#IPL players diet
mycreativitysblog · 10 months
Rohit Sharma Bio
Rohit Sharma, often hailed as one of the most dynamic cricketers of our era, has left an indelible mark on the cricketing world with his exceptional batting prowess and leadership skills. From his early life to his cricketing achievements, this article delves into the comprehensive biography of Rohit Sharma, shedding light on his journey, accomplishments, and the impact he has made on the game.
Rohit Sharma, born on April 30, 1987, in Bansod, Nagpur, India, is a prominent figure in the international cricket scene. He emerged as a prodigious talent, showcasing his cricketing aptitude from a young age. His journey from a budding cricketer to the vice-captain of the Indian cricket team is nothing short of inspiring.
Early Life and Beginnings
Rohit Sharma's tryst with cricket began in the gullies of his hometown. His talent was recognized early, and he joined a local cricket academy to hone his skills. His elegant stroke play and remarkable timing stood out even then, setting the stage for a remarkable career ahead.
A Stellar International Career
Rohit Sharma made his international debut for India in 2007 during an ODI series against Ireland. Although he faced initial struggles, his persistence and determination eventually led to a breakthrough. Sharma's ability to adapt to different formats of the game, coupled with his remarkable hand-eye coordination, made him an indispensable asset to the team.
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Rohit Sharma's batting prowess has been a cornerstone of his success, contributing significantly to his individual achievements and India's victories on the cricketing stage.
Master of Limited-Overs Cricket
Sharma's dominance in limited-overs cricket, particularly in One Day Internationals (ODIs) and Twenty20 (T20) matches, is awe-inspiring. His ability to build an inning, accelerate the scoring rate, and maintain composure under pressure has led India to numerous victories.
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Record-Breaking Double Centuries
One of the most iconic moments of Sharma's career came in 2013 when he became the first cricketer to score a double century in ODI cricket. He achieved this remarkable feat against Australia, cementing his name in the record books. His impeccable timing and shot selection were on full display during this innings.
Leadership Skills
Apart from his batting prowess, Sharma's leadership skills cannot be overlooked. As the captain of the Mumbai Indians in the Indian Premier League (IPL), he orchestrated the team to several title victories. His tactical acumen and ability to bring out the best in his players highlight his leadership qualities.
While Rohit Sharma's cricketing journey has been largely free of negative aspects, there have been moments of setbacks and challenges that he had to overcome.
Read more: Virat Kohli Bio
Injuries and Setbacks
Throughout his career, Sharma has battled with injuries that temporarily sidelined him from the game. These injuries not only affected his personal form but also posed challenges for the Indian team. However, his resilience and commitment to rehabilitation have always allowed him to come back stronger.
Form Slumps
Like every athlete, Sharma encountered phases of form slumps where runs seemed hard to come by. Media scrutiny and public expectations added to the pressure during such times. Yet, his determination to overcome these challenges and his unwavering self-belief enabled him to emerge victorious even in the face of adversity.
To maintain his exceptional performance and extend his cricketing longevity, Rohit Sharma takes various precautions to safeguard his health and well-being.
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Rigorous Fitness Regimen
Sharma understands the importance of physical fitness in modern cricket. He follows a rigorous fitness regimen that includes strength training, cardio exercises, and flexibility drills. This helps him stay agile on the field and reduce the risk of injuries.
Balanced Diet and Nutrition
A balanced diet plays a crucial role in Sharma's preparation. He focuses on consuming a combination of proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals to fuel his body and aid in recovery. Hydration is also a priority for him, especially during matches played in hot conditions.
1. Q: When did Rohit Sharma make his international debut?
A: Rohit Sharma made his international debut in 2007 during an ODI series against Ireland.
2. Q: How many double centuries does Rohit Sharma have in ODIs?
A: As of my knowledge cutoff date in September 2021, Rohit Sharma has scored three double centuries in ODIs.
3. Q: Is Rohit Sharma a part of any IPL team?
A: Yes, Rohit Sharma is the captain of the Mumbai Indians in the Indian Premier League (IPL).
4. Q: Has Rohit Sharma ever captained the Indian cricket team?
A: Yes, Rohit Sharma has led the Indian cricket team in various matches when the regular captain was unavailable. He has also been the vice-captain of the team.
5. Q: What is Rohit Sharma's highest score in Test cricket?
A: As of my last update in September 2021, Rohit Sharma's highest score in Test cricket is 212 runs.
6. Q: How does Rohit Sharma approach his batting technique in different formats?
A: Rohit Sharma adapts his batting technique according to the format. In ODIs and T20s, he focuses on building a foundation and then accelerating the scoring. In Tests, he balances defense and attack based on the match situation.
7. Q: What is the role of Rohit Sharma in the Indian cricket team's leadership group?
A: Rohit Sharma serves as the vice-captain of the Indian cricket team, contributing to the team's strategy, decision-making, and mentoring younger players.
8. Q: How has Rohit Sharma contributed to charity and social causes?
A: Rohit Sharma is known for his philanthropic efforts. He has supported various causes, including education for underprivileged children and disaster relief initiatives.
9. Q: What awards and honors has Rohit Sharma received in his cricket career?
A: Rohit Sharma has received numerous awards, including the prestigious Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna award, which is India's highest sporting honor. He has also been recognized as the ICC ODI Cricketer of the Year.
10. Q: How does Rohit Sharma maintain his mental resilience during tough phases?
A: Rohit Sharma emphasizes the importance of mental well-being. He practices mindfulness, meditation, and seeks support from psychologists to maintain mental resilience.
11. Q: Which bowlers does Rohit Sharma find the most challenging to face?
A: Rohit Sharma has mentioned that facing quality swing and seam bowlers in challenging conditions poses the most difficulty for him.
12. Q: How does Rohit Sharma prepare for crucial matches and high-pressure situations?
A: Rohit Sharma prepares by visualizing different scenarios, focusing on his strengths, and maintaining a calm mindset. He believes in backing his preparation and instincts during crucial moments.
13. Q: What is the significance of Rohit Sharma's jersey number in international cricket?
A: Rohit Sharma's jersey number is 45, which holds deep personal significance for him. It is derived from the sum of his birthdate's digits (30) and his wife's birthdate's digits (15).
