#I did get to talk to a Latina student last year specifically about Alice Bag though :') so like my track record so far isn't so bad actuall
musicrunsthroughmysoul ยท 1 year
I got to talk briefly about the history of punk (music) today in an English as a Second Language class (TOTALLY UNPLANNED; the teacher just invited me to talk about what kind of music I like since I mentioned it to a couple of students I participated in a communication exercise with, and then a student asked "What's punk?" so I got to explain) and man, oh man, I was trying not to vibrate five feet off the ground with how happy it made me to talk about punk! And the teacher was going to let me choose a punk song to show the kids at the end of class but unfortunately she forgot. (I was trying to wrack my brain with what songs might be appropriate to show them, anyway, and since I talked about the history of punk mostly, I wanted to show them - particularly a class full of mostly Indigenous and/Mexican students - "Survive" by The Bags because obviously if I'm gonna represent punk in any manner, Alice Bag and The Bags is my top priority! :') Though I considered "We Don't Need the English" but then I thought that might set a bad example in an ESL class, lmaoooooo BUT I WAS STILL TEMPTED).
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