#Impulse doesn't know Tango is sentient after all
vivianquill · 6 months
Even when he went home that night, Impulse couldn't stop thinking about the mer he'd found.
It was one thing to find him washed up on the beach just outside, but it was another entirely to try and think about what the next while would look like, taking care of the merdude.
Zedaph was still at the rescue, and would be until either he or Skizz could get back. Impulse didn't want to chance anyone else finding out about the literal merman sitting in one of the recovery pools. They'd have to tell Xisuma eventually, probably sooner than Impulse might like to, but, well.
He didn't know what might happen if the rest of the rescue caught word of this, let alone the internet.
Impulse sighed, running a hand through his hair. Who knew that following Skizz down to the beach that fated dayyears ago would lead to-- well. This.
Either way, he needed to clean up, get some food, and then get some sleep. Zed wasn't a stranger to pulling all-nighters, so it wasn't odd for him to stay at the rescue, but still. Impulse wouldn't quite be able to breathe easy until he could see the mercreature again.
In the morning, Impulse grabbed a green tea for Zedaph on his way back to the rescue, handing it off with a bagel to the man as they 'swapped shifts'.
"Anything change during the night?" Impulse asked, shifting his weight from foot to foot.
"Nope. You should probably bring it some food though. Try fish, maybe? I bet it'd take that." Zedaph shrugged, taking a sip of his tea, "I'd use tongs though, wouldn't want those fangs to take a bite out of you."
"I'll be careful, Zed, don't worry." Impulse shook his head, "You should go get some sleep."
"Yep. Gotta finish up first, then it's off to bed with me."
"You better." Impulse called over his shoulder as he stepped out, going to grab a pair of tongs and some food for the merdude.
When he stepped into the recovery room, what Impulse found made him pause. Well-- it was more what he was hearing. The mer was chirping. It wasn't s loud that it could be heard outside of the room, but it certainly filled it, bouncing off the hard surfaces. To Impulse it sounded like a slurred mix of a dying fire alarm on fast forward and a baby dolphin calling for help.
Impulse stepped up to the edge of the pool, setting the pail down as he took in the sight.
The mer was curled up the best he could with all the bandages and the cast on his wrist, warbling. His eyes were glazed over, seemingly staring at nothing. His fins were all pinned tight to his body, like he was trying to hide.
The last thing Impulse wanted to do was startle an injured sea creature with fangs that looked like they could bite someone's finger clean off. So, he grabbed a catch pole from over against the wall, and dipped the end into the water next to the merman, nudging it against his tail.
Impulse was instantly glad that he hadn't stuck his hand into the water.
The mer lunged-- grabbing the pole with a screech and a splash and almost yanking it out of Impulse's hands.
He pulled it from the water a moment later, once the mer let go.
Impulse's jaw just about hit the floor, once he saw the bite marks. This particular brand of pole was made to withstand a bite from a shark. But now it was--
If that had been Impulse's hand, he would have just lost at least a couple fingers.
At least.
He was going to have to show this to Zedaph.
Well then. At least he had gotten the mer's attention, it was practically glaring at him now. Was that-- hissing? It was hard to tell with the distortion from water to air, but the way that tail was coiled--
The mer looked like a snake ready to strike.
Maybe feeding it would help with the situation? Impulse took the tongs and grabbed a fish from his bucket, slowly offering it until the fish touched the surface of the water. The mer's eyes narrowed, watching. It's mouth parted slightly-- was it able to smell it in the water? It wasn't reaching up to grab it.
So, Impulse gave the fish a little shake, before dropping it. And just in time, too.
Again, the mer lunged, snatching up the offending object. Impulse watched as it bit down on the fish, before seeming to realize that it was food.
Impulse let the mer eat for a moment, before dropping another fish into the pool. This was progress, at least. If it was eating, that meant it had a chance.
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voidindite · 5 months
Wither!Impulse Headcanons (updated)
Im not Super happy with some of the headcanons I've created for witherpulse, so. I'm updating them! (Plz help me spread my witherpulse propaganda </3 )
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-Created by a wither glitching over the course of many months, his coding eventually rewriting itself into a player. Cause of glitch unknown, but likely a result of the server he was originally summoned on being full of hackers and conflicting mods essentially "breaking" his base code.
-As a wither, he has three heads. The extra two are wispy skulls that float over either shoulder. Wither corruption also marks his hands and face to darken the veins there, and there's visible bone on his fingers, ribs, and making up his tail. The corruption gets darker and spreads a bit when he's actively using wither magic.
-Has a large field of vision due to having three sets of eyes. Tends to get clumsy and has very poor depth perception if one or both of his skulls can't see for whatever reason.
-He "breathes" out of habit from watching other players do it. The way his chest and shoulders rise and fall has a very apparent sort of Wrongness to it. Even players who don't know he doesn't actually breathe get an uneasy feeling from it.
-Despite the fact that he's got a mouth full of fangs, his smiles are surprisingly friendly and contagious. And he smiles Often.
