very much aware of her growing affinity for touching you, but not for the wrong reasons
you were so deeply in tune with her that even she made a softer person out of you eventually, hardened rough edges and all
when you two finally started dating, you were very much cognizant of your girlfriend’s subconscious need to always feel you close to her
you suspected for whatever reasons - quite valid reasons, you surmise, that she liked knowing you were just there, and felt eased by feeling your presence physically to perhaps emotionally anchor her too
one time at a fundraiser gala held by L-Corp, she was making her rounds of imperative socialization and you’d noticed her hand clenching into a small fist, relaxing then only to go back again when she was speaking with a particularly unruly man in an ill-fitting suit. You let your hand wander down to hers, grabbing it in one easy, natural motion and you felt her relax instantly
that night, there was seemingly no end to her deep frustration of that same insufferable man, and when you let her tire herself out of her verbal tirade, you just reached over to her and massaged the crinkle out of her forehead, rubbing circles on her temples to ease her tension
she still, to this day, adamantly denies she fell asleep in your arms within five minutes of you doing that
on more than one but less than six occasions, you find yourself waking up in the afternoon to a face full of your girlfriend’s hair and just once you nearly had a mouthful of it, her back always pressing up against your front as she snuggles you deeper into the couch (you suspect you’re very close to sinking into the depths of the furniture)
just twice have you ever caught Jess cracking the door just slightly to see if you two were still napping in Lena’s office - once when she accidentally stumbled upon the admittedly adorable but equally alarming sight of her very soft boss sleeping in your arms the very first time, and the second instance when she checked up on the suspiciously quiet office, perhaps making sure Lena wasn’t attacked by whoever or whatever else wanted the next go at her since she last saw her an hour ago
in your semi-conscious state with one bleary eye open, you think you see Jess snap a picture of you two cuddling on the couch, but you can’t be sure
you’re proven right when she sends you the picture as her only explanation after she sends you a very cryptic text one day - to any outsider not versed in the language of Secretary, you figured the message could have been just one level above being entirely disconcerting: “Please come by the office and remind Miss Luthor to be human today”
(you come to understand that in Secretary speak, that means your workaholic girlfriend only got two hours of sleep that night)
Lena loves putting her cold feet on your leg when you’re watching TV together, and at first her feet were so freakin’ cold the mere contact jolted you awake from your sleepy daze
eventually, you got so used to her warming her feet up on you that you’d just roll your eyes in resignation, smirking at the satisfied grin she had as she hid her face further into her self-imposed blanket burrito
Lena has the very proficient talent of making you smile like an idiot whenever she texts you, and you almost say you’re annoyed by how easily she melts that cold, still heart of yours
(you’re not annoyed at all. In fact, you love that Lena can so easily do what even you could not do for yourself)
-“Can we take a nap when we get home?” -“Of course, baby. We can do one better and sleep early tonight, seeing as though a certain someone didn’t get much sleep last night, according to her secretary...” -“Who, me? I think you’ve the wrong person. When are you coming home?” -“In an hour or two I think, why’s that?” -“I miss you :(” -“Baby, we saw each other at lunch LOL” -“I can still miss you...”
your friends have gotten used to your constant contact. Alex is loath to admit it’s quite actually the cutest shit she’s ever seen, to quote her verbatim
Lena’s always playing with your fingers, intertwining them with hers when you hold her hand, touching the pads of your fingertips when you’re driving somewhere and she’s in the passenger seat, massaging your hands when you’re both relaxing on the couch in your living room
you’ve grown used to having a koala for a girlfriend
the first few times you ever spent the night together, you’d noted that Lena kept a considerable distance between you when you fell asleep, still facing you
you found her clinging to your back at some point in the early morning, her body molded to yours as you felt her nuzzling into your neck. Her sleepy breaths eased you awake as the hair on the back of your neck came alive - all you did was smile in amusement and content
eventually, Lena felt comfortable enough to throw all pretense to the wind, wordlessly demanding to be wrapped in the entirety of you, bringing your arms to envelop her and easily dismissing all your very justified concerns of suffocating her - she fell asleep in a matter of minutes
you were never one for PDA in public, but you also didn’t have much an opinion on it either. Dating Lena Luthor, however, you can finally relent to say something about the whole matter: you absolutely love it when she reaches for your hand in public, and you let yourself go to the lightness of existence you feel when she holds onto you like she needs you
maybe one day you’ll admit it, she deserves to hear it after all, but you love how needy and touchy Lena is - with her innocent, uncomplicated desire to feel you here, you know she has made a smiling mess out of you (you suspect you’ve grown dependent on feeling her presence and the reassurance it brings too)
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pentacass · 7 years
She Who Wanders (Pharmercy)
Super freakin late, but happy birthday @hana-blogs ​!?!!?! You arty, you awesome, you so sweet I think you eat sugar for breakfast every morning. Also, borrowed your headcanon here ;p Hope you like it.
Stole Adelah from @spatialheather to use in this one. Thanks yo.
Fareeha Amari.
Or, as Hana once called her, "Fareeha 'I like to wander Pharah way and give everyone heart attacks and then insist I was never lost' Amari."
"I'm not that bad," Fareeha protested the first time.
"Yes, you are," the entire squad echoed in response.
"Okay, maybe I am," Fareeha finally admitted when she returned to their field base in Nepal, carrying an armful of kittens and covered in soot, having saved them from a burning building.
"You were supposed to retrieve the datapad from our informant," Winston said.
"Yeah, I did," she replied, gathering the mewling kittens in one arm and pulling said datapad from her pants pocket.
"Let me guess." Lena took a little fluff ball in each hand. "You took a detour. That's why you're late."
"If it helps, I did save some people from the fire."
"And the kittens? You could've just left them with the firefighters."
"I… They need shelter," Fareeha mumbled, a faint hint of a blush peeking from beneath her dirt-streaked cheeks. She adjusted her arms so the kittens would not climb out of her hold, and kept still as Angela took one in her hands.
Stroking the kitten's brushy grey fur, Angela smiled up at Fareeha, noting how brown eyes flickered away and then back at her. "Come on. Let's check you over and get you cleaned up. We can take care of them later," Angela added when Fareeha held the kittens up.
She stood fast under the puppy-eyed stare for one whole second before breaking. "You can bring them along if you wish."
Fareeha's face lit up immediately.
Fareeha had finally asked her out. Their first two dates went smoothly. They never left the other's side, walking hand-in-hand, and Fareeha showed no inclination whatsoever to wander off as she always did.
Then the third date came, and Angela was reminded of Kamilah's off-handed remark about "putting a GPS on Fareeha".
