#I'm so sorry that your parents' taste is shit Stevie
steviesbicrisis · 1 year
First and last episode of Silvia uses her degree on tumblr:
✨ Steve's house is ugly as fuck ✨
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You might see this picture and think "what are you on about? it's not so bad!!" and I would agree with you, since the pool, the lights and the huge windows on the ground floor are doing the most at making this house look very nice and expensive.
But then, I saw this
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And like, I know this is season 1, they were on a budget and this house isn't as important as the Wheelers or the Byers but I have an hyperfixation on Steve Harrington so I simply cannot let this one slide.
There are a lot of things that bother me about this house: the flatness of this entrance (seriously, never heard of a porch???), those boring windows, the fact that the house is basic but then you have that expensive-looking front door and those huge windows in front of the pool?? it seems as if they merged two houses together???
Now, I know we all joke about Steve having a lot of spare bedrooms but like, this house is huge???
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LOOK AT THIS? is this really a suitable home for three people? You could fit all Hawkins after the earthquake in here, jc. They actually do have 400 spare bedrooms.
But then I realized, half of this is actually empty.
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This is the best part of the house, let's be fucking honest. Finally some rich features in here. But also, this means that half the house doesn't have a second floor but just a huge living space on the ground floor with a double high which is very rich of you Harringtons, wasting half of the second floor just for the sake of aesthetic.
(Also, that exposed wood roof is gorgeous but the color... meh.)
At this point you might think that this house isn't actually that bad.. let me remind you that this house contains this room:
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I rest my case.
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steveshairychest · 1 year
Steve's very self conscious of his Christmas present wrapping skills because he's never had to wrap presents for people before. They don't do Christmas trees, stockings and presents in the Harrington household, they do Christmas parties with food platters and wine and with Steve banished to his room so he doesn't embarrass his parents in front of their rich friends.
He considers not giving Eddie his gift when Eddie hands him the most perfectly wrapped present Steve's ever seen. There's not a single crinkle, tear or poorly folded corner. It looks like fucking Santa himself wrapped the present.
They'd agreed to open their presents at the same time before everyone else arrived so Steve pulls out his haphazardly wrapped present and anxiously hands it over to Eddie.
"Jesus, Stevie, did you wrap this in the dark- " He immediately stops talking when he notices Steve frown and look away from him, his fingers tap an unsteady rhythm on his thigh as he avoids Eddie's eyes, which Eddie knows means he's upset. "Shit, Steve, I'm sorry. I didn't mean it. I love it, I really do! Baby, look at me."
He leans forward and tries to meet Steve's eyes, which are stubbornly fixated on the perfectly wrapped present in his lap. "Will it make you feel better if I tell you that Wayne wrapped that present, because he did. I am rubbish at present wrapping! I wanted your present to look nice so I asked him to do it for me." He'd actually wrapped it himself but Wayne had taken one look at it and told him to 'Hand it over, son.' He'd thought he'd done a great job.
Steve sniffs and reaches up to wipe the tears that fell down his cheeks and dripped onto the present from Eddie. "Fuck, sorry, I don't know why I'm crying. Christmas is just, uhm, a sensitive holiday for me. Never really done it before." He shrugs and gives Eddie a weak, wobbly smile. "I didn't even know giving presents on Christmas was a thing until I was a teenager. I'm sorry, I've ruined it."
Eddie carefully puts the present from Steve on the floor beside him and then gently pulls Steve into his arms. They're sitting on the floor in Steve's living room, the Christmas tree is only small because Steve hadn't read the dimensions correctly and there's mismatched tinsel and baubles hanging off it. Eddie doesn't know how all the presents from the party are going to fit underneath the tiny tree but they'll make it work. They'll make it work for Steve.
He rocks Steve gently as he cries and buries his face in the ugly sweater Joyce had made everyone. "You haven't ruined anything, sweetheart. I should have known better, I'm sorry."
"It's ok. I should have said something." Steve mumbles into his chest.
"Well, we know for next time. Maybe we'll get Wayne to wrap all our presents next year because we are both shocking at it." Steve laughs and pulls away from the hug to kiss Eddie softly, his lips taste a little salty from his tears but there's also a hint of candy cane and gingerbread. "You should open your present before the kids get here." Eddie whispers against Steve's now smiling lips.
"Why? Is it inappropriate?"
"You got me something nasty and you let Wayne wrap it?!"
