#I want to write a review but I'm not good at English (sorry)😂😂
sweetestpopcorn · 2 years
I had been watching a certain show and I was already frustrated by it but I recently found all the leaks and I decided to stop because there was no saving it.
I was still bitter and angry over it so I went back to reread your fic during the weekend and it brought me so much comfort. I love your story and your writing itself is amazing. It was actually because of you that I ended up reading Fire & Blood few months ago - which led me back fully into the asoiaf brainrot.
Anyways I just want to say a huge thank you for dedicating your time and love into continuing your story. I always admire authors who write such long fics and are able to even maintain the characterizion.
Your story was a rollercoaster of emotion; you've made me laugh, you made me angry, you made me tear up and jump from joy even with my second reread, and I can't wait to see what else you have planned ♥
Hi there!
First, let me give you, your eyes, and your brain my sincere condolences for having been subjected to that. And yes there's no saving it. I read everything before it came out, still managed to actually be worse than the leaks were saying so kudos?
To me everything that made the Dance and these characters interesting was completely erased and now we have these weird parodies of the actual story and characters walking around. I don't recognise anyone. Not one character. They have just been stripped of what made them be X and what made them compelling. Which to a point is good, because with this sh:t for plot it would hurt me more if I actually saw the characters. Because I don't, and because it has been made very clear we have two canons, I will stick to the asoiaf canon which is much better and does not need to erase femininity to make women "strong" nor does it need to turn men into simps and emasculate them in order to push for women to be the extra version of show"Arya" (lol sorry book Arya). If people like it though, whatever. Just as long as they don't mistake this for actual canon, go off queens and be happy. And sorry for being such a hater.
Man can't wait for my birthday! 🥳
I'm very happy my story brought you comfort, and Fire and Blood should bring it as well. It does me. It feels so good to just open the books read the passages and to just see all the sh_t that was absolutely ignored. Never thought I would say this but Mushroom, come back here you! Let me hug you and kiss you, you are forgiven 😌
I'm also very happy that it made you read Fire and Blood! Jokes and issues aside I love the book, and I love it even more now <3
Awww it's an absolute pleasure and if I have been doing it for so long is because I really have a lot of fun! Lot of work as well, but also a lot of fun! It's people like you that make all the hours I put into this worth it and knowing I make you feel all those things (especially making you laugh!) is really amazing to hear!
I actually have a bit of a confession to make. Recently someone reached out to me because they wanted to translate my fic to Portuguese. And because that's my native language I was like "of course! I'll help you with that!". Pretty much the person translates it and then I review it (and continue to spot embarrassing mistakes in my fic like *taking deep breath* why are you such an IDIOT sandwich?!). We are done with the first two chapters and it was very weird because I felt like I was reading something I didn't write. It was "new" to me in a way and it made sense because she did the translation not I.
When I am writing I am thinking in English, I never translate things in my head, I just switch languages on and off. And it has been shown we are more emotional in our native languages and boy that must be true because I was reading the first Daemon chapter and thinking "Oh dear lord was this what people felt?!" And if it was XD I am pleased.
Or maybe it's just that the PT words for wh0re are very funny 😂 My favourite line so far:
"Agora chega dessa conversa tediosa. Passei muitos anos f_dendo vadias estrangeiras. Vamos para a Rua da Seda para que possamos relembrar os velhos tempos, e para que seu príncipe possa praticar para o Prazer do Reino. Afinal, a mulher mais bonita dos Sete Reinos merece que eu seja capaz de atuar com toda a minha habilidade."
fkatherinep you the MVP for knowing how much the word "vadia" makes me laugh! Yes, I am 5 sue me.
Thank you so much for your words <3
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aonan-mt610 · 5 years
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Everyone loves him ♥ ⊂( ◜◒◝ )⊃
I think I will do it for a long time. But don't have time;;A;;
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aonan-mt610 · 5 years
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♠️♥️♣️♦️ JOKER TRAP ♠️♥️♣️♦️
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