Angela had been held back in base by the timely return of their team from Uzbekistan. Right before tending to the injured agents, Angela fired off a message to Fareeha, telling her to go ahead to the restaurant and eat first if she was hungry. She finished her duties in record time, shrugging off her lab coat and rushing all the way down to the restaurant, only to be told their reservation had been cancelled. Angela cocked her head until the waiter told her that 'Ms. Amari' never showed up. She pinched the bridge of her nose, realising belatedly that she had sent Fareeha ahead without supervision.
"Fareeha?" Angela spoke into the phone, as she stood by the restaurant's window. "Are you lost?"
"No," Fareeha replied as expected. She was never lost. Ever. "I just can't find the restaurant."
"Where are you?"
"Near the park."
"Oh?" Angela cast her eyes around the sidewalk, then across the road where the park was. But she caught no sign of the woman. "Where, exactly?"
"Uh." A moment of silence. "I'm…not sure. I see a Thai restaurant and a bookshop."
"That's not very specific," Angela told her. "Send me your location."
Angela stared at her phone screen patiently, waiting for her map to be updated with Fareeha's coordinates. It did not take long before a red blip appeared. She looked at it, closed her eyes, and let out a slow breath which turned into a defeated chuckle. Oh, she was near the park, alright.
"Fareeha, darling," Angela said when Fareeha picked up her call. "You're at the opposite end of the park."
"Shall I come pick you up?"
"No, no. It's alright. I'll drive over. Wait for me?"
"Of course."
She waited patiently until Fareeha's bike came into view. The rider slowed down a little as she passed by, helmet turning to glance at Angela, before riding off to a nearby carpark. Angela followed after her, watching the bike circle around before coming to a stop right in front of her car's parking lot. Fareeha stayed on her bike but pulled her helmet off, shaking her head and running a hand through her hair. Angela's heart fluttered at the lop-sided smile, taking her outstretched hand and leaning into the brief kiss.
"What am I going to do with you, Liebling?" Angela sighed.
"GPS implant?"
"You know," Angela laughed along with Fareeha. "I might actually consider that."
It became an inside joke among Fareeha, Angela, and Kamilah for a while. Fareeha's nape, inner forearm, back, and butt were identified as potential sites for the implant. But of course, the joke was always left there. Fareeha's gift for getting lost was not a problem on missions – she had either the Raptora's navigational systems to guide her, or the holo-device on her wrist which could flash a map for her to consult during undercover missions. Fareeha refused to wear the device out while off-duty, so what was left for her colleagues to do, was get used to having her disappear at random times.
And thus, Angela was unsurprised when she approached Kamilah in the café, just to have the woman glance up at her and say, "Lost her again?"
Without a pause in step, Angela looked behind her shoulder and shrugged. "I guess so," she said, taking her seat at the outdoor table beside Kamilah.
"Where did you lose her?"
"At the bookshop," Angela replied, pulling the still-hot cup of tea closer to her. "Fareeha said she's going to some curio shop, but when I went to look for her, she was gone."
"How many times have I heard that before?" Kamilah smiled as she took a sip from her own cup. "At least she'll always find her way back."
Angela looked up in time to see the woman's face fall for a fleeting second. She smiled, feigning innocence when she caught Kamilah's gaze. "It's a wonder how she does that, no?"
"Yes, it is."
They continued chatting casually, savouring their much-deserved downtime after stressing over the agents involved in a disastrous mission just last week. They had barely gotten any sleep, and many times had Angela lifted her heavy head from her work table, spotting through bleary eyes her colleague who had also passed out at her own workstation. Winston immediately relented when Angela asked for this time away, knowing he would probably not see his peanut butter for a few months if he said no.
Taking in the smell of freshly baked pastries and murmurs from the other customers, Angela leaned back in her seat, and then smiled when Fareeha appeared. She tilted her head so Fareeha could give her a peck on the cheek and hug her shoulders.
"I thought I lost you. Oh fine," she said when Angela raised her brows. "I got lost. Happy?"
"You're learning," Angela jibed, flicking her on the cheek.
Fareeha pouted and took her seat. Then her pout grew more pronounced when she noticed she had no drink. "You didn't buy one for me?" she asked her mother.
"No. It would've been cold by the time you got here."
"You could've bought me a cold drink, you know," she retorted, rising from the chair.
"The ice would've melted."
"No ice, then."
"That would be a hot drink."
Fareeha Amari – distinguished soldier of the Egyptian army, pilot of the Raptora Mark VI – blew a raspberry at her mother.
The first time Fareeha ever got lost on purpose, was when Ana made her return.
Caught between years of abandonment, a mother wanting to make amends and another who had locked herself away, Fareeha had climbed onto her bike and sped out of the Gibraltar base at top speed. No one in base was wise to her departure until Angela had gone looking for her. Athena saved her the trouble of combing the entire watchpoint by herself, and showed her a recording of the garage from when Fareeha had set foot in it. The soldier shoved her helmet over her head, kicked up the motorcycle's stand too hard, and shot out of the garage before the gate was fully opened.
Angela, worried though she was, gave her about an hour to cool off before picking up her phone. One missed call later, and she was greeted with a gruff growl.
"Liebling, are you alright?"
A pause. "I'm fine," came the reply, voice still rough but softer than before.
She sincerely doubted that, but questioning Fareeha would only agitate her even more. "Where are you?"
"Um." There was a lull during which Fareeha must be looking around to get her bearings. "I'm near the port. Halfway there. I think."
"Would you like some company?"
"I–," Fareeha said, voice faltering. "No. I'd…rather be alone right now."
"I understand."
Sensing her worry, Fareeha added, "Don't worry. I'll be back."
"I know you will," she wanted to say, but the line had gone dead.
Angela stayed in her own room that night, in case Fareeha still needed some privacy upon her return. As she teetered on the brink of sleep, she heard a muted beep and the hiss of her door opening. She knew who it was even before she opened her eyes. And when she did, there was Fareeha, already dressed for bed and padding over to her. Angela lifted the covers so Fareeha could slink in and lay on top of her, face pressed into the crook of her neck.
"Feeling better?" Angela murmured, covering them both and running a hand down Fareeha's head.
Fareeha stayed silent. Angela felt the irregular hitches in her lover's breath and the first tears drip onto her skin, before Fareeha broke into quiet sobs, hands reaching up to hug her shoulders. Angela held her, patting her softly and uttering words of comfort, giving sanctuary to the child lost in a feud between the women she loved so.
