#I am delighted to get to share the fruits of my labor with ya'll
curatoroffiction · 2 years
A Loving Message To My Readers 💌
I can’t speak for other content creators, but I can say;
A LACK of interaction with my work ISN’T going to make me stop putting stuff out!
I’ve been seeing a lot of readers who are nervous about whether or not they’re engaging enough or showing their favorite writers enough love. I’d hate to leave ya’ll wondering, so I want to be completely transparent;
I’m not writing FOR you guys, so you guys don’t drive my workflow.
Likes are wonderful, sure! Comments, wonderful! Reblogs without tags, wonderful! Every time I see someone run through my notifications and like a bunch of my posts, I’m like “Yeah!! This person gets it!! It’s there to be enjoyed! I’m glad they’re having a blast!" Any sort of interaction with my work is wonderful, and you can’t spam me! But it’s not an obligation you pay to enjoy my content. I’m writing for myself, to make the stories I wish I could read, and I share my stuff online because I’m like “It made me happy, I’ll give it the chance to make someone even half as happy as it made me.” Here on Tumblr, I sometimes use this blog to post half-baked ideas alongside my polished content, but even then it’s more like a concept journal that I’m keeping so I can return to those ideas easily if I ever need to or want to.
The important thing for you all to know, is that my content isn’t driven by your engagement. 💕 There is zero pressure for you to engage.
I’m just delighted to be able to WRITE. 💯 Some years back, I got really sick and lost a lot of my neurological abilities. Writing was right up there at the top of things I couldn’t do. I’d sit in an open document, staring at pages for hours, unable to string two sentences together no matter how hard I tried. It was crushing. I worked my ass off to be able to learn to write again, and be capable of bringing thoughts together coherently. It took YEARS of recovery to get this far. I’m talking over half a decade of a constant grind of work. I make my stuff for myself first and foremost, so by the time I post it, it’s already made me super happy. If you enjoy my work, awesome. If you don’t, that’s okay too! There’s no pressure to enjoy my content. Please just feel free to vibe! This is a ZERO PRESSURE content blog.
I’m still gonna put out content until I’m done putting out content,
So don’t worry about losing out on something wonderful just because you don’t engage. 💖 I’m not going anywhere.
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