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idjitlili · 4 years
Don’t stop me now
Spike btvs x reader
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Summary:Imagine looking like  Freddie Mercury as a woman like in a 'I want to break free' with a hoover  dancing only for an 100+ vampire to join in, unknowingly.
A/n: what can I say , I've been busy with college , and I'm British so we know spike is gonna know Queen too.
Word count: 3891 Y/c=country(or just a state in America I don't know, the whole world isn't America lol.
It was strange to say the least; working for wolfram & hart, you had came from y/c to here, working for a law firm run by a vampire with a soul.  
Mental if you ask yourself , you had known Wesley when you was younger, actually he had brought you a ticket to Los Angeles , since your parental figure had called him , and let him know about everything really. Well just that you were now y/a , and in need of a job. That was it you were here now.
You weren't sure what your job was really , you definitely was not a social butterfly, Wesley had mentioned you had to crack codes? Now that you think about it , something to do with researching different demon rituals? That's not the correct word , anyways to do that had write summaries for Angel's upcoming meetings with these different species.
You ever had your own office, you could live in there honestly.  
There was a lot going on all the time, frankly it was kinda scary , knowing no one apart from Wesley, who clearly knotted up by the scientist, Fred. Yet you was always invited to the important meetings , you had guessed Wes had put in a word , to help you feel welcome or included. There wasn't really a purpose for you being there.
You were a little nervous that maybe one of them, probably the vampire ,Angel , not knowing that the blond British man was one too, could read your mind. What would he find the that  was terrifying (except you read dirty smut) . You were sat by Wes , at the end of the table closest to the window. Which also meant you were sat next to Angel, with the jelled blond bad boy opposite you.
"Okay, so cannibal vampire cult...what's with that, and why is that a problem?" Angel had began , with the same brooding face as , he had on 24 hours a day.  
Gunn , had cleared his throat briefly, causing everyone to turn their heads towards him. "Well, it's quite simple, they are killing all our clients."  Yeah this was waste of your life, you had already began doodling on the notepad in front of you. Unknowingly forgetting you were in an 'significant'  meeting.  
Not knowing how much time had gone by, felt like hours , freshly finished school and know you were here? Sucky. You were only jolted out of your thoughts when a foot had nudged yours, looking up slowly to the man in front of you , waiting for your reaction.
He was quite handsome you could not deny that, a small blush had raised to your cheeks , as he had caught you in a trance of boredom, you had lifted your eyebrows at him in confusion. With nothing but a smirk in response you had tried to listen again to the meeting.
"So you are saying we need bait? But who would we use? This whole place is monsters, "  Fred's face with disgust at the word 'monsters' as she delivered her thoughts, Wes thought for a moment his hand at his lip, indicting so as he looked at the pine table.  
"No,not necessarily," He had gestured to you , all eyes on you, feeling like a stripper, wow this is attention? Blush upon your face once again,"w-wha" choking on your own words ,before Angel had shook his head "Absolutely not, Wes, that's not fair."
"Yeah! I'm human too."
"And me, hey! So are you Wes."
"Uhhh, Mister Angel, " What else was you supposed to call him? Dad?  He had looked at you from the disagreement, nodding for you to go on.  
"S-say if I was, uh, what's the chances of me dying?"   The pencil in your hands being gripped tightly in your now sweaty palms, but Angel is not given chance to reply. "He wouldn't allow that, love. Would you 'mister' Angel" the blond vampire smirk was evident as he looked at the brooding brunette.
"Hold on a second, why do they want a human, if they are cannibal?" Okay that did make sense, use your ears y/n.
"They can't just drink each other , they need something other than other vampires. That's only when they actually find one of ours." Yeah, you guess that the blond man did make sort of sense, you had just "hm" in response.
You had turned to Wesley, gesturing for him to come closer, so that you could whisper into his ear, the rest watched in confusion. Hold on Angel still didn't answer your question. "Uh, um, did you volunteer me because I'm a virgin? Does that make me more attractive to the vampires?" You had really hoped that no one had super hearing, Wes pondered for a second, your hand still on his shoulder.
"I'm not quite sure, I'm probably not the best person to ask , you should bring that up with Angel." Wow thank you , so much. You moved back into sitting in your chair correctly. Twiddling your thumbs, to pretend like no one was looking at you,felt like hours that you were sat there, before your foot was nudged again, you peeped up to see the same blond man looking at you. Who else is it going to be? Johnny Depp? No.
