#I doubt this'll ever actually happen but a girl can dream...
pass1onepr1ncess · 19 days
Fan-made Houseki no Kuni x IDV crossover lineup because I said so and I'm having fun thinking about it! Also including the explanation behind each assignment!
Phosphophyllite - Cheerleader/Lily Barrier
Specifically Phos after Ventricosus's betrayal but before Winter and Antarc! So they've got the Agate legs from Aculeatus, but still have their original arms and head! I think Phos is perfect for Lily because 1)The agate legs made them SUPER fast and we all know Lily can RUN and 2) Phos at this point in the manga is still very cheery and optimistic!! It makes sense for them to cheer other people on and still be so happy!
Cinnabar - Enchantress/Patricia Dorval
This one isn't perfect, but I think it works! I think they way Patty holds herself and acts relatively fits Cinna, and I think it could be cool if the stun animation made Cinnabar's mercury poison float them around them! And when you do a long stun, it could cause Cinnabar's mercury replicas of themself to briefly form around the hunter's feet!
Diamond - Gardener/Emma Woods
As we see in Dia's first major appearance and introduction, they have a tendency for thinking outside the box with battle tactics! It makes sense to me that Dia would get creative enough to think about breaking the rocket chairs! Plus, I think Emma's bubble shield could be like the light refracting around Dia's hair :). Not only that, but I think Emma and Dia have pretty similar personalities!
Bort - Antiquarian/Qi Shiyi
This one I feel is pretty obvious, gameplay wise djbdi. I thought about giving Qi Shiyi to Dia at first, but I think she fits much better with Bort!
And ofc bc it wouldn't be IDV without that fifth identity:
Prince Aechmea/Yama - Opera Singer/Sangria
Listen, I know Netease is never going to do a genderswapped crossover skin because they're COWARDS (jk I know they have to abide by Chinese censorship laws) but it's too perfect! I mean if you just look at Sangria's shadow abilities as clouds then it's perfect! Just like on the moon! I think a good way to get around the censorship is to probably just make this skin one of the generic feminine-looking Lunarians but that's not nearly as interesting dbcjfbd
And, because IDV sometimes does Crossovers that go past just a part 1: IDV x HnK Part 2; On the Moon! Starting with the hunter this time!
Shattered Phosphophyllite - The Feaster/Hastur
Gonna be honest, this is mostly because I think the tentacles would be a good way to portray Phos' goopy gold/platinum alloy limbs. Plus, I think seeing Shattered Phos slouched over to fit Hastur's overall meaty and fleshy vibe and animations would be fucking terrifying vdjcbd
Lunar Dia - Psychologist/Ada Mesmer
Listen, hear me out. The whistle is Dia's singing. Also they gave Emily an accessory that makes her healing animation be singing and I just think Ada should also get one!
Moon Princess Cairngorm - Perfumer/Vera Nair/Chloe Nair
When she perfumes, the imprint of the Euphoria could be Ghost Quartz :). Also there's a theme of killing/getting rid someone who was so similar to them that they couldn't help but be jealous/resentful towards.
Alexandrite/Lexi - The Mind's Eye/Helena Adams
Lexi isn't actually blind like Helena is, but I mean. She spent 100+ years blindfolded so. Also! When she stomps her cane and for the duration of when the effect is active, it could change her hair and nail color to Red Lexi!!!
Amethyst 84 - Lawyer/Freddy Riley
Not much thought went into this one, I'll be honest. Ame became a scientist on the moon and I just think it'd be cool to watch them run around looking at one of the Lunarian notebooks to replace Freddy's map lmao
As for the graffitis, I think it would be rlly cool to have little cartoon chunks of the actual gems with their hardness level! It would also be really cute to have a little Shiro pet!!! Or even Kongo's Machine Brother!!
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