#It's so much easier though bc it's easier to have takes about Madara while he's still in development than to talk about what he's like at
everymadara · 11 months
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Chapter 623
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animeboysloveyou · 4 years
Might I request something? :3 Last year I had a really bad pulmonary embolism and almost died. I was home alone and called the ambulance at the very last minute. 😂 How would the Founders + Izuna react if this happened to their wife? Like... what happens when she calls them and says: "Hey Honey, I almost died and am now hospitalized!" ? 🙈
asdfghjk WHY DID U WAIT SO LONG THO OH GOD IM SORRY THAT HAPPENED TO YOU T_T Im glad everything went ok but!! aaaa pls look after yourself sweetheart or the founders will have to!!!
Hospitalized S/O
💛 Hashirama 💛
Oh my god did you want to give this boy a heartattack??? if that was the plan CONGRATS he’s gonna join u in hospital
Seriously, though, if you call him and say THAT? He won’t know what to do for a second
And then he runs to you. Hokage duties? If they can’t understand why he’s leaving in this circumstance that’s their problem, not his!
He knows his way around medicine a bit and he’ll feel SO terrible for not noticing sooner. Once he arrives at your bed, he’ll try to put on his serious voice to scold you for not speaking up sooner but honestly he can’t keep it up. He’s so shaken.
Fusses over you. He knows you need some peace and quiet but how is he supposed NOT to fuss over you??? Knowing he could’ve lost you is no joke!
“Why didn’t you tell me? Didn’t you notice? Are you alright? Do you need me to stay home more? Can I get you something? How are you feeling??” hashirama shut up challenge: failed
The more he sees how close it was for you, the more quiet he’ll be. He’s honestly so terrified of losing you, and there’s SO much guilt in him for leaving you alone. So once you feel a little better, he’ll have calmed down enough to have a serious but very emotional and kind talk with you about how you should ALWAYS tell him when something’s wrong with you. Please. He needs to know in order to help you.
If you didn’t even notice until it was nearly too late, he’ll skip all that and go straight to doting on you. He’ll do anything for you, and might even insist on you staying in bed even when you’re already feeling fine again. 
💛 Tobirama 💛
Honestly, those words make him freeze on the spot for a moment. His brain doesn’t wanna process that. You? Nearly dying? While apparently safe and sound in the village? Uh-uh.
You won’t have to tell him where you are, this boy can sense you anywhere in the village. He’s learned to pick up the faintest traces of you - just in case. Just in case something like this happens.
Honestly he probably doesn’t even wait for you to explain yourself he’s running/teleporting to your side asap no questions asked. He needs to see you’re okay. He’s panicking.
Like, he knows they wouldn’t let you call him if you were still at the verge of death but asdfghjkl nothing makes this man’s brain stop working like knowing his spouse is in danger.
If you ignored the signs oh man he’ll be so mad. Like, he probably would’ve ignored the signs himself too, but it wasn’t him, it was you and that’s different. But one sad look from you and he’ll literally bite his lip to shut himself up. Decides to give you your verbal lesson once you’re out of the hospital.
If you didn’t realize how bad things were, he’ll still be grumpy, but more so because that makes it even more his fault for not being by your side. SURELY he would’ve noticed earlier, right?
He fusses over you in his own way. There’s no “the medicine is gross i don’t want it” with him, you’ll take that medicine and if it’s the last thing he does. He’ll take time off work for as long as he possibly can (and maybe a liiiittle bit longer) to make sure you’re really alright
Gets irrationally angry at any medical staff if your situation worsens and they can’t explain why. Threatens to bring his brother over if they don’t figure it out real quick.
Generally pretty unpleasant to be around but it’s just because fuck you scared the hell out of him. The thought that he could’ve lost you during a normal day at work? It fucks him up pretty bad. You’re the sick one but it’s good if you take the time to comfort this boy bc honestly he needs it.
💛 Madara 💛
Goes through the five stages of grief right then and there. 
