#I saw a VERY cute jacket on pinterest and it wouldn't go away from my head
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I miss winter again🍨
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sunarinluvr · 3 years
|| haikyuu boys catching you awake at 3am ||
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includes: suna rintarou, kuroo tetsurou, & iwaizumi hajime
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a/n- hiii!! wow i did not expect my previous work to get that much attention :,) thank u all so so much i appreciate it a lot <33 anyways this is a very self-indulgent imagine (??) for my touch starved and lonely ass :D hope u enjoy!! 
warnings: has a bit of cursing !!
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suna is a light sleeper so it was only natural for him to get up when he heard noises coming from the kitchen at the crack of dawn. slowly opening his eyes, he instinctively reaches out for you and scowls when he felt nothing but cold empty sheets.
getting up from bed wearing nothing but a pair of gray sweats, he quickly checks his phone for the time then makes his way over to the kitchen where said noises came from. meanwhile you were sitting in the kitchen wearing your earphones and doing work on your laptop oblivious to anything happening around you.
there suna stood staring at you while you typed away on your laptop with the occasional singing into an imaginary mic with a hand on your chest and head bop. he just stood there with a smile on his face admiring how cute his s/o is.
after a few minutes you finally noticed your boyfriends presence and almost flinched at the sight of him. “rin..what the fuck are you doing there?!” you looked at him and maybe stared at his exposed chest a bit too long, but immediately snapping your gaze back up to meet his eyes  while giving him an unamused look.
he smirks as he walks over to you, not missing the way you looked at him “i heard random noises coming from the kitchen so i checked it out. what are you even doing? its 3 in the morning.”with a scoff you bring your attention back to your laptop “i’m working.”
sitting on the chair beside yours a comfortable silence envelopes you as he rests his head on his forearm, watching you type away. right as you finished your work, you hear growling which prompts you to stop quickly turning your head in the direction of your boyfriend who’s now pouting at you as he pats his stomach.
looking at him you let out a laugh “do you want ramen? i’m kinda hungry too.” lifting his head up a bit to see your face better he smirks “only if you make it” standing up from your seat feigning offense as you roll your eyes at him “who else would cook it then?”
after eating ramen and staying up to watch the sunrise, the both of you ended up sleeping on the couch with you cuddled beside him with one arm around your waist and the other behind your head.
kuroo is a very organized person, he takes his job very seriously and that’s why he is in his office at 3am trying to get a paper due in a week done ahead of time. you on the other hand decided to show your support by staying up with him while singing along to your shared playlist and scrolling through pinterest and twitter.
he was just about done with his work when he noticed how quiet its been the past few minutes, which confused him since you were just singing a few moments ago, so out of curiosity he stretched his arms and got up from his chair. slowly and quietly making his way out to the living room
once he entered the room he saw your laptop and blanket shoved to the side of the couch, and quickly realizes that you probably went to the bathroom since you rarely went to bed before him. kuroo being kuroo took this as an opportunity to scare you.
he padded over to the bathroom making sure to be as quiet as possible and stood beside the door waiting for you to finish. after washing your hands you go to grab the doorknob and just as you open it.. “BOO!” your idiot boyfriend shouted.
“AHH WHAT THE FUCK TETSU!!” you shrieked hand on your chest. “not funny tetsu. you almost gave me a heart attack.” you murmured glaring at your boyfriend who was now clutching his stomach and laughing obnoxiously. “hey kitten” he finally gets out.
you walked past him and back to the couch with an annoyed look on your face. following you back to the couch he plops down right beside you, but you ignore him and put on your earphones. “kitten” he drawls out “don’t be so upset, it was a harmless prank” poking your arm continuously.
now looking at him with a pout “i stay up for you and you decide to almost give me a heart attack??” he cups your face gently and gives your lips a quick peck “it was a prank. plus you’re not staying up for me, you just want to watch cat videos on twitter”
you hit his arm playfully as you sigh “whatever.....but you owe me ice cream tomorrow.” laughing he replied “deal.” then you pulled out your computer and watched cat videos cuddled up next to him for another 30 minutes before he drags you with him to bed.