"Come on ,love." You weren't even sure of his name, and he was calling you love. Instead of speaking you had just stared back blankly. Most awkward meeting. "Would you just ask me then? Surely it's not that bad,no one else has to hear." Only his Spike saw the look Angel was giving him, awww soft boy. He did not seem like he was evil..only if you knew him a couple of years ago.
You had stood up, in hopes spike would do the same,so you wouldn't have to kneel next to him and whisper. He stood up as you made your way to him , moving away from the table, before turning back to the others. "You lot carry on, " With that he led you away out of Angel's office to an empty one. This is so dramatic but you don't really want to be talking about your virginity to these people, well except spike.
"So,love, what's the problem?" He had towered over you, he was quite handsome yes, but you felt intimidated in honesty. "Uh,well, since I'm going to be bait...well ,um,  Are virgins more at risk at being snacked on? If that makes a difference to vampires? Oh I'm sorry, uh I-" he let out a chuckle at you, you moved your gaze to your feet. Why did you have to wear these heels, you didn't see Patrick swayze anywhere.
"Yes, they can smell it as soon as you walk into a room and it tastes different to other humans. ,love."
"W-wait how do you know?"
"I've had my fair share, now come on , love-come on I'm not going to eat you."
"Pfft- I'm not a virgin."
"Sure love,"
And with that you both headed back to the meeting , before you left to be bait Fred had informed you Spike had a soul like Angel after you had questioned him to her and Wesley.
Now you were in the middle of a park at 1 am , which happened to be not even a mile from the vampire base. It was freezing , in a poncho with a tank top, apparently to show off your neck under the street light, you were pretty sure that the vampires didn't give a shit if you were wearing Michael Myers mask.  
Ah yes, first day on the job, risks of death 99.9% , lovely.
What exactly are you supposed to do?  Pretty sure that mister mysterious and mister Stevie Nicks/vanilla ice are hiding in the bushes or something. Oh how you wish that Keanu Reeves would swoop you away from this situation.  
Stood in the open park, kicking the mud with you shoe , well until you are body slammed backwards onto the floor, by obviously an indeed ugly vampire. Where's David from lost boys you wouldn't mind if it was him , but this dude stank. He was not even a second away from biting you- wait sorry his fangs were in your neck.  It hurt like period pains in your neck, well until it was over , when he was yanked off by a blurry figure , as you felt your body being lifted, that was it.
You had woken up the next morning under a blanket on the sofa in your office, a plaster on your neck, water on the table. You were never going to do that , with the huge headache and the low sugar levels. As you looked down realising your movie white tank top was now drenched in blood. Deciding it was best to go talk to someone to go home, you left the office.
Your heels now discarded , your bare feet padding against the carpet floor , all the way to Angels office, Harmony informing you that he was in a meeting with the others. One brief knock on the pine door, was all it took for the similar brooding vampire had opened the door , gesturing you in.
Okay it was a bit naughty to not changed the blood stained tank, since there are two vampires in the room. Soon you were sat exactly where you were 24 hours ago, as were everyone else. "Uh, um ," No one was speaking , just staring at you really. "Y/n, I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have forced you into doing that , I didn't mean for you to get hurt." Wesley was undoubtedly guilty, probably thinking about how made your parental figure was going to be more like.
"I just like to say, I could've gotten aids."
"Uh, that's not how that works." Fred was honestly shaken by your words, well not really she just thought well actually you don't know.
"That was just dramatic effect. I'm quite annoyed , I did not want fucking Edward sucking me like I was juice carton. Did you even kill the cult?" Your voice sounded like sandpaper, as you delivered your anger with pop culture references and dramatic gestures.
"Yeah we did, well not me but still." Lorne smiled at you with concern , he had felt sympathy for you , hoping the bite wouldn't scar.
"Well good, um, I was wondering if I could go home now? Please?" You already hate this job, Angel had nodded, queuing you to stand up , doing a small bow in respect , going home to have a bath and sleep.
Wesley had called you not long after you gotten home , to inform you that you had been given an extra few days off. Wow first day then long weekend, mental.
Once you had gotten back on Monday, your neck was not healed still, but you had to come back otherwise you was going to be homeless.
Surprisingly , the work was easy , too easy, but you weren't to complain... there was tv with a DVD player, you were absolutely chuffed. It happened that you had brought cds in your bag accidentally. After storing those cds in that bag when coming to Los Angeles.