Doesn’t get angry or anything, just very serious. Very quiet. He drops what he’s doing and hurries to your side right away. Nobody’s gonna tell him no.
Honestly his mind is fucking racing and he’s so overwhelmed by what the hell’s going on so he tries to stay super serious and quiet and calm because he doesn’t wanna freak out. He doesn’t wanna freak you out.
Has no idea about medicine but insists they explain everything to him anyway. He needs to know what went wrong and if it could happen again, what he can do to help.
Honestly probably figures out some sharingan trick to check your vitals idk how but he works on it until he’s got SOMETHING to give him some kind of reassurance.
Once he finally sits down next to you, he tries to calm you down, because he remembers sitting at the bedside of wounded or dying soldiers and how panic gripped them, so. Even though you’re out of the woods already, he wants you to be calm and to feel looked after.
Also questions you, personally, about what happened. How you felt, how it went down, which signs you noticed, etc. You can probably feel his hand shaking a bit and the frown on his face but he tries to be calm around you, still.
Takes you home as soon as possible, though, because he just feels like you’ll recover there better. He’s got doctors in his clan, and being home helps.
Makes sure everyone dotes on you and brings you what you need. He’s got a lot of duties and can’t slack off, so whenever he really has to leave, he makes sure there’s lots of people you trust around to look after you.
💛 Izuna 💛
He’s in such a shock, he’ll probably stay on the phone with you wayyy too long just discussing what went wrong. Like shut UP izuna and go OVER there!!
He’s mad but not at you. He’s just generally in a terrible mood when he arrives because? How couldn’t he be? But then he sees you, giving him a weak / hesitant smile and you’ll see true worry in his eyes for the first time. Like, this whole time he was like “oh this girl is gonna GET it how DARE she not take care of herself????” but then he sees how hurt / weak you are and he’s ok oh. OH. fuck. That was a close call. He can’t handle that.
Doesn’t care at all what the medical staff has to tell him, he wants to hear everything from you. Definitely wants to be alone with you too, because he’s feeling so weak and vulnerable he doesn’t want anyone to see him like this except for you (and even then he’s got a bit of a difficult time showing it)
ALSO doesn’t really believe you when you say you’re doing better. You thought you were fine before and you nearly died, so ??? what if you’re still in danger??
Honestly doesn’t talk a lot this whole time. he knows he should comfort you but he’s struggling. you’ll probably have to comfort him for a while asdfghhjkl
But he also remembers being wounded and far closer to death than anyone wanted to admit, and he remembers that fear that gripped him. So he understands how you felt and doesn’t snap at you for “hiding your pain” but words of comfort don’t come easily to him
It’ll be easier once you’re released from the hospital. He’ll feel more comfortable at home, and will probably be more confident that you’re really okay. Will stay by your side any chance he gets and gets super snappy with Madara if he tries to make him work. He just. Wants to hold you for a while. Helps him process things ;W;
EVENTUALLY, when you’ve recovered and this moment is just a bad memory, he might tease you a bit about it, depending on how you’re feeling about the whole situation. if you can laugh about it, oh boy, he’ll give you so much shit - but if it’s something that still scares you, he’ll know to shut his fat mouth
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bakubabes-tatakae · 4 years
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Always make sure to check here to see if your request is coming up ! I’m going to update this as often as possible and it will stay pinned to my blog as well. 😊I have a LOT of requests to get though and work a full time job and go to school full time so please have patience with me. 🥺 I’ll get these out as soon as I possibly can. ❤️ If they look like this it’s because they are done and in the queue. 
Current Requests:
Inbox - 221
Drafts - 100
Naruto Headcanons
Can you write about kiba with an touch starved s/o? I bet he’s so cuddly and plus he is cuddly with akamaru too
Hi!!! Can I request a hc or imagine(either one is fine, whatever is easier☺️) on kiba with him proposing to his longtime girlfriend who trains dogs and is a high ranked ninja (forgive me, Idk the actual names it’s been so long since I’ve seen Naruto) . Like, I want FLUFF!!! Or, as fluffy as kiba gets🤣. Please and thank you!
