#Isla Taquile
mothmiso · 9 months
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Titicaca & around 2016 (2) (3) (4) (5) by Eugenia
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(1) Road to the harbour, Amantani island (2) (3) Taquile Island (4) Sunset at Isla Amantani (5) Uros boats    
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nygaardlutz · 2 years
Peru Excursions
Visit the 2 mountain peaks, Pachamama and Pachatata, upon which historical ruins sit, waiting to be explored. With no electricity, motels or automobiles on the island, you'll experience primary living and the true tradition and lifestyle of the locals. Lake Titicaca, which immediately interprets to "puma stone" in Quechua, is situated excessive in the Andes Mountains straddling Peru and Bolivia, with about 60% of the lake in Peru and 40% in Bolivia.
When you land, you’ll immediately notice the soft, spongy feeling underfoot as you discover this man-made phenomenon.
With strong towers crafted from volcanic rock, its design is a testomony to the ability of local stonemasons.
Alpaca will provide a letter and your invoice to submit to your insurance on this case to help expedite your processing.
Multicoloured woven textiles are the backdrop for daily life, which is still formed by the beliefs of the Incas, with rituals and offerings to Pachamama or Mother Earth a vital a half of every day.
Next, you’ll drive up the hill to the Pisac ruins, which sprawl throughout a slender mountain ridge and most likely protected the southern entrance to the Sacred Valley.
Famed because the folklore capital of Peru, Puno is renowned throughout the Andes for its music and dance.
This afternoon explore the island’s trails on foot along with your guide. There are no roads on the island and a variety of other hills can be climbed to watch ancient ruins. The inhabitants are often identified as the `water tribe´ as a result of they must build their own island often, adding new layers of totora reeds so that the island stays afloat! The roofs are wterproof and the homes are very humid as a end result of water that surrounds them. We walk around the floating islands and then continue our journey. You are taken to the island of Taquile, the place you will take pleasure in an authentic expertise.
Improve Your Journey
As the hub of Peruvian folklore, Puno hosts most of the country’s most elaborate festivals. [newline]Peruvian beliefs and celebrations usually showcase a combination of Aymara, Quechua, and Catholic traditions. The Fiesta de la Candelaria is one such cultural show of Catholic and Andean fusion. Held yearly in February, the competition is UNESCO acknowledged. Approximately Peru Lake Titicaca Tour and 15,000 musicians carry out in celebration of Puno’s patron saint, Virgen de la Candelaria. Performers adopt brightly coloured costumes, masquerading as dragons, knights, and birds.
Traveler Kind:
Like an "indigenous B & B," islanders have renovated their homes to accommodate tourists. No electrical energy and rustic plumbing are a part of the appeal of this excursion. Due to overfishing in the lake and over-tourism, the traditional ways of life of the local residents are in danger. Many of the accommodations and homestays cost a complement to assist the native community, so don't pass over places that charge this extra fee. When booking tours of the lake or the islands, seek out guides that belong to the Titicaca's Indigenous teams. For example, the individuals of Isla Taquile started their very own neighborhood tourism group to supply excursions and take again management from outdoors corporations that have been profiting off of the Indigenous residents.
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You can e-book some Lake Titicaca tours for an overnight stay on the Island of Taquile. Just like on Amantani they use a rotation system between the communities. The next morning after breakfast we jumped again on the boat and headed to Isla Taquile.
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sauerdecker42 · 3 months
Experience the Magnificent Beauty of Lake Titicaca
Nestled between Peru and Bolivia, Lake Titicaca is the world's highest navigable lake, sitting at an altitude of 3,812 meters (12,507 feet) above sea level. The stunning natural wonder has been a significant cultural and historical site for the indigenous people of the Andean region, particularly the Aymara and Quechua communities. Visiting Lake Titicaca is an unforgettable experience, and there are numerous tours available to help you explore the area, its rich culture, and its magnificent landscapes. In this article, we will guide you through the best Lake Titicaca tours to help you make the most of your visit.
1. Traditional Floating Islands of Uros Tour
The Uros floating islands are one of the most popular attractions in the Lake Titicaca region. These unique islands are made entirely of reeds, and the local Uros people have been living on them for centuries. The tour typically begins with a boat ride from the city of Puno in Peru to the group of islands. Visitors can learn about the traditional way of life on these reed islands, visit local homes, and even partake in traditional activities such as fishing and reed craft making.