It took Fareeha – and the two older Amari – to navigate through the strained threads of their relationship, and find their way back as a family again. A family which Angela was promptly made part of, with the three people in whom she had found a home.
And now, after two years, Angela would finally be an Amari in name as well.
They had the wedding planned to every last detail. The most important of which would be Fareeha's 'honour guard', who will ensure that the woman would not wander off on the way to the chapel. Its captain was none other than Kamilah, a fact that set their minds at ease.
That was, until Ana received a call from Kamilah.
Angela watched Ana closely, keeping her ears pricked as the older woman paced slowly around the room. But Ana merely gave short and vague replies, before ending the call with a laugh. She smiled when she turned to catch Angela's expectant gaze.
"Don't worry," Ana said. "They're nearly there. Fareeha never tried to wander."
She gave a sigh of relief, then stood from her seat by the dressing table. "Did Kamilah have to threaten her?" Angela joked.
"No, habibti." Ana cocked her head. "Fareeha might walk half the world around," she said, handing Angela the bouquet. "But she always knows where she belongs. And today…" Ana cupped her face gently. "Her place is with you."
Mercy clenched her jaw tightly, the heavy concrete rubble between her trembling hands falling back to the pile with a thud. Her earpiece crackled to life: D.Va, Lucio, and Tracer all reported a negative. Then concern poured through her squad's channel, which she cut off without a word.
She opened a new channel to Ana. "Anything?"
"No," Ana replied, her voice equally flat. "76 has nothing as well."
Mercy stood stock still on the rubble. The open channel in her ear was quiet, as though both women were waiting for surprise news that they had found their quarry. They had spent the last four days sweeping through the devastated portion of the Russian city – a result of the omnics' assault. Pharah had flown high above the team as usual, pushing back the enemy forces with well-aimed rockets, when an urgent transmission broke through to the squad channel.
"Raptora sys– ailing," came her voice between bursts of static. "Omn– scrambling navig– flight systems comprom– shit!"
Looking up in time to catch sight of a grenade sailing towards Pharah, Mercy watched in horror as it exploded with a sharp, electric crack. Pharah's vital signs vanished from her halo's holo-display when the Raptora went offline. Mercy had started sprinting towards her when a hulking mass of armour rammed into her side, huge arms wrapping around her protectively as RPG rounds wrecked the road where she would have run into. She poked her head over Reinhardt's massive pauldron, eyes widening when she saw two rockets crashing into Pharah in her fall towards the ground.
"No!" Angela screamed, as twin explosions engulfed her wife in fire and shrapnel. The Valkyrie's wings came to life instinctively, but Reinhardt held her in place, preventing her from rushing into certain death. First she scrambled and punched at her German comrade, then weakness bled into her body as she glared at Reinhardt through eyes welling with tears, and finally a keen sense of urgency burnt through her veins. Still holding her staff in her right hand, she withdrew the pistol in her left. They had not the luxury of time nor temperance.
Overwatch consolidated their efforts with the Russian soldiers, and pushed back the omnic forces fighting to take over the city. Mercy, with all other agents, started their search for Pharah immediately. But all they found was the shattered pieces of a Raptora wing among a sea of blue and yellow shards, and the twisted remnant of her rocket launcher. The blood trail ended a few metres away from where she had landed, on a pavement from which they could discern no further sign of where she went.
Mercy and Ana had spearheaded the search efforts, along with Kamilah who had flown in on the second day after receiving the news. And here they were, well into the fifth day with no sign of the missing soldier. 
She strode back to the transport truck in a pall. The talkative D.Va and Lucio trailed behind her silently while Tracer hovered close to her side, wanting to offer comfort that was unwelcome at the moment. They climbed into the vehicle, where the other two squads were already waiting. Ana sat in the back with an arm around her wife, who was bent over with her face in her hands. Sniper and medic exchanged glances, before Mercy gave their driver the order to move off.
The next two days went by in the same routine. Report to field camp, head out to designated search area, and come back empty-handed. Today…was no different.
Angela donned her Valkyrie suit mechanically, the lightweight plates feeling almost like a second-skin after extensive use over the past week. She marched into the briefing tent where Ana, Kamilah, Winston, and Jack already stood with two Russian colonels around a holo-device, currently projecting a map of the city. Angela nodded at the drab greeting and took her place beside Ana. She paid the utmost attention as Ana went through their search plans for the day, and stayed when she dismissed the rest. At the touch on her cheek, Angela turned towards Ana.
"Are you alright, habibti?" Ana said with a wan smile. "You look like hell."
"Pot and kettle, Ana," Angela replied drily. She looked over at Kamilah, who was staring at the map. "Kamilah–"
"Let's just go," Kamilah cut her off. Her hand jerked forward to hit a button on the projector, and the map blinked off. Ana gave Angela a defeated glance, then nodded her head towards the tent's entrance, where Kamilah was headed towards. Angela took a deep breath, squaring her shoulders as Mercy took over. Hope, Angela. Have hope.
The two women had walked past the holo-projector when Winston barreled through the tent flaps. His inexplicably ecstatic expression gave way to panic as his hands shot out to catch Kamilah, whom he would have knocked back onto the floor.
"Kamilah, I am so sorry," Winston said, straightening the woman and holding her steady. The excitement returned to his face twofold. "But she's back. Pharah's back!"
"What?" Ana said, moving forward. "Winston, where–" Her voice died when the tent flap opened again.
Angela stared as Fareeha hobbled through the entrance with a crutch under her arm, thanking Jack for holding the flap open. As it closed behind her, she looked around at her family – who was staring at her in utter disbelief – and smiled tentatively.
"I'm back," she said unnecessarily. Fareeha managed to take a step forward before Kamilah barreled into her first, nearly bowling Fareeha over as Winston had done to her. "Ah–, ah! Mama! Mama, it hurts!"
"I'm sorry." Kamilah immediately loosened her arms that were squeezing the air out of Fareeha. She looked up at her daughter in a mix of elation and worry, only to receive a smile in return. Fareeha reached up to wipe her tears away.
In the back, Winston gave Angela a nod before sneaking out of the tent.
"It's okay. I'm alright." Fareeha pulled her into a hug, and was joined by Ana who had wrapped her arms around them both. After the sniper released them, her eyes locked onto Angela. She stretched out an arm, and Angela ran into her hold – gently, of course. Angela held onto her, feeling the bandages wrapped around her torso and shoulders.
"I just got back, dear," Fareeha joked when Angela's training kicked in, and she pulled up the hem of Fareeha's t-shirt to get a look at her dressing. "Can't you wait even for a while?"