Can I request a headcanon for Kakashi where his s/o slaps his ass out of nowhere and it turns into a spanking session for his s/o? 😂Can you write Kakashi with a big tiddy s/o? lol
Can you write hcs for Kakashi being assigned on a mission with his crush (he recently admitted to himself that he REALLY likes her) what would he think and how would he behave?
Can I have a Kakashi headcanon where his s/o decides to dye her hair silver like his hair and he sees it and is really mesmerized by it and starts kissing her because he thinks she looks really cute? 🤭
Hello 😊 Can I have a Kakashi headcanon where the reader is also a teacher and Team 7 noticed that Kakashi really likes her and they find out what the reader likes (e.g. flowers) and Kakashi gets them for her and asks her out? 🥰 
Ok I read your hcs for Kakashi simping over his so (and they were GREAT) but how would he react to his so simping over him?? Could we get some hcs for this?? I think he would melt 🥴
Black Clover Headcanons
Ryha Headcanons for S/O that sneaks into his room. 
A headcanon for Zora with a s/o who has a cum kink? Like she loves it when he cums on her face or her breasts or likes to lick it from his belly? 😬
A headcanon for Yuno when he becomes a magic knight he has to travel to Hage because the people are in danger and some guys want to kidnap the reader who is his childhood friend and Yuno saves her? 😊
Can I get a headcanon for Yami where he tries new things with bis s/o in bed like he blindfolds her and then takes a ice cube and caresses her body with it and it's just really hot? ✌🏻
Mirror sex hcs with Yami gave me life, could I request some for Fuegoleon
Can I request a headcanon for Yuno where his female childhood friend also becomes a magic knight and is in the same squad like him and he realizes he is in love with her since they were kids and is too shy to tell her and she just kisses him? 😊  
Omg you write for Yuno 😭😭😭💕💕💕 Can I have a headcanon for him and a really silly and clumsy s/o and he always needs to prevent her from getting hurt and he thinks she's really cute and gives her forehead kisses? 😭💕
A headcanon for Yuno when he becomes a magic knight he has to travel to Hage because the people are in danger and some guys want to kidnap the reader who is his childhood friend and Yuno saves her? 😊
I don't feel comfortable with sending a nsfw request for Yuno because he's only 16😅😬 but can I get a fluffy headcanon for him being silly with his girlfriend and they have their first kiss? 😊
Hello ✌🏻 Can i have a headcanon where Yami gathers the black bulls together to discuss the next mission and Zora's s/o comes in late and Zora makes a snappy comment about it and his s/o says "Sorry, I had to finish masturbating" Zora gets jealous because she touched herself and he fucks her after the meeting? 🥵
Ok idk if you're comfortable with writing these (if not then you don't have to! It's just an idea💕) but how about a threesome headcanon with Yami x Zora x s/o? I mean yes, that poor s/o getting destroyed by not one but TWO rough and kinky men but I think this would be pretty hot 😪🤭
Attack On Titan Headcanons
Omg I have such a good idea (I gues...) I hope you will write it because I love your HC's 😭 Can I have a headcanon where Erwin goes into a bar with the vets and there is a female singer and Erwin is really mesmerized by her and after her performance he meets her outside and is really flirty and he asks her out? 🥰 
Naruto Imagines/Scenarios
Tell Me What You Want || {NSFW} Obito x Reader
Post-Shippuden Obito x reader fluff or lemon
Teacher’s Apprentice || {NSFW} Madara x Reader
189 & 291 from prompt list 5 with Madara Uchiha
Don’t Be Gentle || {NSFW} Madara x Reader
Prompt 36 “don’t be gentle” with Madara Uchiha
Forbidden Soulmates || Kiba x Reader
One Shot i guess. Soulmate au with Kiba x shinobi reader from another village. But smth dark as i think in shinobi world if your soulmate is from another village (or mb even inside village) it is considered taboo. Like mission above feelings.
