#Jim really said 'post about your experiences on Instagram and Twitter' tho and that is so morbid i'm trying not to laugh
theinfinitedivides · 1 year
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sofiessketches · 4 years
NASASocial experience at JPL
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This is a LONG one, so I’m gonna put it under a readmore! 
This was my first ever NASA Social, so I didn’t really know what to expect when I applied, what the chances were or what other sorts of people would be there. I was surprised I even got in, because compared to some of the other people I have very few followers, but I think there’s more to it than that! As Stephanie, the head of social media at JPL, said, “You were chosen for your insatiable curiosity, and for the stories you tell”. I really appreciate that the selection process was more about being a creator of SOMETHING that you truly care about.
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I’ve been to JPL several times for tours and lectures, but it’s always exciting to come up to the front..there was a really long line, I’m assuming because of the event and also traditional media that was there to interview people.
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Got my badge and headed in, and said good morning to the Curiosity model! (which I wish was as detailed as the real thing..I still love her tho. I’ve just been spoiled having gone on tours and doing a lot of research on Curiosity that I was able to spot what’s missing..)
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Admiring how the light hits her..er..Chemcam
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I never get tired of looking at this piece, but this was the first time I actually checked out the plaque next to it, which had a helpful diagram!
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An installation displaying the information from the GRACE (Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment) and GRACE Follow-on missions, which in the words of my friend Sirina, shows us how screwed we are, in a beautiful way! I also realized the reason the screens are this shape is because the spacecraft are shaped like that...!
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JPL’s inspiring slogan in a beautiful geometric typeface B)
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We got to the meeting/conference room, with portraits of all JPL’s past and present directors around. The last seat at the front table appeared to be taken by the Mars 2020 wheel, so I asked if I could sit there with the wheel, and my day was made! I have to admit this may have been the highlight of my day. One of the first JPL-specific drawings I did was a study of an image Curiosity had taken of her own wheels on Mars, and after that I read a lot about how the wheels worked and how the design was less than ideal..it makes me happy to see the next iteration and how it’ll work out!
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No pointy grousers for the sharp Mars rocks to snag on here!!! Just this...veeeeery shallow S-curve.
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Everyone hanging out and social media-ing before the event began, waiting for more people to get there. I happened to sit next to a couple people I had pre-stalked on Twitter from the list they made of participants!
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LOSING MY MIND EVEN MORE THAT WE COULD TOUCH AND PICK UP THE WHEEL???!?!!? It was pretty light, since it was a 3D model and not made of actual aluminum.
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Lookin cute together. This is Kevin Baird, an awesome photographer! The only patches we had in common were the NASA meatball (not even the same one, though) and the SOFIA patch, which was strangely almost in the same spot on both of our jackets.. (on the back left side)
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Then Stephanie, JPL’s social media head, came and proposed to us with space grade aerogel, and of course we all said yes. 
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After an introduction, Linda, another social media expert at JPL, brought over a top secret looking box, which she explained will have some cool graphics relating to Mars 2020 on the front and inside soon (excited to see that!!)
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Inside were material samples of several components of Mars 2020, including the many layered thermal blanket, the ropes that will lower the rover onto the surface of Mars (which can hold the weight of 1 car EACH, and the rover will be suspended by 80 of them) as well as the parachute material (orange), which was remade for better strength and lightness. 
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We also got to hold a replica of the sample cache tubes that Mars 2020 will be filling!
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At 10:00, the event we were there for, the State of NASA, came on (a budget rollout explaining briefly how much money the government will be giving to NASA in 2021 and what it’s for) so we watched Jim Bridenstein in front of some incredible engines...
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And I just..get excited when I see the rover on the screen ok..
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There was a super cool internal view of how the Mars 2020 will be depositing sample caches! The video is below:
Anyway, the budget rollout declared 22 billion to NASA and 3.3 billion of that to the development of the human landing system, which will go toward landing humans and science on the moon for the Artemis program. You can read more here about this.
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After that, Director Watkins and Dr Zurbuchen came to answer questions, and we learned a bit about Mars Sample Return, and the mission that will come before that but after Mars 2020, which will map icy areas in Mars’ poles. (Really looking forward to learning more about that!!) I gave Dr Zurbuchen some stickers I made and he gave me his card......!
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Soon after, we headed to the Science building, to learn about MOXIE (Mars Oxygen In-Situ Resource Utilization Experiment) (I’ve noticed, the bigger the budget on these missions, the more effort they put into making the acronyms for everything sound cool) This technology demonstration is on Mars 2020 to prepare for larger scale carbon dioxide to oxygen conversion from Mars’ atmosphere for human use. This size of MOXIE creates only about enough oxygen to keep a small dog alive. Still impressive!!!
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Wandered around the MOXIE lab a little and took a peek at the rest of what was on the walls and tables..
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After that, we went to the Spacecraft Assembly Facility, where Mars 2020 was not, but that’s a good thing! I’m actually not sure which part is in the box there.. but soon after we left, it left too!
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Teeny tiny Mars 2020 model hidden at the end of the viewing area...
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At the indoor mars yard, a couple InSight engineers talked to us about how they use this area to test software before they send it to Mars. Here from left to right are the engineering models for Mars2020, InSight, and Curiosity.
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Her name is Maggie!
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One of my goals in life is to be able to stand in front of the arm and draw it until I understand what the hell is going on.
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Also going to insert some pics I took last week because I was lucky enough to get a tour from my friend Sirina, where there were engineers inside working on the arm:
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Next, we headed to the Mars Sample Return testbed!
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It makes me excited to be in the rooms with dirt regolith inside.. also SmalBoSSE is the best acronym I’ve seen all day...
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The “volleyball” that Mars 2020′s sample caches will eventually be stored in, to be fetched by another rover, launched into orbit around Mars and picked up to be sent back to Earth! 
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More freaking out about rover wheels. This is a prototype of one that will be on the rover to pick up the samples; the wire is slightly deformable which is great for offroad Mars action.
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The rover will be a joint effort between NASA and ESA.
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I love seeing these posters with hints of other projects going on. So cool!!
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Last stop (cry) was Mission Control, aka The Center of the Universe, where all the data the Deep Space Network gets from spacecraft comes in.
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The view from inside from my previous tour!
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*eyes emoji when I see Mars 2020*
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The darkroom and Curiosity’s Ace’s desk, where they send commands to Curiosity at 10:30AM Mars time.
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Spitzer’s end of mission from Monday (top) vs the day after it was decommissioned (bottom).
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Center of the Universe!!!
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Ouagh don’t step on it! Well you can..
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It was sad to say goodbye to our excellent guides, but we’ll be keeping in touch!! ;)
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I also got a bunch of awesome pictures taken of me, which I was surprised by, because usually I’m the last one people take pics of..! 
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My jacket, which they posted on JPL’s instagram... gosh!!!!!!
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And some stickers/new business card design (did I post this here yet??) I gave to everyone I met!
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Displayed at Shannon Forrey’s desk!
This was a truly amazing experience, my first time attending one of these events, I learned so much and had such a great time surrounded by inspiring and talented people. Thank you again to everyone at JPL who made it possible and to all the scientists and engineers who took the time to share their work with us! I’ll never forget this day.
Also, I want to make some art based off what I learned, so keep an eye out for that in the upcoming weeks!
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