iwaizumi was sleeping peacefully until he felt an itch in his throat, he tried ignoring it hoping it would go away, but alas it seemed like it wasn't going to go any time soon. so with a groan, he sits up  to get water. once he fully opened his eyes, he realized that you werent in bed meaning you were probably still doing your work.
sighing he gets up and makes his way out of the bedroom and into the kitchen where he saw you sitting down with one leg up on the chair as you type on your laptop. “babe” he says making his presence known. you look up at him and give him a sheepish smile
“hi haji...” walking towards you he sighs “why are you still doing that dumbass” he glances at the clock and continues “its 3am you should be sleeping” as he looks at you unamused. “i was just working so that i wouldn't have to do anything tomorrow and i didn't notice the time, also im almost done!”
you announced looking at him proudly. “what about you huh? why are you up haji?” he gets up and grabs a cup of water and drinks it, while you follow him with your eyes and a raised eyebrow. “my throat was itchy, so i went to get water”
walking back to you he hands you the cup signaling for you to drink it, and you do. he pulls out a chair and sits beside you “hurry up so we can go to sleep” you look at him with a teasing smile painted on your face “aww can't sleep without me?” you tease not missing the slight pink tint on his ears.
“just shut up and finish your work.” giggling softly you save your work and close your laptop “actually i kinda want some ice cream from the store” he just deadpans at you, groaning he got up went into the bedroom and came out wearing a jacket ready to head out.
“you are unbelievable” he tells you as you give him the biggest smile and a wave goodbye. he comes back to you asleep with your head resting on your forearm, iwaizumi tsks and grumpily puts the ice cream in the fridge while he puts your laptop away and carries you to the bedroom bridal style
after he gently gets you into bed and gets the both of you under covers, he is quick to wrap his arms around your waist while burying his face into your hair. smiling to himself because his s/o is adorable, he softly whispers “goodnight dumbass.”
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reblogs are highly appreciated!!
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nashibirne · 3 years
Intellectual Stimulation
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This is a follow-up to my first Mike fic (My Best Mistake), which was a huge flop 🙈 but I hope you like the second part better...if so, please leave me a comment, reblog or like 💜 You can read this without knowing part 1 though!
Pairing: Mike x y/n
Summary: Mike wants to impress his girlfriend by being a little more sophisticated
Words: ~ 1.8 k
Warnings: NSFW, 18+, smut, unprotected sex, dry humping, vaginal sex, creampie, creampie eating
NO BETA! English is not my mother tongue, so expect bad grammar, wrong spelling, chaotic punctuation and clumsy language. All mistakes are mine…
Credits: I don’t own anything related to Hellraiser: Hellworld! A huge thank you to @nix-akimbo for the edit of Mike with glasses. I loved using it for the moodboard, the other pics are from pinterest. I don't know who invented Professor Cavill, but credits to you too because I briefly mention him in this story. I quote parts of "The Picture Of Dorian Gray" by Oscar Wilde.
You can find my other fics on my masterlist.
Taglist (please let me know if you want to be added or removed)
@lunedelorient @inlovewithhisblueeyes @willkatfanfromasia @hell1129-blog @mis-lil-red @agniavateira @kebabgirl67 @omgkatinka @legendarywizarddetective @summersong69 @taebfada @xxxkatxo @artandotherdelights @notabronte @littlefreya @luclittlepond @eldarwen333 @meowpurrbooks @marantha @liliumdream @enchantedbytomandhenry @greensleeves888 @witcherfan @margauxmargaux07 @radaofrivia @m07belzen @a-little-counter-esperanto @starstruckkittyangel @mary-ann84 @sillyrabbit81 @emelinelovesjc @wheretheriversrunintothesea @lam0ureuxq
Off we go...
Premise: Mike and his girlfriend have been together for a few months now and everything could be perfect if there wasn't that one little problem called Professor Cavill. He's y/n's lecturer in English literature and she talks about that boomer with the good looks and the tweed jackets and the dad jeans way too often. Plus Mike has seen the way the old debaucher looks at y/n when they meet him on campus. So in short, Mike is annoyed with the guy who seems to be some kind of intellectual superman, especially because he can't keep up with him. Not a bit. When he met y/n for the first time he impressed her by reciting a poem but unfortunately it is the only poem he knows. He isn't sophisticated and although y/n keeps telling him she doesn't care he feels bad and decides to do something about it.
