#I keep saying '& Steven Universe' as if they're fusing with someone else
thekitsunesiren · 30 days
Given the large number of metahumans/aliens/hybrids there are in DC, how do you think fusions with Steven would turn out?
Power based? Definitely Op depending who Steven fuses with and whether or not they're stable.
We already know that Steven can fuse with humans and gems alike, but what about aliens? I think it's a possibility, but the main factor is relationship as well.
All fusions with Steven are those he loved and cared about, so him fusing with someone off the bat would be rough. Especially if they have different motives and ideologies. Powers can also come into play depending on whether or not the person has them.
I'm not going to go into deep detail with powers in such, but I will rank all fusions that I believe would be stable, somewhat stable, and unstable. And I think I'll stick with mostly heroes and vigilantes for this one.
Alright, here we go!
Stable Fusion:
Richard "Dick" Grayson & Steven Universe
Jonathan Kent & Steven Universe
Billy Batson & Steven Universe
Alfred Pennyworth & Steven Universe
Duke Thomas & Steven Universe
Cassandra Cain & Steven Universe
Stephanie Brown & Steven Universe
Barry Allen & Steven Universe
Mildly Stable Fusion:
Tim Drake & Steven Universe
Jason Todd & Steven Universe
Damian Wayne & Steven Universe
Bruce Wayne & Steven Universe
Selina Kyle & Steven Universe
Harley Quinn & Steven Universe
James Reyes & Steven Universe (I'm curious about the suit affecting them)
Unstable Fusion:
Martian Manhunter & Steven Universe (definitely a powers problem)
Pamela Isley & Steven Universe
John Constantine & Steven Universe
Doctor Fate & Steven Universe
Raven & Steven Universe
Is that everyone? NO. But I do think most of these can bring up interesting questions and thoughts. Plus I'd love to hear your thoughts on these and other fusions.
So that's all for now!
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picturejasper20 · 4 years
Steven and Identity
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Since the beginning of the series Steven has always been a character who struggled with his identity, he believed that he had to be like his mother, Rose Quartz, and he would never measure up to her.
During the first seasons he didn´t know how to fell about Rose, he knew that everyone around him loved her and missed her, they thought she was perfect and very good person who believed that every life was precious and unique.
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¨I don't know how to feel about you, but everyone else does. I wish I could have met you then this place would make me sad, and I could cry healing tears... like you.¨
An Indirect Kiss is a good episode that explores how much Steven wanted to be like Rose. He thought that if he didn´t have gem powers the crystal gems  wouldn´t hang out with him.
¨Oh Steven, you don't have healing tears. You'll never have any real magic powers, and we don't want anything more to do with you.¨ (Imagined)
¨She didn't really say that¨
¨No, but that's what it felt like¨
¨Everyone expects me to be like my mom. What if I never get those powers?-But if I don't have powers, then I can't hang out with Amethyst or Garnet or Pearl, and I-I can't go on missions!¨
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He defined himself by how ¨useful¨ he was to others, if he couldn´t save his friends he was a failure, if he couldn´t use his powers, he thought he didn´t deserved to a Crystal gem. A Good example of this is in Mindful Education, when he blamed himself for failing to save people even though many were situations he had no control of or he couldn´t have done anything else.
But even if it wasn´t totally his fault, he still feels like it was his, this is because Steven is someone who thinks that has  to carry the weight of world on his shoulders. He has to fix everyone, he´s supposed to be like Rose, who was a great leader loved by everyone.
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What really breaks Steven reality is hearing the truth about how Rose shattered a gem, a not any gem but Pink Diamond. Suddenly all his image of Rose being this good perfect being was broken.
This not only made him feel more confused about Rose but about who he was supposed to be: If her mother wasn´t as good as everyone had lead him to believe him she was, should he still try to be like her? What if he did something that ended up with hurting someone like Rose did?
After going to the Zoo and seeing how the shattering of Pink Diamond had hurt many gems, Steven felt ready to confront Rose. He was tired of these secrets and contradictions, his confusion about what kind of person Rose was..
¨You know, sometimes I wonder if it's even you up there, smiling all day and night. I just want to know the real you. Not the you that everyone tells me about. I... just want to know the truth.¨
So Steven entered in Rose´s room and ask the room to let him talk to her.
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The thing is that this Rose was created by Steven´s memories of her. What he had learned about her, what Garnet, Pearl and Amethyst had told him. This ¨Cloud¨ Rose represented how Steven saw her during the first seasons before his idealization of her was broken.
¨Yeah, well...for my whole life, I've been hearing stories about you. About how amazing you were. That you were so kind and loving. And every time I'd see the painting hanging of you in the temple, you inspired. And reminded of how much I had to live up to you.¨
But Steven knew this was not the ¨real¨ Rose, is how he had imagined her.
¨This is how I want you to be. But I don't know if this is who you really are¨
¨I've learned things about you. Things you wanted to keep secret. You locked Bismuth away inside of Lion, because she wanted to shatter Gems, and you never told Garnet or Pearl. But then you shattered Pink Diamond! Now all of Homeworld has it out for Earth, and the Crystal Gems, and me! You put us all in danger, and you just... disappeared!¨
He continued his rant by asking her if he only exiseds so she could escape from her mistakes and deal with the consequences. ¨Cloud¨ Rose reminded Steven of the tape the real Rose left for him.
¨Steven, you know that isn't true. In the tape I left you, I told you I how much I wanted to have you and let you exist. Do you think what I said to you in the tape was a lie?¨
¨No... I'm sure- I'm sure you meant it.¨
¨I get it. I know you didn't want me to deal with your problems. You're a part of me now. I have to deal with what you left behind.¨ 
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Steven finally come in terms with how Rose was a well intentioned but very flawed being as the rest of the Crystal gems were. He knows that her mom didn't want for him to deal with all these gem issues. She just wanted him to be happy.
This was further explored in "Lion 4: Alternative ending" when Steven found the Nora tape and Greg explained to him what Rose wanted for Steven.
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"Steven, she just wanted you to be you. When you have a kid, you have no idea who they're gonna be. Even Garnet couldn't predict it. That's what was so exciting to your mom, that life is full of so many possibilities, and you would get to explore them for yourself."
"You're going to be a human being. That's my favorite part. A human being. A human is an action. I wonder who, how you'll be, what you'll think, what you'll want. Oh, I'm so happy for everyone who's going to know you."
This what very important for Steven, he needed to know he didn't have any "magical destiny", he didn't need to be like his mom or anyone else, he just needed to be himself.
"So that's it. I'm just... supposed to be her kid."
The final crucial moment for him was when he fused with his gem half in "Change your mind". That was the universe telling him: "You are not Rose nor Pink, they are gone, and you.. you are Steven, you are your own person, you are the only one who can decide the person you want to be, the only one who choses you own destiny"
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Steven was crying during the fusion not because of pain but for relief, it was the ultimate confimation he was not Rose and he got as far as he did by being himself.
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¨I'm me! I've always been me...!¨  
Note: Gifs are from Steven universe wikia
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