#I know that last question is pretty shitposty but I kinda would legit ask it and give all the 'I know it's been like half a century' and
ursulacat · 4 months
1, 11,17, 45, 49 >:3c
Oh my godddd you're so evil!
1: Do you play any instruments?
Nope! My parents have got all sort of instruments at our house but I never really... felt like learning. My dad plays guitar, my mom saxophone (and other woodwinds), and my brother is amazing at piano. My parents collect musical instruments and used to host jam sessions in our basement really often before... covid... 😿
11: Any songs bring back happy memories?
I already gave the explanation about Fly On A Windshield with christmas and Brain Damage/Eclipse with preschool. Let's do the Supper's Ready one.
My suppers ready backstory is as follows. It is the late 00s. I am either in late middle school or early high school. I may have heard sledgehammer or that’s all on the classic rock radio station but I wasn’t familiar with genesis. I am hanging out in the back yard with my father. He puts on The Song. I don’t think I register most of supper’s ready the first time I hear it but willow farm is funny and sticks with me. I think the second time I listen to it, itsakon sticks with me. God I love holy warriors. Then the catharsis of the ending. All I want to think about is “shedding ever changing colors.” It is so novel to me that I can have a favorite song 23 minutes long. I become a deeply annoying teenager about prog rock. And it isn’t until a few years later I look it up online and find out there’s theatrical aspects to live performances and I fall in love all over again. In conclusion it’s a very good song.
17: Favourite musical instrument?
Fretless bass has always intrigued me. It's like a bass guitar but hornier. I like how you can slide up and down it and make a funny sound. For all I like hearing music, I don't really have much of an ear for differentiating instruments with a level of confidence in my answer if they don't sound REALLY different.
45: Any band merch? If so, which is your favorite out of your collection?
Not really lol, I kept the paper cover for Foxtrot from the cd case after my dad cleared out his cd collection. Not a collection person.
49: You are locked inside a closet with your favourite band member for an entire day/night. What do you talk about/do?
:))))))))) I considered this on my secret blog but I'll give you the one I wouldn't be ashamed for normal people to see.
The only one I would be able to encounter in reality? Modern day no hair? Probably talk about how much his work with Genesis and his solo career mean to me. Family-wise, gender-wise, depression-wise. Ask him if it's possible Rael would be friends with a weird millennial with pronouns.
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shiptosting · 4 months
what would I do if me and pg were caught in a closet together for an entire day/night?
it depends on the era. 1977 fluffy hair? One of us is coming out of there pregnant and it's not going to be me. 1986 short hair? Yeah it would be me actually. 1972 long hair? Haha who knows what I'd do to that one >:)?
But like... the only one I would be able to encounter in reality? Modern day no hair? Probably talk about how much his work with Genesis and his solo career mean to me, non-sexually. Family-wise, gender-wise, depression-wise. Ask him if it's possible Rael would be friends with a weird millennial with pronouns.
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