In the realm of cricket, Rohit Sharma's journey is a testament to the power of determination, skill, and adaptability. From his modest beginnings to becoming a global cricketing icon, Sharma's story continues to inspire countless individuals. His contribution to the game, both as a batsman and a leader, is etched in the annals of cricketing history, and his legacy is sure to endure for generations to come.
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somethinginfo · 11 months
Virat Kohli Wiki, Net Worth, Family, Biography
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Virat Kohli is an Indian cricketer who was born on November 5, 1988, in Delhi, India. He is widely regarded as one of the greatest batsmen in contemporary cricket. Kohli made his international debut in August 2008 and has since become one of the most successful and influential players in the sport. Kohli has represented the Indian cricket team in all three formats of the game: Test matches, One Day Internationals (ODIs), and Twenty20 Internationals (T20Is). He has achieved numerous records and milestones throughout his career, including being the fastest player to score 8,000, 9,000, 10,000, and 11,000 runs in ODIs. Kohli has served as the captain of the Indian cricket team in all three formats from 2017 to 2021. Under his leadership, the team achieved significant success, including a historic Test series win in Australia in 2020–21. Virat Kohli is one of the Richest Cricketers In the World. In addition to his international cricket career, Kohli has also been associated with the Royal Challengers Bangalore (RCB) franchise in the Indian Premier League (IPL). He has been a key player and captain for RCB since the inception of the league. Off the field, Kohli is known for his philanthropic work and has supported various charitable causes. He is married to Bollywood actress Anushka Sharma, and they have a daughter together named Vamika.
Virat Kohli Life Style
Fitness and Health: Virat Kohli places great importance on fitness and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. He follows a strict fitness regimen, which includes regular workouts, strength training, and a focus on nutrition. He is vocal about the benefits of fitness and encourages others to prioritize their health as well.
Diet and Nutrition: Virat Kohli follows a well-balanced diet to support his performance on the field. He is known to avoid processed foods and focuses on consuming nutritious, whole foods. He is a vegetarian and has emphasized the importance of eating right for overall well-being.
Discipline and Work Ethic: Virat Kohli is renowned for his strong work ethic and disciplined approach to cricket. He is dedicated to continuous improvement and is often seen practicing extensively in the nets. His commitment to his craft has been a key factor in his success.
Fashion and Style: Virat Kohli has a keen interest in fashion and is known for his stylish appearances both on and off the field. He has his own clothing brand called Wrogn, which reflects his personal style and preferences.
Philanthropy: Virat Kohli actively participates in philanthropic endeavors and is involved in various charitable initiatives. He has supported causes related to child welfare, education, and healthcare, among others. Through his foundation, he aims to make a positive impact on society.
Social Media Presence: Virat Kohli maintains a strong presence on social media platforms and has a large following. He uses social media to share updates about his cricketing journey, fitness routines, and personal life.
Virat kohli Family
Virat Kohli comes from a close-knit family. Here are some details about Virat Kohli’s family members:
Father — Prem Kohli: Prem Kohli was a criminal lawyer. Unfortunately, he passed away in 2006 due to a stroke. Virat has spoken fondly of his father’s influence on his life and cricketing journey.
Mother — Saroj Kohli: Saroj Kohli is a homemaker. She has been a strong pillar of support for Virat throughout his career. He has expressed his gratitude and admiration for his mother’s dedication and sacrifices.
Brother — Vikas Kohli: Vikas Kohli is Virat’s elder brother. He works in the film industry and manages Virat Kohli’s brand ventures. The brothers share a close bond and often support each other in their respective endeavors.
Wife — Anushka Sharma: Virat Kohli is married to Anushka Sharma, a prominent Bollywood actress. The couple tied the knot in December 2017. They have a daughter together named Vamika, born in January 2021.
Net Worth
Virat Kohli, the renowned Indian cricketer and former captain of the Indian cricket team, had an estimated net worth of around $125 million. However, please note that net worth figures can change over time due to various factors such as earnings, investments, endorsements, and lifestyle choices.
Virat Kohli has been one of the highest-paid cricketers globally and has earned significant income from his cricket contracts, match fees, and endorsement deals with major brands such as Puma, Audi, and MRF, among others. Additionally, he has his own clothing brand called Wrogn and has investments in various businesses.
It’s important to note that net worth figures are estimates and can vary from different sources. For the most recent and accurate information on Virat Kohli’s net worth, it is recommended to refer to the latest reports or financial disclosures specific to him.
Audi R8 LMX: Virat Kohli has been spotted with an Audi R8 LMX, which is a limited-edition sports car known for its powerful performance and sleek design.
Audi Q7: He has also been seen with an Audi Q7, a luxury SUV known for its spaciousness, comfort, and advanced features.
Audi A8L: Another car in Virat Kohli’s collection is the Audi A8L, which is a luxurious sedan offering a blend of comfort, performance, and advanced technology.
Range Rover Vogue: Virat Kohli has been spotted driving a Range Rover Vogue, a premium SUV known for its luxurious interiors, off-road capabilities, and elegant design.
BMW X6: He has also been seen with a BMW X6, a stylish and sporty SUV coupe known for its dynamic performance and distinctive looks.
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srbachchan · 2 years
DAY 5054
Jalsa, Mumbai                      Dec 19,  2021                    Sun 11: 22 PM
❤️ , Tomorrow .. Dec 20th .. is the birthday of Ef Binita Sarkar .. 🙏🏻 .. and our wishes for a celebratory day with wishes and more .. love from the Ef family ..
Its not just football before the Tv screen, but at work too .. 
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.. the customary ‘prasad’ before the start of the days’ shoot .. the auspicious coconut is broken .. नारियल फोड़ा की नहीं .. often asked when things are not going right for the days’ work on set 
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.. else the mask and the sanitisation and its precautions continue  ..
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.. missed the goal .. terrible with the kick .. such a novice 
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.. post pack up some lip sync and dance moves with the colleagues ..
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the prasad .. sugar coated coconut 
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and the celebration of the GOOAAAALLLLLL .. !!!
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pensive .. in thought .. on so many fronts .. 
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Chelsea drew despite the team playing its C team .. the A team all 7 or 8 of them down with CoVid .. damn !! 
Chenaiyan FC won the other day, so some compensate .. the beyond the distance goal was supreme .. 