So , you did work through your work a little too fast, nothing to do, so since the demon cleaners  suck arse , and didn't clean up the blood from last week, you had went and gotten a Hoover and cleaning supplies. Queen and david bowie, playing on the tv, you know you can use DVD players to play cds, if you didn't know.
Maybe it was a little bad you playing slightly loud music while hoovering, dancing as you went, it was a shitty Hoover so it was taking a while. Your cardigan and heels discarded, your forehead laced with sweat, what could you say who does like Queen. Thus I want to break freebegan to play.
"I want to break free I want to break free I want to break free from your lies," The fact this song was a parody of coronation street. As soon as the beat began , you had also began aggressively Hooving, the long dramatic strides, even the the lip twitches as you lip-synced.
"You're so self satisfied I don't need you I've got to break free God knows, God knows I want to break free," You had stopped to flip the fringe of your hair , before resting your hands on your hips , the self confident head shake, another hair flip out of your face.
"I've fallen in love I've fallen in love for the first time And this time I know it's for real I've fallen in love, yeah God knows, God knows I've fallen in love It's strange but it's true, yeah,"
Obviously you couldn't take your shirt off , like Freddie, but yeah your skirt rising up , blouse too buttons undone was enough. Your hands hands spread out like a star for moments, you didn't know that Spike had heard the music and began to locate the source.
"I can't get over the way you love me like you do But I have to be sure When I walk out that door. Oh, how I want to be free, baby Oh, how I want to be free Oh, how I want to break free"
Looking up to the ceiling, arms lift out to the sides , legs apart. Dramatic spin, clenching of fists to your chest. Spike walking up to the do slowly opening it , seeing you shaking your head 'I want to break free' Now some elves but you can't do that your not Legolas. Or cows you are not sure.
Now not sure how you didn't see Spike .  This was embarrassing, spike wasn't copying really, not much anyways. It wasn't long after that dont stop me now started. Wow this is embarrassing. You had just abandon the Hoover at this point.
"I feel alive and the world I'll turn it inside out, yeah And floating around in ecstasy"
Bringing you hands in front  of you up near your neck , wiggling your fingers, spike did the same.
" So don't " You looked forward, "stop," Looked towards the window , as did spike . "me" Back forward. "now" "don't stop me 'Cause I'm having a good time, having a good time I'm a shooting star, leaping through the sky Like a tiger defying the laws of gravity." Jumping up , scratching like a Tiger standing side on,  moving your arms around you 200 degrees , you were doing a duet , without knowing it.
" I'm a racing car, passing by like Lady Godiva I'm gonna go, go, go" Honestly you don't know how to describe these moves in honesty go watch Paul Rudd do it.
"There's no stopping me I'm burnin' through the sky, yeah." Your arms almost touching spikes as you lift them up as you circle your arse in a small circle, before pointing up.
"Two hundred degrees That's why they call me Mister Fahrenheit"  
Okay you had climb onto the desk , spot Spike oh my god , you couldn't of represented the fear , well until he had threw his jacket on the sofa ripped his shirt off, winking at you, shaking his shoulders.
"I'm traveling at the speed of light I wanna make a supersonic man out of you "
"Don't" you had wiggled yours back, before pointing at the platinum vampire,gesturing him to come to you .
"stop me now, I'm having such a good time I'm having a ball Don't stop me now"  As he reached you , you held out your hands for him , helping him up onto the table.
"If you wanna have a good time, just give me a call" Each of you looking at each other, as you danced ,sorta looking like Rick I'm never going to give you up, a lot of twisting , and hand movements.
"Don't" "stop" " me now ('cause I'm having a good time) Don't stop me now (yes, I'm havin' a good time)" Spike had grabbed your hands twirling you, ending up with you in front of him facing away. Throwing out thumbs up to the side of you as you got closer to the desk top.
"I don't want to stop at all" Before rising your arms up , Spike pulling you up, honestly if you knew him deeply you wouldn't believe that he would do this, he's a vampire.
"Yeah, I'm a rocket ship on my way to Mars On a collision course I am a satellite, I'm out of control I am a sex machine, ready to reload. Like an atom bomb about to Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh explode." Throwing your head back then forwards quickly , with your leg up, clicking your finger.
"I'm burnin' through the sky, yeah Two hundred degrees That's why they call me Mister Fahrenheit" Neither of you had noticed the music had gained more attention then you may of realised , Angel ,Wesley, Gunn, Fred and Lorne were hiding behind the sofa.
