#I am open to criticism and disscussions and everything! I want this blog and my analysis' to be the best they can be!
squid-of-tism · 11 months
Hello! Can you analyze a Sylph of Blood please?
•Hell yeah! I actually already looked into this specific class before opening this blog, so I just had to put my thoughts all in here. The perfect classpect to figure out how I'm formatting everything! Plus, breath and blood are my 2 favorite aspects, and I'm a particular sucker for blood lol. also sorry this one took so long, life got in the way and I got writer's block (essay block? Explainers block? Idk).
This post is gonna kind of messy in parts since it's the first time I've explained sylphs or blood, so the thoughts won't be the cleanest in explanation or execution-
The definition of Sylph on the Mspa wiki is "one who heals [aspect] or one who heals through [aspect] for others." My personal definition of the class though is somewhat similar. I've viewed Sylphs as assisting their aspect and assisting via their aspect. For example, a Sylph of Life would use their abilities to improve life around them and to help others with life. It isn't exclusively healing as the Mspa wiki puts it, but it's instead acting for the benefit of the aspect and the benefit of others. Defining it as just healing makes it seem like this class is just a nurse, the only thing they can do is just patch up things, defining it as assisting rather than healing makes more sense (at least to me). it sounds incredibly nitpicky but that explanation really confused me went I first looked into the classes.
The aspect of Blood is characterized by close relationships, dedication, and devotion. Something I like to include in my personal interpretation of blood is protection\defense. I don't know how to put my reasoning into words without sounding like I got a conspiracy board for this crap, but it goes hand in hand with the devotion part of this aspect.
Putting those two together you get someone who assists close bonds and assists others through close bonds. They'd have the best advice to give for helping you improve your relationships. If there was a group of friends and a sylph of blood was in that group, they'd be the glue holding that group together. Honestly, the best way to put it is relationship therapist. It's somewhat simple now that im putting it down in text, they're great at mending relationships. They might not even be doing it intentionally, they make it so others end up closer. An idea I find fascinating is a sylph of blood who lacks blood themself (metaphorically), a loner who knows how to keep others together but doesn't for themself.
Overall, they're an amazing team member!
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