#I think I gained like 10 followers from that quiz so HERE YA GO... this is what I look like y'all should enjoy this
rubashev · 4 years
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shocked and appalled to realize I never posted this here, but possibly the most On Brand image of me that exists is this picture my friend took of me with Joey Steel himself at the Volgograd Stalin Museum last semester
our tour guide in this establishment was an elderly lady who punctuated every point with a wooden sword and insisted vehemently that the subject of her lecture was an objective hero who did no wrong in his entire life; she also at one point gestured at me (with the sword) and informed the entire group “Stalin was actually quite small, much like this young man actually,” which is still possibly the most devastating comment about my stature to date. according to every source I’ve seen old joe was actually my height exactly so this image makes it clear they boosted their model up a little bit; truly the propaganda never ends
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kaijuzilla · 6 years
My Pokemon(Fakemon) Story Idea? (Core Series)
MOD: So the you might be wondering what this post about? Well to tell you and I just wanna let this out. I’m just making just my own Pokemon region base off Coast of America meaning there will be lot of water types (maybe). So I’ll just tell you what it’s about and stuff under this link. (this is my idea and no I didn’t steal anything) (this is a practice and just wanna know how the story goes)
(Chances this will be separate partly) Pt.1
“Pokemon Spirit”
“(Pokemon belong to Game-Freak, Nintendo, The Pokemon Company, and Creatures. This isn’t a real Pokemon game and not a prediction to any new version later in the future. Pokemon name mentioned that are made belong to them while fakemon are just made.)”
Professor Maple: *webcam is on* WOAH! *fall over and look messy* S-sorry about that kiddo. You scare me for second there. *ahem* My name is Professor Maple and welcome to the world of Pokemon. Pokemon are magical creatures that live on Earth for many years. You can see them in jungle forest, murky swamp, beautiful grasslands, the ocean, and even up in the skies above us.  I study Pokemon natural environments by watching them through cameras making sure their habitats are nice and secured on the Census Region where I take care of wild Pokemon in my lab. Because long ago this region have trouble with the Pokemon population (rarities) back then so I decided to help restore their populations. Now..um..I’m sorry but are you a boy or a girl?.....Well then (player name) I hope to see you very soon at my lab today! And tell your mom I said hi! I’ll see you soon~. *wave goodbye then camera crash seeing slime on screen* AAAH!! GOODRA NOT NOW!!! *webcam off*
You’re starting town is Samara Town. In this town you’re next to a beach where people in your town and your neighbor town go to have fun and relax. You walk downstairs meeting your mom who knows everything upstairs. She know you’re getting your Pokemon to start off your journey by her childhood friend Maple. She is proud how you’re going to start off your journey that she tell you that she use to travel back then with Maple as her rival. She’ll be readying your bag as you walk out to the professor lab which is on top left of the town. When you’re about to enter a Goodra pops out the door with bird like Pokemon flying out the door. The professor walk out slowly looking tired as if she hasn’t slept in days. She see’s you and comes in with a slimy hug covering you in slime. She laugh and is happy to see you’re here just on time.  Both you enter seeing her lab windows open with two trees for Pokemon to climb and rest on as so many wild Pokemon are playing outside as you look out the glass wall. You heard three Pokemon cry as your turn and see nothing but something on your face which felt wet and stuck. You see the light and surprise to see the starter Pokemon.
