#I'm also super sorry I didn't do much with your starsign or MBTI type
I saw your post about the top gun ships and I was wondering if I could please get one for top gun maverick? I'm a straight female, she/her and I'm 20! I'd like nsfw to be included please!
Physical description - I'm 5'9 and I have long and curly dark brown hair and brown eyes. I have a fair skin tone, I'm slim and I've got full lips and slight dark circles under my eyes. I wear glasses and I have these dimples that I really like. I dress mostly in relaxed suits, blazers and coats and I love the occasional dress or sweaters layered over a white button down!
Hobbies/likes - I love reading, my favorite genres are poetry, Russian lit, and mysteries! I love learning about new things and knowing a little bit of everything, I'm very interested in psychology, history, mythology and folklore, and fashion! I adore adventures, witty and playful banter, joking around and having indepth discussions on anything and everything! I adore all forms of art and I have quite a few creative hobbies.
Personality description - It takes me a while to feel comfortable around new people but once I do, I become really talkative and outgoing. I love helping out and I'm the therapist friend, people come to me to vent or for advice and comfort. I'm smart and ambitious; I love being the best at everything I do. I'm quite the hopeless romantic and I love being in love! I also daydream a lot and I can get lost in my own world for hours. I can be quite dramatic and stubborn and I tend to be withdrawn and distant at times. I get frustrated easily and I'm a little competitive.
I'm an infp and my enneagram is 4w3. My star sign is Taurus.
Thank you very much! I hope you have a lovely day ❤️
I ship you with….
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Bob Floyd
You are within perfect kissing height for him.
That, alone, tells me you’re a perfect match!
Imagine all those forehead kisses
How, all he has to do is, is just dip his head slightly to capture your lips with his…
One swift, fluid motion.
….Puts his stealth pilot to good use -wink-
But I digress – Firstly, he fell for your brown eyes. They are deep. He spends all his time in the blue of the sky that, when he looks at you, he feels grounded on earth with those earthy tones of your eyes.
Your eyes are only emphasised by your long, gorgeous hair. Bob didn’t think he had a type. But you came along and suddenly he felt like no other appearance seemed to give him butterflies. Blonde hair? No. Blue eyes? No. Green eyes? Meh. But they weren’t your brown eyes with brown hair combo.
He noticed your eyes before he noticed your glasses (and not at all because I, the shipper, forgot you wrote you wore glasses, shipped you with Bob and then did a re-read and was like ‘Ohhhh glasses!’)
Glasses buddies through and through!
You both become the couple that breaks that normalises wearing glasses.
Yet you both don’t seem to break the stigma that nerdy people wear glasses because he’s a Top Gun Stealth Pilot who’s studying textbooks and undergoing exams etc. You’re a girl who always has her nose in a book because she either likes reading for pleasure or reading for knowledge. Extremely nerdy BUT IN A GOOD WAY! (Fellow Nerd so I’m not hating)
You’re literally the adorable nerd couple. The ones that others, who feel like no one will love them, look up to. You two set the goal.
Actually – that’s how Bob met you! Your friend stood you up at the bar, leaving you alone. But you’re smart. You bought a book with you. So yeah, here you are… in a bar, with a drink, a book, glasses, your hair down, wearing a dress (because you assumed you were going to have a nice time out).
He had watched you from a distance (not creepily). But he also saw that visible feeling he knew too well; the looking around for someone and the disappointment when you realise you’ve been stood up. Hence why you pulled your book out. You paid for a drink, you might as well sip away at it while doing something productive with your time.
Bob quietly approached you in the old-age move of buying himself another drink and, while waiting for his drink to be served, asked what you’re reading,
You’re not stupid. It’s the oldest trick in the book. Without even sparing him a glance, you stated the name of the book and the author.
To your surprise, he recommended a rare book by the same author, stating it was a good read. It’s not one of the author’s well-known works but it’s the type of book you need to give it a chance and you’ll be surprised.
You glanced up and was taken aback by his kind and humble features. You couldn’t help but match his smile, showing your dimples and making him smile more. You were the first to introduce yourself and he introduced himself back as ‘Bob’.
Simply that. Bob. No boasting that he’s the best pilot, or one of the best pilots, no lame-ass pickup lines following. Just humble Bob who seemed to share the same reading interests.
Your book left forgotten as you both conversed over 1…2…3 drinks, which loosened you up to start bantering and throwing playful remarks every now and then, making the two of you laugh and banter.
It was hours, HOURS, before you both decide to finally call it an evening.  But not without exchanging numbers. With alcohol in his system, Bob actually asked for your number!
Sweet, shy Bob… something about you just seemed to either give him an air of confidence, or perhaps he was actually desperate to get to know you.
You both never run out of conversations. There’s always something to talk about, discuss or debate (friendly debate only).
You’re also both content just being in each other’s company without conversation too. It’s a comfortable silence. Him just quietly vibing or reading a book, you off in your own world.
He gives a small nudge or rub to your arm if he needs your attention for something.
Especially if a look of concern washes over your face, especially if you’re overthinking.
