#I would not be surprised if Sunny and Efe placed bets on if/when it would eventually happen
stumpedonlife · 6 years
Hey guys!
I know, I know. It’s been so long since I’ve blogged that there is no way to catch you up on everything, but I can try!
On Feb. 20th: B and I went to China Town in Yokohama! We were pretty excited, and then it started to rain. And the temperature dropped. Gross. We made it fun though! By the end of it I was not feeling good, and we were both soaked. Later that night we went to Zachs birthday party at Liberty Cove (the apartment building they live at, and that we will be requesting next time we come out here.). While we were there Chris and Lena told me they were going to Disneyland on Tuesday, and that Maddie was going. Then they told me I was invited as well. I looked at B. B looked at me. I said I would let them know…nudge nudge…I was going!
Shrimp dumplings.
Feb. 22nd: DISNEYLAND ROUND DOS! It was a blast. I don’t know if Disney does this in the States, but in Japan, they do something called “Child Swap”. Lemme explain. Tell a Cast Member (Disney worker) that you want to child swap. They fill out a piece of paper, and give it to you. One group of parents, go on the ride (fast passes recommended) first, and the second group waits with the kidlettes with the piece of paper. First group comes out, waits with kidlettes. Second group gives cast member piece of paper, and gets taken all the way to the ride, and hops right on. HOPS. RIGHT. ON. No waiting. No lines. Dudes. This is how to do Disney! With kids! Who knew?! hahaha!  It was such a fun experience, being with the V family (their last name starts with a V. No I’m not going to tell the internet their last name! sillies!), it was fun to see Disney through kidlette eyes (although, it was very much the same through my eyes!).
It was Maddie’s first time!
Mochi aliens each with chocolate, strawberry, and custard.
This is where we had dinner. Wonderland!
Feb. 27th: We went to a Ninja themed restaurant in Tokyo. We went with a group, and it was so yummy! The group was fun, too!
The cooked this soup with a hot stone. They win.
Feb 28th: Kamakura! I took B to one of the (many) shrines. Obviously we got fish pancakes too!
Fish “pancake”
March 6th: We went to Taura (one train stop away), to see the plum blossoms. What a flipping’ hike that was! I swear, Mt. Rainier was easier. I am out of shape guys. Out. Of. Shape. Or is it, that I have too much extra shape? Maybe? hehehe! After that, B and I went to Enoshima. Enoshima is a seaside city, that is trying awfully hard to look like Santa Monica. Anyways! We walked out to an “island” (it’s connected to the main land via a sand spit that shows at low tide, so not technically an island.), and let me tell you something-so many effing stairs!
Plum Blossoms!
After that hike!
Yup. For every “cute” selfie we have, we have at least one of these!
March 8th: I went with Maddie, and a few others on a trial run through some spots that Maddie wanted to take her family! We went to Ofuna to see the Kannon (lady buddha, essentially), then to Enoshima. More. Stairs….more effing stairs! It was a great day!
The Kannon.
Look at all of those cranes!
March 12th: Our St. Paddies Day party! It was so much fun! I met new people, and I am so glad that I did. It takes awhile to build community, and I’m excited for what has started and what hasn’t come yet!
March 16th: We had to move. It was terrible. It still isn’t great. I am so appreciative of what Washington apartments and houses are. This place makes me love home. I don’t mind living in Japan, I actually really like it most days, but it’s not my home. It is part of my adventure though!
March 17th: I went to Enoshima with Lena, the kids, and Chris’ parents. It was such a beautiful day, and I so needed it! This time in Enoshima, they introudeced  me to the aquarium! I loved it! The only part I did NOT like was the dolphin show. It made me so sad and drove me into almost tears. Yes, their performance was amazing, they are such intelligent animals. I know they wouldn’t do well in the wild now, I understand. I don’t understand them being brought into these situations in the first place. But. I digress.
As close as I will get to Mt. Fuji this go around
Where the dolphins are kept (for are four in there, and four performing).
Matcha and sweet potato ice cream. Win!
March 20th: B and I went to Mount Nokogiri with friends from work (I haven’t asked if I can give their names, so I won’t post them until I have their permission). We had to take a train, a bus, a ferry, then walked, and then we took a lift (?) to the entrance! This was another place that just has so many stairs I doubt it would be legal in the States. I’m serious. It was beautiful! There were buddhas everywhere. The vegetation was starting to really turn green, it was sunny, I loved it! For dinner, our friends introduced us to sushi. Sushi like we have never had before. It’s stupid good!
Worn steps.
Nooks like this were everywhere!