2. Isla Amantani Overnight Tour
If you're looking for a more immersive experience, consider an overnight tour to Isla Amantani. This remote island is home to a tight-knit community of Quechua-speaking families. The tour usually includes a boat ride to the island, a visit to local families, and an overnight stay in a traditional peasant home. You'll have the opportunity to participate in traditional activities, learn about the local culture, and enjoy the stunning views of the lake and surrounding mountains.
3. Isla Taquile Tour
Located about 35 kilometers (22 miles) from Puno, Isla Taquile is known for its rich cultural heritage and traditional lifestyle. The island is famous for its handmade textiles and unique clothing, which are made using traditional techniques passed down through generations. A tour to Isla Taquile typically includes a boat ride to the island, a visit to the local market, and time to explore the island's scenic trails and historical sites.
4. Chullpa and Sillustani Tour
Located just outside of Puno, the Sillustani burial grounds are a fascinating archaeological site. These ancient chullpas, or burial towers, were built by the Aymara people to honor their nobility. A tour to Sillustani typically includes a visit to the site, where you can explore the chullpas, learn about their history, and enjoy the stunning views of the surrounding landscape.
5. Lake Titicaca Full-Day Tour
If you're short on time or want to see as much of the lake as possible, a full-day tour is a great option. These tours typically include visits to the Uros floating islands, Isla Amantani, and Isla Taquile, as well as time to explore Puno's local market and other cultural sites. You'll get a comprehensive overview of the Lake Titicaca region, its history, and its unique communities.
Lake Titicaca is a truly magical destination, offering visitors a unique blend of natural beauty, rich culture, and fascinating history. Whether you're looking for a quick, guided tour or a more immersive experience, there's a Lake titicaca tour to suit your needs. So, start planning your visit today and discover the wonders of this incredible destination.
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wregionalpe · 10 months
Puno: Continúa descenso del nivel del agua en el Lago Titicaca por déficit de lluvias
Más de 10 embarcaciones, conocidas como lanchas, que solían operar desde el puerto muelle de la ciudad de Puno para transportar pasajeros a las islas Los Uros, Taquile y Amantani, han quedado varadas en tierra firme. Este fenómeno se debe a la constante disminución del nivel de agua en la bahía interior del Lago Titicaca, un problema que ha alcanzado niveles alarmantes en los últimos meses debido…
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Descubriendo Perú – Parte II
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Lago Titicaca
El Lago Titicaca, que es compartido casi en partes iguales por Bolivia y Perú, sirviendo de frontera natural, es el lago navegable más alto del mundo ya que se encuentra a casi 4.000 mts de altura. Y es el lugar donde se dice que ocurrieron varios mitos y leyendas del mundo incaico.
La ciudad más importante del lago se llama Puno, y es desde donde salen las excursiones a las islas flotantes, que se encuentran fabricadas por totoras que crecen en el lago, similares a los juncos. Para observar este complejo trabajo artesanal vale la pena conocer las islas de Uros y la de Taquile, la más grande del lago. 
Es el principal destino para adentrarse al Amazonas ya que solo se puede acceder a él en barco o en avión desde Lima, capital de Perú, por lo que conserva el espíritu salvaje de la selva.
Es una buena idea destinar un par de días para empaparse de la energía del lugar, sobre todo para los amantes de la naturaleza. Sus lodges están preparados para que el turista viva una experiencia inolvidable, organizando senderismo por la selva para realizar avistaje de la flora y fauna autóctona, como delfines rosados, pirañas, o distintas especies de monos en la llamada Isla de los Monos. También se organizan visitas a comunidades del lugar, o navegación en una balsa por las estrechas aguas del río donde se podrán ver caimanes y hasta incluso, anacondas. Otra actividad para el turismo es la de realizar una excursión durante la noche para tener la oportunidad de ver animales que se esconden durante el día. 
Una manera diferente de conocer todos los recovecos que se ocultan en la misteriosa selva es a través de cruceros boutique que se internan en las profundidades del Amazonas, asegurando vivir un momento memorable a bordo de ellos, ofreciendo todos los servicios.
Y para terminar la visita a Iquitos es imprescindible conocer una de las mejores granjas de mariposas del continente, la de Pilpintuwasi, que alberga una vasta variedad de mariposas de diversos tamaños y colores.
Arequipa es una de las ciudades más lindas para conocer en Perú, declarada Patrimonio de la Humanidad por la Unesco. Se construyó cerca de montañas con una intensa actividad sísmica por poseer volcanes como el Misti, por lo que la ciudad ha sufrido terremotos que han dejado varios rastros en ella.
