#I’d actually be super hyped if this happened bc that looks so fuckin cool man
Fl4k Fl4k Fl4k Fl4k Fl-
i didn’t die i just fell in love with that skill tree creator and have done nothing for the past few days but make skill trees and sleep for 3 hour intervals. im very excited for the gameplay on Wednesday but oh man oh me oh my i gotta catch up on a lot of posts lol
tl;dr: Fl4k is a badass. Stop misgendering them or I’ll show up at your home at 3am local time every time and then eat your spine. Bonus: Mr. Chew being an ‘Eridian skag’ is probably due to some funky mutation from eridium/slag/eridian stuff. Kinda like how Threshers have the ability to make singularities because they are native to Elpis, which is a big ol’ Eridian base (which i totally addressed in this post lol). I also gave my opinion on Fl4k’s skills in general, if you’re interested in that. Overall, a very awesome trailer! Definitely lived up to the hype.
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i said it before, this trailer was one of the best ones. definitely #2 for me, Zane is still at #1 because i actually laughed during it. the music in this one is definitely the best out of all 4 tho. seems like they’re all variations of the same song, i like this one best. I need this soundtrack sooo bad.
also i know probably no one else following this blog watches one piece but like
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that first footstep with the studded boot and the sound effect immediately flung me back to katakuri. god katakuri was a badass. i was so excited to see that fight animated.
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mr chew spinning around is my favorite thing ever. i love that you can tell the personality of the pets just from watching the intro. 
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i know fl4k is like a real badass in this trailer, but i get the feeling they’re going to end up being at least a little soft for their pets. i mean... they have stuffed animals of them ffs.
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so... we’re near Sanctuary-III in this trailer? I gotta keep my eye out then. i also want to see if that one claptrap area guess i had is correct or not... this looks like an entryway for the garage so im guessing i wasn’t, but let’s seeeee
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there is a raised bit up and to the left
also im wondering if this means we’re going to have to rescue ellie from the CoV.
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hmmmmm i don’t think the signs match up.
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mr chew is the goodest boy. im so glad we can pet/interact with him!! i want to know what the names of the other pets are
also, a bit off topic but
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i could have sworn fl4k’s jabber was cryo/shock. it was blue, wasn’t it? i wonder if they changed it or if it’s skill upgrades change its color. i thought the upgrades just gave it better guns.
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yeah it was! i guess possibly upgrading it with the guns gives it a new color scheme? maybe? this could be the gunslinger upgrade!
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it looks like their jabber went through the most design changes out of all of the pets. that or this is yet another upgrade (since each pet has 3 states). maybe this is the beefcake version.
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‘bitch’. i love how expressive fl4k is with just the eye. very well done.
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ohhh you know what that building is in the back?
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[we’re near the intro to the game!]*
and tbh i don’t think this place has the building for Ellie’s Scrap in it... i don’t see it anywhere. maybe this is the actual scrapyard and the building is on the other side?
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not quite sure tbh. but at least we know this place may also be near sanc-iii, just maybe not the same area as the actual Ellie’s Scrap.
i mean... there IS a shitload of cars everywhere. i wouldn’t surprised if it’s near her garage cause it looks like a scrapyard.
but also where in the fuck are all these ‘normal’ looking cars coming from?? it’s not like we see them being used on pandora. all the ones we see in bl1/2 are clearly dilapidated and rusting. big thonk. at least the vans/busses kinda make sense.
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oh yeah that is definitely the same building. [it’s the recruitment center!]*
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this scene with the rakk is my favorite out of all the trailers. so fuckin cool
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i do hope the jabber goes back to being blue at some point. i like the red design too, don’t get me wrong, but i much prefer the glowy blue. it’s my favorite color and you guys know i love glowing things 👀
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<Huge Selection!!!> lol
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cat/doggo/monkey. mr chew is my favorite pet but i love the jabber panting like a dog lol
i never knew this is where spiderant mouths were
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i always assumed they were below that... f r e a k y
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“he likes to chase cars”
fl4k probably took them to the scrapyard for this exact reason ngl. fl4k being a big softie to their pets confirmed
(also, notice how fl4k uses ‘he’ for mr chew. it’s almost as if they understand the concept of gender, chose their own pronouns, and your argument that they only are nonbinary only because they “don’t understand yet” is invalid! Fl4k is canonically nonbinary and uses they/them/theirs pronouns as confirmed by both SungWon Cho and their in-game skills. 
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Now that you know, use they/them/theirs for Fl4k or get off my blog. Because by not doing so, you are disrespecting the devs’ wishes for this character AND the nonbinary people who find representation in them and I won’t support that. if you feel like arguing your reasons to purposefully misgender them even after knowing this, please DM me so I can block you. thanks! 
