#I did agree there are a ton of women with personality disorders who larp as lesbian when they don't even have the capacity to love women
lesjasmine · 2 months
i just skimmed through bev jo’s wordpress because of your pinned post and ??? this is from a 2017 article:
“No one chooses her race, age, or class background. But heterosexuality and Lesbianism are clearly chosen. We’re born into het and male cultures, but we are not born het.”
Also her in the comments of that post:
“A Lesbian is a woman who chooses to love other women. It is all a choice. We believe being a Lesbian is our natural inborn state, to love our own kind, but most women accept the het lies against their own hearts, and so teach themselves to be “attracted” to men, just as many teach themselves to enjoy or think they enjoy being beaten, scarred, humiliated, etc. But most feminists do recognize that being a sado-masochist is a choice and that it’s possible to unlearn destructive impulses that are not ours to begin with. So of course women can choose to stop being a masochist or stop being het.”
do you think being lesbian is a choice?
Did you read my caption... In my caption I CLEARLY explain I do not agree with the majority of what bev jo claims.... Notice how I only emphasize reading that one post I mention.
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