Se la conoce como la ciudad blanca por la piedra volcánica utilizada para la construcción de la gran mayoría de sus edificios, con una gran influencia colonial que puede verse en las fachadas de las viviendas y las iglesias.
Sus construcciones más representativas son la Catedral, que se ubica en la Plaza de Armas, y el Monasterio de Santa Catalina de Siena fundado en 1579, donde se puede visitar uno de los claustros para conocer la vida de quienes habitan en ese lugar. También merecen una mención aparte la Iglesia de la Compañía y sus claustros, la Casa del Moral y el Mirador de Yanahuara, uno de los tantos miradores donde se puede apreciar la ciudad y los volcanes en todo su esplendor.
Valle del Colca
Adentrarse en el Cañón del Colca, uno de los más profundos del mundo, para poder ver el vuelo de su ave más famosa, el cóndor, es una de las experiencias inolvidables de este viaje.
Recorriendo los distintos miradores, siendo el Mirador de la Cruz del Cóndor el más popular, se puede tener una vista panorámica increíble y divisar estas magníficas aves, ya que este sitio reúne a una gran cantidad de ejemplares. El paisaje es también espectacular, el que se puede ir admirando mientras se realiza senderismo realizando uno de los trekkings que ofrece el lugar. 
Como parte del recorrido por el Valle del Colca se aconseja visitar la Reserva Nacional de Salinas, donde se pueden ver llamas y vicuñas, y para terminar el día, luego de una ardua exigencia física, nada mejor que darse un baño reparador y relajarse en La Calera, con sus aguas termales de origen volcánico.
En medio del desierto se ubica este oasis natural, de los pocos que quedan hoy en día en el continente americano, rodeado por enormes dunas y formado por un lago de aguas de color verde intenso y palmeras.
Es un destino perfecto para pasar un momento agradable de relax recorriendo las dunas en boogies, o practicando sandboard, o subiendo a la cima de las dunas para encandilarte con los paisajes que ofrece esperando el atardecer.
Y muy cerca de allí se encuentra el Oasis de Morón, que al tener menos publicidad no se llena de turistas, por lo que corre con la ventaja de que se puede deambular con mayor tranquilidad y disfrutar del paisaje casi en soledad. 
Vinicunca, la impresionante montaña de los siete colores, es el último de los destinos obligatorios al visitar Perú, ya que con sus colores atrae las miradas de todos los turistas. Este fenómeno recién se pudo descubrir con el derretimiento de los hielos que cubrían la montaña, ofreciendo actualmente un paisaje de colores llamativos debido a los minerales acumulados con el paso del tiempo.
Existe también otra montaña de gran colorido, que se la conoce como la Montaña Arcoíris Palccoyo. Se encuentra más alejada que Vinicunca por lo que recibe poco turismo, algo que puede resultar beneficioso para tomar las mejores fotografías, sin gente alrededor.
Originally published at on https://estilosviajes.com/May 05, 2023.
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Descubra el misterio de los Andes Peruanos con unas Vacaciones en Perú, visita Cusco "capital del imperio de los Incas", ciudad llena de historia, cultura y tradiciones. Conoceremos los pueblos de Pisac y Ollantaytambo en el Valle Sagrado luego nos enrumbaremos a la ciudad perdida de los incas "Machu Picchu" donde recargará sus energías en lo alto de las montañas. Este paquete de vacaciones continua con la visita al Valle Sur y sus pueblos, mientras nos dirigimos a la ciudad de Puno y el enigmático lago Titicaca, donde vivirá experiencias con los pobladores del lago en la Isla Los Uros y Taquile. Este es un fantástico paquete vacacional que incluye: Cusco, Machu Picchu y Puno, la mejor alternativa para conocer la cultura de los Andes Peruanos.
