#I can't not redeem my recoms
dirtytransmasc · 1 year
Holy hell spiders collecting dads like Pokémon…but shit imagine the papa bear rage Tsutey would feel when Quaritch came back and learning he TOOK Spider…his child was taken and I think he would scorch earth to get him back
if spider hadn't begged him on his hands and knees not to kill quaritch, he would have slit his throat; at that point, it wasn't because of who he was, who he worked for, none of that important stuff, it was because of the fact he put his hands on his kid, aggressively, and he got hurt.
the second he realized spider had been taken he was hunting down quaritch, he doesn't give two fucks what jake says, he's looking for that little shit. (context for the next part, I HC within this concept that tsu'tey was injured in the battle, but didn't die, so he's like disabled, and not in the best shape for a whole rescue mission, especially against the RDA). jakes trying of et him to stay home, offering to go out himself and tsu'teys like "oh, so now you care, know that you have to worry about me? why weren't you that willing to volunteer when a child was being held by those demons. I am going jake, I am getting me boy, and you will not be stopping me."
he almost cuts jakes throat out when he hears him worry more about spider giving up information then he is about spider's safety.
and then when he does track down spider (when the recoms are out in the field) he is wrapped up in both his relief and anger that he just scoops the boy up, baring his teeth to the team. he needs to hug his boy (and ease his own heart) before he can go about slaughtering them like animals.
though, I think if spider aked him to spare the team, to give them a chance to prove themselves as redeemed, to give them a chance to fight for The People, tsu-tey would, only cause he trusts and has a soft spot for the boy. does not quell his rage though ("I don't care if they changed, jake changed, and I still haven't stopped giving him shit. they hurt you, I get to be angry, skawng.")
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In a redeemed recoms au! you can't tell me that Lo'ak and Spider don't constantly rope Lyle into their shit.
Lyle is the fun beer uncle and no one can change my mind so upon figuring it out, Lo’ak and Spider drag him into their dumbass duo and they become a trio 💅 Lyle tried hard not to show his dumbassery but lets loose eventually.
Jake makes the mistake of assuming that being around an adult will make the boys behave better but effect is the exact opposite. Having a grown Na’vi with military training just means they can do crazier stuff and put themselves in more danger because why not? Uncle Lyle will solve whatever problem they found themselves in 🥰 be it hiding from an RDA scout group or getting chased by an Akula, Wainfleet has it covered 😎( He doesn’t, he’s actually just a big doormat for these two since they talk big game about how cool he is all the time so he comes along on whatever goofy adventure they got going on lol)
Though I also believe that he won’t hesitate to step up and be tough when he really has to. Lo’ak and Spider are both teens who desperately want to prove themselves and how useful they can be to the community, so they’ll often disregard their lives by throwing themselves into danger.
“Now tell me, what in the ever-loving fuck would you be doing if I wasn’t there? Hm?”
Lo’ak and Spider both avoided looking at Wainfleet in shame, eyeing their injuries instead.
“Fuckin’ hell. Just because Aonung miraculously gets away with some bloody stunt doesn’t mean you’re obligated to best him. Aight’? That won’t prove nothing to your old men except that you share the same braincell.”
The two boys nodded in response, finally meeting Lyle’s eyes as they hear concern overpower the anger in his voice.
Sigh “Now…how are we gonna explain these” he pointed at the bruises and cuts. “To them without getting my neck snapped, hm?”
The atmosphere lightened with his little quip, getting a small smile out of the sorry troublemakers as they looked at each other and shook their shoulders.
That’s just my take on it tho 💅😌
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1, 11 and 14 I love your unpopular opinions bangers truly
Thankkk you bestie I simply have opinions and I was never taught to shut up as a child.
Favorite moment?
This one is hard because there are so many great ones! For Avatar (2009), I love that scene where Jake and Neytiri are describing the way they were both flying to each other. It's just such a cute little moment to me, and as someone who only recently became hyperfixed on this series and saw both movies in a chill and non-invested way first, that scene was such a pleasant surprise on rewatch.
For Way of Water, I have a cute one and a not so cute one. I love that one shot of Tuk, Spider, Kiri, and Lo'ak crossing the Hallelujah Mountains to get to the forest before their kidnapping. I love how comfortable and playful they all are, just fucking around that high and on their way to a warzone sksksk. I just love the fuckery it implies they get up to on the regular, I want a feature length film of their shenanigans.
The not so fun scene is the stand off with Quaritch versus Neytiri on the sinking ship at the end. Ugh, it's just such a great idea on the writers part. It's so shocking but yet, so expected at the same time. Avatar is not known for it's storytelling, and I think that scene and those characters are just top notch for them. It puts your heart in your throat right away, and the kids pleading for each other never fails to get me. I love good complex writing and tbh it's not this series' strong suit, so this scene will always be my favorite.
11. An Unpopular opinion?
I'm already blocked by some creators in this fandom, so I try to stay spicy lol. I like to live rent free with you all. Hmm, I guess if you've been on my blog for a while this one might not be surprising but I do not believe that Quaritch (or any of the recoms) should be redeemed. Colonialism, racism, and genocide shouldn't be normalized that way. I just do not understand the fascination for redeeming villains who have done inexplicably evil actions without properly addressing them. For me the bar is fairly simple: Genocide, abuse, racism, rape, and just general war crimes are just like a nah. And people who say that a character has past trauma and that is why; well, duh bestie. That is an explanation, not an excuse. Many people who live with abuse and trauma actually don't become abusers and war criminals themselves; look at our main characters. We want to promote breaking the cycle guys, not perpetuating it. This is something I'm very passionate about. Expect better, from your characters and from your writers. If they can't adequately tackle what it takes to atone for such actions, they shouldn't try.
I also do not understand this argument for Quaritch, he does not have any past trauma for you guys to excuse him with?? We don't know his backstory. Don't project, read and watch critically.
But, here's a bonus unpopular take because you've all heard this one from me before: I don't understand the Rotxo hype, or the Rotxo and Kiri hype. My man Rotxo, while a cute little guy, is a budget Spider guys, without any of the character. Shipping him with Kiri is just for hating Spider and the complexities of him. Rotxo is literally the "stray cat" of Tonowari's family, where are his parents, it's never explained why he is there at any point. He's there at the final battle at Three Brother's Rocks and Lo'ak never even tells Jake he's there skskskks. Love him but him over Spider confuses the fuck outta me.
14. Hopes for Avatar 3?
I answered this perviously, but I will add another thing: I want more Mo'at content I am obsessed with her. Check out my Mo'at tag for me obsessing over Mo'at.
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