#In case you're wondering emgk lives everybody dies
positivecorrelation · 4 years
“You are perfection, my only direction”
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“ Fire on fire would normally kill us But this much desire, together, we're winners They say that we're out of control and some say we're sinners But don't let them ruin our beautiful rhythms ”
In a world where superpower is not fiction but reality, where a few lucky ones are born with some unique powers, where they’re treated and adored as warriors by normal civilians, where these blessed individuals got lessons to fight the evil entities of different planets, these people sacrifice everything for this single mission.
For them, falling in love is against the law.
Their power is their blessing and love is their curse. That’s how the entire kingdom maintains its balance between civilians and warriors.
If a warrior fell for a civilian, they’ll be able to live but their power would slowly fade away.
Moreover, warriors cannot fall in love with another warrior because if they did, their superpowers would not only stop working but the yearning and grief would consume them, fill them with hatred and ultimately destroy them.
It’d never let them get closer to their true love. In order to stay a true warrior that’s the price they’ve to pay.
Marshall and Colson are two well known warriors, adored by many, loved by none. They're proud of their powers.  One’s blessed with super strength while the other one’s got teleportation power.
Both Marshall and Colson were from opposite warrior realms. They were never meant to meet each other, never even come close to one another.  
Since childhood, Colson had felt that he’s a little different from all the other warriors. It’s not like he hated fighting for the good side, in fact he loved it, enjoyed it immensely when civilians and his peers praised him for his wins but he knew this wasn’t his life. 
Most of the time, he would prefer to train alone, far away from other warriors. It’s not like he hated his friends but everyday he would travel alone to different kingdom under disguise and would quietly watch the civilians. He loved seeing those non-warriors showing affection to one another. He would notice each and every civilian couples; he’d observe their happiness, their simple touches, their whispered words, their laughs. He would envy their passion for one another, he would crave for a love similar to theirs. 
In those moments, he would feel disgusted, both at his luck and at his life. He wanted those touches, he wanted someone to look at him the same way, someone to laugh with, someone, who would be happy to share this pathetic life with him. Someone, who would love him for he is, who would look past his superpower and bring out the real him. 
He wanted to fall in love and be loved back. 
Marshall was trying his best to beat the alien entities. There’s been a surprise attack, he was alone and outnumbered but that couldn’t stop him from using his all of his superpower. 
He was tired and bloody. It was getting dark, yet he kept fighting. There was no one to help him. All the other warriors have gone to the enemy planet to kill them all. Marshall had stayed behind to protect the civilians and destroy all the invaders.
After fighting for hours he was finally able to kill all the evil  alien entities but his injuries were severe. He was kneeling on the ground, breathing heavily. His whole body was littered in wounds. He knew how to wear those battle scars as badges of honor but he needed a moment to himself to gather himself up and his emotions.
It’s times like these, he wishes, there was someone waiting for him. Someone who’d care, someone, to whom he’d truly matter. He loves being a warrior but for the past few years, he’d been feeling this longing, this restlessness that he’s been missing something important. He’s always shied away from those thoughts. No point in dwelling about things that are unattainable. 
As he tried to get up, an outstretched hand came into his view. Marshall furrowed his brow. He was confused, so he looked up and what he saw, completely took his breath away. He saw the most enigmatic face he had ever laid his upon, looking down at him with a soft smile and concerned eyes.
It was Colson. 
Marshall has known about the young warrior. He was well aware about Colson’s power and his various successful missions but he had never thought, never imagined in his wildest dreams that he would come face to face with that young warrior. That a simple glimpse of this young man would turn his world, upside down. 
That something which he was missing all these years would be standing right in front of him one day. It was beyond Marshall's imaginations that another warrior would change his life’s meaning, cause up till now, defeating evil was Marshall’s only mission, his only love... but not anymore. 
There’re no warrior who’s not familiar with the name, Marshall. Everybody knew about this great warrior and his uncountable achievements. Most of them looked up to him, Colson was no exception but the young warrior had never thought he would have the fortune to meet the other warrior one day.
It was a shock for Colson to see Marshall kneeling on the battle ground, wounded and alone. He wanted to rush towards him and help, but he tried his best to keep his composure and slowly walked towards Marshall. Little did he know that, this one single decision would change his entire world.