.. and the disappointment of Kidambi losing the Final in the Badminton .. 
but sports continues .. and what a change the IPL and its introduction to the world of sports has brought about in India .. suddenly from no where, talent that begins to compete with World class players emerges .. the feel of the being ‘lesser’ than the others slowly but surely asserts itself .. confidence to take on the very best in the world, to be unafraid of their superiority - if at all they be superior - and to WIN .. !!
but we shall conquer .. we shall shine and achieve ... we shall be victorious .. we shall dominate like never before .. slowly but surely the name of the country appears all over .. SHMG  !!
tell tale signs .. time and circumstance .. and all else that follows the pace of it all, appears in its brightest avatar and destroys all belief of giving up to rest and reap the fruits of labour .. when it does occur it shall occur .. till then scrape along .. cling on to that which comes the way .. not the wayward .. but the way .. the whey of the food delight remains .. a delight .. 
‘how delicious’ said Babuji to us kids when the ‘malai’ and the cod liver oil was the morning breakfast routine .. naah ‘routine’ is incorrect .. when it is the regular morning diet .. confirmed and delivered and devoured with the belief of its deliciousness .. 🤣🤣🤣 .. 
practiced for some while .. but then in the throws of modern dietary dissertations of the PhD doctorate believed to be the utmost .. it was consumed with relish ..
it was ‘turn your face away from it and run’ then .. but its repercussions dealt with in most formal care and practice, one dare not .. for in the now does one see its results .. 
I begin to .. yes .. drift .. 
its time to .. yaa 
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Amitabh Bachchan
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talleytalley29-blog · 5 years
The Secret to T20 Cricket League
Hiatus over Cricsheet's extended hiatus is over. Given the timing, I feel toward developing IPL viewership 15, it's certainly aimed. However, you need to hold your excitement back a number. The Hidden Treasure of T20 Cricket League The World Cup won't have any influence on business. We'd be grateful if you may be apart of sponsorship. And it is a component of the Olympic games. Make certain you are currently eating a well balanced diet that is appropriate for you . Nearest and dearest and family packed the 1 room airport awaiting their nearest and dearest. Australians are the individuals who remained for its moment that is large at the 1st spot! In actuality, Fakhar Zaman could be the participant who has appeared in touch. And it isn't only the fans. Cricket is among the earliest games on Earth. When the war finished the sport started to blossom. The debate about the ideal cricket league on the planet has been happening for a time. Cricket being the most loved sport throughout the world is not behind when it comes to dream chords any method. https://et20slam.net/euro-t20-slam-teams-announcement/ The Supreme Approach for T20 Cricket League Sometimes the hockey stick is made from one parcel of wood and one part can't be replaced but when it has more than one slice in the event the blades become deciphered they are sometimes replaced. Zalmi will have to think about possible replacements for both Shakib and Tamim Iqbal this isn't an issue for now although once the time comes. CA chief James Sutherland stated the movement would produce more certainty over the amount of cricket . How to Choose T20 Cricket League Cricket score is something which every cricket fan makes an effort to understand each time there is a game being played in any section of earth. If fan misses out on taking a peek at the cricket rating for even just a couple of moments, they could lose out to the ball or the match's indispensable shot. It's the desire of each and every team to appear great. You don't will want to perfect the shots all. Among the most recent game forms that are absolute is Twenty20. If you know somebody who's a cricket fanatic, you may have to bear with the fact they'll find out any way to find match's cricket score that has been performed. It's envisaged new formats could be put into position. Whether you're competing or merely attempting to improve your performance for profit, we have seven hints which can direct you in the correct direction and enable you to enhance not your own time, but additionally your operation. At which you can observe complete notebook kaggle Kernel. T20 Cricket League Options Cricket bats can be obtained with a variety of attributes, and choosing one is a personal option. You can understand that a tremendous number of individuals are figuring out ways to find out about the most recent cricket rating to learn how their team is doing with the type of this sport becoming very popular nowadays. But the part that is most important would be to observe that the groups can modify with the rules. New Ideas Into T20 Cricket League Never Before Revealed There aren't any right or wrong bats, only the one which feels suitable for you. You will require a zorb ball for every single participant and itself. He was become a catcher. The Chronicles of T20 Cricket League A couple of sides which have their bases in Catalonia will should eventually separate only as a consequence of political aspects. Possessing a pastime is vital for each and every individual. Teams cities and grew across the united states started to draw interest and started to play another. Irrespective of how huge or the number appear on Stats the teams have played. The leg-spinner will play a huge role due to his team. Five teams of distinct countries of AFG will take part. Things You Should Know About T20 Cricket League The two Delhi players are among the very cricketers. A focus that was worldwide is really needed by our league, '' said Saini.
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kartikwadhwa · 3 years
Gratitude 23-09-2021
Grateful for being able to have coconut water and watch IPL. Today was the seventh or eight consecutive days I have had coconut water, it is too good and healthy for our lives, I know its benefits and the importance of having it in my daily diet. Coming to IPL, I watched the match between Mumbai Indians and Kolkata Knight Riders, KKR won the match comfortably batting second and are in a touching distance of fourth place now, piling the pressure on their opponents. It will be hard for MI to make it to play-offs now. I remember the first IPL season, I became a huge fan of Rajasthan Royals majorly because of three players: Shane Warne, Shane Watson and Yusuf Pathan. It was one heck of a season, RR won the tournament; sadly, this remains their only tournament victory till date. That was some team led by the brilliant Warne. This is the second leg of IPL 2021 happening in Dubai, the first leg happened in India in the first half of the year; however, it got suspended due to deadly second wave of covid pandemic. Grateful every single time to watch sports, cricket has taken a backseat off late, but still it is a good outing to watch IPL, coupled with having coconut water daily. Need to maintain that continuity now, also with meditation, walk, bath and doing brush at night. Come on boy, let’s do it, day by day, strength by strength. Vamoss!!