"Don't you dare joke with me, Fareeha Amari." Angela fixed her with a glare. "Where were you? We were worried sick. We had search parties looking for you day and night–"
"I know. I'm sorry." Fareeha's hand rubbed at her back. "But I woke up only two days ago. Some friendly omnics picked me up during the fight to get me out of harm's way. They brought me to where a doctor friend of theirs was hiding, and that's where I've been since they patched me up."
"Couldn't they have told us where you were?" Ana asked.
"They're all omnics, ami," Fareeha replied. "They were afraid of giving away their hideout by contacting you. By the way, we should recruit them and keep them safe before they fall to the God Program."
Ana sighed, shaking her head. She pulled Fareeha into another embrace. "Fine. But let Angela look you over first. Make sure everything's there."
"Okay." Fareeha grinned when she got a kiss on the cheek, followed by a second one from Kamilah. She gave Kamilah's arm one last squeeze before the older woman followed Ana out of the tent to – as Ana put it – 'tell the others it's not Fareeha's ghost limping around the camp.'
Fareeha chuckled, watching her parents walk out together, before turning to her wife. Her smile softened, and she wrapped Angela in a gentle hug.
"I was so worried about you," Angela said, feeling the stress and despair of the past days fall off her shoulders.
"I'm sorry." Fareeha fixed her with an apologetic gaze.
"'Sorry'?" Angela laughed for the first time in a week. It was faint, but still better than nothing. "You're injured. I'm just glad–"
"No, you don't understand." A sheepish look crosses her features. "I would've reached back here last night, but…I kind of…took a detour."
Angela laughed again, stronger this time. A wide smile sat on her lips. "You mean you got lost."
"All the signs are in Russian and my Raptora's wrecked, alright?" Fareeha huffed. "And there I was, picking up these for you." She fished around in her pants pocket, and drew out three bars of chocolate. Swiss chocolate.
"You are…unbelievable," Angela said.
"You're just saying that, albi," Fareeha murmured. She leaned forward, pressing her lips softly to Angela's.
"I…almost thought," Angela whispered, voice wavering. "I thought you weren't coming back."
"Nonsense." Fareeha touched their foreheads together. "I'll always come back." She paused for a moment. "Even if I die–"
Angela slapped her arm. "Don't push it, Liebling." She pressed her face into a shoulder shaking in laughter.
Covering her mouth with a hand to hide the yawn, Angela blinked the moisture out of her eyes as she strolled down a street in Altstadt. Little Adelah had refused to go to sleep until the early morning, which obviously meant her mothers were not allowed to sleep either. Only when the two-year-old had fallen asleep in Angela and Fareeha's bed at 3am, did the women climb in and manage to nab some rest as well. And despite the shorter hours of sleep, the child still had the energy within her to run about while singing or babbling about whatever she could think to talk about. At least it was Fareeha's turn to keep a hawk's eye on Adelah today.
Angela stopped outside a confectionery shop, looking at the array of multi-coloured sweets that was Adelah's latest craze. With a quirk on her lips, Angela turned her head – only to find Fareeha missing. That, in itself, did not worry Angela. What did concern her was the absence of Adelah as well.
Her heart leapt into her throat, as all the horror stories she had heard about Ana and Kamilah losing young Fareeha in a crowd came back to haunt her. She turned back up the road where she had strolled down, and retraced her path with her head on a swivel. Nothing. Heart rate creeping up by the second, Angela shoved a hand into her pocket. Her fingers had just gripped onto her phone when a tug on the back of her sweater made her stop. Angela spun around and nearly died from the sudden rush of relief.
"Fareeha, why would you walk off like that! I thought Adelah was missing."
"Relax, darling," Fareeha crooned. "We just made a little stop, that's all." She adjusted Adelah in her arms, and that was when Angela noticed the new beanies sitting on top of their heads. Adelah wore a bright yellow one with cat ears on top, and Fareeha had one in baby blue with a falcon's eyes and beak sewn on the front.
"You went to buy beanies?" Angela asked.
"Yep. Ade wanted one. So…" Fareeha held out the bag in her hand. Angela peeked in, then took out the third beanie. She held it in her hands, looking at the cute stitching of a penguin's face on the white and black fabric.
"Why a penguin?"
Fareeha shrugged as Angela put it on. "I just thought you'd look cute in it. Doesn't she, Ade?" she cooed, rubbing her nose against Adelah's cheek, making the child laugh.
Angela heaved a sigh, then hooked a hand around Fareeha's elbow. Her little panic attack was soon forgotten as she gazed at her wife and daughter chattering away, while they walked down the street together. In the back of her mind, Angela hoped Adelah would not inherit Fareeha's knack of roaming wherever her feet took her. She was unsure how many more shocks her poor heart could take.
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jeoseungsaja · 2 years
Send 🍺 for my muses drunk reaction around yours. - Yeoshin 👀 if applicable 👀
@mythvoiced ♚ from x.
♔ ———–
   The nine-tailed fox isn’t a lightweight. It takes a while and a few bottles of Dugyeonju for him to slowly enter into drunken stupor. Alcohol like Soju or Makgeolli isn’t strong enough for gumiho, either; not even the ancient rice liquor provided during the Goryeo era worked on him. Whilst others fell under the spell of inebriation, Yeo simply sat in amusement when watching other royals laugh at the air. His mischievous self often was the one to give them alcohol until they fell asleep --- worked wonders when he wanted to dismiss a boring event or have one of his little escapades. He took silent pride in his ability to hold his liquor instead of making a fool out of himself.
    But tonight, it seems, he’s become one of those fools. He didn’t realize Bokbunja-ju, a fruit wine made out of Korean black raspberry, would have such an effect on him; drinking some glasses up and beginning to feel...well, more than tipsy. Yeo leaves the empty container on the table; the sleeve of his sweater going toward his lips to drunkenly clean away the remnants of alcohol hanging on a corner of mouth. 
   The fox decides to stand up, stumbling a little; part of his coordination lost in the middle of inebriation. Sight is a little blurry; he doesn’t even notice that his eyes have brief moments of amber when he blinks, flashes of uncontrollable fire in hues before they go back to their natural brown. Perhaps he should stay where he is, maybe fall asleep there, but he refuses. He refuses to stay in a couch that’s empty of him. 
    “There you are,” 
     mellow smile stretches lips as soon as he sees his beloved, getting even clumsier due to the sudden combination of alcohol and love.  What was that about being drunk in love? He’s feeling it with quite a bold intensity tonight. 