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drromero · 1 year
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Isla Taquile 2022 https://www.instagram.com/p/CnrOeLGuEhI/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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losviajesderiel · 1 year
Qué ver en Puno: Visita de un día a la isla de los Uros y Taquile
Qué ver en Puno: Excursión de un día a la Isla de los Uros y Taquile
¡Hola viajeros! En este post os vamos a contar qué ver en Puno, la ciudad ubicada junto al famoso lago Titicaca. Al principio dudamos si incluir esta extensión en el viaje, ya que nos habían advertido que había perdido parte de su esencia y que era muy turístico. A pesar de todo quisimos ir a conocer la isla de los Uros y la isla de Taquile y aunque reconocemos que es un poco turistada, nos…
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joacomaduro · 1 year
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La isla Taquile en Puno, Perú
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itsanyposts · 1 year
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🛥 (en Isla De Taquile) https://www.instagram.com/p/CmcWO88utDP/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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voyageenterreinca · 2 years
Lac Titikaka
Jour 11 bis : Edgar, notre hôte, vient nous chercher avec son petit bateau pour nous emmener sur son île "Isla Uros Summa Paqari". On traverse les roseaux par de petits canaux puis on arrive aux îles d'Uros, il y en a des centaines et près de 2000 habitants au total. En approchant de notre île on voit de petites cabanes avec de grandes baies vitrées exposées plein ouest (couché du soleil).
Ces îles sont flottantes, elles sont faites de couches successives de roseaux coupés, sur parfois 1 mètre d'épaisseur pour pouvoir accueillir des cabanes et/ou autres constructions légères, pour que ces îles ne se déplacent pas avec les courants ou le vent elles sont ancrées au fond du lac par une quinzaine d'ancres. Les constructions plus lourdes (églises, écoles, centre de soins) sont sur de gros flotteurs.
En arrivant Edgar nous présente son île ainsi que ses 2 chats Titi et Kaka 😄. Premiers pas sur l'île, le sol est moelleux (pas palpable), on marche sur un nuage, les cabanes sont au top, petites, cosy, juste une chambre avec une salle de bain independante. Le soleil tape sur la baie vitrée, c'est agréable. Chaque cabanes à une petite terrasse qui donne sur le lac, on en profite jusqu'au couché du soleil, les températures descendent rapidement, très rapidement.
Avant d'aller au lit notre hôte nous donne des bouillotte, car les nuits peuvent être fraîches.
Jour 12 : Réveil à 4h du matin car malgré les multiples couvertures et la bouillote de la veille il fait froid, -2 cette nuit là, les cabanes ne sont évidemment pas beaucoup isolées (voir pas du tout) et sans chauffage. Mais nous connaissant on se rendort sans trop de difficultés.
Puis aujourd'hui c'est visite des autres îles d'Uros avec Bidal le fils d'Edgar, pendant une heure il nous montre les îles des autres membres de sa famille, son école, le centre de soins, la mairie... puis on rejoint un groupe de touristes pour aller visiter Taquile une île (une vraie) plus au centre du lac. Tout est magnifique mais c'est trop touristique, on est gêné d'être autant intrusif dans leur quotidien ... Mais c'est super instructif et on a la chance de danser avec des habitants pendant un petit spectacle, puis retour sur Summa Pakari.
Pendant le diner nous rencontrons des indiens de Bombay qui habitent depuis 2 ans à Lyon, très bonne soirée malgré l'averse de grêlons.
Jour 13 : on profite de l'île et du soleil revenu toute la matinée puis retour sur la terre ferme pour visiter le marché artisanal de Puno et manger des super truites
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delacruzkofod · 2 years
Lake Titicaca Peru
Natives here are recognized for their handicrafts, so you might purchase some should you would want to. You will then have an option of crusing on the standard totora reed boat to the primary island of Uros. If desired, you might get your passport stamped right here as a memento. You could stroll as a lot as the open deck on the higher degree of the boat and get some pictures of the floating islands that you would be passing by way of.
Once onboard the boat, a local musician would welcome you with an Andean Folkloric music.
When on a boat trip on Lake Titicaca, the primary islands you will note are the Uros Floating Islands, at solely 5 kilometres from the coast.
Taquile island’s simple lifestyle makes it an extremely appealing place to spend the night time and the island offers a heat welcome to those who do select to sleep here.
Just four hour’s drive across the Altiplano from La Paz, sleepy Copacabana (whose seaside gave its name to Rio’s more famous stretch of sand) is Bolivia’s gateway to the lake.
You can expect to pay between US$180 and US$500 for Lake Titicaca multi-day tours that final 2 days, and 1 night time.
The majority of animals that live within the lake are duck, parihuanas and guallatas.
A grand doorway carved right into a towering rock face, Amaru Muru, referred to as “The Gate of the Gods” by locals, is shrouded in thriller. Is this an interdimensional portal or an deserted Inca development project? Enjoy colonial structure from occasions previous, and visit the Museum of Kampaq for a look at even more ancient historical past from the realm.
