#I've been so entertained cooking up Loboto's story for Pre Asylum AU... It gets pretty darn dark and i am relishing in it
sadisticsmore · 2 years
Do you have any headcanons for how Loboto lost his arm?
Hello there Nonny! :D 💖 That is an interesting question because I've thought long-hard about how he could've lost his arm and the correlation to his post-procedure effects as a child. It might be a bit of a mouth full, but hopefully it'll all make sense.
After his transorbital lobotomy in 1963 (9 years old), there was damage to the nerve connection to the brain that allowed his arm to be mobile and coordinated. Because of this, it would conk out, so to speak, and there was nothing he was able to do about it. This was always a frustratingly common occurrence for him and he struggled for a long time. Thankfully as he got older, he learned how to strengthen his arm (physical therapy from the hospital) where he was able to have better mobility and coordination, but the unfortunate part about this was that it does occasionally “kick the bucket” as an adult, but not as regularly as it did before. No other choice to accommodate this continuous issue he had to improvise by using his left arm to write, henceforth becoming ambidextrous.
This just gives an idea that this is one of many initial damages from result of his procedure, especially in the asylum. Time-skip during his criminal career as the Butcher Dentist, his egregious crimes affected so many lives… It comes back full circle to bite him :)
Now for the juicy part that lead to his arm being amputated. Are you ready? I know I am-
Thorney Towers: Home for the Demented was going through pandemonium after the disastrous flooding of the town and that's where all hell broke loose within the asylum. Loboto, unsurprisingly, participated in the riot once he left his god-forsaken confinement to go completely ballistic. Given an opportunity to find and gruesomely kill the head doctor of the institution, Doctor Wolfgang, who did numerous "therapeutic methods" on him during his time as a guinea pig... In his state euphoria, he wasn't entirely paying attention to his surroundings where he should’ve been; there were people trampling one another and clawing their way out to the front doors.
A man that worked in the asylum as security, like everyone else, was trying to escape until he bumped into Loboto...
He recognized him as the infamous Butcher Dentist...
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Nothing is more terrifying than a wrathful father seeking revenge
His entire shoulder bone was completely shattered, which ultimately blocked his blood vessels/previously damaged nerve that resulted in his arm going into necrosis over time... Being stubborn, he reassures the very few concerned inmates of the asylum and Crispin, who he consulted to the most, he was fine. His right arm was oozing from infection and decay; it lead to blood poisoning. Loboto became very ill and he was forced to have his decomposing arm amputated
Oh he did not like that, NOT AT ALL
Loboto, of course, fought like hell to get out of being held down... Unpleasant memories were flashing in his knotted mind of the procedure he endured as a child and the experiments conducted on him against his own will. Practically screeching his head off, thrashing with all his strength despite his disturbingly thin, malnourished physique; he was terrifyingly strong. Sheegor, unfortunately having the most experience in the medical field had to be the one to saw off his arm. Eventually he blacked out from the excruciating pain, which made the process much easier to do without the constant struggle.
When he woke up, his arm is gone forever, just until he tinkers around to finally build his iconic three-pronged claw we all know and love :)
That is my headcanon of how he lost his arm
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