tedmaniac · 11 months
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The Guide
The Escape (3x06) 'What We Do In the Shadows'
Throughout her appearances, I have started to grow fond of her. And now that she's basically a regular next season, I will be turning to a full fledged stan of hers. I may be bias because I like the actress and her Bob's Burgers role, Louise Belcher, BUT I DON'T GIVE A SHIT!
Also, she has so much potential and I really hope they unravel and develop her character or else I will be barging to the show's writer's department.
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I just have to say it yall....I'm obsessed with NAMORRR OH NY WORRDD like I don't understand the hold he's had on me for the past month I'm losing my shiitt!!! Anyway go watch Black Panther Wakanda Forever and thank you for coming to my Ted talk :)
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