#I really think everyone who tries to claim that “X group that isn't trans women is so much more targeted by TERFs than you think”
vtori73 · 6 months
Look... I think it's weird to conflate Zionism/Zionists with Judaism/Jewish people (and actually just downright antisemitic). I mean this coming from BOTH sides, Zionists who are doing it to make excuses for what they are doing and progressive people trying to be allies to Jewish people but falling for Zionist rhetoric & not realizing it.
And, I'm not saying I don't get it because some people definitely are using Zionists as an excuse to be antisemitic but... I'm not seeing NEARLY as much within these leftist groups (& when I do these people are already bigots to begin with such as being white supremacist/neo nazis & let's also be open to ideas of bot/fake accounts being pushed by propagandists because Israel has done nothing but lie and use propaganda, they even used AI to fake a celebrity saying pro- Israel stuff, let's NOT pretend for even ONE second that this isn't a possibility). And, honestly regardless of what side you're on it's wrong to conflate the two even if you are trying to prevent bigotry because you're only further CONFLATING THE TWO! It's COMPLETELY possible to say "Don't let antisemitism influence you and how you criticize Zionists but also DONT let Zionists get away with calling everything that criticizes them and their ethnostate as antisemitism because there are PLENTY of Christian Zionists who are being criticized as well (big example being JOE FUCKING BIDEN) and Zionists WANT us all to believe that only Zionists are Jewish people and that Zionism = Judaism even though plenty of Jewish people are not Zionists and are very much against them.
I think... I just talked in a circle... oh well, lol!
Also as an example, the way Zionists use antisemitism accusations is VERY VERY similar to when white people use their x marginalized identity to excuse their bigotry. When white trans or really ANY white queer people are being anti-black they accuse Black people of being transphobic/queerphobic. When white women are called racist by brown men they turn around and call them misogynists.
And look, some might take offense with me using white people as an example because not everyone believes Jewish people can be white (which sure I wasn't entirely sure about either UNTIL it was pointed out that if Black Jewish people can exist then it's very WEIRD to claim that it's impossible for there to be white Jewish people) BUT regardless we should be able to agree that these people ARE using the same arguments/rebuttals that privileged bigoted white people use and you know the saying of how "if the shoe fits."
Not to mention how quick y'all are to make excuses for colonizers because yes, the movement was originally a response to antisemitism BUT y'all seem to conveniently leave out the part in which a lot of the founders also described their movement as "a colonization adventure." Colonialists don't need or deserve defending, antisemitism may have been why they left but they used that and CONTINUE to as an excuse to colonize Palestine and genocide Palestinians and idk about you BUT I think it's wrong to excuse colonizer genociders REGARDLESS of the reasoning. I mean.. WHY is this talking point even being used because I know for a fact it wouldn't fly with SO many people if other marginalized groups tried using it as an excuse to colonize and genocide, "oh the Zionists wouldn't be like this is is weren't for bigotry against Jewish people and you should work on you're and you're communities antisemitism if you don't want to give them excuses..." Like, WTF??? WHO THINKS THAT IN ANYWAY OKAY TO SAY OR IS A VALID EXCUSE AT ALL?????
(and... UM... is it just me or does THAT reasoning sound eerily similar to what news and media say when white boys shoot up a school "oh they were bullied, ostracized and that's why they did it" but it turns out they were actually bigots or radicalized and became bigots basically.)
And yes, as an addendum I am not Jewish but this is literally what I have learned from anti-zionist Jewish people and anti-zionist Jewish allies who are ALSO calling out antisemitism. This is also more so coming from my online perspective of what I've seen in comments, threads, tweets, etc and not in-person events and such so I'm willing to admit this might be different for offline events and such.
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