Growing Love || Kiba x Reader
Imagine an scenario where akamaru has a girlfriend and they have puppies and you’re al like 🥺 at them, and Kiba is just so awed at how you treat the puppies and he realizes he loves you, hope you can write this :)
The Clones || {NSFW} Kakashi x Reader
Ok but what about a threesome with kakashi and his clone? 👁👄👁
All You Had To Do Was Ask || {NSFW} Kakashi x Reader
I know everyone is a sucker for kakashi being dominant in bed but what about him being a lazy shit and letting his s/o being in control! 👀💦
Meeting Team 7 || Kakashi x Reader
Hi! I think I saw your requests open so I was thinking if you could do something where reader is Kakashi’s girlfriend/wife and invites team 7 over for dinner but Kakashi’s like ugh but inside he really enjoys it lol, and team 7 would love reader and Sakura is like obsessed with reader bc she’s so badass and asks her for training in front of kakashi and he gets a little bit jealous because they absolutely ADORE you. I hope you can do it and I’m sorry if it’s too specific💕
The Taunt || {NSFW} Neji x Reader
Hey!! Congrats on 1k!!! I would like to request a Neji hyuga one-shot for the 1k special! Prompt list choice 3 and number 4 please!!! Thank you!
The Scent || {NSFW} Kiba x Reader 
One shot where Akamaru can start to recognize the sent of Kiba's s/o getting aroused. Maybe one time they're all out and Akamaru starts whining at the sent to let Kiba know and he takes his s/o somewhere secluded to fuck em. (Preferably male?? But gender neutral is cool too) 
Pin Me To The Wall || {NSFW} Kiba x Reader
Hello darling! Can I please request some angry sex with Kiba? Maybe he and his girlfriend get into a fight and he just fucks her against the wall or something, and it's all rough and hot? asdfghjkl, I don't know. I'm horny for this man!
Double Trouble || {NSFW} Kiba x Reader x Kankuro
Could you write a fic where kiba and kankuro dp someone? Its okay if not!
Take The Reigns || {NSFW} Kiba x Reader
Hello lovely! Can I please request some smut with my baby Kiba? He let's his girlfriend ride him for the first time and he's completely blown away by her and just praises her a lot? Thank you so much ❤️  
You’re Mine || {NSFW} Kiba x Reader
Hello 😀 Can I please have a Kiba one shot where he's been very busy with work so he hasn't been paying much attention to his girlfriend so she decides to be a brat and on a night out she flirts with another guy to piss Kiba off and that leads to extremely rough, possessive sex? Thank you so much. I love your writing
Adversary Love || {NSFW} Kakashi x Reader
Can I get a nsfw headcanon for Kakashi where the female reader was an enemy but is now a good person and Kakashi used to hate her but now he fell for her (she still thinks he hates her because he doesn't talk when she's around) and during a party he grabs her and sneaks away with her and they have sex? 🙂
Black Clover Imagines/Scenarios
The Haunted House || Mimosa x Reader
A haunted house visit with Mimosa Vermillion with her s/o that’s her boyfriend.
Pleasure At The Golden Dawn || {NSFW} Yuno x Reader
Yuno's s/o teasing him in a Golden Dawn meeting with Nsfw please
Falling For You || Zora x Reader
Would it be possible to request a SUPER FLUFFY one shot with Zora?? Maybe the writing prompt of “I think I might be falling in love with you” and a cute moment? I just really love that man 🥺
Into The Flames || {NSFW} Mereoleona x Reader
Smut for Mereoleona and s/o first time. In which s/o is a virgin.