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  “Aish, I was starting to get a headache trying to figure out why I wasn’t where I belong. Which is,” 
   even more shameless than usual, Yeo bumbles his way to Shin and puts his weight on Dokkaebi’s lap; a tipsy but triumphant chuckle leaving nine-tailed fox’s lips as he proceeds to messily hide his face against Dokkaebi’s neck, 
    “right here. This is where I belong. So warm and nice and...is that a new perfume? You smell good, really good...well, you always do.”
    Mind you, his senses are a little foggy. Maybe Shin didn’t even acquire a new fragrance and yet here he is, making silly assumptions under this state. 
    Covetous lips begin to leave affectionate kisses on his lover’s neck; restless and willing to cover the whole graceful terrain with loving marks. Mouth greedily climbs up to kiss Shin’s jawline, wanting to get drunk in his dulcet scent and all he is rather than feeling all those black raspberries bouncing in his stomach.
    “Nae Sarang...” 
     A chortle; an air of glee filling stupor as hand lands on his cheek and his lips start kissing the other cheek multiple times, almost without stopping. It seems that this nine-tailed fox gets all lovey-dovey when drunk. 
    “Have I...told you how handsome you are, hmm? How gorgeous. Look at you, look at this face.” 
    Now, both hands take a hold of Shin’s face. 
    “With those mismatched eyes that are my absolute favorite,” 
    and he goes ahead to kiss his eyelids,
    “and this nose that likes the scent of coffee,”       several kisses are pressed to the bridge of Shin’s nose, landing on its tip, 
    “and these lips that blurt out poems so easily and...and have such a sweet, sweet taste. My favorite taste.” 
     Cue the fox staring intently at the shape of Shin’s lips; thumb caressing bottom lip before going ahead to steal a deep kiss, one that begins with utmost and languid tenderness, though it slowly cascades down the verge of ardent. 
     When he pulls away, Yeo breathes out; eyes still closed, face returning to the crook of Shin’s neck. He’s starting to feel the exhaustion; the tired bones, the wish to fall asleep kicking in. A hand rests on Shin’s shoulder; clumsily dancing up and down. 
    “I must’ve...really done something right,”
    he breathes out; getting much closer to Shin whilst nuzzling. He’s so tall and yet, he shrinks as much as he can so he can snugly fit in arms that feel like home.
   “Something...something worthy, if fate decided to...put you in my life. You, the most beautiful of souls. Magnificent, stunning, tantalizing Kim Shin. I have a confession to make.”
    Fox’s head lifts to look at Shin’s face; silly smile stretching lips as both of his arms slide around Dokkaebi’s neck. 
    “I’m drunk.”
    As if it wasn’t obvious already.
    “But! When I tell you, mighty and brave General, that this imprudent King is profoundly enchanted by you, he means it. Drunk today, tomorrow sober, and these words truthful forever.” 
    He dares to press a raspberry-stained kiss on the corner of Shin’s lips. 
———– ♔
0 notes
jeoseungsaja · 2 years
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@mythvoiced ♚ sent ‘⊕’ for an aesthetic graphic.
Ji Miyoung & Wang Yeo “You didn’t ask anything from me. No, not at all. You just sat next to me and listened, to the point where I felt understood. There was no judgment, just your hand in mine. I asked you if you wanted to be rewarded for this; you said my friendship was worth more than any prize given by the universe. I believed you, because I felt the same way about you.”
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jeoseungsaja · 3 years
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WHOOP!!!!!!! THE ALEX PROTECTION & STAN SQUAD COMING IN CLUTCH! I kept thinking back on the birthday wishes you sent me here via Tumblr as well and I couldn't stop thinking about wanting to do something that was hopefully equally sweet and awesome, TRUTH IS THOUGH, that I am no graphic expert and you will soon find that while my love for you is GARGANTUAN my skills can only helplessly dream to match that, BUT THAT DOESN'T DETER ME FROM INVADING BOTH OF YOUR INBOXES, in here first to match the Goblin Aesthetic, but most definitely on theimpalpable as well because literally no one will be able to physically hold me back from launching myself at you from literally every single angle I have at my disposal to say
That I get to sit here and send you birthday wishes at all makes it feel as though it's MY birthday, because knowing you and being allowed to call you a friend is literally better than Christmas and Birthdays and I don't know what combined, so I hope that the day as it will open up to you will be filled to the brim with things worthy of your soul, smiles and feelings of ease and relaxation, thousands upon thousands of opportunities (or even just a dozen, I don't want to challenge the universe to greatly, I know IT TOO is currently busy celebrating you, so it might not get to thousands upon thousands on time, I-) for you to feel as appreciated and valued as you SHOULD feel, AND THIS IS NOT TO SAY that you MUST feel this way, there is no pressure to feel anything at all, but it is to say that those that surround you should put IN THE EFFORT to make you feel this way, so I hope you're only (or mostly because I know Life™) surrounded by people who make you glad, happy, relaxed, delighted, to be surrounded by them, and that you get to eat your favourite birthday food, if you have anything like that ;W;
I hope that this turn around the sun ;W;W;W;W;W; has filled you with good moments, happy moments, that you've done things you wanted to do and not done things you didn't want to do, that you've had moments of full achievement, gotten to experience things you've always wanted to, gotten to see and hear things that have just felt so right for your soul to be exposed to and I hope that the next year, up until the next October AND WAY BEYOND THAT will be filled with an equal amount oR EVEN MORE opportunities for you to simply feel as warm as you make the people around you feel ♥
@mythvoiced ♚ and if you look closely, there's an ocean of my tears---
There aren’t enough words in the dictionary, there aren’t enough words created throughout humankind’s existence and evolution, there aren’t enough words pressed to books or other literary pieces to express how FREAKIN’ GRATEFUL AND APPRECIATIVE I AM OF YOU, there are NO WORDS, NOT ENOUGH WORDS, to let you know how much I LOVE AND ADORE YOU---
I am here, staring at this with the biggest smile on my face, just reading every precious word and every line; taking it in and embracing it as each paragraph feeds my heart and soul with so much warmth and joy and excitement and I JUST? I’M NOT SURE WHAT I DID, TO DESERVE THIS GOODNESS, THIS KINDNESS, THIS WONDERFULNESS, BUT I’M HERE WITH MY QUOKKA HANDS, READY TO TAKE ALL OF THIS AND EMBRACE IT TIGHTLY, THANK YOU SO HECKIN’ MUCH; THANK YOU. 