Instead of taking the proffered hand, Marshall ignored it. He had already lost a lot of blood, he was also feeling rather dizzy but he still forced himself to school his expression into one of indifference and tried to get up on his own. Marshall’s whole body was aching, he was trembling terribly but he could let Colson witness, how much their close proximity was affecting him. 
Not wanting to risk losing his own sanity and his one chance at saving something precious, Marshall made up his mind and began to walk slowly, away from the young warrior. Colson was from a different realm, interacting with him will only create more curiosity and Marshall cannot have that.
Colson felt hurt at Marshall’s refusal but he ignored it for the moment and made up his mind to keep walking right beside Marshall, to keep him company, in case the warrior needed any assistance, he would gladly provide his help. 
Marshall was rather annoyed but he couldn’t stop himself from feeling bad for the young warrior. He wanted to talk to Colson. Assure him that he’s alright. 
He wanted to know what was Colson doing here, all alone. Why was he following him now? Marshall couldn’t help but feel a little apprehensive also.  There’s usually bloodshed and theft of powers when warriors showed their weakness to another warrior, especially a warrior who’s from a different realm.
They kept walking but each step was increasing Colson’s anxiety. He was getting worried about the other warrior. He’s always been very compassionate about everything and everyone, his friends knew that but this was something different. The way Marshall was walking on the empty gravel road, the sight of him almost dragging his left foot as he walked, was becoming unbearable for Colson. He had no permission to touch Marshall, he didn’t want to become the subject of the famous and rather handsome warrior’s anger but seeing Marshall in such pain Colson couldn’t take it anymore, he had to do something.
Nodding to himself, Colson softly grabbed Marshall’s right hand and guided it over his own shoulder, placed his own left hand around Marshall’s waist. Their height difference made it a little difficult to walk properly but it at least took away most of the pressure from Marshall’s left foot.
When Colson first touched his hand, Marshall was so shocked that he didn’t know how to react. Wide blue eyes adorned with long eyelashes kept looking at Colson. Being in so much pain, Marshall was incapable of voicing his displeasure or reluctance or warn Colson about anything so he kept quiet and let the charming guy help him.
Colson was rather ecstatic to finally being able to help the other warrior. That he got the unspoken permission to touch Marshall, was making him feel like a happy child. He was in fact thankful that Marshall didn’t yell at him or shove him away. His heartbeat however was rapidly increasing and a dull burning sensation kept spreading gradually all over his body. The more he felt mesmerized by Marshall, a sense of discomfort began to grow equally.
By the time they reached the border of both realms, Colson’s entire body was emitting heat, his skin was hyper sensitive with burnt marks. However, it was dark and Marshall was too preoccupied to keep himself upright on his own feet that such a sight went unnoticed by him. Colson couldn’t blame him as he could see Marshall was also sweating profusely so they bid each other half-hearted goodbyes, well mostly Colson did most of the talking and then they went on their own way. 
Except, Colson couldn’t take it as a farewell, he wanted to meet the warrior again so he kept standing at the border for a few more minutes. Unable to physically cross the border, his eyes kept looking at Marshall’s retreating back. Colson stood there until he couldn’t see him no more. When he was sure Marshall wasn’t visible in the far distance, he decided to finally look down at his himself and realized that the skin of his left hand was covered in blisters and his clothes were heavily singed.
Days turned into months.  Marshall and Colson tried to carry on with their lives but both of them found it impossible to forget the other. Marshall was curious about Colson but he refused to ask around or even search for him. He knew the consequences of continuing something which had no future. Even if it had, he couldn’t risk it. However, time to time, whenever he thought about the other warrior, Marshall could feel a twinge in his heart. 
Colson on the other hand, visited the border everyday, hoping to see a glimpse of Marshall but it had been months and there was still no sign of Marshall. Colson refused to give up on his hope but it was getting rather difficult. Those blisters have vanished a long time ago but there was an unpleasant emptiness, a dull ache was still present inside of his heart. 
Everyday he waited till dusk at the border for Marshall and everyday he was left with only disappointment.  After many days, when one day, when he was was about to go back home after feeling dejected, yet again, he noticed a lone figure was standing far away on the other side of the border.
Colson couldn’t properly identify who it was from such distance but as the lone figure kept walking towards him, his heartbeat started to increase again. It was him. It was Marshall. Colson knew he would visit one day, he knew it. He couldn’t stop himself from smiling wide, he was glowing with happiness, his heart was soaring high. 
