#I'm not saying she's the president of the Hangaroo/Hangster Fanclub
Wait, wait, wait...what if Phoenix was actually a manipulative shipping genius in TGM?
She insults Hangman in front of others throughout the movie, not because she doesn't like him, but because she doesn't want them to like him, because he belongs to her BFF Bradley Bradshaw?
And when she says to Rooster "...Well, he hasn't changed," after the whole Eye Sex - "Snug on that Perch" -Moment, what she really means is "he obviously still has feelings for you, you dumbass"?
And when she warns Rooster to smarten up while he's flying, because she doesn't want to be "stuck flying with Hangman", what she really means is "do better because you should be the one flying with Hangman, you could work so well together if you just try"?
And she is the one standing by them for their Moment on the tarmac because she is basking in the glow of her own private victory.
...But would she ever tell anybody? Probably not.
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