"Don't stop me, don't stop me Don't stop me, hey, hey, hey"
Spike jumped off of the table turning back to you , five feet away, holding his arms out to catch you.
"Don't stop me, don't stop me Ooh ooh ooh, I like it"
With that you had jumped, (Spike watched dirty dancing? Probably Harmony's fault.) Effortlessly he had caught you you lifting you up, for a few seconds.
"Don't stop me, don't stop me Have a good time, good time"
Lowering you down slowly , your arms around his neck, panting slightly, uh he wasn't sweaty , he's dead but you were covered in sweaty.
Soon enough the song came to an end , you were still in the vampires embrace , his arms around your shoulders securing you.
It hasn't even been an minutes ,clapping begins, someone turns of the Hoover and the music. You both turn around slowly pulling out of the embrace to see , the brooding Angel laughing with everyone.
"Bloody hell, perverts much." Annoyance interweaved in Spikes voice, you could share that embarrassment.
Looking at your feet realising how inappropriate you look , your blouse now see through due to the sweat , the cotton clinging to your body, wrapping your arms around yourself, to cover."uh , Angel , I was only cleaning and that because, um I completed my work, uhh there was still blo-""it's fine, as long as you are feeling better, " you had nodded at him before going back to looking at your feet.
Moments go by with silence from you and Spike as the others are talking away , no doubt about you two. You are soon pulled out of your trance when a heavy weight is placed on your shoulders , looking up to see Spike placing his long leather jacket on you , sending you a small smirk before walking out of your office , still shirtless.
"I haven't seen him like that in a long time, he is fond of you." With that Angel left too. " Aw, I'm glad you are settling in y/n/n , I just never thought you would do so ,by dancing to Queen with a vampire." Wesley had patted your back , leaving with Fred who just smiled , followed by Gunn and Lorne.
Thus you grabbed your stuff , to go home , you had danced to the end of the day. Walking out of the office , hoping Harmony didn't see you and kill you for Spike giving you his jacket.
She had already gone thank god , no death today, the next day , you had brought Spikes jacket with you. In search of him in the morning, you had hidden it in your bag , heading to Harmony's desk.  
"Uh, have you seen Spike today?" Please don't kill me. She had looked up at you with a polite smile. "He's literally just left Angel's office, something about going to taking a car or something? Why?"
"Oh, I just need to pass a message from Wesley to him, thank you." You had lied , but you hoped that Wesley would go with it, if she asked him.  Rushing down to Angel's private car park, in hopes of catching Spike, which you did but he almost hit you with the car.
Your hands placed on the hood, breathing roughly before moving to the drivers side , as he rolled down the window, smirking yet again. The car had had black out windows so you guess that's why he was going out in the day?
"Awe, all out of breathe for me , love?" You had ignored his comment , pulling out his heavy jacket from your bag, passing it to him.  "Cheers,love." You had nodded, turning away to head back up.  That was it until about 2:45 , again all your work was done, just sitting there doing nothing, but twiddling your thumbs.
So you decided , maybe you should go get some air outside, or go home you weren't sure. Swinging the office door open to see , Spike.
"Ah, oh Hi."
"Going somewhere, love?" Well that sounded like a threat , but he was not smirking like I'm going to chop your fucking head off.
"I don't know really , I think I'm going home."
"I'll drive you."
"Really?" He didn't seem to be the type to drop you off home to to your mother , not that she was there, but still, he had nodded , and that was it you walked with him. Until  Harmony stopped you both, she had frowned slightly before smiling again.
"So you got the message from Wesley then, spike?" You looked at Spike who didn't notice you looking , just stood looking at the blonde girl in confusion,until you pretend to resist your bag accidentally knocking him with bag.
"What was it?"
"Mind your own business, wanker." With that he had walked around her with you ,guiding you with his arm around your shoulder.
Once you were both were sat in the car , you had given Spike your address , immediately he had started driving.  "So what was that about?"
"Well, uh, Wesley informed me about everyone ,  said you had something with Harmony, and she's a vampire. So I asked where you were this morning to give back your jacket but didn't want to say that, just in case she tried to eat me." Spike had let out a laugh, "I can see your concern, love , she's a bloody nightmare." You had let out a small laugh of understanding.
"Hey, do you still eat food?."