Machu Picchu Story On Medium
It is called the “eternity bird”, having a life span near that of a human, and a a lot larger wingspan (7-8 feet). This trip offers the right opportunity to see these unbelievable birds, the population of which is presently declining. Experience one of many deepest canyons in the world, greater than twice as deep because the Grand Canyon, and the second deepest in Peru.
What To Do In Uros Floating Islands
Founded in 1998, Inca Expert Travel presents the best in boutique tour packages. Peru Lake Titicaca Tour are trusted by over four,000 happy vacationers every year. Be certain to verify a few of them out for the most effective value as many of the excursions offer the identical sort of providers. If you do need to have a pre-planned tour you can try a variety of the highly rated tours. Once in Puno you can spend a couple of hours to explore the lake’s surroundings and the city of Puno itself.
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The lake is considered the birthplace of the Inca people and the turquoise waters had been a sacred physique of water. The lake continues to be considered a strong force for those that make a dwelling by fishing or growing crops on the land near the lake. It has been listed as a National Reserve since 1978 and it options more than 60 species of birds, 18 kinds of amphibians, and 14 species of native fish. The lake can be divided into separate areas including Lago Mayor, Winaymarka, and the Golfo de Puno. We finally arrived on the small restaurant near the top of Isla Taquile.
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alfordzhao · 2 years
Fairytale Called Lake Titicaca
So I was picked up from my hostel in Puno and taken to the docks where we jumped on the boat to be taken to the first set of islands, las Islas Flotantes. Originally house to the Uro individuals who needed to isolate themselves from invading cultures the islands are actually a buoyant vacationer trap made totally of totura reeds. The boats, the houses, the cheesy souvenirs and yep, even the islands themselves and every little thing is geared towards the walking wallets that visit and buy aforementioned totura associated tacky souvenirs. The major attraction in Puno are the surreal floating reed islands in Lake Titicaca. The islands together with the houses, boats are made entirely of tightly woven totora reeds.
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The information gave a very detailed details about theit historical past and demonstrated the art of weaving.
To recognize just how huge the lake is, ensure to take a boat experience round it.
It was another hard altitude climb up into the principle square of the island the place we rewarded ourselves with a cold drink and some contemporary fruit. [newline]The view from the sq. over the island and the lake was additionally nicely value the extra effort!
Carnival is widely known with lively parties and the throwing of water.
Communication with the inhabitants of the Islas de los Uros is virtually impossible and as a vacationer you feel a bit like a visitor in a zoo - the place the ground sways.
In and around the Lake stay plenty of water birds, water frogs, snails and naturally fish. I came from the Bolivian part of Lake Titicaca, Copacabana. This was a fantastic experience with lots of Inca tradition an amazing views with a day journey to Isla del Sol. This experience provides a uncommon chance to come closer to the native individuals whose beautiful nation you are visiting. Then, you may be collected fro your resort to start your tour. This day is all about Machu Picchu and to succeed in it you’ll first embark on a two-hour prepare journey to Aguas Calientes.
Suggestions For Finances Backpackers Visiting The Galápagos
Your go to will include an outline of those and a few demonstrations of native traditions. Lunch takes place in Ollantaytambo where you’ll be handled to an exquisite example of Andean gastronomy on the Chuncho restaurant. Blending an intimate and cushty ambiance with the very essence of the Sacred Valley, it’s an expertise not to be missed.
Explore Isla Taquile
The church in CopacabanaI strolled round city, in search of the publish workplace, and found the primary sq. with the church of Copacabana. As you might know by now, I love visiting church buildings when I journey, so I was pleasantly shocked with this colourful stunner of a church. I was a little late, the ceremony for the blessing of the vehicles has just completed, so many vehicles drove off with colourful flowers to their grill.
What To Pack For Lake Titicaca
The brightness of the clothing is what sets them apart from the traditionally dressed ladies found all through Peru. The unbelievable colors brightened our moods even more as we disembarked and have been greeted warmly by the ladies. We stayed in Casona Hotel Centro and we highly advocate it. The beds are extremely comfy and the breakfast is scrumptious. The hotel is situated right in the center, so that you can stroll every thing. There are Peru Lake Titicaca Tour of villages around Lake Titicaca where you can keep, Puno is one of the best destination as a end result of all excursions depart from right here.