I take a look around the room one last time and yes, everything looks perfect. It's clean and tidy, I made the beds with fresh sheets, I placed some very pretty flowers on my desk and most importantly, I bought a huge box of vintage books plus a special item at a rummage sale. The books are strategically placed in the room in little piles - beside the bed, on the shelf, on the little table beside my sofa and on the floor in the corner of the room. The special item is sitting on my nose and I really hope y/n is not going to burst laughing when she sees me.
Where is she anyway? Late of course, as usual. I take one of the books and open it to read the first pages again. I want to be prepared in the best way possible. The book is old and the cover looks strange but cool. Antiquated of course but still somehow modern with the half-rotten scull and the snobby looking guy printed in black and gold on it. Very avant-garde, Professor Dickhead would say I guess, artsy-fartsy I say.
When I hear the key in the front door I take a deep breath to calm my nerves and turn around with a big smile.
"I'm sorry, I know I'm late. I missed my bus." She returns my smile, hardly looking at me because she has problems with removing her key from the lock. "You really have to change the lock, baby. One day my key will break off."
"Sure. First thing tomorrow, sweet cheeks."
She looks at me, surprised by the enthusiasm in my voice and now, on second sight, she sees it.
"Mike! Oh my god…", she says, covering her mouth with her hands, "what the fuck? You look great!"
"You like it?" I give her a smirk and step closer to greet her with a soft kiss on her pretty lips.
"I love it! But why? I mean...you don't need glasses. I'm confused." She laughs light-heartedly and I grin. "It's just clear glass. I thought you might like me looking a little more sophisticated." I wiggle my head with a grin and she smiles, cupping my face with her hands. "I love you just the way you are, but I have to admit the glasses are damn sexy on you." She gets on her toes to kiss me and I hug her tightly.
"So what are we up to tonight? You said you have special plans for us?"
"Just take a look around, I'm sure you can figure it out." I plop down on the sofa and look at her expectantly.
"Umm...well. You tidied up your mess…"
"Yep. But there's more."
"Fresh sheets...wait...the books. You don't have so many books," she giggles before taking a closer look at one of the piles. "Out of Africa?" She raises her eyebrows and I grin.
"Some are for the heart, some are for the brain." I grab the artsy book and show it to her.
"Ooh...I adore Oscar Wilde. The Picture of Dorian Gray is my favorite!"
"I know, you mentioned it when you were talking about Professor Know-it-all's class the other day."
She rolls her eyes and it looks fucking cute. No, wait, it looks absolutely enchanting! I should adapt my vocabulary to my new look.
"Is this about Professor Cavill? Are you still jealous?"
"I'm not a bit jealous but I thought it wouldn't hurt to broaden my horizon by reading some classics and if you want to, we could read some stuff to each other and talk about it? Like our own private book club. What do you think, babe?"
"That's a great idea. Count me in." She kisses me again before cocking her head, looking at me with a smirk. "Fuck, these glasses really suit you, baby. You look so hot..."
"Please, Miss. Show me a little respect. I want to be desired for my keen intellect, not for my extraordinary good looks", I joke with an exaggerated frown.
"Idiot!" Y/n laughs out loud and nudges me playfully, "so you're all brains today, huh? Then bring it on. Read to me like one of your french girls." She plops down beside me and I snicker at her Titanic reference. I love the movie -don't you dare tell anyone-, and she hates it because she finds it boring but she still watches it with me whenever I'm in the mood for it. Okay….she usually falls asleep with her head in my lap after 15 minutes but it's the thought that counts and in return I do some cultural stuff with her, exhibitions and such. We went to a vernissage last week and to a reading in a bookstore the other day. So, you see... it's high time for some intellectual stimulation.
"Of course. Let's see what we've got here", I splay my fingers in an affected manner and grab the frame of my glasses with my thumb and middle finger to adjust them before I clear my throat and start to read, putting an extra dark timbre into my voice.
"The studio was filled with the rich odour of roses, and when the light summer wind stirred amidst the trees of the garden, there came through the open door the heavy scent of the lilac, or the more delicate perfume of the pink-flowering thorn."
