#I'll probably reblog this later tonight or something for circulation
asterekmess · 4 years
Beta Reader Request, Again!
So, I’m interesting in getting another Beta reader, in addition to the lovely one I already have. I just have so much backlog, you’ve no idea, and it’s a lot for just one Beta to get through, so I figured adding to the ranks would be useful.
Forewarning: As of right now, any new Beta I get would not be working on the “A New Perspective” series.
This post might look familiar, but that’s bc my needs are pretty much the same as before.
Because I’m a broke ass fan, there would be no pay, unless you consider getting to read loads of sterek fic before it’s been published a payment? Of course, whoever Betas my work would automatically be named on AO3 where I post it, along with a link to their tumblr or AO3 account for credit.
What I’m looking for:
Someone with a strong understanding of the English language, grammar, and vocabulary, along with previous history with creative writing (not a degree or anything, don’t worry)
An in-depth reading of my fics, including understanding of characters and atmosphere, rather than just an overview opinion. (I’d like to know why you like something, rather than just that you like it)
Someone with Patience, because I have MDD(Major Depressive Disorder) and often can’t bring myself to write for extended periods of time. I’ve also got ADHD, so my thoughts are pretty scrambled and I might message you to let you know I wrote 14k in one day...
Someone compassionate: I’m not looking for someone to drag me, I want someone who can offer a new perspective respectfully and kindly
Someone is willing to listen/help when I need to vent about the show or a plot point that’s screwing me over. Oftentimes I just need to bounce thoughts off someone or walk through it like those programmers who talk to ducks. I need a ducky.
Someone flexible, who can give me a break in the grammar department with plot specific things/dialogue/things that are colloquial even if they aren’t technically correct, while still nudging me toward a cleaner, clearer path so my readers don’t stumble over my mistakes.
Someone who has a strong understanding of Teen Wolf, having seen most-if not all-of the show (I’ve only seen up to season 4, I think? But i know all the main plotlines, etc).
Someone willing to put in the time. Of course I don’t expect constant access, but having a chance to work through certain scenes with my Beta at my side would be nice, and getting a response to the most recent chapter or section in a timely manner is important to me.
Someone Open Minded. I write ace characters and demisexual characters and polyamoric characters, and of course bisexual and homosexual characters. I’ve yet to write a trans character, but who knows? I need a Beta who is as accepting of these things as I am.
Someone as passionate about Sterek as I am. Being my Beta means reading a LOT of Sterek, and if you’re easily burnt out this might not be the work for you. Also, I truly do consider this writing my Work, so I need a Beta who is willing to do the work because that’s what it is. If you don’t think you’ll stay interested in my fics and can’t go through with it, then again, probably not the work for you.
What my Work is like:
If you’re following me then there’s a good chance that you’ve read one of my fics on AO3 before, but you should know what you’re getting into.
I work in AU’s a lot, so be prepared to read fic that is in a completely different setting than usual. Rewriting Canon, borrowing storylines from movies and shows and fitting the sterek world into it. I write happy endings, and pining, and healing and growth and found-families. I am extremely unlikely to write anything with a sad or ambiguous ending, anything with cheating, abusive sterek relationships, etc. I don’t write a lot of angst, but I do write often about depression (not suicidal), anxiety, self-esteem issues, and bad friends.
Most of my works are long, like at least 20k long. For example, season 2 of my rewrite is about 170k. This means they’re a big investment. Something to think about. My fics are usually less of a snack and more of a buffet.
How this would go:
I’d like to start a potential Beta reader off slow by having you edit a sample doc I’ve put together, so I can learn what kind of a Beta job you’re able to offer and whether it’s compatible with what I’m looking for.
I can’t promise that if I send you the doc, I will automatically want to continue working with you. I’m looking for someone to work with long-term, but that means that we’ll really need to click writing-wise. Hence the insanely long post detailing what kind of person I’m looking for.
As for a Beta/Writer relationship, I like getting to know my Betas, but my work is what’s most important to me. While it would be nice to be friends, I don’t want to lose the point of my being a writer and you being a Beta, it’s a work partnership that I am unwilling to damage because of a friendship that’s become too close to see clearly. I don’t want to feel guilty asking you to look something over, or accidentally bog you down with my personal life.
As stated before, I have MDD and there may be long periods of time where I’m unable to get a lot of writing done
I’ve got over a dozen unfinished fics that I’m currently working on and I bounce between them until I find something that catches my eye long enough to write more of it. This would mean either bouncing with me, or having to wait a very long time for the one fic you’re working on to be finished.
I do write Explicit fics and fics which may contain certain triggers for people, if there are specific things you’re uncomfortable working with, I would need to know Beforehand. I wouldn’t want to expose a Beta to something they’re uncomfortable with. If something you don’t like to read is common in my writing, a Beta partnership probably won’t work.
As with any show, there are characters I care a lot Less for than others might. I’m really not a Scott fan, though I do have some fics where he’s either redeemable or a good friend/guy. I also don’t ship some of the other common ships (Steter, theo/stiles, etc.).
I know that this is a lot, and it’s probably daunting to look at. Trust me, it’s pretty daunting for me. But I want to try and lessen the load on my current Beta and hopefully meet another Beta that I can work with for a long time. As before, I’m not able to provide any Beta work in return for help on my fics. Please do not offer your services if you’re expecting Beta stuff in return, because I can’t provide what you need.
If you’re interested, please DM me, and we’ll chat! I have so much Sterek to share with the world, and I’d love to get some more help polishing it.
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