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sauerdecker42 · 3 months
Experience the Magnificent Beauty of Lake Titicaca
Nestled between Peru and Bolivia, Lake Titicaca is the world's highest navigable lake, sitting at an altitude of 3,812 meters (12,507 feet) above sea level. The stunning natural wonder has been a significant cultural and historical site for the indigenous people of the Andean region, particularly the Aymara and Quechua communities. Visiting Lake Titicaca is an unforgettable experience, and there are numerous tours available to help you explore the area, its rich culture, and its magnificent landscapes. In this article, we will guide you through the best Lake Titicaca tours to help you make the most of your visit.
1. Traditional Floating Islands of Uros Tour
The Uros floating islands are one of the most popular attractions in the Lake Titicaca region. These unique islands are made entirely of reeds, and the local Uros people have been living on them for centuries. The tour typically begins with a boat ride from the city of Puno in Peru to the group of islands. Visitors can learn about the traditional way of life on these reed islands, visit local homes, and even partake in traditional activities such as fishing and reed craft making.
2. Isla Amantani Overnight Tour
If you're looking for a more immersive experience, consider an overnight tour to Isla Amantani. This remote island is home to a tight-knit community of Quechua-speaking families. The tour usually includes a boat ride to the island, a visit to local families, and an overnight stay in a traditional peasant home. You'll have the opportunity to participate in traditional activities, learn about the local culture, and enjoy the stunning views of the lake and surrounding mountains.
3. Isla Taquile Tour
Located about 35 kilometers (22 miles) from Puno, Isla Taquile is known for its rich cultural heritage and traditional lifestyle. The island is famous for its handmade textiles and unique clothing, which are made using traditional techniques passed down through generations. A tour to Isla Taquile typically includes a boat ride to the island, a visit to the local market, and time to explore the island's scenic trails and historical sites.
4. Chullpa and Sillustani Tour
Located just outside of Puno, the Sillustani burial grounds are a fascinating archaeological site. These ancient chullpas, or burial towers, were built by the Aymara people to honor their nobility. A tour to Sillustani typically includes a visit to the site, where you can explore the chullpas, learn about their history, and enjoy the stunning views of the surrounding landscape.
5. Lake Titicaca Full-Day Tour
If you're short on time or want to see as much of the lake as possible, a full-day tour is a great option. These tours typically include visits to the Uros floating islands, Isla Amantani, and Isla Taquile, as well as time to explore Puno's local market and other cultural sites. You'll get a comprehensive overview of the Lake Titicaca region, its history, and its unique communities.
Lake Titicaca is a truly magical destination, offering visitors a unique blend of natural beauty, rich culture, and fascinating history. Whether you're looking for a quick, guided tour or a more immersive experience, there's a Lake titicaca tour to suit your needs. So, start planning your visit today and discover the wonders of this incredible destination.
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Tour Cusco y Puno 8 días / 7 noches: City tour Cusco, tour Valle Sagrado, tour Machu Picchu, tour a Montaña arco iris, Tour Laguna Humantay, Tour ruta del Sol Cusco - Puno, Tour Lago Titicaca; tour Islas de los Uros y Taquile.
✔️ DIA 1. Llegada a Cusco y city tour + 4 ruinas. Visitaremos a la Plaza de armas, Catedral, Qoricancha, Sacsayhuaman, Qenqo, Pucapucara y Tambomachay). Pernocte en Cusco ✔️ DIA 2. Tour a Valle Sagrado. Visitaremos a Pisaq mercado tradicional y sitio arqueológico y Ollantaytambo. Por la tarde viaje en tren a Machu Picchu. Pernocte en Machu Picchu pueblo ✔️ DIA 3. Tour Machu Picchu y por la tarde retorno a Cusco. Pernocte en Cusco ✔️ DIA 4. Tour Laguna Humantay. Pernocte en Cusco. ✔️ DIA 5. Tour montaña arcoíris. Pernocte en Cusco. ✔️ DIA 6. Tour ruta del sol Cusco – Puno. Haremos paradas en Andahuaylillas, Raqchi, Sicuani almuerzo, Raya, Pucara y finalmente llegada a Puno. Pernocte en Puno. ✔️ DIA 7. Tour Lago Titicaca full day: visitaremos a las Islas de los Uros y Taquile. Por la tarde retorno a la ciudad de Puno y pernocte. ✔️ DIA 8. Traslado de despedida de Puno al aeropuerto de Juliaca.
Pida mas información, cotización, inclusiones, etc al: 📲 WhatsApp / Telegram: (+51) 984032083 / 984032063 ✔️ Email: [email protected]
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claralalanne · 4 years
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Isla Taquile - Lago Titicaca, Perú
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