#I'm like wizard high rn and also i had a vitamin shot so I'm buzzed af so I'm so sorry that this probably reads so awful lmao
tonysaintborgi · 11 months
Mole anon here! The drs office didn't call me back like they were supposed to, and I discovered another suspicious mole on my back! So now I have to sit in my anxiety for the whole weekend till I can call and be like wtf on monday.
How do I deal with severe anxiety like this? It's preoccupying all of my thoughts and I've never dealt with anxiety like this. I know it doesn't matter since I'm not getting in till August/September anyway but I'm scared I guess
rat bastards what don't call you back!!
yeah, you'll be fine, but i know that the parts of your brain what make fear juice don't always listen to logic. but I do actually have two tricks. first, is just deep steady breathing. i know like Yeah Yeah Breathing Yeah Yeah but it's absolutely unreal how much some good breathing can clear your mind. I usually go deep inhale, hold 3 sec, exhale, hold 3 sec. ten reps of that is like, refreshing. and with a clear mind, feel that anxiety in your body, feel its physical manifestation, where in your body holds the tension, shake it off. let the muscles you've been unconsciously clenching relax. god I'm so sorry I KNOW i sound like a health guru white woman but turn on some calming music and do some deep breathing and get in touch with your body. it doesn't solve anything but it literally can't hurt.
second is one i read on Tumblr called something like the invisible tigers trick or something. idk. there was a post idk I don't have it but I do remember it said like whatcha do is you like hold your body all real close and tense up like all your muscles and hold it for like 10-15 sec (or as long as you can) and then all at once loosen your tension and your muscles relaxing ... idk the physiology behind it but it also so helps.
these are short term fixes but the truth is, you already know the answer to longer term solutions. you should either journal your feelings or talk to someone about them, because you gotta get your opportunity to process them and putting them into words is one of the best ways to do that. remind yourself that you're doing what you can. no yea i know you know that, but you also gotta remind yourself of that. you can only do what you can do y'know? and most importantly, you tell yourself it'll be okay. even if you're not sure, you tell yourself it anyway.
and you will be alright, of course. I'm gonna hold you to it.
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