His both hands however started burning again and this time sparks began to emit so he quickly put them behind his back and tried his best to keep the smile intact on his face but tried his best to not show any sign of discomfort. 
As Marshall slowly approached and stood right in front him, Colson felt like crying. He has waited so long for this moment. The pain was too much, both psychical and emotional.
He didn’t know Marshall personally but he found it hard to ignore the pull towards him and by the looks of the other warrior, it was obvious that Marshall also felt the same. Colson was ecstatic. He couldn’t believe that he could be worthy of someone’s affection. That it could be possible for him to experience the same thing those civilians get to experience everyday with their life partners. He couldn’t believe his luck that he’d actually found somebody to love.
However, before Colson could say anything, Marshall pinned him with a cold stare, looked him straight in the eyes - those pretty ocean blue eyes - took a deep breath and began to speak, “I won’t pretend to not know what’s been happening here or for the past few months. I wouldn’t have come otherwise.”
The smile began to falter on Colson ‘s face. He could sense that this wasn’t the moment he was dreaming about every second of his life for the last few months.  It doesn't go unnoticed by Marshall but he knows he has to say it so he continues; “We’re both warriors and whatever is happening here, cannot happen”
“But...” Colson begins.
“I won’t let it happen.” Marhall finishes.
That smile is completely gone now, that burning sensation is still lingering but Colson cannot concentrate on that. He’s finding it real hard to comprehend Marshall’s words.
“Is he that much undesirable? Can’t he feel what he’s feeling? Does Marshall want someone else? Is there someone else? Someone better?” - such questions clouds Colson’s mind. His anxiety begins to reappear.  He can feel a panic attack is looming at the horizon but still Colson puts on a brave face and asks; “Why?”
Marshall has nothing to offer, he cannot answer the question, he cannot reveal the truth so he lies and says; “I don’t want you. Nothing can ever happen between us. You see, if I ever fall in love with someone, it would be definitely a civilian and not a warrior.”
Colson keeps looking at him with unbelieving eyes so Marshall decides to put the proverbial final nail in the coffin. Marshal almost sneers at him and tries to put more venom into his next words;
 “ You’re an abomination and there’s nothing as love at first sight. Did you really think something like that could happen between us? Those are old tales, simple fiction. This is reality and I’m telling you, I can never love you. I will never love you.” Marshall almost screams at Colson as his own blunt nails cuts into his palms.
“You’re lying.” Colson’s voice breaks but he continues, “I know... I know you’re lying. You’re just afraid, Marshall, but give it a chance...give us a chance. I promise you I’ll prove it to you. I’ll show you.  I lo...”
“I’d rather die”, Marshall says through gritted teeth as his own skin begins to burn.
“Well... then I won’t be far behind” Colson answers with a small smile. As tears prick his eyes, there a huge lump in his throat, his vision become ever more blurry. When his vision clears, Marshall had already left.
By the time Marshall reached his own house, his entire body was experiencing a horrible burning sensation, blisters began to pop up everywhere. He hoped it was enough to crush Colson’s hope.
Colson hadn’t noticed but Marshall had already seen the fiery sparks on the young warrior’s hands. He had seen the determination, the love, the stubbornness in those eyes.  He doesn’t want the young warrior to know that. Marshall doesn’t want Colson to know about his true feelings. More than that, he doesn’t want Colson to become a victim of his own feelings, give up his superpower and destroy his own life for love. Marshall would rather die.
On the other side of the border, Colson was on his knees. He was experiencing an overwhelming, unbearable grief. That prickling burning sensation had lessened but there’s a pain inside his heart that was slowly spreading all over his body. Marshall’s each and every word had felt like a knife, he would gladly believe them if any of those statements had been true. However if Marshall was truly incapable of loving him then nobody deserved to be in love.
Colson refuses to deny his own feelings for Marshall but the more he refused to give up the more his skin began to burn. His heartbeat began to work overtime, his clothes caught on fire out of nowhere. In the cold dark night he was standing  alone, like a human torch, illuminating the area.
He felt rage. So much rage. He is in love and right now the whole world is his enemy. Nobody can escape his wrath. 
His love will burn the entire universe down for Marshall.
“Maybe I’m the reincarnation of Icarus”, Colson muses. 
It’s fitting, he supposes, cause Marshall is his bright light at the end of this dark and lonely tunnel, and this time, he won’t fail. 
He will reach the Sun.
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