You’re the therapist friend to everyone but he’s the therapist friend to you. You can talk to him about anything and everything and he’ll listen and give the most logical advice without it being biased.
You’ve introduced him to a few new books, he’s introduced you to a few knew things he’s read in the past. He doesn’t have as much time to read nowadays with his Top Gun training since he’s been picked to be part of such an elite squad. But you’re fine with that. He’s either taken it on board or he’ll ask you to fill him in and he’ll happily listen to you.
Hangs on every word you’re saying while giving you his undivided attention. Is it him being respectful or him captivated by your eyes? (Both. It’s both).
Dates with you two are a mix of adventure and romantic. Sometimes it’ll be something outdoors-y. Sometimes it’ll be something arty (like, those coffee dates where you grab a coffee together and then you paint a ceramic mug or something). Of course Bob paints a plane on his. But he gives his to you. He may or may not have tried painting a love-heart in the bottom on the inside of the mug (it came out a little wonky because manoeuvring the brush inside the mug was hard, okay?)
No date like this ever seemed silly to Bob. He loved it. And he appreciated that you didn’t hound him with pilot questions or to go for a ride in the plane (he’d get fired for it!). With you, he gets to be just Bob.
He’s your number 1 fan. He’ll support you in any endeavours you do and is always, always proud of you.
A kiss to the cheek and a whispered “I’m proud of you, darling.” Makes you melt.
He’s always adored the intelligence of your mind. And your ambitious spirit. And the way you just want to experience and learning anything and everything you can.
The pet names for Babe/Baby aren’t used. You’re both too mature for that. It feels too…teenager-y to be compared to a pig (Babe the Pig). So you’re content using ‘Darling, love, hon’ for terms of endearment.
You call him Bobby. But only you get to call him Bobby.
A little competition is good between you two. You appreciate that Bob doesn’t let you win simply for being a girl. Bob appreciates that you don’t hold back. You don’t get fiercely competitive but enough to have fun and make it interesting (mini golf etc.)
Bob is all about the sweet little moments. If he walks past you, there’s always a hand that trails over the lower back (kind of like silently saying ‘Hello. I love you.’). He always helps in the kitchen without being asked.
But it’s sweet because he doesn’t always make the first move, but he looks over and gives that little smile that tells you he really wants to do those kitchen kisses couples do in the movies, but he can’t bring himself to do it (too shy or doesn’t want to bother you).
But you know that smile and you’ll look up and smile back. When you don’t drop your gaze, he knows it’s okay to swoop in for a kiss.
Why did he kiss you? Because you’re adorable. And he loves you.
You could be doing the most mundane thing and it’d still be the most attractive thing he’s ever laid his eyes upon.
Picture this: soft evening, your head resting on the back of the couch, your feet in his lap, one hand gently rubbing your foot, the other holding open a book of poetry as he reads from it. Yes, Bob will read you poetry.
Bob is such a sweet and humble person, that it’ll likely be very vanilla in bed.
I wouldn’t say he’s inexperienced, but he’s just… he hasn’t been with a lot of women. And he’s very cautious with you. Doesn’t want to disappoint you or disrespect you (there’s a lot of stress for men with intimacy too!)
He always checks in with you. Makes sure it’s okay if he does this, or that.
“Is this okay?”, “Tell me to stop, okay?”
But you don’t tell him to stop.
Every soft caress of his fingers, every gentle kiss and tease of his lips and tongues has you withering with pleasure beneath him.
It’s hard to believe he’s not-as-experienced
He spends more time exploring and worshipping your body than he does with letting you do it to him.
He’s awkward.
He loves it when you run your hands over his abs, watching your reaction at how you're amazed by what he has hidden beneath his shirt. But god, does he love it when your fingers get grabby and needy and pull him down.
He loves blowjobs (who doesn’t?) but he doesn’t want to put you in a position where you feel obligated you have to give back what he gave you.
But also who doesn’t love seeing Bob lose control? That sweet, humble boy just moaning sinfully beneath your lips.
His hand lightly gripping your hair because God, isn’t that what long, curly hair is for?
The way his lips part as he lets out breathy little gasps.
You get those gasps near your ear too…
Every single time…without fail…as he sinks deep into you, he watches your face contort with pleasure. He holds back from making any noise until he cant…and that’s when he drops his head and releases a breathy gasp by your ear followed be a moan. You live for that particular moment.
Neither of you ever get tired of that feeling.
He starts of slow.
Pulling breathy gasps from both of you.
His lips hover over yours as both your gasps mingle with each other.
But when he changes pace, without warning, your moan is swept up by him kissing you so you can moan into his mouth.
You cling to him and he loves it when you bite at his shoulders or leave nail indentations around the small of his back.
It’s always romantic love-making. He rarely ever takes you in any ‘dirty’ position such as downward doggy or reverse cowgirl.
But even with his romantic love-making, it’s always rough thrusts in between. The ones that pull the odd curse from both of you.
Neither of you are known to curse but it somehow feels like it’s the only word required with the way Bob sends you over the edge.
You moaning his nickname in his ear is generally what sends him over the edge.
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