Black Butler Imagines/Scenarios
Give Me A Chance || Sebastian x Reader
Request: Prompt “Give me a chance” with Sebastian Michaelis
BNHA Imagines/Scenarios
Quit Teasing || {NSFW} Bakugou x Reader
Request: Hey babe 😊 Can I get some Bakugou x reader NSFW? Bakugou and the reader have known each other since forever and he always finds ways to tease her (her height, her neediness...). One day they're making out and reader decides to tease him in bed as payback? Thank you!
Consternation || {NSFW} Dabi x Reader
Summary: When the LOV kidnaps the daughter of a wealthy business owner for the sake of her quirk the one person they never thought would grow attached was Dabi. So when Dabi develops feelings for the girl he now has hostage will he be able control himself when it comes to them using her quirk to their advantage?
Quarantined Love || Bakugou x Reader
Can i request bakugou being all soft with his s/o when they finally see each other after being apart because of quarantine? 🥰
Bleach Imagines/Scenarios
The Meet Up || {NSFW} Ichigo x Reader
Not Requested. Just struck by inspiration.
Please, Don’t Leave || Ichigo x Reader
Not Requested. Just struck by inspiration.
Durarara!! Imagines/Scenarios
First Times || {NSFW} Shizuo x Reader
Hey! Could you do a NSFW of Shizuo’s first time, from Durarara, with his S/O. they’ve been dating for a while now & have only ever done kissing.
Fake Text Scenarios
Can you do fake text with shika, kiba, kakashi etc of jealousy? 
Naruto fake texts idea...you know the one picture of a melted cutting board in the oven and asking your mom how to fix it, but instead asking the Naruto boys how to fix it.
can i request fake text for the akatsuki? reader asks them to pick up pads/tampons. 😅😅😭😭
Pregnancy Prank: Ohhh ok 😎😎❤ Kakashi, Madara, Hashirama, Tobirama, Minato, Konohamaru (adult), Iruka, Orochimaru, Izuna 🤗 Ohhh I cannot wait 😂😂 Thanks so much
Can we have some text scenarios for Kiba, Kakashi, Naruto, Sasuke, Shika and Shino where they go out drinking with the boys and they drunk text their s/o about how much they love them? 😂💕
Sends Nudes: Hey 😁 Ok, then Madara, Hashirama, Orochimaru, Yamato, Minato, Konohamaru (adult), Iruka, Shino, Izuna, and Jiraiya would be awesome and funny 😂😍❤ Thanks 🤗🤗
can you do the sending nudes thing but for akatsuki plzzz bby 😭🤲🏽❤️ 
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pastelninjaimagines · 4 years
B, F, K, L, X for the founder trio? 💕
B eauty - What do they admire about their s/o? What do they think is beautiful about them?
He really loves your pretty smile, and the way your eyes light up when you see something you like or when you’re talking about something you’re passionate about. He loves how happy your face gets and that endearing sparkle to your eyes. He’s just so taken by your eyes (no matter the color) bc it’s the most expressive part of you, “the gateway to your soul” as he puts it. He could stare into your eyes for hours and be the happiest man on earth. 
He truly admires your enthusiasm and your passion for life. He loves that you’re just a genuinely happy person bc you both just enjoy life’s joys with one another. 
F ight - Would they be easy to forgive their s/o? How are they fighting?
He hatesss fighting with you, like it really kills him inside. He tries to do everything in his power to keep you from being angry at him, whether it’s through jokes or kind gestures. He’ll try to make whatever it is right, say extremely smooth things. Basically you can never stay mad at him for long. However when he gets angry, it’s a pretty scary thing and you know to avoid his path. Though he calms down pretty quickly. This man just hates fights with you, he wants tranquility and happiness, and for that, he’s pretty accommodating. 
K iss - Are they a good kisser? What was the first kiss like?
The god of kissing. Like my god his lips make you swoon like nothing else. He takes your breath away, literally. His lips are incredibly soft too, so it’s incredibly enjoyable and comfortable. He can literally kiss you for hours. Pls kiss this man’s ears, it’ll drive him literally insane and ravage you with even more kisses. Super big on kissing the palms of your hands. Honestly, just loves kissing you anywhere and everywhere. Completely unabashed kissing you in public too. 
