#I'm so glad the long-awaited sequel to Rosa Musou was so badass
sg2tiger · 7 years
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This is a fast-paced fight scene, so I’d like to take a moment to give a finer examination of what just happened on these two pages.
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Here we have Erika charging forward at Krauss. From the general pace of Ryukishi’s fight scenes we can easily conclude that Erika’s speed at this moment is quite high, so she would have a lot of forward momentum at this point. At this velocity, Erika would be quite difficult to stop, let alone knock back.
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We see here that Erika is struck by some sort of hard-hitting object and, indeed, sent flying backward. The hit star would also seem to indicate the exact point of impact, after which Erika continues traveling backward a decent ways with seemingly no sign of stopping. In other words, she has been hit quite hard, with the force of impact not only powerful enough to cease her forward momentum, but reverse it entirely. But what in the world could be strong enough to have this effect?
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That’s right - a bag of gold ingots. As we of the Umineko fandom of course know, a single golden ingot of this size weighs approximately 10 kilograms, or roughly 22 pounds. Here we see at least three ingots, meaning whoever threw this bag is capable of hurling at least 30 kilograms with incredible force and speed.
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However, closer examination would reveal there to be at least four ingots in this bag...if not more, as they are spilling out, and we cannot be certain that more spilled out off-panel that we simply cannot see. Certainly one could imagine there would be enough room, given the size of this bag, for at least six ingots, or perhaps even as many as eight. 
Additionally, we see that Erika has now lost her momentum and fallen to the ground - yet her body is still a reasonable distance beyond the point at which the bag of ingots collided with the ground, and has seemingly bounced back up and continues to fly through the air. In another moment, that bag would almost certainly collide with Erika once more, having been thrown with enough force to keep it moving even after touching the ground once. In short, Erika has been knocked farther and faster than the gold itself, which is understandable given the significant weight of the ingots. 
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Lastly, we see now the perpetrator of this award-winning throw to be none other than Ushiromiya Rosa. For her to have been capable of hurling a bag of 4+ ingots weighing approximately 10 kilograms each, a collective 40 kilograms/88 pounds - if not more - and to have thrown them hard enough, and fast enough, to break Erika’s forward momentum and knock her clear into the distance, I believe we can draw only one conclusion.
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In death, and through repentance of her sins, Ushiromiya Rosa has become THE strongest and most powerful seacat of all, quite possibly enough to rival even Featherine Augustus Aurora, AKA The High Witch of Theatre, Drama and Spectating, AKA The Ultimate Great Evil and Final Boss of the Ryukishiverse. And if you don’t think that’s the tightest shit you can get the fuck out of my face.
Oh, and the kicker?
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She was holding back.
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Thank you for listening.
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