FIRST OF ALL, THE!!! BANNER!!! I’M CRYING HERE, I LOVE IT; I LOVE YOU!!! That you took the time to put it together MEANS THE WORLD, it also makes me go back to the scene of Goblin and you know, where she starts crying because she didn’t exactly expect anything when getting home yet she was welcome with those three sillies congratulating her with cake and all---WELL, THAT’S EXACTLY ME, CRYING HERE OVER THIS MESSAGE; BE CAREFUL, THERE ARE RIVERS ON THE FLOOR MADE OUT OF MY WATERWORKS AND THEY WILL CONTINUE TO FLOW FOR I-DON’T-KNOW-HOW-MUCH-TIME----- 
I’M JUST!!! So eternally grateful, not only because of this LOVELY message that I shall KEEP IN MY TREASURES, TREASURES I’VE FILLED TO THE BRIM WITH LENA STUFF(TM), but because of YOU, of your amazing presence, because of having the chance to meet you and getting the opportunity to know you and have such a BEAUTIFUL FRIENDSHIP with you. You’re one of the kindest, most creative, most respectful and considerate, most amazing, most wonderful, most understanding, most thoughtful, brightest, most enthusiastic, most encouraging, MOST+(INSERT ALL THE POSITIVE ADJECTIVES HERE) SOULS IN THE ENTIRE UNIVERSE AND BEYOND; AND TO KNOW I GET TO KNOW YOU? TO SHARE THINGS WITH YOU? IT’S AN HONOR, IT’S A DELIGHT, IT’S A BLESSING I SHALL NEVER TAKE FOR GRANTED. 
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Dating Kara Danvers (Meeting you was like finally coming home)
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Request: henlo can u do an imagine where reader is dating kara and reader has been best friends with lena since forever and kara gets really jealous and stuff ;) 
a/n: apparently I was in a mood for fluffy angst Kara. I feel like I haven’t written one of those yet!! Kara has so much grief and a bunch of other emotions to unpack and I feel like the show did a pretty good job of covering that, but like the garbage monster I am, I need more. There is so much potential there and I am so fascinated by that part of her story. It’s the thing for me that makes her so much more compelling, it’s that thing that gives her that other dimension.
But also, I love easygoing, huge nerd Lena, I’d protect her with my entire life. I stopped midway through writing this and took a two hour nap. I feel like it might have paid off LOL. As always, I love seeing your prompts, requests, all the things you send me. Let me know what you wanna see and I’ll do my best to do it justice :D thank you so much for reading y’all!
- - - - -
You barely manage to not spit out your coffee as Lena interrupts your drinking with a particularly dirty joke. Sometimes you can hardly believe people are really so convinced that Lena is just a cold, calculating shell of a woman, but you figure she takes some comfort in that.
The truth is, she is so much more than that. You know the CEO Lena Luthor is a caricature of a phoenix - rising from the ashes of something once ugly and emerging as something beautiful and good. You love your best friend for that.
Even when you were six years old and she was five (she is just two months younger than you, thank you very much) you could tell she had so much light in her. It was a light that couldn’t be contained - her mind was just everywhere and she wanted to do all the things. Where her family wanted to wield that power and have their hands all over everything that could promise another peg in their overbearing legacy, Lena was a beacon of energy and goodness.
She was eight years old when she corrected your science teacher and informed him that what he was using to try and teach the class to explain the current lesson was something that was in the next unit in the curriculum, and with wide eyes and bated breath, you waited for the inevitable repercussions that awaited your best friend. Instead, your teacher just smiled, staring at the whiteboard as he amended his mistake and thanked Lena.
She was thirteen years old and you were getting into your obsession with hardcore metal bands and overhauling your entire wardrobe with band shirts and skate attire when she swept the Mathletics contest with ease. You teasingly referenced Mean Girls and her heroic likeness to a certain Cady Heron, which you were pleased to find she appreciated a lot.
You were sixteen years old when you found out she could graduate high school a year ahead of you, probably even more, and she looked sadly at you after she’d told you. The two of you were hanging out in your room, she was leaning against your bedframe and you were hanging upside down off the edge of your bed just at her feet.
“Why do you look like I just kicked your dog?”
“I don’t have a dog, how do you know what I would look like as if you’d just kicked my dog?”
“If anyone looked anything other than totally mortified and betrayed by the universe if something like that ever happened to their dog, I wouldn’t even be talking to them, actually.”
She chuckled dejectedly and you figured you’d take whatever small wins you could get.
“Seriously, quit moping. We already both know you’re a freakin’ genius. Don’t prove everyone wrong and not take the best opportunity of your life.”
“What if I am happy now?”
“Well then, you don’t accept the university offer and you wait. You’re desirable enough, all those universities will come scrambling over each other for you any time.”
She laughed, rolling her eyes at you. “And what if I want to?”
“Then don’t do anything that will make you unhappy - you take all the chances you can get and you own it.”
“But how do I know what I want and what would be good for me? What if they’re two different things? I feel like they’re not mutually exclusive. I’ve kinda been feeling that a lot lately.” Lena’s forehead crinkled in contemplation and you clicked your tongue at her, seeing her genuinely torn.
“You’re my best friend. If there’s one thing I’ve learned in the entire time I’ve known your insufferably smart, gorgeous, and kinda ignorant ass, it’s that you can mess up so hard but still make it look good. Even if you realize you did the wrong thing, you can always pick back up. You know how to make things work. You figure it out all the time. That’s you.” You jabbed a finger in her direction, lifting yourself up to see her small grin.
“It must be so lonely being one of the youngest freshmen in university. I’d miss you a lot.”
“Yeah, and I’ll miss your dumb face a lot too. At least I’ll know you’ll be doing all that learning and thriving so you can hustle when we’re older and you can provide for me for the rest of my life.”
“I feel like you want me gone for all the wrong reasons.” She quirked an eyebrow at you and gave you a challenging look.
“Is it so wrong of me to wish the most success for my best friend so she can maybe always order the pizza whenever we hang out once she becomes wildly rich?” You asked her earnestly.
She laughed fully again, nudging your body with her foot and looking pleased as you grunted in annoyance. “I’d do more than that. You always hog the last piece. I’d order two pizzas, just to shut you up.”
You gasped, “Wow, rude.”
And so it was, years later and now in your twenties, you found yourself sitting across from her desk, Lena really a sight to behold as she presides over her family’s company, L-Corp. What the public don’t know, though, was that behind closed doors, the CEO of National City’s most affluent company just casually insinuated your girlfriend looked like she loved being rough with you in bed.
A little bit of coffee dribbled from your mouth when you barely managed to contain yourself. You wiped away at your lips as she smirked at you behind her own cup.
“You... are a little shit.”
“You’ve still yet to refute my observations.” She replies cheekily.
“Yeah, well, you can kiss my ass if you think I’m going to indulge you.”