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hsrsports · 4 years
Break allowed Kohli to become an even better athlete: Basu - Click on link to subscribe my channel https://ift.tt/34vXvMA Facebook - https://ift.tt/2Vjiyz6 Twitter - https://twitter.com/HsrSports Pinterest - https://ift.tt/2ywdZIH Tumblr - https://ift.tt/2z5qwmL Blog - https://ift.tt/2VlBDRu #Sports #Sports_News #Tournament Virat Kohli. (TOI Photo) NEW DELHI: Basu Shanker, the man responsible for the fitness transformation of the national team, feels India and RCB skipper Virat Kohli has returned from the long break an even fitter athlete after working on "specific physical pointers" that needed attention. Kohli was stuck in Mumbai for five months due to the coronavirus-enforced lockdown and had his first proper hit in the nets only after his arrival in the UAE for the Indian Premier League, beginning September 19. However, he ensured during the break that his supreme fitness level was not impacted and, in fact, it helped him skill-wise on his return to action even though he was "scared" to hit the nets. "He (Kohli) has come back in much better shape. He is at his best weight at the moment and his movement patterns are pretty much in sync with his best self in the past," former India trainer Basu, who is now the strength and conditioning coach of Royal Challengers Bangalore, told PTI from Dubai. "He has taken this break as an opportunity to work on all the pointers which needed attention from a physical point. I guess his motto to life is 'Bear the cross and wear the crown'," said the man who worked with the Indian team between 2015 to 2019. He has worked extensively with Kohli, both at RCB and during his time with the Indian team. Basu said Kohli was able to work on things which an international cricketer finds it difficult to do in a packed calendar. "He had the time to be very specific with his meal plans and running intervals at home. He did not have much of a choice during the lockdown and he invested on a treadmill and worked on his endurance which is otherwise not possible during a packed calendar. "For ground reaction forces every now and then, he did shuttle running in his apartment which had a little space. With all these constraints the attitude stood out more than the workout. "Apart from that, his customised strength work to compliment that was his mantra during the lockout. So a combination of running and strength work and he kept it simple by just following this to the T," said Basu. The RCB squad has been training for a week now and Basu said it is only a matter of time before the players are match ready. "Since most of them have arrived in decent shape physically it's only a matter of time they are match ready. "With regards to assessing a player's fitness - most of the workouts are a test in itself. As a coach, we have to be prudent that they tick the right boxes and drills which can be an assessment. "The coaching director ( Mike Hesson) and the head coach ( Simon Katich) and the entire support group are aware of a long layoff and ergo the planning with regards to the length of practice times, humidity, temperature, and recovery is something we have worked as a team. "There is no fool proof algorithm for it but a sensible approach is what we are treading on." All teams are gradually increasing the intensity of the practice sessions as players and especially fast bowlers are more prone to injuries coming back after probably the longest break in their careers. Basu said the pacers' workload will be carefully monitored over the course of the IPL. "Our bowling coach (Adam Griffith) has come with a specific plan pertaining to loads in the first 2 weeks and that will be used as a blueprint. "The players have done a lot of fitness work and complimenting the skills and choosing the right exercises to get the balance will provide the much-needed impetus for every bowler. "Almost everyone had access to the gym (at least in the home setting), so that will not worry us at all," he said. The players are getting accustomed to the extreme hot conditions in the UAE and proper recovery and diet will go a long way in keeping them in top shape over the course of the 53-day long tournament. "The modern cricketers are very mindful of their meal plans. Hydration, balanced amount of protein, carbs, and good fat will do the trick and to combat the heat - again we have our wellness and load monitoring system which will be put to good use," said Basu when asked abou...
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vsplusonline · 4 years
Might not be able to see any live sports for next 4-5 months: Sunil Gavaskar
New Post has been published on https://apzweb.com/might-not-be-able-to-see-any-live-sports-for-next-4-5-months-sunil-gavaskar/
Might not be able to see any live sports for next 4-5 months: Sunil Gavaskar
Like the rest of the activities in the world, sports also has come to a ghastly standstill. The coronavirus pandemic has ran havoc on the sporting calendar as people have started craving for a glimpse of live sporting actions.
But nothing is going in favour of the fans as countries are going on with their plans to extend their respective lockdowns. Athletes also are finding it tough after being out of action for almost 8 weeks now.
Legendary India cricketer Sunil Gavaskar, who was in conversation with India Today’s Consulting Editor Rajdeep Sardesai on Monday, talked on length about the road ahead for sports. He minced no words and said recovery from the affect of the pandemic will not be an easy job.
“Officials of all the various sporting federations would certainly be banging their heads together to find a solution and I am sure there are many intelligent people in there to be able to come up with some sort of a solution which will keep everybody happy but it’s not gonna be easy,” Gavaskar said.
The 70-year-old cricketer-turned-commentator said the halt in sports has affected the fans as well as the athletes. Gavaskar said that the highlights of old matches can just fill a temporary void and can not solve the real problem.
“Certainly yes. the way things are going we might not be able to see any live sport for maybe 4-5 months. that’s gonna be tough not just on the current players but also those who follow sport. there are so many fans of different sports.”
“For them to be able to only look at the old action after a time it gets boring, for nostalgia you can go back and see what happened earlier but actually you wanna see live sport be it on tv or ground and for that not being able to be seen till September that’s a worrying thing and i am pretty certain that the officials of all the sports are planning plan a, b, c to get over this period of uncertainly,” the former batsman asserted.
The topic of closed door matches has created all sort of buzz once the coronavirus started transcending the national boundaries. There have been suggestions about holding the IPL and T20 World Cup also behind closed doors, but Gavaskar think that could be the last resort.
“I think that’s gonna be absolutely the last resort otherwise you know when you can’t have absolutely anyone at the ground only then you should play without crowds. Every performer likes to perform in front of a crowd which appreciates the skills and temperament. Same in theatre. So i think it’s not gonna be easy on the performers as well. Players also want to do the high fives and hugs,” Sunil Gavaskar opined.
A solution in this case is a must and Sunil Gavaskar can think of nothing other than discovery of a vaccine. Gavaskar said vaccines will bring the fans sooner to the stadiums.
“The only solution that i can think of is the vaccine being discovered very very quickly. If that happens maybe we might be able to get some fans in the stands by the end of the year. We are still about 7 months away so it’s still possible to do so. But you don’t even know who does not have the Covid-19. You could be sitting at 10 feet away from somebody but something can still be transferred. I mean even if you go to the ground and are sitting at a fair distance you won’t have the sense of comfort that you’d feel unless you were certain you are safe.”
Talking about his life in the coronavirus lockdown, Sunil Gavaskar said he was actually enjoying it and would have not minded it more if his entire family was with him. Gavaskar also revealed that his current weight is close to the one he had in his debut series in 1971.
