#K.R. can't play DA:I
krshush · 10 months
OH yeah I never shared this here. I love playing a Rogue in DA:I so much bc Evade is so fun to use to parkour around the environment or just Move Faster w/out a mount
However sometimes, particularly after upgrading Evade and changing it, I end up making a fool outta my boy Elrevas, as seen here
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krshush · 10 months
Finished the Knight's Tomb sidequest in DA:I like a bit ago and I'm still thinking abt it bc like. I remembered that That's What Happened at Red Crossing, which is already just heartbreaking, right, the whole star-crossed lovers thing being what set off the war proper that lost the Dales.
But, to read the part of the codex with Elandrin's letter to Adalene while playing Elrevas... I cannot fucking describe. Especially if you believe that there was a transcription or s/t of the letter beyond the one buried w/Elandrin and the Inquisitor actually gets to read that part (bc. like hell are we diagetically tomb-raiding for that letter given context, but I digress)
"What care have I for gods I have never seen, for a Maker I do not know? Let others distract themselves with such lofty concerns. I know only this life, I have seen only this world, and I care only for you."
For Elrevas to see his same similar sentiments carried by an Emerald Knight seven hundred years ago. Even putting aside the in-love-with-a-human part of the parallel for a second, just the sentiment of caring for the current life and world over gods who are no longer present is. A Lot for Elrevas, who oft hides that same belief away.
(Perhaps Elrevas should believe there's a god somewhere given everything that's happened to him which, to be fair, he'd then be correct in that one way, but it just doesn't make a difference to Elrevas atm)
But then, circling back to the loving-a-human thing, Elrevas would find making a complete one-to-one comparison between Elandrin & Adalene and him & Dorian laughable; Dorian is not a blushing bride from a humble village, nor Elrevas anything Knight-like in the typical or even Dalish sense in his opinion, nor are either of them aiming for marriage at the point this information is found, they've just agreed to discuss what their relationship could further be after defeating Corypheus (and this is pre-Temple of Mythal with Dorian making his choices)
But. That seven centuries ago, a Dalish elf loved a human, despite the foolishness of it at the time. That seven centuries ago, they died for their love, and the truth of it got swept away under the rush of the history around them.
"I know only this life, I have seen only this world, and I care only for you."
Elrevas looks at Dorian exactly once after finding the scroll, and then cannot quite manage it again on the walk back out to the Emerald Graves, not even when he lets Cassandra lead them instead to keep pace with Dorian at the back of the group.
But he does reach his fingers out to brush Dorian's, a small but familiar affection between them now in lieu of holding hands, and in his periphery he sees Dorian look at him. He can't imagine what could be running through the mage's mind, what reasons he could imagine Elrevas is reaching out for after what they've learned, and which of those reasons are correct. But then he simply reaches back too, their fingers lacing together a long moment, and it loosens the lump in Elreva's throat.
"Your god intercedes as much as ours. My life will not change.
I will return in two weeks' time. My heart longs for you 'til then, and will remain with you forever after."
Neither man can guess what their futures will look like, separately or together, but Elrevas can only hope --despite all his lackluster faith in any one god-- that their futures will end better, perhaps even together.
(He can't ignore the chances that it won't though.)
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krshush · 10 months
Am I about to replay my last three hours of DA:I gameplay and like 80% of a map's completion just bc one optional part of a mission glitched out and I won't get a wartable mission from it?
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krshush · 10 months
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Gotta give credit to The Descent for giving me a lotta good inq shots <3
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krshush · 10 months
Hi! Tested negative and have no fever today! Hooray! Still spent today making my way through the Descent DLC and I am literally almost done, but I have one thing to say abt it atm
The Sha-Brytol have lyrium guns. They have LYRIUM SNIPER RIFLES! A KICKASS AND ALSO HORRIFYING CONCEPT! or at least it would be moreso had I not done JoH first and subsequently have the ability to shoot their lyrium bullets back at them pfhdbfh
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krshush · 10 months
Started Jaws of Hakkon and, after fucking around just a BUNCH w/the sidequests as I do, Elrevas went to the Lady's Rest island and learned abt Telana and. Elrevas is fine he's fine he's not got a mix of Scholarly Delight and Dalish Horror at finding out she was real but also an Elven mage. That had been smudged out by the Chantry. He is not making comparisons and feeling sick about not knowing what will become of his own legacy he's not trying to care abt that bc none of this is ABOUT that, it's fiiiiine. He will feel Normal abt learning abt Ameridan himself.
