#I'm still on s5 but was watching videos from 610 and this post happened lol
userlaylivia · 7 months
i said it to myself when it aired and I'll say it now and always, that scene in 610 is one of the best bellarke scenes ever maybe the best scene they've had so many though!! the way he wouldn't give up on her even when gabriel and octavia told him to, the heart and the head, the way clarke won the fight against josephine after hearing him and the way she looks at him when she wakes up like she's seeing him for the first time and the hug gah!! and then her saying the heart and the head just everything about that scene was perfect!! there was absolutely nothing platonic about any of it and I was saying it for seasons before that but I was so sure they would be canon after that and be endgame and they were supposed to be until jroth was a petty pos!! people called us delusional but they wrote a scene for them getting together in 6x11 so we weren't delusional gtfo!! jroth was just a petty pos ugh like even if they weren't endgame they could've at least given us a real kiss and ily!!! though they had numerous moments that screamed ily but ugh I'll never be over them no matter how much time goes by! they are tied as my second favorite couple of all time (tied with stydia at #2 another 6 season buildup ugh) and they were absolutely incredible together and I'll never understand anyone who hates them tbh!!
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