“Basically i have been taking it a bit easy, waking up late, catching up on a bit of breeding. Then in the evenings i go for a walk on my terrace and i could tell you that you will be surprised to know that i have almost come down to my debut series weight – just 0.03 kgs more than what my weight was when i made my debut. Also the fact that because of the restrictions, your diets are also restricted. Some tv serials or sth like that in the evening. Just pretty happy to be staying at home actually.”
“In the ultra slow lane (living life in). I would be very happy if my entire family was here with me but that’s not the case. But thankfully with all these new contraptions you can actually see each other and talk to each other so that’s a big plus as well,” Gavaskar concluded.
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lauesenpeck9-blog · 5 years
The True Story About T20 Cricket League That the Experts Don't Want You to Know
The War Against T20 Cricket League So far as the game went, we can detect the magic of Muralidharan alongside the keeping of Dhoni in 1 team. The match would be rather enjoyable and close. Subsequently, teams may choose an marquee player that is worldwide. The Advantages of T20 Cricket League If you reside in a nation that doesn't have cricket as a primary sport you are going to need to go online to find the cricket action because it is a sensible assumption you won't put it upon your community TV stations. The capacity to play along with a collection of cricketers will merely benefit the emerging and established Irish ability which will be involved throughout the next decade. When you seek the services of a business to utilize you'll find the newest to play with. T20 Cricket League Secrets That No One Else Knows About Little pieces of advice might be sufficient to place us on the path that is perfect. There are many rule variants for these games too depending on where you're on the planet. Whether you're competing or simply attempting to increase your operation we have seven tips which can direct you and enable you to improve not your period, but in addition your functionality. The History of T20 Cricket League Refuted After picking a bowler and based on their style, the player is going to have a couple of choices available. Hockey is a sport played on the ice or over a area when it is played on the ground it's with the assistance of a hockey bat whereas it's the rod. It could be claimed that the rapid pace of ice skating demands a higher degree of fitness. Teams are proven to choke at the last stages. IPL Cricket is among the very best possible things that may have happened to T20 cricket. IPL brings to mind lots of things. Your E-Token is going to be emailed to you. There's fantastic speed, there's excellent bounce, I adore the battle, and we all get good audiences also. With over three years until the ball is bowled, it is too early to judge whether that competition is going to be a success or not. The 30-Second Trick for T20 Cricket League Of both items, the batsman needs the nerves. The majority of the bowlers were on goal for nearly all the moment. Batting is really fairly quick. Using T20 Cricket League After you've got a completely functioning scoreboard you may use the glow integration (remember you always have the option to use the online interface for a backup in case something goes wrong). There's no sport without a rule book as thick as a brick, and the thought could be hard for people to grasp. The chance to play alongside a number of the best is going to offer a terrific chance for our players to learn and develop their skills. Dependent on the rules, this calendar year there might be sixteen league games. Therefore, it's reasonable enough to state that the 57-year-old includes an excellent quantity of comprehension of the cricket leagues all over the world. Cities across the nation started to take interest and teams grew and started to play another. No matter how enormous or small the number appear on Stats, whatever the means by which the teams have performed. There are 3 basic types of cricket, even though the basics of the game are rather similar. It is possible by typing into the form to edit the players, along with the sort of game. T20 Cricket League and T20 Cricket League - The Perfect Combination You could even display this to your association's website, composed Choudhary. Nevertheless, over the past couple of decades we've seen many format changes in the seasons. In deciding this broadcasting rights will play a big role. Becoming conscious of how much time it may take for one to finish your path is a method to bring focus on everything you need as a means to better performance and your time. Make certain you're eating a balanced diet that is most appropriate for you personally. Both teams participating from the contest are getting to be ready as they attempt to lay claim to the prize that is massive to tussle for a little bit of history. The Ultimate T20 Cricket League Trick Tournament schedule are available here. Loved ones and friends packaged the 1 area airport anticipating their family. The game will happen on May 27. What the In-Crowd Won't Tell You About T20 Cricket League
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'Two or three IPLs left in me' - Yuvraj Singh
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'Two or three IPLs left in me' - Yuvraj Singh
Playing for India still remains a motivation for Yuvraj Singh, who has also insisted he has “two or three IPLs” left in him. Yuvraj, 36, also said he could have had a successful Test career and played around 80 matches had it not been for a combination of factors, including a rare form of germ-cell tumour that kept him out of the game for nearly a year. Yuvraj, though, doesn’t want to leave the game with any regrets, “thinking I should have played for some more years.”
Yuvraj came back into India’s ODI side in January 2017, after a gap of more than three years, and played 11 matches – including all of India’s matches during the Champions Trophy in England in June – before being left out again after an ODI series in the West Indies. The selectors didn’t pick him for any of the squads for the Duleep Trophy in September, which sent a signal that his international career could be over. Still, Yuvraj hasn’t given up on another India comeback. For now, he has the IPL to look forward to, with his “home” franchise Kings XI Punjab, who signed him for USD 312,000 in January’s player auction.
“I want to go when I feel it is the right time to go, when I feel I have done my best and I could not have done any more than this,” Yuvraj told Sportstar. “I am still playing because I am enjoying playing cricket, not just because I have to play for India or I have to play the IPL. The motivation is definitely to play for India. I feel two or three IPLs are left in me.”
“I have been a fighter, taking on tough situations. I like being a pillar of strength to people, for those suffering from cancer or going through other issues in life. I want to be known as someone who never gave up. Whether I play for India or not, I will give my 100 percent on the field. Cancer [YouWeCan Foundation] is going to be my area of work in the future. I love supporting young kids, I like interacting with the younger generation. Coaching is in my mind. I would identify underprivileged kids and focus on their sport and education.”
Yuvraj said he had always been keen on playing more Test cricket given how his success in the longer format invariably rubbed off on his ODI and T20I performances. “When I was growing up, I played a lot of two-day and three-day cricket,” he said. “I also looked forward to playing more and more Test matches, because I always felt that every time I did well in Test cricket, one-day cricket and (later) T20 cricket looked easier. That was the reason I wanted to play more Test matches. But the competition was so high.
“I was always trying to find a slot in competition with Sourav [Ganguly] and [VVS] Laxman. I opened the innings in one Test against Australia in Chennai in 2004. I got out early in the first innings [for 8], and then in the second innings I was batting on 7 when the game was rained off. So that opportunity too was wasted. Later I was brought into the middle-order. I eventually won a slot only when Sourav retired. And then, unfortunately, I was diagnosed as suffering from cancer at the peak of my career. I was 29. Had I continued I would have played 80 Test matches or more. But I really have no regrets.”
