#If you discover this blog from random interactions literally don't worry about it
judgemarlon · 10 months
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📌 judgemarlon; unfortunately, this is a kin blog
i am gallerian marlon (evillious), ranpo edogawa (bungou), and hermes (ff14). currently questioning millions knives (trigun: non specified continuity).
i reblog fanart here sometimes. block as you need.
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baka-monarch · 2 years
I wanna tell you guys a secret to making friends and it's gonna blow your mind....
Talk to people
That's literally it
And tbh I literally just realized this- because like- for the past year or so I've been going up to random blogs and just "interacting" (technically talking with reblogs and asks) and in my head I've been like "my power to make people like me by annoying them somehow shall grow!" And I've just now realized- that's not a power, that's not a skill, that just talking to someone and being fucking respectful
And it's like
Because like even just saying "hello" at least opens up the option to start talking and exploring other things to say and interacting more and it's- it's genuinely fun, and most of the time leads to fun friendships
It's literally like
I used to be like "I wish I could he friends with this blogger but they'll never see my blog" but- yes they will, I just gotta show up in their ask box/reblogs and if they wanna talk or if they find me interesting all they gotta do it respond back and then conversations just keep going from there....
It seems like it should be obvious but I feel like it isn't because I've noticed some other people are like that sometimes where they're like "I wish I could be friends with this person but they'll never notice me T^T" and it's like- cool, I know you probably have anxiety, I know you're probably an introvert, but I've discovered that working yourself up just to say "hi" literally makes the person wanna talk to you more, especially if you're the one to talk first cause then they won't worry about you not liking them because guess what you'll never believe it- most of the time they feel the exact same way about talking to people and are like "if I speak they'll hate me" so just- if you wanna be friends with people just give them a quick little hello or hi to let them know you don't have them and you're open to conversate
Trust me, it does wonders
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