“I’ll leave that for Kara to do, darling.”
You huff indignantly again and throw a crumpled up napkin at her face. It bounces off her easily and she laughs at you.
“In all seriousness though, how are you and Kara?” She looks fondly at the soft smile you make.
“So great, Lena. I didn’t think it’d be this easy dating a superhero either? We’ve been together for a few months now and it may just be a short while but I feel so much lighter with her around. I can feel the difference. My life’s just so much simpler with her.”
Lena smiles brightly, “I’m so happy for you. You deserve simplicity.”
“When are you going to find someone to itch your needs?”
She grunts at your question, “Do you really have to phrase it like that? Anyway, you know I’m rather busy. L-Corp is on the up and up now and I can’t afford any distractions.”
“You deserve a life of simplicity too, Lena.”
“Ah, but with the way my life is going now? The fortune cookie my mother read when I was seven said I’d be destined for great things, don’t you know this? Anyway, if I had a hunk like Kara in my life I don’t think I’d be able to get anything done, so I commend you, especially in the mornings-”
You toss a pencil in her direction this time and she just dodges the attack. She laughs melodiously as you send her a dark look, trying futilely to hide the blush that is quickly colouring your cheeks.
Suddenly, there’s a knock on the door and Kara’s head pops through the small opening.
“Oh, hey (Y/N), I didn’t realize you’d be here today. Hi Lena.” She smiles as she slips her whole body through, closing the door behind her.
“Hey babe.” You duck your head as your eyes widen slightly, still trying to hide the blush Lena successfully drew out of you.
Kara notices the blush on your cheeks, tilting her head with a small smile. “What were you two talking about? I could come back later if you want. Snapper gave me the entire day to be out of the office.”
“Nothing! Nothing worth knowing.” You remark almost too quickly and Lena is grinning as her eyes twinkle with mischief.
“You two are swoon-worthy. Hello, Kara- goodness, is it 12:30 already? I’m so terribly sorry, I lost track of time! Your girlfriend here deemed it necessary to derail my entire day.” She jokes good-naturedly.
You scowl at her and reply instantly, “You love me. Who else is going to remind you to come back down to earth with that inflated ego of yours.”
“It may be said I merely tolerate you. Regardless, I’m sure half of the city’s populace would be more than willing to do that job for you.” She purses her lips into a smirk and Kara watches your interaction.
“No need to leave, Kara, I’ll get out of your hair, for your jobs’ sake. Don’t let her get under your skin.” You look pointedly at Lena, addressing your last remark to Kara. You stand up and make the short distance to walk to your girlfriend, leaning up on your toes to give a quick peck on her lips.
She smiles dumbly and bites her lip after you kiss her - you have to tear your eyes away if you want to make it out of Lena’s office with some of your decency left.
“I’ll see you later. Text me when you’re coming home.” You whisper to her.
You toss a “Goodbye, loser,” to Lena over your shoulder and you see as she waves her entire arm excessively as you leave.
You go back home and manage to get a good chunk of your work done. Some days more than others you feel absolutely thrilled that you have a job that allows you to work from home on your computer. That’s when you get a text from Kara.
Kara: “Baby, I’m back at the office. Snapper called me back and wants us to stick around. I’m gonna be stuck here for a little bit longer than I realized :( I wish I could leave now, I was so excited to see you”
You smile to yourself, feeling a little bummed out for your girlfriend.
you: “Awww I’m sorry babe!! do you know how much longer you’ll be? Maybe I can bring you a special something to tide you over? What have you eaten today??”
You contemplate the admittedly extensive list of Kara’s favourite food haunts, and you wonder which three of the fifty places she hasn’t eaten at today.
Kara: “You know you could bring nothing but your cute little self and I’d be more than thrilled to see you.”
Kara: “You don’t have to come though, please stay home and relax. I’ll catch up to you when I can!”
you: “wow, I’m more exciting than food? To you?? That’s a big statement Kara. Well if it’s no trouble, I’ll pop by quickly anyway. I feel like I haven’t seen you all day. I feel like someone deserves a box of Katherine’s donuts.”
Kara: “ohhh you, if you insist. <3″
You eventually make your way to CatCo after stopping by Katherine’s Cafe, a bakery that’s seen more of you and Kara as much as your own apartment. You make your way through the building and smile as you wave to some of Kara’s co-workers, greeting Winn quickly as you see his dejected form slump just barely lift off his desk to return a lazy wave to you.
You get to Kara’s office and knock on the door, hearing her soft “Come in” to let you know to go through. When you close the door behind you, there’s a mountain of papers stacked haphazardly all over her desk and you see just a little bit of Kara sitting at her desk before you see her properly when she stands.
She opens her arms fully and you set your box down before making your way to her. She leans as much of her bodyweight as she’ll allow into your slightly shorter frame and sinks into your embrace.
“It’s starting to feel like some of this is a job that even Supergirl can’t handle.”
You chuckle into her chest and look up at her, kissing her chin before she gets the idea and kisses your lips as you both sigh.
“You’re Supergirl with or without the cape. And even without all those special powers of yours, you’re still my superhero.”
She smiles lazily as she rubs at her temples, a habit you know she started once in pretense to act human which has grown into a frustrated quirk of its own anyway. You leave her embrace reluctantly to move the box of donuts on a slightly smaller table that isn’t covered in documents.
“Kathy says hey, by the way.”
Kara’s sat in her chair and motions for you to come over. You grin as you make your way to sit on her lap - having a near invincible girlfriend who punches cars for fun was a cool perk of a relationship. You could practically climb her and she wouldn’t bat an eye.
“I love that woman, she should get more credit for those addictive baked goods of hers.”
She wraps her arms around your middle as your arms rest on her shoulders. You massage the back of her neck and she lets out a heavy sigh.
“Really rough day huh? How was your interview with Lena?”
“Good, good as always. We barely got through the interview when Snapper called me. Didn’t have a chance to have a proper conversation that didn’t have to do with work.”
You hum as you let your fingers run through her hair, you’ve let her hair come down to give her some reprieve.
“I’m glad you and Lena are great friends. I love that my best friend and girlfriend don’t have to pretend to like each other.”
Kara laughs as she buries her face into your chest. You can barely hear her speak.
“No, Lena’s great. She talks about you a lot. It’s so awesome watching how different she is with you.”
“You’re pretty close to her too. She trusts you and you trust her.”
Kara is silent for a moment and you have the slightest creeping suspicion that she’s fallen asleep. You wouldn’t actually be too surprised if she did. Her reply is muffled though and you can’t make out what she’s said.
“What was that, baby?”