Since his last international appearance, Yuvraj hasn’t played for Punjab consistently in domestic tournaments this season, turning up for only game in the Ranji Trophy. He has had a middling run in both the Syed Mushtaq Ali T20 tournament as well as the Vijay Hazare Trophy 50-overs tournament, where he is leading the side. While admitting that motivational levels could drop while playing in front of empty stadiums in domestic cricket, he said in the same breath that motivation had to come from within.
“For someone like me, motivation comes from within and not necessarily from the spectators. I am discovering this because I have had to start my cricket again, literally from scratch; I am going through the grind of domestic cricket,” he said. “You do like the applause from the galleries but the motivation has to come from within. Let me also tell you that it is not always easy playing in front of some of the spectators we encounter at different venues. I was able to make a comeback only because I did not miss the chance to play domestic cricket.”
In recent times, Yuvraj has been intent on achieving peak fitness. He even recently cleared the yo-yo test, the current benchmark that India’s selectors and team management have set for a player’s fitness. Yuvraj felt the emphasis on fitness was an extension of captain Virat Kohli’s own rigorous work ethic.
“Obviously, he’s very different from MSD [MS Dhoni], who is calm and composed. Virat is a bit aggressive. The results have shown that he is doing very well as captain,” Yuvraj said. “It’s a different generation too. MSD had very experienced players, match-winners. It was a very set team when he got the captaincy. The team has transformed under Virat. Being so fit himself, he emphasises on fitness. The players now are much fitter than the previous generation because the game too has become more demanding. Virat is taking the team in the right direction with his fitness and diet discipline, keeping in mind the 2019 World Cup.”
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wisdenindia-blog · 6 years
Iron-willed Smithies on the crest of an unending wave
Iron-willed Smithies on the crest of an unending wave “I came here actually in 1998 to coach and play at the University of Pretoria. Fell in love with the place and moved out here in 2000″ – Karen Smithies. © Wisden India Among the many people sitting in the stands at the SuperSport Park in Centurion when South Africa were beating India by 135 runs to take a series-winning lead, was one very interested person. Much more than a spectator, but neither South African, nor Indian. Karen Smithies is the manager of the Titans, the domestic franchise whose home ground is the SuperSport Park. A team so strong that seven of their players featured in the XI for the Test: Dean Elgar, Aiden Markram, AB de Villiers, Faf du Plessis, Quinton de Kock, Morne Morkel and Lungisani Ngidi. On the bench, was Chris Morris, making it eight players in the squad. Dale Steyn plays for the franchise too. Being the go-to person for a franchise with such a galaxy of stars would have been a sort of career-high for most people. Smithies is not most people though. And she has something in cricket none of the illustrious names around her do: a World Cup winner’s medal. Smithies is the former England Women’s captain, who played 15 Tests and 69 One-Day Internationals from 1986 till 2000. In 1993, she led England to victory in the tournament at home. In 2017, she was at Lord’s to witness Anya Shrubsole deliver the trophy for her team against Mithali Raj’s India, completing an evolutionary circle for women’s cricket. But first things first. How is a former England Women’s captain the Titans’ manager in Centurion? When it’s put to her that we generally see the reverse – South Africans going to England – she laughs. “Well it’s 18 years ago now since I left the UK,” Smithies tells Wisden India. “I came here actually in 1998 to coach and play at the University of Pretoria. Fell in love with the place and moved out here in 2000. I landed up at SuperSport Park in 2003 coaching women, but I’ve been with the Titans now since 2006. I go once a year to see the family, but otherwise, I’m a resident here now. “Cricket’s been part of my life since I was a small child, so it’s great to be part of it. And I work with so many great guys here at the Titans,” she continues. “To work with the likes of AB, Morne – guys who were coming through when I first started. It’s a special part of my journey here at the Titans. Dale Steyn started here, and I’ve had the privilege to work with some of the great players of South African cricket. Mark Boucher, for example, is the coach, and my boss. It’s a privilege to see how he goes about his business. The memories of some of the great players she has seen and the ones making their way up is something she treasures. “AB was different. He was already earmarked. He went very quickly. Morne Morkel made his debut for the Titans just as I started, in 2006. He was very nervous about bowling a no-ball, and what does he do with his first ball in domestic cricket? He bowls a no-ball! “For me now, seeing Aiden Markram and Lungi Ngidi, two outstanding gentlemen and two fantastic cricketers, get debuts was pretty special for us as well. It’s a special place SuperSport Park that has produced a lot of Protea cricketers.” But for Smithies, this is just the second half of her cricketing life. The first was probably even more eventful. She’s played in an era when women still had to wear skirts and seen the change to trousers. She burnt a bat with Belinda Clark at Lord’s to mark the beginning of the Women’s Ashes. She was there when Rachel Heyhoe-Flint used to sell chocolates and raffle tickets to raise funds so that women could play the sport. She’s been to two tours of India, and taken part in one of the most thrilling women’s Tests ever, which England won by two runs. “It went down to the final ball,” she remembers. “And there was an lbw decision. I took a gamble with the last over, it was quite a slow, turning wicket but I brought on the left-arm pace of Jo Chamberlain. She bowled a good over and off the last ball of the over [actually the third ball], we all went up for the lbw and it was given. So it was a fantastic game of cricket actually.” Karen Smithies burnt a bat with Belinda Clark at Lord’s to mark the beginning of the Women’s Ashes. © Wisden India Set 128 for victory, India were all out for 125 in 38.3 overs in what was the second Test of the series. This after Neetu David had taken 8 for 53 in England’s second innings, setting India a very gettable target. “We were in big trouble throughout the Test actually,” says Smithies. One of those where you were down and out and then you managed to scrape and turn it around a little bit. So it just to-ed and fro-ed all the way through.” Smithies has fond memories of India, both in 1995 and 1997, though she had her share of adventures too. “As a cricketer, to play in India is something every cricketer should do,” she says. “We’d have good crowds, and it’s nice to have a knowledgeable crowd. I loved India, and to play in different conditions. And we did have a lot of different conditions. “For food, I was given a little trick. An old soldier that I knew was based in India. And he said, ‘To look after yourself, just take a little tot of brandy every night, a little cap. And you will be fine!’ I lost a lot of weight there. I basically survived on potatoes that were in the curry, bananas, poppadum and naan bread. That was just about my diet while I was there. But thankfully I was good. “In Pune, we played an ODI and it got a little volatile. Claire Taylor got a bang on the head from someone who’d thrown something from the crowd, and we had to stay in the changing rooms for about three hours after the game because the crowd would not disperse. That was a tricky stay for us, but I suppose it all added to the experience.” It was a different era then. “I played in skirts from 1986 to 1997. And 1997 was the first year that we brought in the trousers,” smiles Smithies. “In India, it’s not very pleasant because you’re diving around on the field and the heat and the dust… hated it (wearing the skirt) actually! But that was the call of the day, so we had to go by it. It wasn’t very comfortable, and it wasn’t very good to look at either. Thankfully 1997 saw the change.” The next year also saw the launch of the Women’s Ashes. The men’s trophy is said to have the ashes of a burnt bail. The women burnt something more substantial. “We burnt a bat. This was at Lord’s,” says Smithies, pointing to a photo of Belinda Clark and her burning the bat, flanked by Roger Knight, the MCC president then, and the England manager. Women cricketers today are still not near the earning level of the men, but they are far removed from their predecessors at least. “The great Enid Bakewell, who I played all my cricket with in Nottinghamshire, and Rachel Heyhoe-Flint – they used to sell chocolate to raise funds for our club,” recounts Smithies. “Sell raffle tickets to get money for training facilities. I also did a sponsored walk if I remember, from Lord’s to the Oval and back. Again pioneered by Rachel Heyhoe-Flint just to raise awareness and money. That’s what we had to do, you know. It was part and parcel. “I know that back in the day, 1986 onwards, a lot of the Indian players worked for Railways I believe, and were given time off to play cricket,” she adds. “But I don’t think they had a lot of support, the conditions, the facilities or the money to do what they wanted to. Although they had some very good quality players. Since then there has been a lot more women’s cricket, and the ICC have really put in a lot of effort into the game. They play more competitive cricket than we did on a regular basis, which also helps the momentum of it.” One of the great showcases for how the women’s game has changed was the Women’s World Cup in 2017, whose final Smithies attended. “The game has evolved beyond recognition. I wish I was playing now in this era, with the opportunities that they get,” she smiles. “We were amateurs, we didn’t get paid. Most of the early tours we went to, we paid for ourselves pretty much. But now look, the top international women cricketers now are full-time. It gives them time to train, just concentrate on the cricket, which is a huge difference. And of course T20 cricket has also made a difference to their hitting areas, their power. I would love to have played a T20 game.” “To have 26,000 people at Lord’s for the women’s final, I never thought I’d see that. And just the atmosphere around the ground and the game was a credit to women’s cricket.” – Karen Smithies. © Getty Images For Smithies, the advent of T20 and particularly the Women’s Big Bash League in Australia, have played key roles in pushing the game’s popularity steadily upwards, until it all came together at the 2017 World Cup, whose final has been hailed as perhaps the grandest showcase for women’s cricket. “Absolutely,” agrees Smithies. “To have 26,000 people at Lord’s for the women’s final, I never thought I’d see that. And just the atmosphere around the ground and the game was a credit to women’s cricket. It was televised, most of it. So a lot of people could see it. A lot of the games were close as well. “The other thing is the women’s Big Bash League in Australia. Those kinds of tournaments are doing the women’s game so much good. I know that Dane van Niekerk, Marizanne Kapp and Mignon du Preez are over there now. It’s like the IPL, you’re playing with and against the best players in the world. It can only do your game good.” Smithies only went to the final though, thus missing out on both semifinals, which were classics in their own right. The first one would have been more poignant for Smithies, with England squeaking home by two wickets, with two balls to spare – against South Africa. Who would she have been supporting? The question is followed by the ready, and infectious, laughter Smithies has. “Umm… Obviously, England because that’s where my home is. And home is where the heart is. But I was also keen to see some of the South African girls that I know, they also put in a very, very good performance. And again England in the final, were up against it for quite some time and India really should have taken it. But you know these big-pressure days bring and with Shrubsole doing her in-duckers and a couple of wickets falling, momentum went back to England.” The title triumph brought back the memories of her own moment of glory in 1993, when she lifted the World Cup as the England captain. “In 1993, women’s cricket was run by the Women’s Cricket Association. And they really had to rely on donations to stage the event,” she says. “We won, against all odds, I believe. It was live on TV that afternoon, and John Major was there, he was Prime Minister at the time. So there was a lot of high profile to it and it really gave women’s cricket a leverage. And five years later, the Women’s Cricket Association merged with the ECB. And now the World Cup was run by the ICC. “Look in 1993, we stayed in Wellington College. In dormitories. And in 2017 they probably stayed at The Hilton in London. We had to do our own washing, things like that. The game has evolved immeasurably over the years, and quite rightly too because there’s some good players out there.” The win though did produce a moment that remains etched in minds for many, though its one Smithies would rather forget about. Flushed with victory, she told Derek Pringle, the allrounder, that since the men’s team didn’t seem to be winning anything, perhaps the women could teach them a thing or two? “I think I got a bit cocky at that stage because we were doing very well, and the men under Michael Atherton were down and out,” she says, eyes twinkling. “It was a rushed comment, and one which I wished I never made. It was probably something like “You can learn how to play from us”. Most likely. Bit cocky, eh? But it was just one of those heat-of-the-moment things. I was 24 years old, I was on the crest of a wave after winning the World Cup and… I lost it, to be honest!” There’s no losing it now for Smithies, whether in her office sorting through mail for the Titans’ cricketers, in the open-air press box of the SuperSport Park ready to lend a helping hand to journalists, bustling about with the thousand and one administrative tasks she has to attend to, or just sitting back quietly and enjoying the game to which she has given two careers and is still not done.
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viralleakszone-blog · 7 years
IPL Anchor Samir Kochhar's Fitness Tips
IPL Anchor Samir Kochhar's Fitness Tips
It’s been a while since the 10th edition of the Indian Premier League (IPL) commenced and the response of the audience has been overwhelming. The entire nation has been gushing over it and at the center of the storm are extremely talented and entertaining anchors who have been hosting the Extraaa Innings T20 show and also interviewing the players on the field.
