#I'm way too psyched about this but also I take no responsibility for obvious mistakes made while sleep deprived lol
smiletimeisrunningout · 5 months
@gccdstories x Baghra
"Now, now, I know you are happy I'm here," Emma stated despite the feeling that someone like Baghra wasn't too happy to have anyone there even when they visited to train. Much less someone like her after training hours. But Emma was determined and never deterred by the possibility of being hit with a stick. "I even come carrying gifts! Specifically, gifts you can drink. More specifically, liquor. The good kind, perks of being an esteemed guest or whatever. Do you have glasses, or shall we do it the Mysthaven way?"
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She had been warned by the other Grisha that she may get herself killed spending too much time with the lady, but it was no matter. Emma had felt horribly uncomfortable showing her powers to her, and the only way she knew she could beat that sort of emotion was forcing herself to face it. Other emotions she could run from, but this was a good opportunity to be a better Grisha even if she had arrived late to the game. Plus, she was closer in age to Baghra than she was to people training there and far closer to her in everything than she was to the insufferable king and queen, who else could she go bother to learn more about how things actually went at Little Palace, or at Os Alta as a whole?
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Re the Mark Watson tweet/mailing list - I’m the same on twitter, I’ve been on there for over 10 years and only tweeted around 3 times - something about being ‘visible’ on twitter gives me the fear - I apprehensively replied to his tweet not long after it was posted and he followed me back pretty soon after that (I guess he was more on top on the replies straight afterwards?) having him as one of my followers when I have a total of less than 20 is definitely weird but he’s still there… never having DM’d anyone I was unsure but I sent over just my email and a ‘thanks’ and he replied saying ‘thank YOU’ It’s really odd when you consider the audience he must be able to reach, I think he is just genuinely a good person, which makes me love him even more
If anyone wants context for this message, it's following up on my saga of possibly briefly interacting with Mark Watson on Twitter, documented here and here.
I know what you mean about the "visible on Twitter" thing! I did actually briefly, slightly consider posting a shorter version of that list of names I wanted to see in response to his Tweet that invited requests. But I just couldn't get past how visible it would be. To regular people, not just nerds on Tumblr. And to famous people! What if one of the names I picked was a weird choice for some reason I didn't know? What if it turns out that Frankie Boyle and Stewart Lee were somehow not the only comedians who were dicks to Mark Watson, and I happened to pick someone else with whom there's been a feud and offend him? I don't know enough about anything to say stuff that might be visible! If I make a mistake here, it’s not a big deal.
The other day I made a long post about how I’m quite sure John Oliver has no history of working with Alex Horne so it’s weird that he’s doing the Horne Section TV show, and then someone left me a comment pointing out that right on the Horne Section’s Wikipedia page it says John Oliver has been a guest at their live shows. I posted an update acknowledging that they were right and I had clearly said some stuff that I thought was true but it turns out I didn’t know what I was talking about as well as I’d thought I did. Which was fine, because it’s only a Tumblr blog. It would be very embarrassing if I’d made that mistake on a platform where it was visible to John Oliver and Alex Horne. It would also be very embarrassing because, you know, I don't want John Oliver or Alex Horne to know how closely I've looked into their lives. All that said, I took my answer to Mark Watson’s Tweet and posted it here instead of there.
Anyway, thanks for the message, nice to know I'm not the only one here who's tried this! Yeah I took a couple of days to psych myself up into actually writing a reply, so I missed the initial wave. Not that I'm constantly checking or anything, but it looks like a few other people who commented at the same time as I did have also not been replied to. If I miss out on a mailing list and have to spend more time on Twitter to find out about these online things, that'll be my own fault for waiting too long. Though I might be at a point where I should start admitting that I'm probably going to keep looking at this Twitter account for a while either way. Breaking the general Twitter habit was fine, breaking the habit of looking at Mark Watson's Twitter is tougher. He keeps saying nice things that make me hate the world slightly less.
Having said that, if he does end up replying to me, I genuinely appreciate this message that lets me know the process. I mean, you send him your email and he says thank you is pretty much the obvious thing to assume about what the process is, but that still seems ridiculous to me so nice to know that's how it actually worked. I do know that connecting directly with his audience and wanting to get to know the people who watch/listen to his comedy is part of Mark Watson's whole thing, but letting any random person send him a direct message seems to take that up to an amazing degree.
He clearly has some sort of plan here; he’s said in the comments that he has reasons for creating the mailing list this way instead of setting up a form that lets people join automatically, and he mentioned sometime last week or so (not... not that I’m constantly checking or anything) that when he sees people say online live comedy needs to be left behind with lockdowns that only makes him want to do it more. So I assume he wants a list of people who’ve publicly expressed enthusiasm for this so he can use that list as evidence to support whatever agenda he’s pushing, and as far as I can tell that agenda is “make comedy more accessible”, so yeah, I am quite happy to be used in this scheme. Sign me up, Mark. Send me emails and tell whomever you’re trying to convince that I agree with whatever the hell you’re doing, because no matter what it is, I almost definitely do agree with it. Mark Watson could shoot a puppy on live TV and I’d assume he probably had a good reason.
Anyway, I think you're right. He might be the nicest person in the world. And I just want someone to tell me in my email inbox when he puts comedy on the internet. I would like updates on how to find comedy endorsed by the nicest person in the world.
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