#I'll reveal the quirk combo on another post bc I'm taking guesses on twitter hehe
decarbry · 1 year
Would you have any ideas for a nomu present mic? Like, to complete the rooftop trio nomus?
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my logic for Nomu is always based on how they'd want to engineer an individual to be their most useful, and though Voice can have an expansive set of uses, AFO doesn't really have a lot of wide-range or heavy destructive types, so that's what they'd use Mic for. he's given 4 quirks alongside Voice, 3 of which are to enhance destructiveness and 1 for more subterfuge purposes.
unlike Yabureme, Mic emotes a lot more despite the Nomu programming because his personality has always been just that strong, so in general he seems a lot closer to Kurogiri's level of sentience than Yabureme does. also in contrast, where Yabureme has a daily job that basically never ends, Mic is only taken out once in a while for very specific moments, mostly on purpose so that his energy can get all pent up and he can really be let loose against the more dangerous enemies. he's like the mad dog you bring out as a secret weapon and is the thing to fear especially if you're in a building, underground, or even in the middle of a large army.
his ears have been modified with metal lobes that shut when he goes off so as not to destroy himself at ground zero of his quirk explosions. this deafens him completely and he becomes totally uncontrollable unless he can be communicated with telepathically or someone is at his side to stop him. this isn't easy unless someone else also wants to have their ears or worse exploded so he's just generally a loose canon a lot of the time until he wears out and he gets collected after all is said and done
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