#I'm gonna try to drink less fruit juice/soda
taiblogcomics · 7 months
Mexi-Can't Blue-lieve I'm Trying This
Hey there, endothermic flames. Hey, it's a non-review day, that means it's a soda review! You're correct! And you're probably thinking I got my hands on this year's VooDew flavour. Well, you're dead wrong on that one. Instead, I thought I'd try something... different.
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Minute Maid Blue Raspberry
Well, first on the list is this thing catching my eye. Now, I love anything blue raspberry-flavoured. Blue is best flavour, I think we've established that. And Minute Maid is the good shit! Their lemonade is great, and if you're looking for fruit punch, you honestly can't get better than Minute Maid. So I figured this'd be worth a go~
Smell is very faint. Really can't get a whiff of much from it, and that's fine. Blue raspberry is not meant to be a pungent flavour. If it's smelling too strong, they probably did something wrong. That's a motto you can apply to a lot of things.
...It's good! It's not a soda, for one thing, so it's very smooth. It's not heavily blue-flavoured. Like, it doesn't taste like a blue Jolly Rancher made liquid or anything. If anything, it's mostly the pear juice coming through. Which is fine, because I love me a juicy pear. Pretty all right!
But that was just the warmup, so I have something to fall back on. Normally I wouldn't consider it, but for the novelty of the blog and its sheer reputation...
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Coca-Cola (Mexican)
Yeah, baby. It's the oft-mentioned Mexican Coke, the one made with real cane sugar instead of high fructose corn syrup. In a glass bottle, no less! Turns out my grocery carries it, and so I had to try it at least once. Will the addition of real cane sugar be enough to sway me, a non-Coke drinker? Let's find out~
...How the hell do you open this thing? I'm not sure this is a twist-off.
Okay, glad I own an old-ass can opener, so I didn't have to search too hard for a bottle opener. But that's already a point off, that kind of inconvenience isn't worth a regular drink. God, I'm a regular Marty McFly, huh?
Well, it sure smells like a Coke, I guess. Your classic dark soda vibes. If you know it, you really don't need me to tell you. And if you don't, I'm surprised you found this blog, because you must be so sheltered~
...Well, you blew your one chance at getting a convert, Coke. I'm still firmly in PepsiCo's grip! That is to say, it's all right. I wouldn't make it a regular thing. Maybe it's coz I don't drink regular Coke that I can't tell a difference? But hey, worth a shot. And I always appreciate a glass bottle. Gonna keep it for display once I finish this~
So yeah! Nothing that's my new favourite, but worth a try. Seemed appropriate for taco night~
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mickleach · 7 years
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13 Ridiculously Easy Changes for Weight Loss + Healthier Life - StyleByNap85
hey guys so I know a lot of you guys are trying to live a healthier lifestyle in 2014 I wanted to make this video to share with you guys a couple of tweaks that you can do to your lifestyle to make it healthier and you really don't even realize that you're doing anything different so these are healthier choices that you can make without feeling like you're overhauling your entire lifestyle and as you know tiny tweaks lead to bigger changes so if you do these over a span of time you're going to feel healthier and you're going to be healthier there we go the first one is super annoying and cheesy and I don't want to lead with it because it's so annoying and I hate people say it but it's true you gotta drink more water your body is made up of water it needs to be sustained you're a living organism what happens to a plant if you don't water it gets all Shrigley and dry and gross and then it just dies not to scare you or anything like that but yeah it has what happens to your body if you don't drink water slowly but surely you gotta get all should lean you're gonna get dry and your organs aren't going to function properly and well I'm not gonna say that but you really need to drink your water instead of consuming white flour you know white breads English muffins pancakes um what else muffins try to substitute it for whole wheat instead he's providing your body with more nutrients than white flour does so try to go with whole wheat flour instead of white flour for breakfast a lot of us are so used to being on the go go go go we just pick up things while we're out and that means that we're eating muffins and doughnuts and you know you're essentially eating cake for breakfast it's not a good nutritious option just grab oatmeal oh hell it's so delicious and nutritious if you're someone who really just eat something sweet in the morning can sweeten your oatmeal naturally with dates or bananas or fresh dates in your oatmeal is my favorite like it's so delicious basically what you do is you boil the water you chop up your fresh dates and you put inside the water as it boils and then add your own millen to cook it dates are ridiculously sweet it tastes delicious trust me you'll love it on the topic of sweetening things sugar really does nothing for your body and you want to sweeten your dishes try and use something that's at least going to give you some nutrients I love to sweeten my dishes with honey I love honey it's delicious try to opt for raw honey if you can tends to be slightly more expensive but it is more nutritious there's more pollen it's less processed it's better for your body there's other sweeteners on the market such as stevia and agave nectar but I don't know it's debía it's processed a lot of the companies add fillers into it I just don't trust it it's it's not as natural to me as honey would be so I don't use stevia and um another nectar is not bad as well but it's pretty similar to honey it's carbohydrate and sugar content and honey provides more nutritional values so I just think of honey as a more well-rounded alternatives so I like to go for honey instead of ice cream for your dessert try yogurt with fruit it's going to give you the same texture of ice cream but it's much more nutritious a lot less sugar and it's better for you yeah i like to use plain Greek yogurt I like to throw some fruit on top sometimes I even like to crumble a little bit of chocolate on top of them having a chocolate craving and it's delicious like it's so good it gives you that same feeling that ice cream does with the creaminess you're not really used to yogurt go for a flavored yogurt something with like fruit on the bottom where it's sweetened just so you can start with that kind of sweet and creamy texture that's similar to ice cream and then you can slowly move to plain yogurt with just a fruit topping but yes it's a lot better for you than ice cream day to save yourself a