#I WANT TO TALK ABOUT HIM MORE AAHHH but if i want to publish his story one day i probably shouldn't.....
beesinspades · 1 month
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hopelessly in love with the dreamy commission of my oc Elijah I got from the amazing @artofalassa, whose art you should check out immediately if you haven't already!! 🧡💛
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sasodei-is-real · 3 years
Hiii! 💙I'm alive !!!(/*u*)/
Yes) I missed You very much *^*💖👾
And now I will quickly tell you what↖️ and how↘️ and what ⬆️plans. In general, yes.
As a content maker, I'm not really very good, because I don't keep up with anything😅
But I love you))💙
And miss you, so at least I will tell you what is planned and where I spent.
Well, everything is the same Classes at the university . I passed the humanitarian subjects! ) But then, of course, it came to drawing and painting. I'm a third year student. And now our main task is portraits The third course is perhaps the most difficult Difficult not because a lot of work But because this is a very important moment for understanding
First of all, understanding the meaning and feeling of the portrait
The complexity of the portrait is not really about the face. Just the opposite. The face in its structure is imprecise, which means it is easy to get. The point is how you look at your nature and the sitter
You need to balance on the brink when a portrait is an academic construction consisting of geometric shapes, and when a portrait is a person whom you pass through yourself
You try to catch the mood of the sitter, feel his character and let him create a character through yourself
And it's emotionally draining. Well, at least at first) But I compensate for this exhaustion with sasodei fanfics 😂😅. Recently I started to read a lot of fanfiction👀
Well, in short, I practiced a lot, I thought how I see and what I want
And as far as I understand, in principle I am already renting in this. It remains only to practice more))) Not well, of course, in terms of meaning, the artist always changes and moves I think; Well, I mean, that the start is founded. I at least understood how to move. how to rearrange my legs🙃
So, with the most important thing, the problem is solved
Now we have quarantined at the university for two weeks. After these two weeks we will have humanitarian exams🌚. Again🌚 Yay
Soo, I will prepare for an exam in art history and anatomy
On April 1, I am leaving for Russia again.But this time I won't be there long. I just need to go to Natarius and I will return on the first flight.
So here
Since I have already solved the main problem that took a lot of time (perception), it means that I will stay to create exams and I will have time👾
I really want to go to sasodei again
1. I miss you
2. I have so many plans for sasodei (my live🥺💛❤) and analyze in general
And I really want to discuss all this with you as soon as possible.👀🤎
So yeah))
About the analysis about the age difference. I'm still thinking it over. The fact is that, as I said, the topic is quite extensive. And it touches on many aspects of our life. And one of these aspects slowed me down. I'm talking about how strongly virtual norms can affect a person's understanding of what is the norm in real life. Well, at first the answer seemed simple to me, and then I thought. it's just a pretty serious topic, and I'll talk about it with you. And I always want to be as honest with you as possible, and will discuss this issue also honestly and openly. And for this I need to think seriously, and not write the first thing that comes to mind. Yes, I think this particular one will not be released as soon as I hoped. But I think it's worth it) The topic is always relevant and we will have something to discuss) Perhaps most of all I want to quickly write and publish this analysis so that I can read your opinion and discuss with you))) (/^*^)/💙
So here
In short, I breathe🌚
I am a little unhappy because of the constant pepenos of plans, I do not like it. But yes. You never know what might happen. But now my plans in my head go to April👀
I'm really ashamed that I didn't write😅
But in general, I really want to talk to you
But okay, soon)
Oh and by the way. I've been falling asleep all the time lately to one of the covers of Isabella's song from The Promised Neverland
Here : https://www.google.com/search?q=isabella%27s+lullaby+cover+by+aviance&client=ms-android-samsung-gj-rev1&sxsrf=ALeKk00IHFgVQwpa0j_blm9H936RXMclTg%3A1616450786110&ei=4hRZYLirBsXIaOjBqbAI&oq=isabella%27s+lullaby+cover+by+avi&gs_lcp=ChNtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1zZXJwEAEYATICCAAyAggAMgUIIRCgATIFCCEQoAEyBQghEKABMgUIIRCgATIFCCEQoAEyBAghEBU6BAgAEEc6BQgAEMsBOgQIABBDOgcIABCHAhAUOgQIABAKOgYIABAWEB5Q9AxYiCRgni5oAHABeACAAaUEiAGWIpIBCzAuMS40LjUuMi4xmAEAoAEByAEIwAEB&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-serp#
I want to share with you, I loved this one so much
Oh and a dose of sasodey of course(^*^)/
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1artist - @Mello0519
2,3,5 - @fountain0109
4 - @_Collapse_19
All on twitter))
I would like to write so much more, but I have very little time. In general, we have night now) So good night⭐
Know that I love you💙💖
I hope you are healthy and safe🤲💗
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I went to GIFs to send you a cute kitten, but I found THIS😅🤣
God I've never seen such an angry cat🤣😅
Aahhh it's time to sleep😅
Good night)💙🤲
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