#I've been a Florence fan longer than I've been a Louis fan hajshajaha
theirloveisgross · 5 months
I know it's probably a long shot, but I've been thinking about it a lot, like I'm sure some of you have as well. So I'm just going to ramble.
I see photos of Rachel having a good time with Louis and all, during tour, and it's not like I think they became best friends, but I think they had a good time and stuff. And Louis likes her music and interacts with her stuff. I love that.
And I know that Florence is really good friends with Rachel... And that's been going on for a while actually. I feel like the first time i heard of Rachel was through Florence maybe a year or two ago. Anyway...
I'm like- can you imagine what a Florence-Louis friendship would be like?! Just- I know! I know! It's very unlikely... But weirder things have happened. And just- dude. Their personalities are just so... I think they'd match together so well, it's insane. That capricorn energy. Their work ethic. The loyalty. The no-bullshit approach to life. Just!!!
We were robbed of Florence-Harry. Maybe... Just maybe... We could still have Florence-Louis. If they were both to go to a Rachel show. That show she has in London on March 6 perhaps? Louis should be available. Idk if Florence is set to be filming anything but like- c'mon.
Well, putting all of this down now made me really really really want this so bad. Even more. *siiiigh*
I'll just be manifesting, I guess.
Louis, go follow Florence, c'mon now.
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