#I'll soft launch it here but i might make a full post of it yet
yousaytomato · 4 months
Tumblr really is one of the last defenders of the: "ooopsy wooooopsy~ looks wike we had a wittle accident 👉👈🥺" style of error message
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theemceebee · 2 years
Halo: Conceptual Necromancy
Halo Infinite was made by hundreds: over a thousand if you include official test engineers. Halo Infinite, in it's current state, pukes blood from the copious internal injuries it was born with. This festering fetus, barely surviving conception, is in an incubator while one nurse, a bio-tech engineer, three janitors, and a Microsoft executive look on in horror. Where's the doctor? This isn't a hospital - not officially, anyway. Mama Bungie is in the other room, currently trying to cut away and reattach limbs to a zombie child that pukes money when the right parts are assembled, only for it to fall apart moments later. No, this is not a hospital. It's a research facility for necromancy. How can you best assemble a dead body for reanimation so that people might believe it's not dead, long enough to pay for the chance to watch it shit itself, and fling that shit all over it's enclosure? The campaign is a combat sandbox, executed so well that all other parts of it's design can be easily identified as vestigial limbs attached post-creation. Where are the Spartan 4's? Where's Captain Laskey? Why does a game that starts with a compelling main villain not use that villain until a post-credits scene? If what you wanted was to be a "spiritual successor" and a "soft reboot" why not just scrap Halo 5 in it's entirety? Halo 4 happened, Cortana is dead, and the post Covenant war landscape is rife for story-telling potential. "Fuck you Bee writing is hard." Shut the hell up Dan Chosich, it's YOUR writing team, this failure is YOUR nuclear dump site. I'll strawman you until the end of days if it means getting this chip off my shoulder. Why go through the trouble of interesting level design so that I can just break it's design with a grapple hook that ensures the player never has to think about the environment as a combat tool? Instead of tank-y boss creatures, why not just an exceptionally difficult combat encounter? Take away the motion sensor, disable the player's powerups, face them with the full might of the Banished. Force them to contend with artillery, with heavy weapons, with deeply entrenched emplacements the player can't beat just by grappling around. Here's an idea: make the AI shoot straight so that maybe grappling in front of them is dangerous. These are design questions asked and answered by numerous smaller teams, with more unified visions, tighter budgets, and thankfully, little access to outsourcing. Better yet, they were asked BEFORE the game was put out, not after when there's so many technical problems that your game has become a punchline. Oh, except your in-game cash Store. That works pretty well. Nightmare Reaper was made by ONE man. Angel's Fall First was made by a small indie studio using Unreal 3. Deep Rock Galactic? 15 devs at the time of launch. No Man's Sky is the undisputed king of fixing a game long after it's out, but they didn't have 500 developers and a blank check to develop on either.
"gUnS fEeL gOoD" mumbles the Borderlands-labeled flesh mass in the corner of the room, murmuring only when it can clear it's throat of the phlegm built up from years of gargling it's own balls. Half decent core combat gameplay doesn't make up for shortfalls in every other aspect of the game. Still no story, still no Forge, still no WORKING custom games, still no custom games browsing, still no campaign co-op, which will not have campaign scoring. No useful theater features, no useful interfacing between Waypoint and Halo, and no reason to keep playing.
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