For those of you out there actually making an effort: mistakes happen, especially if Fl4k is the first NB person you’ve learned about. Just make sure to correct yourself then move on, and we’re okay. Everyone has to learn sometime and it’s better to put in the effort than not care at all. It will become second nature.)
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Fl4k is such a badass, they really are way different than i expected (personality-wise), but i am not complaining. gearbox knows me better than i know myself, so i know i’m going to end up loving Fl4k anyway. ProZD did such a fantastic job, i honestly did not recognize him at first! i can tell with certain words now, but wow i am blown away. 
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i hope we’re able to climb that bird’s nest lookin’ thing in the back. it would be perfect for sniping and/or placing ur clone for maximum coverage.
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seriously, what a badass.
idk i feel obligated to give my opinions of Fl4k over here since they were recently released. I am digging them 100%, tho i was kinda surprised (not in a bad way) they’re not as... i guess soft as i was expecting from their character design with the plushes and the face on the backpack and the smiley face pin, but i imagine that’s different when they’re interacting with their pets. im super curious to see how this VH group’s dynamic is going to go. 
mechanically, their skills seem perfect for people who loved sniper Zer0 and in general Mordecai, with a splash of Salvador tossed in for good luck. I am a dirty melee Zer0 main and i prefered Phasewalking over Bloodwing (altho i still play mordy bc he’s best bl1 VH) so, while I am definitely going to give Fl4k a go, they’re not my main bl3 Vault Hunter, that’s reserved for Zane and his lovely ability to befuddle enemies and run around. Funnily enough, I’m not even a fan of pet classes, so Fl4k being second in my play order is pretty funny. Tho, yeah, Amara being last is also pretty weird. I guess I don’t necessarily enjoy melee, I just enjoy messing with the bad guys lol
ohh, also, I am most interested in the upgrade for mr. chew that gives him the ability to create singularities and is called ‘Eridian Skag’. 
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so I’m not saying my theory that the threshers on the moon were connected to Eridians was right, I’m just saying they’re the only form of wildlife we know that has a singularity ability (outside of Mr. Chew, apparently). 
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im just saying gearbox, you should hire me to write your deep lore for you cause i’d do it for free
im wondering if we’ll be seeing skags with wormhole abilities in bl3. maybe the constant exposure to slag is starting to mutate them further beyond just elemental bonuses (on badass skags). We know Maya’s phaselock has a singularity ability (so does Amara’s phasegrasp), and that is sorta ‘occurring naturally’ (you know, as natural as siren powers can get) unlike the singularity grenades we encounter which use our known technology. plus, uh, whatever happened to the destroyer’s eye in TPS that made it create a singularity/wormhole by injecting it with a fuckload of slag. that probably has something to do with this as well.
but geez i really hope mr. chew is okay with being all slag/eridium-ed up. i guess being badass elemental skags doesn’t appear to hurt them, just make them more powerful, unlike humans. maybe that has something to do with sentience, if slag/eridium/eridian stuff actually is driving bandits crazy. could explain why/if the jabber doesn’t get an element like the skag (eridian skag) and spiderant (fire) do, since they’re described as semi-sentient...
Fl4k is cool. Definitely a neat trailer- my second favorite for sure- and the skill tree drop blew me away because i was not expecting it. im expecting a lot of Fl4k mains in the first few weeks of gameplay because they look like a lot of fun!
EDIT: i was wrong, in the newest IGN vid, it turns out we ARE near the recruitment center, because that IS the recruitment center
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they gave them little orange flags! good to know!!
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hypercam2 · 4 years
so @buffyannes​ and @saltierthanpearl​ sent me replies to the ask meme, one of them being two questions and the other being everything on the list :O so now that i’ve gotten a chance to sit down and think about it, here goes!
1. song of the year? pin by hippo campus really stuck with me. love those boys
2. album of the year? hit the dirt by mega mango! there’s no reason they haven’t blown tf up yet
3. favorite musical artist / group you started listening to this year? sure sure, for sure B^) their last album was great and i’m getting tix to their show for christmas, which will be a lot of fun
4. movie of the year? detective pikachu was super wholesome! i also don’t remember anything else i saw lmaoooo
(continues under the break)
5. TV show of the year? yall know i don’t keep up with this nonsense
6. episode of TV or webisode that defined the year for you? the steven universe finale was pretty special. the song “change your mind” fuckin did things to me man
7. favorite actor of the year? i don’t know who’s cool anymore so i’m gonna cop out and say me!!!!! bc i decided to audition for a show for the first time in three years??? and somehow got in??? so yeah catch me at the local theatre yall it’ll be lit
8. game of the year? since i’m trying to pick things that were released this year i guess my choice would be smash ultimate by default, even though i wouldn’t say it defines my taste overall? i never buy games at release tbh, hype is less important than how well they withstand the test of time.