- Kuttlish “Cuddle Pokemon” (Water) Lv.5 “It show it’s affection to it’s trainer by jumping onto their face and hug them for awhile. They’re also known to change color to camouflage from preys. Their break are strong enough to break the rocky surface of a Geodude.” (Atk/Def/Sp.Def) (Torrent/Suction Cups)
- Vinmodo “Komodo Pokemon” (Grass/Poison) Lv.5 “Their spine like thorns are very sensitive so they don’t like other people touching them. They warn them with a scary hiss. The saliva they have in their mouth are very venomous. One bite will cause the prey to lose muscle movement. This make catching their prey easy.” (Atk/Sp.Atk/Spd) (Overgrow/Poison Touch)
- Puprus “Guard Dog Pokemon” (Fire) Lv.5 “The collar around their neck are very special too them. If the trainer chosen this Pokemon, they will protect it’s master for it’s life.The collar then burns for what name you given to Puprus. It’s jaws are strong enough to rip off the water pipes and chew on it like a bone.” (Atk/Def/Spd) (Blaze/Strong Jaw)
(evolution work in progress that goes for other pokemon new to the region while there are returning ones)
Maple said these Pokemon where never seen before and she has no idea where they come from. They suddenly came to her lab all injured and beaten badly that she help recover them back to health. After that they decided to stay making her thinking that you can take really good care of them. When choosing the starter a sudden door burst open showing a out of breath person who is your rival. (the playable character) Your rival will see that you choose that starter that he/she gonna choose so instead he/she chosen the type advantage starter and ask for permission to battle outside. Your rival step outside then your mom came in seeing you and talk about the person that pass by her. She see you got your starter and gave your bag which is filled with 10 Poke Balls. (she the giving you options on how to catch you can say yes or no since we all know how to do it). Maple then give you the Pokedex (haven’t design it yet). After all that as you went outside, your rival battle begin! Beating your rival will see that the Pokemon she didn’t want to choose is not bad and he/she became liking his/her starter more. Your rival wish you luck and said next time he/she will be stronger than before. When your about to leave you heard a huge cry and a bells ringing. The trainer then felt relieved and so does the Pokemon around the lab feel calm too. You have no idea what that is till your professor came out rushing to see the ringing bell. Turns out she explain it was from a legendary Pokemon that it ring it’s bell across the region to calm the spirits, people, and Pokemon. She also said hearing the bell can bring huge luck to people as well. She then return to the lab and wish you lots of luck on your journey. 
You then make it to Route- 30, seeing two trainers ready to battle and some new Pokemon along the way. (No new Pokemon ideas yet but will be soon or later on) Along the way you made it to South Rim Town which has a Pokemon center/market and have two path leading to routes. Right path leads to Route 31 while the left leads to Dusty Whirl Canyon which is after you have two gym badges. As you go to Route 31 you bump into a very young trainer name Kitz who is being chase and follow by two mysterious people with an “R” logo on their back jacket. One of them say to hand over the kid but Kitz tell you that they lie to her saying they knew the champion but they’re trying to steal her Pokemon. The man shouted to keep her mouth shut and ask you one last time to hand over the kid. You refuse and the man was angry that he challenge you to battle. Beating them makes them even more angry. They retreat for now but they say that they’ll be back and you will regret ruining their hunt. Kitz said that they’re “Team Raptor” who hunt down Pokemon for money and fame. It is illegal in regions to hunt down Pokemon for money or sports since last time this happen a bunch of Bouffalant population were almost out of this region. She thank you for saving her and gave you an “Exp. Share”. As she saw you in battle made her more excited and inspire to become stronger one day so she can one day meet the champion and challenge her. She went back to South Rim Town and you go back to your journey.
