#I won't make a twitter but I WILL check the summit twitter via nitter. often. bc I want info. ajhfkshfkhs
heartbeetz · 6 months
Happy to see my fun lil tidbit made ya happy :)
(I too get mentally ill about my interests and want to know everything about them abfjsd)
While I don’t have any more big fun facts that haven’t been shared yet (at least none that come to the top of my head) here’s another small nice one: yeah Anton is an alcoholic, but the reason he’s so pissed about his spirit collection is that they have a bit of sentimental value, they’re not just something you can get at the corner store
I am absolutely shamelessly that way. Sooooo fixated on this game (that is not even out yet). Unfortunately the "want to know everything" clashes with the "unwilling to join the discord or make any other social media" lmao
Holding this piece of trivia in my hands like a little bird. Hadn't heard it said like that before ("sentimental"... 👀) and DID think "literally just mad about booze theft" was fun to play around with, but also I absolutely assumed as much just bc of the implications of "collection" as opposed to like... anything else. It's not just a stash or whatever. Those are His and they're Special. There's thought and intent behind it.
It's like how the collectable vinyls throughout the levels are referred to as his "record collection" on the kickstarter page (I don't remember if that's said anywhere else). Those are his things they're important to him :)
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