#I might start taking prompts out of order if I get stumped on one bc not completing anything for like a week left me STARVED😭
arsyeong ¡ 5 years
[2] i got this right | kyg.
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o n e  /  t h r e e  /  f o u r  /  f i v e
prompt: a woman has been dating guy after guy but it never seems to work out. she doesn’t know she’s been dating the same dude, a shapeshifter who has fallen in love with her and is sure he’ll get it right this time. word count: 1,411
a/n: i went through a writing stump (or whatever) and i’ve been reading + watching Doctor Stranger (a good kdrama btw). anyways, i decided to post this first before any of my other series bc this one actually has a written and quite detailed plan, which the others lack. n e w ays i hope yalls like this :>
He was starting to feel like Jinyoung again after his fourth library visit that week. He even considered shifting back to the said version of himself just so that the people wouldn’t brand Yugyeom, his actual self, as a nerd like Jinyoung. However, he didn’t want you to accidentally see him as one of your exes and decide not to come back forever. He would then lose his initial purpose of going to the library: to see you again.
Unable to focus, he had shut his book with a sigh and left. He stayed outside for a while, hoping to catch you somewhere but it seemed like yet another day of failure. He trudged on from then without an exact destination in mind, his body itching to move after having had to stay still and decent while in the library.
His feet had taken him through the city and to the park he had always enjoyed going to.
His feet had also taken him to you.
“What brings you here, mister?” comes your slightly shocked voice. You were seated on the bench his past forms had always taken you to, and his heart began to ache from the familiarity of it all.
“This place is special to me,” he replies, walking slowly toward you. You move aside and give him space to sit down, and it feels weird for him that you’re the one doing it when it had been him (in another form of course) who first introduced this place and this bench to you.
“What a coincidence,” you say once he’s seated. “This place is special for me too.”
“May I ask why?” he suddenly goes, his heart racing at the moments he had shared with you here but in his different forms. He takes note of your confusion and realizes he’d still been too straightforward with his question. “I brought a girl I liked here once,” he shyly adds to ease the tension, “so coming here refreshes my sweet memories of her.”
“Oh,” you say, looking away and nodding your head, feeling awkward with his sharing. When you couldn’t take it anymore, you stand abruptly and ask, “Would you want me to treat you now?”
The two of you end up at the bar where you met Youngjae. It would have been double kill to sit in the same place so you were glad he chose a table across the room from it. You’ve received your orders and after some small talk, he tentatively reaches out to shake your hand and says, “My name is Yugyeom, by the way.” 
“I’m (Y/N),” you say unsurely. The situation reminds you of your first meetings with the chic JB and the polite Jinyoung. No, you think as you shake his hand awkwardly, don’t do this to him. Those two boys are in the past and this man might just be your future.
On that mental note, you set aside any thoughts related to your exes and enjoy the time you were spending with this Yugyeom guy. You found he liked dancing and dandelions, and he found you liked history and singing.
He was tempted to make a comment on your singing based on his past experiences in a way Jackson would have done it – funny but still respectful. He caught himself just in time with the memory that his actual self had never heard you sing before.
Your little date ends with him laughing and walking with you to the bus stop. He stays with you until your bus comes and he cutely dances as he sends you off, waving at you once you looked at him again through the bus windows.
Maybe, you started to think, he would be the one.
‘eyyyyyy,’ read a message from an unknown number.
You set your bags down hurriedly and open the notification with furrowed brows. ‘Who is this?’
The reply was instant and it read, ‘yugyyyy :)) ’
‘Sorry, but how did you get my number?’
On the other side of the conversation, the male was freaking out. JB to Bambam knew your number by heart – it was a miracle that you didn’t change it – but Yugyeom wasn’t supposed to know yet.
‘You gave it to me, remember?’
He scrolls through his camera roll until he finds a picture of your number written on his arm and sends that to you, hoping you wouldn’t recognize it from the time you dated Mark. It had been a good four years since then, and he knew your memory wasn’t that good.
You oddly remember Mark from the picture though you weren’t quite sure why or how. You don’t really remember writing anything on Yugyeom but you knew your memories were never complete after drinking. You decide to stop pondering over the how and Mark because you’ve come to trust Yugyeom a bit, and he didn’t deserve to be connected to an ex of yours for no reason.
‘I must’ve forgotten,’ you quickly apologize, ‘The bath probably washed any drunk marker stains away.’
While Yugyeom composes his reply, he tries not to dwell too much on the bathing part. It was hard, though, for JB and Bambam had quite the experience with you in the bath.
‘iz okkkkkk!!! :D’ reads his reply. You smile at his return to texting informally. Though you haven’t known him long, you could hear his message and see his smile, which makes you smile as well. It lasts for a second before your brain made a connection of Yugyeom to Jackson, who had loved texting in the same way but with much more emojis.
You sigh.
‘Can I talk to you later?’
Yugyeom’s eyes widen at your message and he goes into a panic. Did he say something wrong? Wait, he couldn’t say anything wrong because it’s a text; so did he type something wrong? He reads through his texts again, scanning for any typo or words that could easily be misunderstood.
Meanwhile, you finish typing a reply and send it to him.
‘I have some things I need to unpack. Did some grocery and, well, I can’t just let them stay in the bags.’ It takes a moment for you to include another text promising to message him as soon as you’re done. He sends back a thumbs-up emoji and yet another one of those :D faces.
You set your phone down and begin to do as you’ve told him. As you sorted through your stuff and put things in their place, you can’t help but reminisce on your times with your exes. With the way you’ve been connecting them to Yugyeom every time he does something, one would think you weren’t over any of them, even if you were.
You think back to Mark (who was sweet), JB (who was quite enticing), Jackson (who was caring), Jinyoung (who was calm), Youngjae (who laughed a lot) and Bambam (who was courageous). You’ve found love in these six different people; when you were with them, you were happy. Now, you’ve met a guy who had exhibited all those traits in the short period of time you’ve known him.
Yugyeom was practically your ideal man, or at least your almost-ideal men blended into one. There was something in your heart for him, no doubt about it, but there was also fear.
Fear to love again.
Every time you think about romance, you remember you have six failed relationships with six men who all seemed to be perfect for you. You couldn’t trust yourself to be worthy of a man you wanted, so you always let go in the end. It’s happened again and again, and you’ve lost each of them one by one. Any of them could have been your soulmate, but you constantly choose to sever ties with them. They respect your decision until the end and you haven’t seen or contacted any of them since then.
You’re yanked from your thoughts when you hear your phone vibrate. You’ve finished sorting out your groceries and didn’t realize you’ve just been standing there idly, reminiscing.
‘r u done yet,’ his message reads, and you’re back to your thoughts. It pings twice more: ‘hurry up u turtle’ and followed by ‘the faster u finish the more time we have for our date.’
Your eyes linger on the last one. You didn’t plan a date.
‘a WHAT?’
‘a date milady!!,’ is his quick reply. ‘Text me your address and I’ll pick you up.’
p r e v i o u s  /  n e x t
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