You finally made it to Angeles City (Los Angeles)! Your rival saw you and wanna see how much stronger you gotten. After the battle your rival he/she would see how you gotten stronger then with great idea he/she said you should try take on the gym leader that is in this part of the city. You then meet the first gym leader Scrooge (“The Luckiest Man That Ever Live”) who specialize dark type Pokemon. He said he is busy so he ask you to go to his gym and he will be there soon or later. His gym is a quiz game which you must guess tot he trainer how much this item is in the market if guess wrong you battle and must answer the right answer. Once you beat 3 trainer you finally made it to Scrooge who happen to be there the whole time. He never tell you how he got here on time and he hope your lucky enough to beat his dark type team (Lv.10-13) (Sandile, Markrouw, Meowth(aloan) new dark type pokemon). He will use confuse ray and embargo to keep you from attacking and using items in battle and then use sucker punch to gain the speed advantage. (This technique will give trainers a hard time) Once you defeated him he will give you TM# Sucker Punch. He has never been defeated like this before and he is surprised and proud of you trusting your Pokemon when it’s in serious condition and tricky position which he than give you the Token Badge (Pokemon Lv.10-20). He hope he can battle you again to test your luck later on once the building next to him is finish construction. Your rival see that you got the gym leader badge and congratulate you on getting it. He/She will go challenge the gym leader now but the trainer you fought came out unexpected to tell you that Scrooge want to give you a “Battle Coin Case”. There is no explanation except that he’s now out the gym to help out and check on the construction that’s going on making the rival felt down missing the gym leader and must wait till he returns as you continue to the next gym.
You reach to Marshwood Swamp (base of Florida swamp)! This area is just like the mushy water area in Sinnoh Region (Diamond/Pearl) But there are rivers which needed a Pokemon to surf on. Since the swamp water isn’t that deep but will suck you in getting you stuck you decided to go with it. You hear a women voice yelling, “Now get out of me swamp ya filthy varmints!” as you see a group of Team Raptors running away seeing a girl with her (new fakemon) tired out as she whip her sweat off her head. She see you checking if your team is alright from the grunts. She see your fine and introduce herself as Hazel and she’s from Marshwood City. What happen is that the grunts where just hunting a bunch of other Pokemon for money when they are her best friend being tortured. After the conversation you see her swing on the vines that swing her over the river. This made going over the swamp more easily but you may bump into some trainers along the way. As you finally reach to Marshwood City your rival finally catch up to you. He/She complaint about how muddy and how many time he/she got stuck in the mud so much to get here. He/She wish that she would have the rider page but he/she doesn’t know where to get it but then explain what it is (was introduce in Sun/Moon(UltraSun/UltraMoon)). Your rival then go to the Pokemon Center just to rest for awhile from how hard it is to get to you. As you look around town you learn that the people around here live here because this area has very good fertilize dirt that it made farming very easily around here. It also been said that one of the elite four member live here as well as chief of the town and his granddaughter lives here too which she came from another region. As you got to the gym you found out the gym leader is actually Hazel (“Tomboyish Construction Girl”), who specialize Water type Pokemon which made electric type useless due to some of them being half ground type. She surprise to see that you arrive to her gym and she hope that you can handle her team (Lv.15-24) (Shellos (East Sea) and Barboach. They will have advantage too electric type pokemon so it's better to use grass type and watch out for mud-slap and mud bombs to lower the Pokemon accuracy. Beating her will earn you the Vine Badge (Lv.20-38) and will be given a TM# Mud Bomb. After the battle her grandfather name Lumber appeared in front of her gym surprising her.  He wanted to check on how the gym going and seeing you with her gym badge embarrass from her grandpa seeing that she lost. Meeting the trainer tells you if you want to be stronger with your Pokemon you could try Route 33 which lead o Everest City and to the restricted Area 51. It’s also full of rare Pokemon as well. Before you leave your rival came to fight you again. When you defeated him/her both you and your rival are given a “Rider Page” by Lumber. Since he heard some people are having trouble with the swamp lately he decided to give you the device that also hold the “Quagsire Swamp” rider page that can help . He also tell the story that Hazel have a Pokemon that she love so much before becoming gym leader. He know that a couple of Team Raptor was just hear today till Hazel kick them out of the swamp he know that might happen because she hate what Team Raptor when they took her Mudkip long time ago which is a gift for her when he went to the Hoenn Region to help do constructions in the forests. So he wants your help to help find her Mudkip for him because she just want her Mudkip back so much as they’ve created a great bond with each other. As you accept the request he thanks you and went off the road.
(this all I got but there will be Pt.2 someday)
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