(Did it hit like a brick to hear Telana's spirit say "Vhenan" and Realize? Maybe <3 Did it hit like a brick for Dorian also to hear it from anyone else than Elrevas and Know Exactly what it meant and means abt the last Inquisitor, putting him on a similar mental path as Elrevas? Maybe <3)
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krshush · 10 months
Did I ever show y'all a screenshot of my PS4 Achievement in DA:I of committing to a Romance?
So, I have it set for my PS4 to take screenshots in-game right when I earn Achievements, right, and my first playthrough is Elrevas and his romancing Dorian, right,
Well, with the marker of committing to Dorian being where it is, the screenshot in the Achievement...
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krshush · 10 months
Finally started to do Wicked Eyes quest in DA:I then got scared bc I have a doc's appt in two hours, which I was gonna arrive like 20 minutes early for to sort out New Insurance shit, and also I gotta eat lunch before going so BASICALLY I have NO time to stress abt the horrible fantasy french fuckers, oops I have now put that quest off even LONGER
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krshush · 11 months
I wanna fuck around in DA:I instead of do main missions bc That's the flavor of executive disfunction I'm at rn apparently. That said, I think I'm gonna make a new Inq
[Explodes the Temple of Sacred Ashes again]
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krshush · 1 year
DA:I Update: I have made it to In Your Heart Shall Burn and I delayed it by fighting the Hinterlands dragon and collecting all the shards there. I keep delaying it bc I want to save every NPC SOOOO BADDDD I get SCAREDDD
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krshush · 1 year
The way I play DA:I and upon first getting to the Hinterlands just doing SO MUCH OF ITS SHIT ALL AT ONCE. Literally half of my playtime on this new save was just. Goin crazy goin stupid putting on a video essay and zoning out as I try not to get killed by bears and templars and demon Oh My pghfh
And then going back to Haven with 31 Power stored up and needing to upgrade everyone's armor 💀
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krshush · 1 year
I'm still going through levels and variations of DA Brainrot but today I kind of missed Inquisition. And then I remembered I had a playthrough w/Elrevas in a jacked up variant of a worldstate on PS4. So I started playing that, yeah?
And I hadn't talked to Solas yet, that first time you get to talk to him in Haven and ask him about literally Everything. And it's just. fascinating to listen to him talk abt the Fade and shit once you Know what his deal is. There's a moment where he sounds genuinely upset about the Veil existing, another moment where he asks you to imagine a world where spirits lived alongside mortals. All his talking about ancient elves and all the prodding you can do abt it, to his mild approval.
But also I wanna use that egg head as a stress ball. I just wanna fucking squeeze.
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krshush · 10 months
Also having finished the Descent means. I have nothing else to delay main questing basically all the way into Trespasser. Which means I have to settle on what PS4 Run Elrevas does abt the Well of Sorrows, particularly whether or not I want Tidbits abt the Crossroads that I thiiink comes from having Drank from the Well, or let my boy live considering the possible consequences.
Also means I need to use my days off carefully to plan for dealing with Main Questing that takes my whole ass and not just half-ass map completion. I have little map left to complete. It's all Plot from here on or so. Horrifying.
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krshush · 10 months
Oh, I hadn't mentioned but I finally started The Descent and immediately remembered Elrevas is claustrophobic. He hates not being able to see/leave/etc in any direction and see the sky. So you can imagine how experiencing earthquakes miles underground is going for him.
Additionally, he knows abt darkspawn blood being poison, but then Renn has a fucking. In-game dialogue where he talks abt a Legionnaire who used daggers, accidentally swallowed blood on a messy kill and took three days to die. Elrevas, who uses daggers, is feeling normal abt this and is also pulling up his little roguish face mask, which is also not helping the claustrophobia, now that I think abt it
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krshush · 11 months
Ran errands on only 5 hrs sleep, it was so hot and I was miserable. Meant to nap once home, but instead blacked out to complete all of Emprise du Lion map in DA:I. Including killing all three of those quest-related dragons in a row. Hello? Hello??
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krshush · 11 months
I've been hyping myself up and away from doing Wicked Eyes w/Elrevas, so what if I just continue Here Lies the Abyss. I've been avoiding that one too bc I don't wanna yeet [redacted] into the void but like. What if that was the quest I did first. hm.
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