9. best month for you this year? april was a good month, though the beginning of the end, in a way.
10. something that made you cry this year? well officially, truly, no holds barred Coming Out was uhhhhhhh hard
11. something you want to do again next year? alternative spring break! spending a week volunteering was a transformative experience. i wrote pages and pages in my journal about it.
12. talk about a new friend you made this year i’m gonna talk about all of the new friends i’ve made in my office! they welcomed me into conversations from the start and lucky for them, i fit in instantly. (i like to say they should be glad they aren’t stuck with a front desk worker who doesn’t have stage 50 internet brain poisoning 😂) i love how we all Get each other’s sense of humor, but know when to self-regulate or take others’ needs seriously. we all kind of have our own niche interests but you never get a funny look for bringing Your Shit up. i’m very lucky to have just walked right into somewhere i feel meant to be (especially compared to SG lmfaooo, they’re full of jerks)
13. how was your birthday this year? well it was in the middle of exams week and then i got a KIDNEY INFECTION like a couple days after!!!! so cool i guess cuz i turned 21 but otherwise kind of a tragedy?
14. favorite book you read this year? i don’t know how to read
15. what’s a bad habit you picked up this year? ugh just.... procrastination on life in general turned up to 100 😖 hard to be in tune with things if they’re entirely uninteresting and the Same Old Thing ad nauseum
16 and 17: pictures from the beginning and end of year i take a pic on my laptop’s webcam whenever i change my hair (i don’t know why i do this?) so i can actually answer this one from my computer!
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18: a memorable meal this year? literally any time i go to florida and eat old bay shrimp and conch fritters at the local seafood bar.... like ugh sis went OFF
19. what are you excited about for next year? being in a musical! and stage directing the kids’ show again!!
20. what’s something you learned this year? i’d say i’m still working on it, but not being unhappy for the sake of others’ comfort. working past the anxiousness of telling the truth when it’s hard, or speaking up about things i need or want. ya know. that kind of thing. it’s tough.
21. what’s something new about your place of residence (room, home, or general location) now vs the start of the year? we started the year with 3 cats and temporarily, we’re gonna end it with 6 😨 (our neighbor is most likely going to adopt her, but she’ll be in our house for a while.)
22. favorite place you visited this year? a small town in indiana, for spring break. even the drive back was memorable. it was this weird shift in perspective, going down the main roads and seeing slices of how things once were interspersed with how they are now. you’ll see a tiny, decrepit farm house sandwiched between a state of the art mcdonald’s and a tiny, decrepit auto shop. i used to give the cities i spend the most time in some kind of special merit, but it turns out that uniquely tired and midwest feeling doesn’t really start or stop at a certain place after all.
23. if you could send a message to yourself back on the first day of the year, what would it be? the first half of the year will be great! the second will be terrible! that is, until you take some steps that are long overdue - which you will take, because this year is all about change. you’ll get a really good therapist and she’ll tell you “don't expect life to ever be comfortable.” ironically enough, it’ll be comforting, as you now know what to expect.
24. did you keep any new year’s resolutions? one of them was “become a better communicator” which is a work in progress. another was “get a second tattoo” and that did happen 100% ;^)
25. did you create any characters (in games, art, or writing) this year? describe one. ohhhh i did! one of them i never got to use because let’s face it, i don’t have it in me to write the story i want to write in the middle of exam crunch time. he would have been a little kid, still nameless, who essentially would look like a tiny paperboy (think a double breasted coat, nice hat...) my main character would encounter him randomly irl, thinking that he looked familiar but never doing anything about it. that’s because the boy would show up in the MC’s dreams and communicate... fateful events. perhaps i’ll turn it into something real one day. ;)
wow i spent a lot of time on this 😅 it was a good run tho! very reflective. thanks!
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thegeminisage · 7 years
And Now I Finally Leave This Fucking Plateau
but first im gonna go back to the old mans house one last time to check his diary ;_;
everything else below the cut in case of actual spoilers
on another note i LOVE how fast i can go with the paraglider like #nice
man i wonder if that giant stone thing that chased me used to be a jaeger
(i love this in the legend of zelda i have a smartphone and there are jaegers lmao)
well anyway off i go i guess
i can see the bridge and the pin marks it as in the next little section im supposed to visit so im gonna go check it out since my heart hasn’t ached enough yet
oh my god there’s a giant bokoblin down here...oh my god
IS that a bokoblin...? it looks like a reindeer or smth lol
oh wait is it a MOBLIN?? oh my god!!!! hey dude!!!!!!!!