March 26th: B and I went to Tokyo, we had a plan…then we got distracted! We started at Shibuya-the infamously busy crossing in Tokyo. It was nothing like I expected, and even though it was RIDICULOUSLY busy, it wasn’t as big as I thought it would be. After venturing around, we hopped on the train to Hirajuku-a district in Tokyo famous for “teen fashion”. I was underwhelmed but the main street. We walked around though, and that was the saving grace. We found a posh-hipster (yes, the kind that buy $250.00 flannel shirts from Chanel), neighborhood. In that neighborhood we found a Hawaiian-Mexican fusion restaurant. It was so yummy! I would go back!
My food! It was so good!
Look at this ceiling for the LOBBY of a mall. It’s crystals. for a ceiling.
Crepes done Japan-style.
March 27th: B and I met up with some new friends and went out on-what else?-an adventure! We went out to Sarushima “Monkey” Island! There are no monkeys. It was a first defense for war, so it has bunkers and old cannon mounts. It’s full of tide pools, lush trees, and birds. The trails were short, because the island isn’t very big. It was so nice to be with genuinely great people and poking around in tide pools. That’s a perfect day. The beach is my happy place.
March 31st: I got a surprise in the mail from one of my sorority sisters. It’s so amazing to know that there are people thinking about me. To know what they took the time out of their day, to make sure that I knew that they were thinking of me. When you are thinking of someone one, or catching yourself wondering what they are doing, tell them. Shoot them a Facebook message, text, or email, and say, “Hey, I was thinking about you, and I hope you are doing well!” They might not respond because they might be at work, or life is happening for them, but it’s ok. I bet you $100.00 they smiled.
Processed with VSCO with f2 preset
April 3rd: B and I went to Tokyo to see the Cherry Blossoms. It didn’t start well, but B and I recovered. We won that day. The cherry blossoms were beautiful! We found some gems, and we found some food!
April 9th: B and I went to Enoshima for two reasons: pancakes and the aquarium. I got a waffle and it had a pile of whip cream 8 inches-ish tall. B got the pancakes with the same amount of whip cream. We had to take a LONG walk after we were done because we needed the food to settle in our stomaches. On our way back to the aquarium I got to pet two golden retrievers and one licked my nose (!!!!), a pitbull-he snuggled right up, then moved so I could scratch his butt (duh). Then we went to the aquarium! The main take away was that B wants to own an ocean, and a river, and a lake, so that he can have all the fishes and all the plants.
April 12th: B and I went to DisneySea! It was such a fantastic day! It was such a long day! It was a cold morning, it was a hot day, it was a chilly night…then not so chilly. Japan knows what it’s doing with it’s weather about as much as Washington does. We had a game plan…but I forgot to screen shot it from Pinterest! So…we had to wing it!
If you have never experienced B and I together, when we are being completely and truly ourselves, then you might not know what it means to us, to “wing it”…but it’s a lot of laughing, rolling eyes (in jest…mostly :P), people watching, eating food, and mostly being absolutely ridiculous and obnoxious. Around 5:30 we headed to dinner. But earlier in the day, I wanted tea because I was cold, but then I saw they had ice cream too….B told me no. BOO you —–! So on our way to dinner in my head I was like, yeah, we have to walk all the way across the park…I need food…omg…ICE CREAM! So I told B, “So, here’s what I’m thinking, we go get ice cream now, that way we can eat it as we walk to dinner. That way we have a little something in us in case the line is long.” Nailed it. And B replies with, “You’re priorities are so…perfect!”
That’s why I married him.
The restaurant we wanted to eat at was, at the cheapest, $48.00/plate. NOPE! We went to Venice (LOL!) and found some pasta for him, pizza for me, and dessert for us! Because no one can simply eat just ONE dessert! As we were walking out we saw a couple with a bag FULL of keychain stuffed animals, a second bag started, and like four big stuffed animals!
EVERYWHERE at Disney plays music, and as we were walking out, B and I danced to the Italian music, because…well…we love our life!
My second wind kicked in with all of those carbs, and I just couldn’t stop moving and I fully embarrassed B by dancing around with his jacket as he put on his sweatshirt! No regrets. The Japanese were probably like, “Yup. American”. We finished the night with the Tower of Terror. This ride puts us into, what B called, free fall. Yup. Our backpacks came off of the ground, my knees came up. The guy next to B passed out (we think). It was a blast!
We decided though, that we really need to go to Hershey park, because now that I’m ok with rollercoasters (thank you, Pap) B wanted me to experience the “real ones”.
  *** Note: This was lightly edited a full year and a half AFTER it was originally written. I’m guessing I never posted it because I couldn’t get pictures to upload… Sorry for the abrupt end of this one. This will be the last post I do about the first time we went to Japan. Next time will hopefully be better.***
          It’s Been Awhile Hey guys! I know, I know. It's been so long since I've blogged that there is no way to catch you up on everything, but I can try!
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