You and him were having a rock skipping competition. And the bet was whoever could skip the rocks farther got to request one thing of the other. Hashirama won (ofc) and he turned to you, an uncharacteristically smug expression on his face, and gestured for you to come closer. He leaned down to whisper in your ear, “As the victor, I have one request.” He placed a finger under your chin and tilted your lips towards his. It only lasted a few moments, but he was grinning from ear to ear when your lips parted. 
L ove Confession - How would they confess to their s/o?
Incredibly nonchalant about it. You felt a bit blindsided by his confession only bc he’s flirtatious and kind to everyone, not just you. So you never expected to be the object of Hashirama’s affection. Of course you’d fantasized about the man, bc who wouldn’t? But you never imagined that he felt this way about you. You occasionally accompanied him on walks he likes to take to decompress and emerge himself in nature, when he threw his arm around you and said, “You know, I haven’t been able to get you out of my head for a long time. You mesmerize me, y/n.” This accompanied by the wink he gives you just obliterates you on the spot. You’re just a gushy mess as he asks you to be his. 
X OXO - Are they very affectionate? Do they love to kiss and cuddle?
The king of cuddles. Like you can’t pry this man off you. He’s always touching you in some way whether you’re in public or in private, his hands are always on you. When you’re in public it’s normally his arm around your waste or he’s holding your hand. In private he’s all over you. He loves nuzzling his head to your neck, loves burying his nose in your hair. loves picking you up in a big hug and swinging you around. He lovessss nose kisses, forehead kisses. All kisses are good kisses. Shower him in kisses, he’ll shower you in kisses. It’s a never-ending affection train with Hashi. 
B eauty - What do they admire about their s/o? What do they think is beautiful about them?
Already answered here
F ight - Would they be easy to forgive their s/o? How are they fighting?
He’s incredibly cold when he fights. Will give you the silent treatment. And he’s good at it too. won’t talk at all. Not even pleasantries. If he’s not talking to you he means it. It has to be a serious fight to get to that point too and that means you’re both on complete opposite spectrums of things or one of you majority messes up. Sometimes giving you the silent treatment is Tobi’s way of punishing himself if the fight is bc of him and he knows it. 
Your more petty fights, he’ll have a very sharp tongue and be very cold and logical. Not much rage or emotion goes into his arguments with you. And if you get emotional, he’ll walk away telling you to come around when you’ve stopped having a childish tantrum. He’s not dealing with you crying or yelling, he’ll tell you to take it up with someone else. Develop thick skin to deal with arguing with him bc it’s not pretty. He will apologize if he really hurts your feelings undeservedly, but it’s just a simple sorry without much fanfare. 
K iss - Are they a good kisser? What was the first kiss like?
He gets good after a while into the relationship. At first he’s incredibly hesitant with his kisses, but after a while, he learns exactly what works and what doesn’t. He’s a little cold, preferring little pecks here and there. But when he actually deems to make out with you it does drive you wild bc he’s very skilled with that tongue. 
Your first kiss was late at night. You were helping him with his research, pouring over scrolls. You moved to show him something when he put his hand on yours. He silenced your words with his lips, just a simple peck, fleeting, but when he pulled his lips away, he had a little smile and said, “You don’t know how long I’d been waiting to do that.” And then he gets back to work like nothing happened while you’re at a loss for words. 
L ove Confession - How would they confess to their s/o?
