#I haven't set up my BiPAP since I got back because I left my room in more of a disaster than usual while packing and I'm barely getting
wanderingandfound · 1 month
So, on my trip I did not eat and sleep enough. I didn't even take advantage of all the food and sleep I had available to me. I just assumed that this was like, excitement/stress and I would collapse soon afterwards.
I planned on sleeping on the bus/planes/airport back but I think I only fell asleep like, three times for half an hour each and instead read nearly three hundred pages, watched Dungeon Meshi, listened to Night Vale and Friends at the Table, and answered questions and made a poll on my blog and started seeding the new bracket.
So I then assumed I'd crash Tuesday, my first day back. But I woke up at 7:30 without an alarm, left the house to pick up a book, made a new grad school spreadsheet and started filling it out, read a bit, made two (brief) medical calls, and drove down to my grandma's no problem. I opened up the dating app again and sent off a few messages to the people I matched with.
So. I did what I knew I shouldn't do and went "what if this is just what life is like when I wake up early and spend some time outside?"
So yesterday I had my physical therapy appointment, got my blood drawn, came home and ate some lunch my mom had prepared while hanging outside with the dog, took a bath, and made a few polls for the second podcast poll blog, and left for work early.
And then. Ah. Finally. Driving to work I was like "oh yeah, here's the tiredness." At work I got progressively more and more tired and essentially crawled home. I meant to go to sleep immediately but my dad said supper would be done like an hour after I got home and I stayed up late to eat. It was only a five hour shift.
I woke up before my alarm went off today because my parents were texting a lot in the group chat and my phone isn't on silent because then I lose it and miss things. I have been awake for over four hours and have not yet bathed or done my physical therapy homework. I did eat some food and now feel sick (this happened nearly every time I ate on the trip too). I have watched the newest episode of Dungeon Meshi but my eyes are so heavy. I need to prep some food for work today. I am just so tired. I am ignoring the messages on the dating app because I have nothing to say.
As I already knew, I can stave off sleepy bitch disease with novelty. Unfortunately some things in life are not novel. If I want to meet my basic needs, or if I want to gain expertise in anything, that requires familiar tasks.
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