Kara whines lowly when she realizes she has to repeat what she said, seeming to not have intended for you to hear her remark.
“I just said I wish I had a person like that.”
You lean back and give your girlfriend a soft look, your hands coming around to cup her face.
“You don’t have to be lonely, baby. You’re not alone. You have so many people who love you. We love you so much. For some of us, we’d even die for you.”
She clicks her tongue and her forehead crinkles. “You know I wouldn’t want that.”
“No, but it’s true.”
“It’s just silly, it’s stupid, it’s such an unpleasant thought. It makes me feel greedy. I have Alex in my life and she’s the best sister. I can’t ask for a better sister. She’s done so much for me and she’s lived her whole life to do things to protect me and she does it all so selflessly. You have Lena and you’re an only child and she’s like your sister. I don’t know why I should be jealous, it’s so unbelievably selfish of me.”
You melt at your girlfriend’s words and Kara squeaks softly as she realizes her admission.
“Baby, you’re jealous?”
She mutters into your body again, you realize she’s done it purposely this time but you let it slide.
“I just want you to know there’s no need to be jealous of me and Lena. We’re close as best friends can be. You and Alex also share a very special relationship that could seem difficult to get into sometimes. It actually terrifies me as much as it awes me, the lengths she’d go for you.”
You can hear Kara huff in laughter and you continue playing with her hair.
She replies after a moment of contemplation. “Lena is your Alex, that’s how I see it and I totally get it. I just guess sometimes... sometimes- it’s so bad. I really hate that I think this at all. It makes me feel like I’d change Alex, but I wouldn’t! I don’t ever want to change Alex.” She adds in quickly, and you let her continue, knowing she has to say her piece.
“It’s just, sometimes I wish I had a person I could choose. Like the relationship you and Lena have, sometimes I wish I’d met someone under circumstances where we weren’t forced to learn how to be around each other. One where we could just be. I wouldn’t have it any other way with Alex though, not at all. It’s just something I’ve always wanted to experience. But sometimes...” Kara inhales deeply and holds her breath before she lets it all out slowly. She moves her face away from your body and leans into your touch, allowing you to continue your soft work of massaging her head.
“Sometimes, Alex reminds me of my childhood. She reminds me of all the good, and all the bad, and all the in between. And whenever I think of this ugly loneliness I feel, I think about home too. And I think about what it’d be like if I still had a planet I could go back to, if I could just leave and fly back to my family and my friends after a while. I know it’s so much to ask for, to have two planets to call home. But I’ve learned to love Earth. Earth is my home now, and my life is so great here. It’s just, sometimes without meaning to, I’m reminded of the vast oneness I carry and I can’t even share Krypton with Clark. Seeing you with Lena today just brought it back and I really didn’t want to pin this on you today, god I’m so sorry- I’m not blaming you at all or anything. I guess I just had that all in my head and I never actually said it out loud before until now-”
“Kara.” You bring her face gently towards you and she lets herself be pulled towards you. You run a thumb gently over her lips as her mouth slightly parts, looking at you with wet eyes.
“Baby come here,” you kiss her softly and slowly, taking your time and letting Kara pull away.
Her breathing steadies as a tear falls from her eye, and you wipe her cheek with a thumb. Your words are barely a whisper when finally one of you speaks again.
“I’m so sorry you feel that way. I can never understand your pain. It pains me so greatly that I, or anyone else, could never understand the true depths of your losses. I so wish for there to be a way I can easily fix it with a snap of my fingers or a wish. It’s not that simple though.”
You bring her close to you again and she lets herself become enveloped in you.
“I’m glad you told me, Kara. You are so strong. You’re the bravest person I know. You inspire me every day. Every day you go out, live your life, and save others too, and you could very easily be bitter and resentful. But your heart is so good. You are so good, baby, and sometimes you are so good that we don’t deserve you, but you’re still out here loving and laughing and I love you so much for it.”
You hear her sniffle as she replies coarsely. “I love you too.”
She laughs slightly and you smile. “I love that you can trust me with little bits of your history. You are an entire world, Kara. It’s so amazing that you’re here and I get to kiss you, that I get to love you the way I can and that I can hear all these stories from you.”
“I like telling you.” She adds her next statement so softly, it could get lost in the air. “You make me feel like I’m coming home.”
Despite your resolute intention not to cry, you can feel a suspicious onslaught of unshed tears threatening your eyes, and Kara is on a mission to do exactly that.
“It’s so tiring sometimes; remembering you’re the last of your people. It’s like most days, remembering means doing everything you can to forget about it. And that’s not what Krypton deserves. That’s not what my family or my planet deserves. I want to live to honour their memory. But it’s also not fair to the life I have here. I don’t want to live with one foot out the door. My life is so good here, and I have people who love me so much that most days it feels like loneliness is a trivial thing in the grand scheme of the people in my life and the loyalty we share with each other. The little things just add up, and remembering it is like falling into a deep, dark pit of emptiness that I can’t come back from. I try so hard not to fall into that. I guess today was just one of those days I was forced to realize it again.”
You run your hands over Kara’s back soothingly, rubbing in calming patterns that you know helps ease her.
“You don’t have to forget Krypton. No matter what you do, you are honouring your planet. You survived against the odds, and I think there’s a reason for that. Someone or something out there knew you were special and that you would stand by Krypton the way it deserves. Your people would be so proud of you.”
You’re both crying freely now, and you wonder how a surprise visit to CatCo and a box of donuts could have ended up like this.
“You don’t have to do it alone either, Kara. We’re here for you if you need us. We’re here for you if you want us to help, and we’re here for you if you want to figure it out alone. Whatever you need from us, we’ll do it because we love you. You deserve to be happy and you deserve to feel worthy of a life of happiness. Don’t live in the fear of forgetting your home. Everything you’ve done so far and everything you’re going to do, you do it with such greatness. You are the best thing that Krypton has created.”
“I love you, (Y/N). I may have lost a planet but I found another. You’re the thing I want to live for and you’re the one I want to be better for.”
You rub at your eyes, inhaling sharpy in some attempt to suck all the tears back into your eyes. Kara looks up at you smiling widely, more than you’d seen her do all day, and she kisses you passionately.
You’re laughing into the kiss when she starts becoming grabby, you’d picked up on the hint when she started tugging up on your shirt. You’d barely kept your composure, remembering you were in her office and you had to swat her hands away much to her adorable frustration.
“Let’s go home, Kara. I don’t think you’re going to get any work done now.”
“Can we maul that box of donuts too? I’m in the mood for a romcom.”
“Alright, you got it, nerd.”
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