#I don't even engage the anti-trans Bridget dudes anymore. They don't care about Guilty Gear at all. They just wanna argue
solradguy ยท 9 months
I'm kinda neutral on Bridget as well. She's nice and I can see the appeal and how important she is to trans people, but I don't really vibe with her compared to my other faves
But god, I'll admit the dudebros/transphobes throwing a hissy fit about her are annoying. I even got a few of them attack me because I tried defending her being trans. Though it doesn't help as someone who has been in fandoms before where I've seen dudebros be toxic, elitist gatekeepers, and harass anyone who makes any LGBT content, it gives me bad flashbacks to those guys...
Oh god yeah I celebrated the 1 year anniversary of the Brisket <3 meme on Twitter earlier this month and had a bunch of those transphobic wackos in my notifs. They're nuts. I got death threats over it (over a meme) and they weren't even good ones? They were like... roleplaying some kind of "patient zero" zombie scenario in the comments lmao It just gave me the impression that they were lonely teenage boys going through their edgy phase than anything else.
That said, there were SIGNIFICANTLY more people being trans-positive and excited over both the meme and Bridget than there were assholes. The GG fandom's pretty good, honestly. Even the stuff I've seen in archives from before the big explosion in the fandom's size with Strive has been mostly positive. I think there're enough dedicated level-headed people in this fandom/community that it's going to stay a good place, too. The trolls'll get bored and move on eventually, leaving just the people that genuinely care about the series to do normal fandom stuff together
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