Samir Kochhar is one of the oldest anchors of the tournament and has been a part of all the seasons till date. The model-turned-actor-turned-TV presenter, is a hard-core Delhi boy who shifted to Mumbai to pursue his dream of acting. He has done a number of films with stars like Karishma Kapoor, Salman Khan and Akshay Kumar.
The actor is very attentive to his diet and physical fitness. He maintains a strenuous workout regime and doesn’t take it lightly. He follows a 5-day workout regime which has a mix of cardio and weight training, push-ups, pull-ups and chin-ups. Free hand exercises are a part of his main workout as they help maintain his weight. He doesn’t favour having pumped up muscles with veins throbbing along his neck and shoulders rather he prefers having a leaner and fitter physique which he has achieved without the use of any supplements or body enhancers.
When it comes to food, Samir describes himself as a diet-conscious Dilliwala foodie. He has numerous fond memories of the Capital city and its mouth-watering food. Paranthe Wali Galli in Chandni Chowk and the restaurants at Pandara Road Market are his go-to places to satisfy his sudden hunger pangs at odd hours. When he gets tired of his diet and rigorous workout, he indulges in buttery, sugary and carb-rich items. Nothing lifts his mood better than some good Punjabi food like Butter Chicken, Dal Makhni, Paratha and some Hari Mirch on the side.
Although he loves munching on junk food, he puts his self-control to test and abides by a strict diet plan. He loves Aloo Parantha for breakfast but in an attempt to stay fit and healthy, he opts for oats along with milk. He starts his day with black coffee and muesli accompanied with a bowl of fruits. He has 5 to 6 meals in a day which are consumed at intervals of 2 hours. This ensures that his metabolism remains up, it controls his urge to binge and provides a constant supply of energy. Eggs, fish and salads regularly feature in his diet. Consuming anything after 9:30 pm isn’t allowed in his diet plan. But if he feels uneasy, he has a bowl of cereal. His determination and enthusiasm regarding his health is indeed impressive. All his efforts have paid off as he looks extremely fit and in shape. Another secret of this multi-talented presenter is that he is a pretty good cook. Omelette is his specialty and he loves to put together an appetizing breakfast for his family. He cooks delicious mutton and chicken curry as well.
Samir Kochhar has worked very hard to achieve all that he has. He is a self-made man and has come a long way since his modelling days. We wish him all the very best for the ongoing IPL season and hope he has a good run.
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hsrsports · 4 years
Royal 'cubs': Akash seeking out Unadkat, Yashasvi to study Smith's mindset - Click on link to subscribe my channel https://ift.tt/34vXvMA Facebook - https://ift.tt/2Vjiyz6 Twitter - https://twitter.com/HsrSports Pinterest - https://ift.tt/2ywdZIH Tumblr - https://ift.tt/2z5qwmL Blog - https://ift.tt/2VlBDRu #Sports #Sports_News #Tournament NEW DELHI: "I can't explain what has been Suresh Raina's contribution in my career," one could gauge the emotion in Kartik Tyagi's voice as he spoke about his first senior team captain. For Akash Singh, this is a God sent opportunity where he can spend time with his favourite "JD Bhaiyya" off the field on how to keep the head above water in a glitzy environment. Yashasvi Jaiswal, their former India U-19 teammate, is already being talked up as the next big thing after becoming the youngest double centurion in List A cricket for the formidable Mumbai. Meet Rajasthan Royals' fresh batch of U-19s, starry eyed, dreams to accomplish and waiting for their "Rockstar Ravindra Jadeja" moment like it happened 12 years ago with India's first choice all-rounder across formats. All three were integral part of India U-19 team that lost the 2020 World Cup final to Bangladesh but for the troika, their journey began even before that when Royals picked them from the IPL auction. Talk to Tyagi, he recalls how Raina felt that the raw 17 year-old was good enough to play Ranji Trophy and the UP skipper had support from team's senior bowler Praveen Kumar. "Raina bhaiyya ka jo yogdaan raha hain, hum kabhi bhula nahi payenge. I had played U-16s when I was told to join Ranji Trophy camp. Raina bhaiyya saw me a few days and asked selectors to put me in Ranji Trophy team," the right-arm pacer Tyagi, who made a name for himself with crushing yorkers at the U-19 World Cup, said. "I must also mention how PK bhai (Praveen's nickname) also supported me. During that match against Railways, Raina bhaiyya stood at mid-off and PK bhai at mid-on just to guide me and ensure I don't suffer from nerves," said Tyagi, who had decent figures of 1 for 25 from 15 overs. For Akash, who is a left-arm seamer, a chance to be Jaydev Unadkat's understudy is the best perk of this Royals deal. He knows that Unadkat will be the first choice but he wants to be that sponge that soaks in any information that will be passed on by the Saurashtra left-armer, known for getting bank breaking deals at the IPL auction. "I am lucky that I have JD bhai in my team. I would take this in a positive manner (that he may not be first choice). Also from a senior cricketer, you learn about off the field stuff of how to carry yourself and this is our time to learn," Singh said. The most eloquent of the three, Yashasvi, a product of Bombay school of batsmanship as well as grooming, spoke about the process. "I did my fitness drills, maintained my diet and everything that our coaching staff at Royals told me. I did a lot of meditation during lockdown. "The focus will always be on the process and if your process is correct, no one can stop you from giving 100 percent on the field," said Yashaasvi, the highest scorer of U-19 World Cup, who enjoys a staggering list A average of 70 plus after 13 games. Both Tyagi and Yashasvi have their questionnaire ready and when Steve Smith and Jofra Archer land in Dubai, they can be all but certain that their brains will be picked. "We are all going through an entire gamut of emotions. I only saw these players on TV and now I will play alongside them. It's indeed a great feeling," the excitement in his voice was palpable. "Jofra Archer is the best in the world but it's not one thing I want to learn from Jofra. There are many things to learn from him and I would like to pick his brains on all aspects of fast bowling," Tyagi said. For Yashasvi, it is very difficult to ape Smith's technique but obviously how the former Australian skipper constructs an innings under pressure could be an education for the left-handed opener. "He has very different technique and it is his individual one. I would like to lean a lot about mindset as to how he plans an innings in difficult circumstances, how he thinks about his game," Yashasvi said. Talk about pressure, Akash said that " Rahul Dravid sir's tips" received during U-19 days is like gospel for him. "Rahul sir would always emphasise on how I can improve and speaks about how to keep a positive mindset. He focuses a lot on mental make...
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