Tobirama never truly confesses per say. He kind of just assumes that you understand his feelings for him in the beginning of your relationship. He treats you completely differently than everyone else and it’s very obvious. He’s softer around you, concerned after your health, your well being. He looks after you, is more lenient with you. And of course, the way he looks at you, the way he smiles often in your presence. It’s incredibly obvious that he has feelings for you. Him confessing is him getting more physically intimate with you. His hugs, when he kisses you. It’s just something that’s understood. You’re the only person he’s doing those things with you. Months after you’re actually in a relationship you’ll be like, “Are we officially together, or…?” He’ll give you a scathing look and say, “You’re kidding, right?” You have to laugh bc you knew that was exactly what he’d say. 
X OXO - Are they very affectionate? Do they love to kiss and cuddle?
Already answered here 
B eauty - What do they admire about their s/o? What do they think is beautiful about them?
So he’s a sucker for your lips. He loves the little flush of pink they have, and how they’re always parted when you’re absorbed in whatever he’s saying. He loves how plush and soft they are, and how pretty you look when you say his name. 
He admires the fact that you actually put up with him and how patient you are. You have the patients of a saint. You take your time with him, listen to his endless rants with a sympathetic ear. You understand him. At times it feels like you’re the only one who can. And he loves you and admires you for it. To Madara he sees things as that it’s you and him versus the world and he loves you for it. 
F ight - Would they be easy to forgive their s/o? How are they fighting?
Fighting with Madara is like the unstoppable force meets an immovable object meme. He is stubborn. He will not admit when he’s wrong. And he will outlast you. He refuses to speak with you no matter how long it takes for you to either apologize or admit that you were wrong bc he certainly won’t. And if you try to argue your case he will get nasty. He’ll twist your words, say harsh things, he’s not above fighting dirty. Unfortunately when either of you are mad about something, it’s easier for you to just yes him to death bc he won’t quit until he feels like he’s completely in the right. And Madara’s petty as hell, so watch him get mad over stupid shit that means nothing and have you explain yourself to him bc he misinterpreted an offhand comment of yours that he hella took offense to. He just gets upset sometimes and you can’t figure it out, his ego’s kind of fragile when it comes to you. So you’ve gotta placate him a lot. Arguing is never good, avoid it when possible, bc while he will apologize if he realizes he’s said something that’s taking it really too far, he is brutal and will tear you down to win an argument. 
K iss - Are they a good kisser? What was the first kiss like?
Yessss he’s amazing. He’s a little aggressive. Loves to bite your lip and the dominant one with how you’re kissing. He’s always gotta be in charge and leading your little dance. Also kissing you down your neck is his favorite thing ever, giving little bites here and there just to hear you gasp. It drives him crazzzyyy. 
Your first kiss was after a battle. He found you and in the heat of the moment grabbed hold of you without saying a word, still on an adrenaline high, and kissed you hard on the lips. You were too frazzled to process, but he noticed how you kissed him back. He apologized afterwards for being so abrupt, but it came off as such an offhand comment that you knew he fully meant it.
L ove Confession - How would they confess to their s/o?
Oof him confessing is a little awkward. He wants to get you alone so he takes the pressure off himself having a potential audience. So that might take some doing. He’s busy, your busy, he also doesn’t wanna blow his intentions right off the bat. So he’ll make some really shitty excuse to get you alone like “I need some help with something. Come over later tonight.” Super cryptic. Won’t give you any further information no matter how much you pester.  
But once he gets you alone, he’ll come right out with it. No fanfare just say, “For a long time I’ve had feelings for you. I hope you feel the same.”
X OXO - Are they very affectionate? Do they love to kiss and cuddle?
Madara is only affection when he wants to be. He’s very much like a cat. When he wants attention he’ll be all up in your space, but if he doesn’t want it, he’ll be a prickly and tell you to leave him alone. And you better leave him alone or you’ll receive a death glare you wish you hadn’t. 
He’ll really only be lovey dovey in private. He’ll want you on his lap to give you little kisses and hold you close when you’re all alone, preferably in your home. One of his favorite things is to rest his chin on top of your head while he’s holding you. He also loves when you play with his hair while cuddling. Like yes please fix his tangled mess of hair bc he sure as hell won’t
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