-Around new or unfamiliar players, he'll use glamour magic to hide his extra skulls, tail, wings, and wither corruption, often getting him mistaken for a skeleton hybrid instead because of his fingers still being bone. Doesn't seem to like anyone outside of Skizz or the Hermits to know he's a wither, though eventually stops using the glamour for the Life servers, too. When the glamour is up, he can still see through the two skulls, giving the feeling that he's got eyes on the back of his head.
-Can summon a skull into his hand that he can then propel in any direction with surprising force. It explodes on impact, applying wither effect to anyone who survives the blast; those killed by it drop a wither rose.
-Can be summoned like a normal wither mob, but since he's sentient he has the option to turn down the summon; if that happens, a normal mob will be summoned instead. This was how he first met Skizz (didn't yet know he could refuse a summon and was just trying to escape the server he first spawned on), and later the Hermits (were joking about summoning him, knew he was a good redstoner but never met him, he decided to humor them and accept it and has been a Hermit since).
-For Limited Life, the halos on his skulls changed to reflect the time he had remaining, the circles gradually losing "slices" depending on his time. All three sets of eyes will also change color to show his lives for the Life Series in general. Green looks downright odd, yellow looks Slightly Off because it's not his usual warm gold, red just looks downright sinister paired with his existing traits.
-Despite his tail being links of floating bone, it's surprisingly sturdy and can easily swipe someone's feet out from under them.
-Doesn't know why he ended up with wings after becoming a player. Thinks it may be a result of his coding attempting to make sense of his ability to fly, however.
-Reacts...poorly. to being trapped in bedrock. "Pranking" him with such a trap is liable to get the prankster threatened by a very angry Skizz and/or Tango. Bedrock specifically, no other blocks garner such a reaction.
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lavendertownsghost · 5 months
I have so many unconnected ideas for an Animorphs crossover with Hermitcraft/Life Series/Empires and since I know I'll never connect them into an actual story, I figured i may as well post them so anyone who wants to can try and piece them together or pick and chose what that want to use.
The characters are in no real order, and all of the 'younger' characters are in high school instead of middle school. I have no idea where this would be set.
Character stuff:
Doc is an Andalite and he has the same morphing allergy that Mertil had, and in a battle many years before the story starts he losses not only part of his tail, but an arm, leg, and two eyes (a main eye and a stalk eye). Instead of accepting his 'shame' and being outcast as is Andalite custom, Doc made his own prosthetics. This pissed off the vast majority of Andalites and he was exiled to some backwater planet (aka Earth). Doc was fine with this since he was a bit fed up with the Andalite's strict culture. He lives in a forest near whatever location is the main one for the story. There's also an alternate backstory where Doc is still morph-capable and left the Andalite homeworld on his own. In this version he uses the Frolis Maneuver to make a human persona and is a part time teacher at the school the other characters go to.
Ren is a human who recently graduated high school and friend of Doc's. He either found Doc in the forest or discovered he was an alien (depending on which version of Doc's backstory is used) and helped him learn more about humans.
Cleo is a fried of Ren's and a teacher at the school. Her younger cousin Scott lives with her. (She's possibly infested by Joe, a member of the Yeerk Peace Movement)
Scott is in high school and currently lives with his older cousin Cleo after his parent's sudden death in a car crash. Scott firmly believes his older brother Xornoth is responsible for their parents death, but he has no solid evidence so he can't go to the police.
Xornoth is Scott's older brother, and was infested by a Yeerk sometime before the start of the story. His parents noticed his behavior change and were about to look to deeply into the Sharing, so Xornoth's Yeerk cut their brakes and had them killed. Xornoth was old enough to live by himself so he doesn't live with Scott and Cleo. Xornoth was already naturally charismatic, so he ends up recruiting a lot of people for the Sharing. He hates it.
Joey was in the same grade as Xornoth before they graduated, and was seduced convinced to join the Sharing by him. Despite the fact that the only time the two of them can talk freely is when they're in the cage together at the Yeerk pool, they become good friends.
Sausage is someone else who was recruited into the Sharing by Xornoth, but I'm thinking of having his Yeerk be part of the Peace Movement (don't know if the Yeerk is an existing character).
Impulse is a teacher at the school, and is infested by Tango (official name Tangriss 373), a member of the Yeerk Peace Movement. The two get along really well, and Impulse is in the process of making a small portable Kandrona source in case he and Tango need to run.
Skizz is Impulse's childhood best friend, and knows about Tango (who has infested him briefly at Skizz's request). The trio is currently trying to decide weather it's safer for Skizz to be infested by another Peace Movent Yeerk so he's not pursued by the Sharing or remain separate so he's not under their scrutiny.
Scar is in high school and Jellie is his cat. I'm debating weather or not to make Jellie sentient, either as an Andalite refugee, someone stuck in morph somehow, or another alien species disguised as a cat. If she is one of these, Scar knows about it.
