#I'll go back on my old blog eventually and queue a few posts letting people know I've moved blogs in case there's any mutuals left I haven't
markedbystars · 2 months
How did you get shadowbanned? You're like one of the least controversial mutchie I have lol. Like your takes are more logical than emotionally charged I don't get it lmao. I didn't even realize it was you till I checked your blog.
no idea honestly. a few of my mutuals had the same issue in the days leading up to what happened to my blog, including a handful that got their accounts deleted for apparently no reason. I'm going to guess tumblr's automating all of this by now and there's no human verification on their end, so maybe I kicked too many hornets nests (bullied loser men for being loser men) and they got pissy and reported me. meh. I was planning on remaking anyway so I'm not too upset about it or anything.
also thank you for that logical comment I truly appreciate it, I'm glad you followed me back I would've missed not being mutuals with you!<3
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