#I hope I'm ok to my editors (betas) though
veryspecialfungus · 4 months
your intern fic recs. give me them 🤲
The thing about that is, well...
I…fell like I need to give a little disclaimer here: When it comes to fanfic I am both unpleasable and unreasonable. I have impossible, exacting standards for fiction of all kinds and a longstanding alliance with my back button. I am a goddamn fanfic cat, turning up my nose at anything that's not EXACTLY to my liking. It's too hot, it's too cold, it smells funny, it's too emotional, it's not emotional enough, the characters are OOC, the characters aren't pushed far enough out of their comfort zone, the prose is too simple, the prose is too flowery, the formatting is hard to read, the dialogue's not right, is that a GRAMMATICAL ERROR, etc etc.
That said, I can probably scrounge up some recs...
OK I guess I can start with one I can't even start to pretend to be unbiased about: 2hoots! Especially the Junior Agent Case Files and ESPECIALLY especially The Paris Affair. I have beta'd for him as he has beta'd for me, and I love watching his stuff come together behind the scenes because it's all great. Also a card carrying member of the Norma Natividad Defense Squad, which certainly appeals to me personally. (There are dozens of us! DOZENS!!!)
Psychic Scouts Shouldn’t Apply Hair Dye Unsupervised by KibaSniper. KibaSniper has one metric fuckton of Psychonauts fic and I'm not going to go through them all individually. I'm singling this one out in particular because I like small moments between the Natividad sisters. If that isn't to your liking...well, there's enough there with enough variety that the odds are in your favor.
Pit Stop by fizzysugarwrites. The interns and the Aquatos are uniquely suited for a Band AU and this one nails the character interactions quite handily. The dialogue crackles and the character interplays are so much fun. This is one that you need to be logged in to see, but I'm assuming that at this point most people have an AO3 account that wants one.
Snow Day by the_angst_alchemist. Just a cute little scene of Raz getting to enjoy a snow day with the interns. Doesn't need to be more than that, yeah?
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