ton of empty calories and you're going to get a lot more nutrition and protein where's the beef yeah leave the b-form the heck the beef is instead of eating red meat triangle for white meats at a lot leaner and better for you they're not as bad on your heart lean chickens turkey even fish is better for you than these I don't even crave of beef burger don't eat it if I'm out somewhere and that's all there is to eat but I really do prefer a turkey burger it's a lot more flavorful to me that's so much more clean and better for you so if you can get rid of the beef all together just try to do so pretty much every single recipe that involves beef can be substituted for another meats such as chicken turkey or fish meatballs hamburgers crockpot dishes pastas pasta sauces anything that involves a beef really can be altered to be more lean and better for you I like to warm up my food in the oven or on the stovetop I really try to avoid microwaving it because it's apps all the nutrients out the point of eating your food is to get nutrients we're not just eating for empty calories so try to avoid using the microwave as much as possible because the moment you put it in the microwave the radiation is going to kill all the nutrients in the dish so if you have the time try and get it stovetop or through the oven I know it takes a little bit longer it's a little bit more annoying and sometimes I'm even like forget this mess I don't care about nutrition I'm just trying to eat but you know nine times out of 10 it's stovetop or oven so just try and utilize your oven more often than your microwave now if you do have those moments when you're doing teas in microwave like you're at home and you're in a rush or if you're at your job a lot of these workplaces don't have ovens they only have microwaves torment for food you know do what you gotta do but I would also suggest in that case don't microwave in a plastic container microwaving glass it doesn't matter if the class plastic container says bpa-free orifices say for the microwave it doesn't matter about all that if you microwave your food in a plastic container you really risk the chemicals in the plastic leaching into your food no matter if it's bpa-free or not so anytime you are using the microwave make sure it's on a ceramic dish or a glass dish something that's not going to leach chemicals into your food it's a lot safer another easy tweak to help you make better choices to always keep a healthy snack in your purse almonds or a little Clementine orange of banana raisins granola bar something that will fit inside your purse and you can keep it there for those emergencies when you really start you won't make on the unhealthy choice when you're not thinking straight because hunger can do some crazy things to use and make sure that you're not ever so hungry that you make a poor choice soda I think soda is probably one of the biggest things that people have a hard time giving up there's a lot of things that you can do to emulate the feeling that you're drinking soda a lot of times people like soda and it doesn't really even matter what soda is it has those bubbles and the sugary flavor to it something that you can do really easily to trick the body into thinking that it's drinking soda is to just mix juice and salt salt water together and you can do any combination that you like you're going to start out with a heavier concentration of juice to salt some water to get that really sugary feel and then you know slowly add less and less and less until you're only drinking salt to water or you're only having a splash of juice with your salts of water this is the best way to trick your body into not even realizing that you're not drinking so it anymore my husband used to be addicted to soda and now he's addicted to sell to water and juice and sometimes I even do so it's awesome it really will help you kick that soda drinking habit you always want to be exercising your mind so some easy things that you can do and i'm still trying to do to this day finding the time is to read at least one hour before going to bed or to read first thing in the morning when you wake up you really want to keep stimulating our mind making sure that your brain is being exercised and that you're taking in new knowledge every day and so reading is a great way to do that another great way that exercise your mind is with crossword puzzles so you know doing a puzzle each morning I know it sounds like old grandma grandpa thing to do but you know you got to keep your mind right like you can lose your mind very easily especially nowadays when everybody has like eight thousand things to do and we're all multitasking we really need to make sure that our brain is functioning correctly once you get older you do lose a lot of your brain function you want show that you're exercising it now what's going to happen I don't ever want that to affect my brain function especially since I'm such a multitasker so it's really really really important to protect yourself and your mind and make sure that it's running properly and a simple way to do that is crossword puzzles and this is something that you can do in the morning while you're eating your breakfast if you take a train or a bus ride you can do it on the train instead of you know going on Instagram do something that's going to keep your mind working properly though Sudoku puzzles are really good I haven't done those and so on don't park so close to the store that you're shopping it if you can if you have the time and you're not in a super brush is try and park as far away from the store as possible so that you're forcing yourself to walk and get more exercise and if you decide to go shopping and you have tons of bags well now you got a nice weight lifting exercise on your way back to the car the last tip is use the stairs instead of the elevator if you have a workplace where there's a lot of floors and you live on one of the higher floors take advantage of that you can get healthy really easily without changing your entire lifestyle without overhauling everything and trying to make time to go to the gym and work out and get your sports bra already and get your hair ready and all that kind of stuff blah blah blah don't take the elevator walk up the stairs and you will seriously see a change in your body over time just from doing that so yeah there's a lot of tips I hope that it helps guys they're tiny little tweaks that doesn't alter your lifestyle and huge ways just make these tiny little tweaks over time you'll see that it's leading to a healthier lifestyle and healthier choices from these small little tweaks so I hope that this video helped if it helps give it a thumbs up and yeah I will see you in the next video bye yeah holy baby what blue Umphrey's son like sweating so hot science ah the king
See more here: http://mickleach.com/lifestyle-diet-changes/
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