"Yeah, not a lot , but sometimes I do, why do you ask?"
" y-you've been very nice to me , since I'd been here, and you are driving me home.. uh so I was wondering if you would like to come in and have something. I don't have blood , uh other than my own and uh I lost a lot of that last week. You don't have to , um, I jus-" "I will, love,"
"Oh brilliant, uh I make some nice cookies."
"Great, love. Can't wait."
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motleyfuckingcruee · 4 years
2.5: The Aftermath
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Henley's P.O.V
I lay curled up in Sasha's spare bedroom. I haven't left in what feels like months. Turns out I've only been here for a week. I can't feel a thing. I'm uncomfortably numb. I can't even cry anymore. It seems that my body can't spare anymore tears. Now I just stare off into space, feeling emptier than ever.
After I ran from the guys' apartment, I ended up at Sasha's. I knew that she lived in the apartment above the bar, so I grabbed the spare key and made my way up to the small apartment. Luckily she had a spare room. I didn't even have to ask if I could stay with her. She immediately asked if I wanted to stay. I felt terrible for asking her something like that, but she didn't seem to mind.
I have no idea what to do now. I'm all alone. I tried calling my parents the night I arrived. They just told me I was now disowned. I'm not apart of my family anymore. I'm abandoned. Eventually I'll call Tommy and ask if I can stay with him, but for now I'll stay here. I hate to bother him.
I just can't believe that that jackass would cheat on me like that. Does he really have his head shoved so far up his own ass that he thought I wouldn't be upset if I knew? I fucking hate him. I never want to see him again. I can't believe I ever loved him! I loved him so much I was willing to follow them to Los Angeles when they went. I'm sure Steven is upset with him.
God, I miss him so much. He was my best friend. He was my brother! Now I'm probably never going to see him again. I don't remember the apartment's number, and I don't plan on leaving this room for a long time. I miss Steven and Bella so fucking much. Why'd everything have to go down like it did? Why'd I have to fall for Duff? Why was I so stupid?
"Henley?" Sasha's soft voice says. I feel the bed dip down beside me. "Honey, he doesn't deserve your tears."
I sit up, pulling my legs to my chest. I rest my chin on my knees. I sigh. "I'm not upset just about Duff. It's that my parents disowned me, meaning I'll never get to see Nico again. And I probably won't ever see Steven again. He was my best friend! I'm not even sure if I'll see Madeline again. I'm sure she'll be with Steven, who's bound to be around Duff." I feel the tears prick at my eyes. "I gave everything to him."
"Henley, I'm so sorry. I didn't realize what all you did for him," Sasha says, a pitying look in her grey eyes.
"I was such an idiot. None of this would've happened if my family stayed in LA. I'd still be hanging out with Athena all the time. We'd probably go visit the Crüe and bother the shit out of them. I'd be happy."
"Think of it this way," Sasha starts. "What we go through shapes us as people. It shapes how we act and our outlook on the world. Judging on what you've gone through, I've no doubt you're gonna protect yourself and not trust as easily. That's a good thing though. Just don't completely shut yourself out from the world, alright? I don't want to see you self destruct."
I smile at her words. She's like my mom, even though she's twenty-seven. I have someone I can trust in this world other than Tommy and the Bass' after all. I get on my knees and hug her tightly.
"Thank you," I whisper, feeling her arms wrap around me as well.
"Anytime, hun."
We stay silent in each other's embrace for a while longer. Without warning, she stands up, causing me to fall onto the bed.
"We need to get you out of this stuffy room," She says, standing with her hands on her hips. "Get dressed and come down to the bar. You can hang out for a little bit. I'm sure Colin and Sebastian miss your company." I groan. "Don't try to fight me on this one Henley Baxter."
I stand up, reluctantly leaving the warmth of the bed. I stretch, walking over to my closet. There's gotta be something in here. I grin as I find one of Steven's shirts that I accidentally took when I went and got my stuff. Luckily, none of them were there when I got everything. Bella was there, though. She was happy to see me.
Anyways, I slip on the oversized shirt. I grab a pair of ripped skinny jeans and my doc martins. I put everything on, and go to the bathroom. I look over my appearance. I look pretty good. Well, my body does.
I brush my teeth quickly. Ugh, I hate the taste of toothpaste. I grab my brush and run it through the tangles of my auburn hair. I look at the finished product, trying to decide if I need to straighten it or not. I decide not to since it looks fine with my natural waves.
