#I've got an important project due for a small child's birthday
airdropababy · 3 years
A Guide To The Wayward Guide Podcast: Chapter 3
Previous Chapter Guides: Prologue | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2
Chapter length: ~18 minutes
Release Dates:
Podcast: October 30th, 2020
YouTube: January 1st, 2021
Who Do We Hear From?
Established Characters: Henry, Cliff, Rocky, Jewel, Silas, Ags, and The Mayor
Guest Voices:
Emily Darvill as the news announcer
Jaime Lyn Beatty as Jacobsen (newscaster that breaks the story of Silas being hired at Miner Mole)
Jeff Blim as the host of Stock Jock Radio.
Episode Transcript Link: Chapter 3
Placement in Continuity: This episode opens after the final events of Episode 3 then goes back to cover when they visited Miner Mole Inc earlier that same day and spoke with the Irons family as well as Silas.
Chapter Breakdown:
Intro: Artemis alone talks about how even though she and Paul are very different for twins, they have “twintuition” for sensing what’s going on with each other, noting it’s usually mundane little things but sometimes it’s something bigger- like when Paul was involved in an accident on their third day in Connor Creek.
Artemis intercuts her monologue with phone audio from a drunken burping Dr. Henry Edwards about “an accident.”
Artemis could sense it was related to Paul when she got the call about two hours after they had separated.
The argument they had before separating, according to Artemis, was due to not agreeing on what leads to follow on their third day in Connor Creek.
Artemis notes it was the evening when she got the call and she was reviewing the tape from earlier in the day when she got it.
After the Theme Song: Paul is still alive. The Irons Family are very pro-Miner Mole as the mining industry in town is dying. Artemis and Paul share their research on Miner Mole Inc and Silas, the recently-demoted trust fund bro regional manager that is passionate about climbing back up the corporate ladder. Artemis and Paul muse about the mysterious large payment he made to TFCC. Silas threatened Artemis and Paul before Artemis left his office that day.
Paul introduces himself as: “ Your una-paul-agetic co-host." and goes on to spoil that he clearly survived his attack as he has been doing half of the post-production narration all along.
The Irons family members are interviewed as pro-Miner Mole citizens:
Cliff and Rocky blame the previous town council for limiting mining to only souvenirs when tourism was dropping.
Jewel has been pulled out of school to work in the mine with them as money is tight and she’s not very bright.
Jewel had previously worked at the marionette theater but was creeped out by the puppets.
Cliff got the council (as a council member himself) to lift the child labor laws so Jewel could work full-time in the mine.
The Irons felt things turn around when Miner Mole started airing an ad before, during, and after Barney’s daily radio show. 350 times in one summer.
The ad, voiced by Silas himself, about a job fair at the upcoming council meeting. It impressed the Irons family.
Artemis and Paul did look into Miner Mole and Silas before going over to Silas’s office:
Miner Mole’s parent company is Chimera World Wide, originally a silicon processing company that was essential to ushering in the use of computers in central Europe.
Chimera expanded to many different field over 60+ years but their fossil fuel division was on the verge of bankruptcy in nearly a fifth of their portfolio due to the clean energy push.
They play news coverage of Silas being named president of domestic sales for Miner Mole and how it surged Chimera’s stock.
It’s also revealed that Silas is the son of an oil tycoon.
Previously he had used his inheritance to create a pilates franchise brand and a bolo tie subscription service.
Artemis and Paul go on to explain Silas’s “All American, All Mine” plan which targeted rural communities with midsize aging mining infrastructure and exploited the low income communities by monopolizing their primary resource.
Audio from Stock Jock Radio is played saying to not buy Chimera’s stock due to how Silas spent over 300K in a single quarter on personal expenses as president of Miner Mole and was demoted to regional manager of the Connor Creek mining location.
Then they play additional audio from when Artemis interviewed Silas:
Silas points out he’s not the only enemy Ryan made on his crusade against mining.
Silas goes on to defend that he’s trying to save the town with mining so that he can get re-promoted out of Connor Creek once it succeeds.
Artemis mentions the note about the $122,123 payment to TFCC and she and Paul consider what TFCC could be
They also wonder who the “we” Silas was referring to when talking about how they were going to do big things.
It ends with audio of Silas threatening Artemis and Paul for Artemis continuing to record after he said the conversation was over.
Next Time: Ags re-introduces herself to Artemis
shares that she’s the minute keeper for the town council
She responds to the Mayor barking for her
What Do We Learn About Connor Creek?
Henry notes Sheriff Madison told him about Artemis and Paul’s arrival as he had been to the Dead Canary earlier that day and “lost track of time” (aka, doesn't remember meeting them)
Jewel calls Paul’s digital recorder a “walkman” despite having been born in the 21st century.
Jewel worked at the same marionette theater that Madison and Ryan’s father did his Pirates of Penzance production at.
Cliff had to sell family heirloom tools and Rocky tried tutoring to make extra money and mining became less lucrative as tourism fell locally.
Cliff and Rocky both had miners for parents as well.
Barney’s daily radio show was called “Local Yokel, No Joke-yl”
Ag’s introduces herself not only as a travel agent but also a broach enthusiast and minute keeper for the council.
It took Ags four viewings of Starlight Express to realize the characters were trains.
What Do We Learn About Artemis and Paul?
This is the first time the podcast has mentioned that they’re twins in addition to siblings
Paul is the older twin by an hour and forty-six minutes.
They consider the time between births as the basis in their differences that remain outside their twintuition.
Artemis mentions their parents also felt this way.
Artemis did the research on Miner Mole Inc and Paul peer reviewed.
Paul guesses TFCC stood for “Torsen Fracking Compressor Corporation”
Artemis guesses TFCC stood for “Travel Funds Credit Card”
What Do We Learn About the Universe the Show Takes Place In?
Chimera World Wide, the massive parent company of Miner Mole, is a reference to Spies Are Forever.
Their slogan “Chimera: a little bit of everything” is a specific reference to a line of dialogue in Act 2 Part 5 of the musical.
In the past 60 years, Chimera has expanded from their original silicon business to be involved in many fields- including fossil fuels hence Miner Mole.
Chimera technology is likely in all personal electronics used.
Extra info on Silas:
He has won twitter fights with TMZ over “fake news tricks”
Silas is the son of an oil tycoon and grew up in the rich suburbs of Nashville.
Silas’s previous business: pilates franchise (Torsen’s Torso) and bolo necktie subscription service (Stylas)
He spent over $300,000 in Q1 on personal expenses as President of Finance, including:
$85K for “Western Footwear”
$150,000 for Lil Nas X to perform at his birthday party. (which would mean 1) He got demoted VERY RECENTLY 2)He was absolutely in on the ground floor of Lil Nas X’s rise in fame. Like… before demos of “Old Town Road” were even recorded.
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