I look up from the book to see that y/n obviously likes my reading voice. She seems captivated and I like the way she gazes at me so adoringly. "Go on", she says softly and I continue.
"From the corner of the divan of Persian saddle-bags on which he was lying, smoking, as was his custom, innumerable cigarettes, Lord Henry Wotton could just catch the gleam of the honey-sweet and honey-coloured blossoms of a laburnum, whose tremulous branches seemed hardly able to bear the burden of a beauty so flamelike as theirs;"
I read the first few pages and I start to like both, the book and the growing erotic tension between me and y/n. She moves closer to me with every paragraph. After I turn the pages for the first time I feel her hand on my thigh, after I do it for the second time she starts to stroke me through my jeans and I sigh before I concentrate on the poetic words again. While Lord Henry and Basil Hallward talk about bane and boon of extraordinary talent, brains and beauty, I get hard under her touch. I stop reading to kiss her but she shakes her head and nods at the book. "No. Go on, Mike. Read." Her voice is thick with desire now and it turns me on even more but I give her what she wants.
"“Harry,”said Basil Hallward, looking him straight in the face, “every portrait that is painted with feeling is a portrait of the artist, not of the sitter. The sitter is merely the accident, the occasion. It is not he who is revealed by the painter; it is rather the painter who, on the coloured canvas, reveals himself."
I moan when y/n decides to straddle my lap. She hitches up her boho style maxi skirt before she sits down and all that's between my hard-on and her sweet pussy now is the delicate lace of her panties and the thick fabric of my jeans. The sexy crochet bralette top she wears is not really helpful. Just Oscar Wilde separates me from her spectacular breasts right now. I'm about to put the book aside but she stops me again. "Keep reading." She rubs herself over my boner and looks me in the eyes with a teasing smile. I think this is a promising start to whatever is going to follow and so I go on and on. She's dry humping me now with slow motions, rolling her hips, riding me with closed eyes. I moan again, I'm so turned on I can hardly speak anymore but I try my very best to keep my girl entertained.
"I turned half-way round and saw Dorian Gray for the first time. When our eyes met, I felt that I was growing pale. A curious sensation of terror came over me. I knew that I had come face to face with someone whose mere personality was so fascinating that, if I allowed it to do so, it would absorb my whole nature, my whole soul, my very art itself."
And that's it. That's the moment of escalation. We are no longer able to control ourselves and y/n takes the book from my hands and throws it away carelessly before she starts to kiss me with a passion I've never tasted on her tongue before. While we make out like love-crazed predators she opens my belt and my fly and she lifts her butt to allow me to get rid of my pants and boxers. She takes off her top and I push her panties aside, feeling how wet she already is. Wet and eager to take my cock. She sinks down onto my dick slowly and the feeling of stretching her tight pussy is as sensational as ever. I grab her ass and knead her juicy cheeks while kissing and sucking her boobs and her hard nipples. I know how much it turns her on when I bite those little rosy buds and caress her breasts, one time she even came when I took real good care of her tits while she was jerking me off.
But today she rides me and I thrust into her hot core with strong movements, rocking my pelvis rhythmically, and we kiss passionately while my hands roam all over her body. I can tell she's about to come by her breath that's going fast and by the naughty little things she whispers hoarsely into my ear. "Yes, babe...fuck me hard, fuck me rough," and "deeper, Mike, I need your dick deeper" or "I'm so close. Can you feel how close I am?" When she stops moving because she cums with a long, drawn sigh, her body trembling, her cunt clenching around my dick, I hug her tightly, pressing her down, forcing her to take even more of me and after a few fast thrusts I cum too, filling her up with my seed and I can't wait to see it drip from her pussy.
I know it sounds a bit pervy but I love to see the mess I've made and to taste our mixed juices on my tongue. She climbs down from my lap and lays down beside me with spread legs and I bend down to lick her dripping cunt clean, lapping everything up with slow, sensual licks while y/n plays with my dark curls, enjoying the sensation of my tongue between her legs.
When we are lying in my bed cuddled up at each other a few minutes later y/n kisses me tenderly. "I'll need you to read to me like this every day now." I smirk and wink at her. "With the glasses?"
"With the glasses", she giggles and her soft laughter sounds the bell for the next chapter of our intellectual stimulation.
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