I walk down the stairs towards the pulsing music. I open the door at the end of the stairs and end up in the madness of the dancing bodies. My eyes widen, instantly feeling uncomfortable. Normally, this would be my scene, but not tonight. Probably not for a long time.
I make my way towards the bar. I smile as I see Sasha pretty much screaming at Colin and Sebastian for messing around while they're supposed to be working. As soon as she's done scolding them, however, I see the smile that creeps onto in her lips.
I sit down on one of the stools in front of Colin. I grin. "Where can I girl get a drink around here?"
Colin turns, and his eyes widen. "Henley!"
"Hey!" I giggle as I can see how badly he wants to jump the bar to hug me. But, he knows that Sasha would chew his ass out for it.
"Sasha told us you've been holed up in her guest room for the past week. Is everything okay, darl'?" He asks.
"Let's not talk about it, alright?" I say, feeling the sadness creep back up. I shake my head and look back up at him. I grin. "Can you get me some vodka?"
"Yes, ma'am," he grins, turning around to get me my drink.
I have the urge to look over at Madeline and I's usual table, but something is telling me not to. I don't know what's making me want to look over. I give in to the curiosity.
I turn my head to see Duff, Steven, Hyde, Madeline, and two other people I don't know sitting at the table. There's a girl and a guy. The guy had rather tan skin and chocolate brown hair. The girl is a bit pale and blonde as can be. That must be the girl that he cheated on me with.
My eyes wander to Duff. His eyes are locked on me. I can see the guilt in his eyes from here. That motherfucker.
I turn my head back as I hear the clink of the glass being set on the bar. "Thanks."
"It's actually a suicide. You look like you need it," Colin says, grinning.
I smile. "Thanks, Colin."
I take a gulp of the strong drink, hesitantly standing up. I walk over to the table that used to bring me joy. This was the table that I met the guys at. This is where it all started.
I stand in front of everyone. "Hey guys," I say with a venomous smile.
"HENLEY!" Steven screams. He basically jumps over the table to engulf me in a bear hug. "I've missed you so much!"
I giggle, hugging him back. "I missed you too, Stevie."
"Where have you been?" He asks, worry filling his bright blue eyes.
"I've been here."
"You poor thing! You've been sleeping on the bar. You don't even have a bed anymore! Come back, I swear-."
"Steven, Sasha has an apartment above the bar. I've been sleeping in the guest room," I giggle.
"Oh," He says. Even in the dim lighting I can see his cheeks turn pink.
I smile at him as he goes to sit back down. I turn to the two unknown people. "I don't believe I've met you two."
The guy speaks up first. "I'm Cal."
"Nice to meet you," I say, even though my focus is purely on the bitch in front of me. "And you are?"
"Mandy, Duffy's girlfriend," She says, cuddling into him.
I feel the jealousy and hatred flare up in me. Jealousy that Duff's not mine anymore, and hatred that Duff found a slut to cheat on me with. It's obvious she's a slut by the low cut dress she's wearing. And the fact that I can see her underwear.
"You're Henley aren't you?" She continues. "Too bad he wants me more. I don't get why he was with you in the first place. You don't have anything to offer him."
"Hey-!" Stevie tries to interject.
"I'm prettier, more experience. I totally get why he'd want me more."
I feel the tears prick my eyes. "Fuck you," I say to Duff and Mandy.
I throw my drink on Duff, then turn on my heel. I run to the door to go upstairs. I run up the stairs and to the phone. I dial the only number I know by heart, and the only person that can save me.
I wait impatiently for the phone to quit dialing. I need it to quit dialing.
"Hello?" The voice says.
"Tommy?" I cry.
A/N: I honestly don't know what to say. I've been working on this book for months, and I can't believe it's over. There will be a sequel called Lips Of An Angel. I don't know when it will be finished. Thank you so much for reading, I hope you enjoyed. Goodbye.
@the--blackdahlia @sugar-content @sharon6713 @siliwanoel @charlyallise @lo-bells @lauravic @livingdeadharley @kawennote09 @ozzypawsbone-princeofbarkness @hllywdwhre @abbysdogcollar @nikkisixxwiththebass @waywardprincess666 @tommyleeownsme  
@rock-n-roll-soul-frankie @unholy-brat @eak1996 @madsthegroupie @sinningsixx @ Kissyourrosegoodbyemotley
Rocket Queen:
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