Jimmy and Lizzy are siblings in high school, and Lizzy is dating Joel.
Grian and Pearl are also siblings in high school. Their parents foster a lot of kids, and they consider Martyn and Bigb (both recent high school graduates) their brothers as well.
Gem and Mumbo are also students at the high school.
Bdubs and Etho are teachers at the school.
Xisuma is the principal of the school (possibly with EX as his Yeerk)
(I know there are some Empires people / Hermits not on here, I don't know enough about them to have ideas for them)
Plot Stuff:
The main Animorphs are most likely some combination of Grian, Pearl, Jimmy, Lizzy, Joel, Martyn, Bigb, and Scott.
Doc is probably the one to give them the morphing cube (no idea how he has one).
Part of me wants to be evil and have Ren get stuck in wolf or dog morph.
The Yeerk Peace Movement storyline starts MUCH earlier than canon, since several notable characters are Yeerks. Leading into that, several Yeerks and their hosts get morphing power.
Like I said, feel free to use any parts of these however you want! I'd appreciate if you could credit me and let me know if you're doing something with them so I can see it!
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Heyo! I heard you were doing some writing, and I have a suggestion for you. Do you think you could write fic based off of the song "welcome to the cave" by ZaphB on Soundcloud? It wouldn't let me send the link. It doesn't have to be a songfic, either! If no ideas immediately come to your mind, here's one: "There's nothing strange living in the cave, other than Zedaph himself, obviously. The cave itself, however, is a different story." If nothing else, listen to the song. It's really good! :3
Thanks for your ask and for recommending the song; I really love it! Honestly, this was a challenge and a deviation from the style I usually write in, so I’m a little nervous about it but I’m fairly proud of how it turned out so I hope you enjoy!
  Zedaph sees the magic in everything.
  Some of the Hermits think it’s a blessing, some think it’s a curse. Zedaph knows it’s neither. 
  Wherever Zedaph goes, he sees things as they truly are, not how they pretend to be. His eyes see past the exterior and look deep into the interior. He can effortlessly pick out the virtues and flaws of the universe this way. They stand out to him like redstone on white concrete. 
  He can’t control it, of course. He can’t simply switch off his special gift, like Xisuma switches off his admin powers when he’s done with them. But Zedaph doesn’t mind. The magic doesn’t stop him from sleeping, after all.
  Maybe that’s why the cave called to him in the first place, beckoning him closer, inviting him to explore. Anyone else would see an empty cave, the kind to either be ignored or mined out to the point of destruction. But not Zedaph.
  There’s magic in the cave. A presence that Zedaph can’t quite place. It almost feels like the area is alive, humming with invisible life at all times. But there’s nothing living in the cave; not yet, anyway. Zedaph has plans. 
  With each contraption he builds, the energy in the cave increases. He doesn’t notice it day-to-day but when Tango or Impulse visits, they comment on how different the cave feels. Zedaph simply laughs away their remarks; he knows exactly what they’re referring to but there’s no need to mention it to them. It’s not hurting him. 
  After a while, he notices the contraptions communicating with him. A certain clink from the Zombie Plinko, the swirling of the water in the Magic Puddle, the gnashing of Bone Appetit’s teeth. This is how the Cave of Contraptions speaks to him. Zedaph has brought as much life to the cave as the cave has brought to him. He may not understand exactly what the cave is telling him but that’s okay. He doesn’t have to understand.
  Other Hermits tell him he could beautify the inside; carve out more space in the ceiling and make it look like a proper home. But the cave IS home to Zedaph, no matter what it looks like. He doesn’t see jagged edges and unfinished surfaces. He feels the magic. 
  The cave is alive. 
  And it saved his life once, too. 
  Once, when Zedaph was tired and not fully aware of his surroundings, he accidentally walked straight into the uncovered hole to the void. He would have died and lost all his belongings. But something caught him, some invisible magic stopped him from falling out of the world. And when Zedaph woke up the next morning, he found the hole covered with a trapdoor he had not placed there. 
  To this day, he still has no coherent explanation. And when other Hermits ask about the incident, he simply shrugs and says, “the cave saved me.” Tango and Impulse in particular think he’s crazy to believe that a non-sentient thing like a cave could possibly perform actions like that. But Zedaph knows better. 
  The cave is alive. It cares for him just as much as he cares for it. 
  He did try to leave once. The sheer intensity of the cave’s energy finally overwhelmed him and he had to flee to Impulse’s base for a few nights to let himself recover. He even considered taking Impulse’s advice and moving above ground permanently. 
  But something drew him back to the cave. Its energy was manageable again, as if it was apologising for hurting him. It wanted him, needed him, here. Nobody else knows the cave like Zedaph does. It wants him to stay. And Zedaph wants to stay. 
  It’s true that Zedaph can see the magic in everything, especially in the Cave of Contraptions.
  But perhaps the Cave of Contraptions can see the magic in Zedaph too.
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