dude. dude. i hyped myself up to fight. i drank my ONLY atk up potion. and i killed him in one hit with a bomb arrow?? that was my OPENER, dude!! fucking weak
oh hey there’s another one
good news heres the fucking fight i wanted!!! im gonna DIE, but
ok no i threw my sword at him. broke the sword killed the moblin got a sick club instead. #nice
oh my god there’s some people fighting bokoblins!!! real people!!!!!! i will help them!!!
lmao this is not even close to where i meant to go i saw the moblin and got sidetracked
aw their names are mils and mina they gave me an elixir...and left.......
im lonely :|
like in every other game you get a companion right away that then leaves you at the end...in this game the closest thing i got was the old man and he’s already gone
....back to the bridge im going the wrongest of all possible ways
god theres so many ANIMALS out here. i could hunt for days
already killed a fox a deer and another boar
and like. i feel kinda bad. but. the Meat
haha wow all the rusted weapons stuck in the ground...wow...wow
now thats environmental storytelling jesus fucking christ
huh i finally got a rupee...i forgot those were even a thing
it killed me in ONE HIT oh my god
apparently keese swarms are a thing, which is actually great, i’d love to fight all of them, but i only snagged two or three before they flew away like little pansies
dude i think im at lake hyrule its under the bridge and i got fucked up by an octorok 
i have died four times to this ONE bokoblin camp bc this blue dude has a killer sword...im getting it no matter what.
ooh and now i have ICE arrows...worth it
but i can’t find that sword :/
aaah here it is
ohhhh man. and here at last is eldin bridge
“bridge of hylia” bitch i know what bridge it fucking is
i’ll just cross it once. then back to the story
oh. there are lizalfos.
THEY ALWAYS FUCKING DODGE i will probably die and not be able to cross (: 
yep i died
ok another day then im tired of fighting and dying a lot i wanna explore or story but i don’t wanna keep dying sorry bridge ):
HANG GLIDE INTO LAKE HYLIA bet i won’t have the stamina to get to the edge
holy FUCK i landed in a ring of lily pads and!!! there is!!! a korok here!!!! oh my god!!!!!!!!
hestu...who is hestu
fucked up an octorok
and a goat
oooh i found an underwater village ruins...like im so sad but also it’s so cool
and EXACTLY like that one place in da:i
oh my god okay it wasnt the village it was just a thing that happens now and then
the Blood Moon which revives all the monsters you’ve killed. great. wonderful
can’t go any further bc of lizalfos...tbh i dont need to be exploring this much & right here anyway i REALLY wanna get to kakariko before bed
i found a cooking pot and thought of the old man ))):
hey and there’s a person on this bridge! and a shrine here too...good thing i backtracked
fff ive been playing so long my game pad ran out of battery....and i dont remember how to charge it aside from leaving it on the little station, but you can’t hold it up very well like that........
wow i cant actually Do anything in this shrine...seems i am missing a rune, it doesn’t just give me one
oooomg its stormin omg omg <3<3
oh my god...oh my god
omg and my weapons in the menu are sparking, the metal ones...i gotta use a wooden one omg
I GOT HIT ANYWAY??? AND DIED?? WHY????? oh my god
if only i could wait out the storm by the old mans fire ;_; i could make my own i suppose but its not the same and i hate to waste fire arrows/flint
i took shelter in the shrine instead and now im watchin the storm while the game pad charges :’)
omg there’s an octorok over here...but in the ground instead of water!!! dude
or maybe it’s a weird kind of deku scrub hahaha
nope it was tentacle-y and gave me octo balloons it was definitely an octorok...i wonder if dekus are even in this game i fuckin hope so
theres a tower over there and i wanna Climb It And Get A Map geez
my game pad keeps running out of battery lol is it trying to tell me to go to bed
you’re weak game pad i’m not going to bed until i find a human settlement tough fucking luck
this post is getting SUPER long but i don’t wanna cut it off bc the next one will be super short bc i KNOW im almost there......
aw hey a sunshower :3
time to put my smartphone on the tower
ah this one was much calmer than the last one
ohhhh finally...a proper map Yes Yes Yes Thank You Nayru Din & Farore
ooh and a new rune
this river is apparently named squabble river which is apt bc thats all i did trying to fucking get across it
Why Do I Never Have Any Arrows
i’m not sure where to go next like i feel obligated to explore those areas i didnt get to yet but also i wanna see other people............
oh i found a merchant! damn food sells for a pretty penny rupee
ok yeah no im obviously gonna be playing until ddawn no need to kid ourselves. cutting this off here
also i havent been on my dash in hours i’ve been writing the posts without looking at tumblr at all i’m sorry i haven’t replied to anyone else’s liveblogs ;_; i just can’t tear myself away from this long enough to catch up on my dash!!!!
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