#I don't really care that much since Zeke and Tina are my ride or die ship
dreamboundedstar · 2 years
My Updated Belcher Kids, Zeke, and Jimmy Jr. Job Headcanons
After "What About Job" I became inspired to update the job headcanons. I know Bob is one of the most unreliable narrators in the show, but it's still the closest thing to canon I'm going to get for now so I'm going to tweak my headcanon a bit to slightly fit what Bob hypothetically thinks might happen. Tina: She went to get a degree in literature at community college. I still think she'll be an author of trashy romance novels, but now I like to think she'll also own a small, (sometimes) peaceful farm by the beach. It just has plants to start out with but it will have horses eventually too (sorry Tina, no going big XD). Bob comes by to help Tina with her plants every now and then. They both enjoy the bonding experience. I also didn't say who she married in the original job headcanon post because I thought it would be better if I left it up to interpretation. Screw ambiguity though, Tina is married to Zeke. He helps out when he can and he got some of his family to work at Tina's farm as well. Part of the plants she grows is for Bob's Burgers while the rest is for selling at the farmers' market. Gene: I'm going with he will become a traveling musician, but I still say he got his start by doing miscellaneous things on Bob's Burgers equivalent to YouTube like in the original post. He travels with Courtney and Alex I'm leaving their relationship up to interpretation because I'm fine either way I just think they are cute all together.
Louise: Has trouble finding herself at 18 but eventually decides to go to community college for chemistry. She started out just wanting to do a field that would help her make explosives. However, she later realized that cooking was just chemistry and she started specifically learning food chemistry. She knew in her heart she wanted to keep her family's business alive and used the knowledge she learned to help experiment on alternative burgers and other food they could sell. She's platonic friends and roommates with Rudy. Rudy works at Bob's Burgers as well, he provides the smoothies and suggestions for allergy-free options for the place. Zeke: He didn't have the means to afford college so he decided to join the navy for action, adventure, and money. They rejected him due to his ADHD though. To make matters worse his dad kicked him out at 18. So he offers to work at Bob's Burgers for a place to sleep as payment until he figures out what to do with himself. Zeke becomes part of the family really fast and Bob is happy to have him as his pupil in the upstairs kitchen. Zeke was still sad that he wouldn't be able to see the world like he hoped if he joined the navy. While he still couldn't join the navy, Teddy did offer to help Zeke at least get a captain's license through his connections. Zeke accepted the offer because it sounded cool to be an official captain if he ever actually had a chance at owning a boat. So during that time he balanced getting his captain's license, working at the restaurant, and earning whatever he could so he could go to culinary school. After he earned his captain's license, he is approached by Mr. Fishoeder (who was probably one of Teddy's connections in the first place) and he offers him a job to captain his booze cruise (which is also totally not used for smuggling anything illegal under the captain's nose, no sir!) at the sexy, adult, night hours on the Wonder Wharf. Not what Zeke had in mind when he got his license but he loved to party and thought it could be fun mixing drinks. Thinking of the chaotic memories that could be made sounded appealing as well. Zeke still works at Bob's Burgers when Louise takes over the restaurant. Louise, Rudy, and Zeke all workshop burgers and food ideas but Zeke is the final decision on if the food is worthy to be sold or not (Louise can never be trusted after the bubblegum burger incident even after studying food chemistry XD) So in the day, he works at Bob's Burgers and Tina's farm while at night he is the party animal captain of the Wonder Wharf booze cruise. Jimmy Jr.: Nothing has changed for him. I still say he's a dance teacher. I don't really have anybody I ship him specifically because none really stand out much. Douglas obviously has a thing for Josh so that's out, I don't want Becky Krespe to give JJ another chance, and while I think the concept of JocelynxJimmy Jr is hilarious, I don't think they would work out. So I'm flexible with whatever as long as it's legal.
Anyway, that's all. This all started because I couldn't brush off what Bob thought Zeke would end up doing. I figured I might as well update all of them after that. Yeah, I know the writers needed at least one person with a boat for the "Children of Men" parody but it's still funny out of all the characters he could have chosen, he picked Zeke.
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