#I'm finally home from work so here's our clavi Rp!
the-carlos-cow-eyes · 4 months
Sick Day At Camp
(( Closed Rp With @barclaysangel <3 ))
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*No one would have thought that the son of Medusa could get sick. That he'd be laying In bed with a high fever and a horrible cough as well as nausea. But alas, he was a demigod after all, which meant that he was part human, and humans could definitely get sick. He tried to hide In his bed underneath all of his covers with his pillow covering his face. He was hurting all over and he couldn't bring himself to move. He was expecially hiding from Clarisse because he didn't want her to see him stuck In bed sick as a dog, so he hoped that she wouldn't come looking for him even though he secretly knew she would*
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